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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  January 25, 2014 10:00am-10:31am PST

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. . . hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. no need to search the web for great videos, we have the best ones, right here, "right this minute." a camera crew wants pictures of some baby crocodiles, so one guy is trying to distract the mom. see why mama croc is not falling for that old trick amazing footage of hot lava shows what looks like white lightning. the rare volcano phenomenon captured on video. >> wait, single file, don't
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rush. >> he got to know one and now he is the friends with the whole herd. meet the guy they are all fawning over see why the old train horn prank is always funny until it's not. sometimes it's not a good idea to get between a mom and her kid, specially when the mom is a giant crocodile. earthtouchtv, they were there to film some hatch lings. who you are seeing with the stick is water watson. what he is doing is trying to distract the mom and get her away from her hatch lings here so they can get some close shots. watch what happens to peter.
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you see the croc latches on to the dude's foot and everybody rushes to his aid. here is the camera guy. you have to go and help this guy. apparently, they were able to scare off the mother croc and the guy walked away with no serious injuries. from the land to the air, this time, we learn that you shouldn't get between a hawk and his favorite cell phone tower, because this guy is a cell phone tower worker, up there filming this. >> what -- mother -- >> you can imagine, he is pretty freaked out, because he is pretty high up. i don't know if this is like the hawk's home. maybe there is a nest or something up there. >> it is not like a parakeet with little things but serious talons. >> you just saw a tip of wing and before you knew it, it was in his face. >> pretty good camera work from this dude as he is hundreds of feet up in the air filming a hawk that's attacking him. he manages to keep the thing in
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frame. >> not like some telephone pole. he is way up there. >> did you see that? it's pretty fascinating, rare phenomenon, volcanic activity was captured on video. it is going to blow your mind. this is mount sin abun in indonesia. this is run of the many eruptions that the volcano has experienced since september. it is a pyroclassic flow, which means it is a very explosive eruption. it has covered thousands of feet in the radius of this volcano forcing people to be evacuated. more than 20,000 people have been displaced because of this. it is an incredibly dangerous eruption. >> like the clouds getting sucked into the heat. >> it is wa spewing ashes almost 16,000 feet into the air. this is the phenomenon i'm talking about. >> do you see that? >> it was like a lightning storm inside the ash cloud.
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that is exactly what you are seeing. that is volcanic lightning. it is not entirely clear what exactly causes the lightning. the theory is that the eruptions are so powerful that they produce a very large amount of electrical charge as the lava is being erupted and that is a moment that energy is released, creating what looks like lightning. >> that's unbelievable. it is awesome. >> volcanic lightning sounds like an energy drink or the wave that a super hero has created. >> right. it's amazing. there are so many things happening in this moment that we've seen it before but it is incredibly rare. animals love this guy. this is the backyard. we got this video from juken. >> whose hungry? >> you think he is calling his dog. >> don't take all day.
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let's hustle. >> it is like noah's arc. >> this is a whole herd of deer. >> oh, hi, lumpy zech. he has names for these things. >> this guy is incredible. these are big-time trophy bucks. >> there are more than a dozen. >> he says these deer regularly come to eat. this is the fox he has named ben. is he i hasays, ben, the box, cr his hotdog. >> look what else showed up? >> it is a mama and her two cubbs. >> it is like a whole wildlife video. >> matthew captured this video at his home. to tell us all about it, we have him "right this minute," via skype. when did all this start happening where these animals would come to your house to eat? >> three years ago, when i moved
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there, the one doe, i call scarface walked up and she brought her fawns back and they saw me being nice to her mom and they warmed up and a week after that, they brought back five other ones an then it just kept progressing to now i have 35. >> 35? that's unbelievable. >> how did you figure out the fox likes the hotdog? >> any time i have meat scraps, i throw them outside. it just so happened one day i dropped a hotdog off the grill and he was standing right there by the door and came over and scarfed it up. >> are you concerned feeding the deer and the fox. if something happens to you, they will be able to take care of themselves. >> they do just fine. the fox, jumps up and dives into the snow and catches mice all over the place. it is the funniest thing to see. >> hang on, tight, guys. this video is a white knuckler.
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>> do you feel the beads of sweat forming on your forehead as you watch this white video? >> this guy, ken jigilotti, a photographer in win he peg, decided to get a first-person perspective of driving through a snowstorm. look at this. a complete white out. i don't know how you tell where the road is. >> i am trying to stop, probably somebody will drive into you. >> it looks like he is driving in a cloud. >> now, i'm scared. >> these reporters were calling this zero visibility. they were dead on with that assessment. >> i think i'll stop. >> he can't figure out if he is still moving. >> this storm packed a punch. 70-mile-an-hour gusts of wind. >> you do see some tail light. he comes upon one car that had lost its way down into the snowbank.
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>> this is scary stuff. >> there is t much you can do. >> did he say he set off to get these pictures or was he caght inhis s? >> im going venture out fur further. if i don't make it, this is what we do. >> it is lighter out. he did this at 9:00 in the morning. >> they had to close the major highways because the snow was so terrible. >> it looks miserable a 16-year-old happens to be the next "it" girl in surfing. >> now, tia blanca reveals her biggest fear in her journey. >> i have it in the back of my mind. i try not to think about it. >> he has something in his throat making it impossible. >> for this pelican to breath. >> find out why he wasn't coughing this one up. >> oh, wow! nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose.
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ththeyey d donon't't?? alalkaka s seleltztzerer p pls yoyourur w wororstst c colold , plus h hasas a a d dececon. [ [ ininhahaleles s dedeepe] ohoh. . whwhatat a a r rele.
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you know i like to show you guys really cool chicks doing really cool stuff. well, let me introduce you to tia blanco. she is the next "it" girl in surfing. she has been surfing since she was three. can't get her out of the water. now, she is 16 and leading the nsaa in women's under 18 division. the video we are watching is part of a series of epic tv that's going to document her journey getting to the world championship tour. she is going to work very hard to qualify to be part of this tour. now, it is an incredibly competitive sport obviously. so she has her work cut out for her. look at these images. she is good. >> she is shredding it, killing it. what do you call it in surfing? >> she is also a model, an artist. to tell us how she does all of it, we have tia all the way from hawaii via skype "right this minute." tell us how you are preparing for this world championship tour?
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>> it is definitely going to be very hard work. i am currently doing training with my personal trainer. i try to get in the water every single day and i have a coach too. we're all working really hard. so, hopefully, everything works out. >> you have been doing this for so long. do you get sick of it at all? >> no, not at all. i love the ocean with all my heart. it is pretty much like my go-to. >> you seem pretty fearless on the water. is there anything that scares you? >> sharks. i always have it in the back of my mind. i try not to think about it. i know they are there. >> how do you juggle trying to get a pro surfing career with your schooling and all your other stuff? >> i think it is just important to prioritize your time i always have to put a couple hours out of the day to do my school work and my training but i always find time to go in the ocean. >> a lot of people are talking about how you are a vegan surfer. why do you think that is getting so much attention? >> i want to make the point that just because i am vegan doesn't mean i can't be an athlete.
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many people tell me when i get my protein. i tell them there is more in spinach and kael than any of those meats. >> your next competition? >> back home. >> i have a big competition in australia and after that, for ecuador for the world junior surfing game. >> thank you so much and good luck with everything, tia. >> thank you so much. a message from the conservancy of southwest florida conveyed through this video. >> oh, my gosh! you can see her hand in there. >> yes. that is a pelican that she is working on. this pelican was brought into the von arc's wildlife hospital in napele's florida. it was brought in because it had a fish bone stuck in its throat making it almost impossible for
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this pelican to breath. >> does it normally eat stuff that size? >> sclent question. no, it would not normally have this fish in its throat. this isn't something this pelican would have on its own. they are urging fishermen, anglers to not feed their scraps to pelicans. thre is a picture of fied fish. scraps from a fisherman that the fisherman then tossed to the pelican. that's why the bones get stuck. >> because a fish is slippery. it has scales. it is designed to slide down the pelican's throat. when it is all bony like that, the poor bird. >> something you don't think about. it can be dangerous, deadly. as soon as it is healthy, they will release this pelican back into the wild. at first glance, you might think this prank is not going to
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go over so well, put on by the viral brothers. they are trying to do the train horn prank. they drive around in regular automobiles and rig it up with a train horn. how they are doing it, they got an old speaker that surprisingly works pretty well. it also works pretty well at scaring people. >> i love this. >> i hate this. i hate this so much. >> it gets better. it gets better. >> he spilled his whole cup of coffee. >> lost his drink. what happens, though, when you come across two guys carrying a flat screen tv across an intersection? >> now, it sounds like we are
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getting pranked and it sounds fake. we talked to the viral brothers. they are out of the czech republic. they sent us an additional 15-second clip of after this moment. >> that's all we got. skeptical you may be. they told us they did drop the tv but they did give them some money. they gave them something like 10,000 czech crowns, which equals more than $450 u.s. to reenburr reimburse these guys. >> even without the tv, they left that out, it worked. [ train horn blowing ] . it is a stealth military homecoming at this tae kwon do class. >> how an airman pulled a one-two punch with a second surprise at school.
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see why taking the plunge into a frozen pool ain't all its cracked up to be. >> oh, no, no. >> oh, my gosh. >> oh, no, no, no. the recent increase in cafeteria prices is not cool. when you vote for flo, we'll have discounts. ice-cream discounts. multi-cookie discounts. pizza loyalty discounts! [ kids chanting "flo!" ] i also have some great ideas on car insurance. [ silence ]
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finding you discounts since back in the day. call or click today. i like her. [chris]still smoking up a storm? [tom]yeah.pathetic,isn't it? [chris] ever try to... [tom] quit?of course! my best time was six days. the worst was ...uh...23.4 seconds. [chris] so can i ask you... [chris & tom] why are you still smoking? [tom] [sarcastic] "it's so much fun." [chris]why not call the smokers' helpline? the program's free,and... [tom]and they'll tell me..."you oughta quit." [chris] not so. just tell them you're ready to quit. then,they'll tell you how. [tom] really? you wouldn't have that number on you,would you? you're history.cscalalp, memeet selsun science. seselslsunun e ititchchy y dry.
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gegetsts t to o ththe e rorootod hydrates the scalp. seselslsunun e ititchchy y dry. something out of the ordinary is going on during this tae kwon do class. >> unexpected opponent. kill her with kindness. >> this is a surprise visit from an airman that has been away from his family for 18 months. the airman is the guy in the burgundy pants. his name is sean. if you go back to the beginning, you will notice an older gentleman. that's the airman's dad, rick. his younger sister, erika and little brother, aiden, are also in this class.
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at the beginning pose, they have their heads down, they look up, they strike their position and then it all makes sense or it doesn't make sense, because suddenly everything turns topsy turvy. >> i'm glad you stopped. can you imagine if he didn't pause. >> it is me, dad, it is me. >> they knew he was coming home for the holidays but they had no idea he was getting home as early as he did. >> mom was the only family member who actually knew what was going on, because she helped orchestrate all of this. >> everybody is so excited that he is back. what a cool way to do it. he also had a little surprise in store for his little tethink th test too. it looks like they are really into it. >> it does look like they might be taking a test o are a quio r quiz.are a qui quiz.
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you have to give it to this dad for trying. that is the dad and he is standing about a frozen pool. you know mayhem is about to happen. >> oh, no, thno, no. >> no, no, no is right. >> watch it again and hear the sound. >> oh, oh. that poor little boy has no idea dad just gave himself a concussion. >> the kid is too busy laughing. >> dad is okay. >> look what dad's head did. he cracked the ice right there. >> he cracked his head with that. that's dangerous. >> i like that. he took his wallet out.
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>> he had that for days. >> i have a feeling that guy has a concussion for sure. maybe they should take some ice out of the pool and put it on the back of his head. >> leave it up to lula to change the way we look at boxes. >> however you look at it, see what slo-mo boxing looks like on "right this minute." wiwithth ce or margarita chicken. alall l seservrveded w witith , like our new southwest chicken. chchilili'i's s luluncnco starting at 6 bucks. momorere l lifife e hahapp.
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anybody that's been to the drive-through and ordered fries knows what happens when you want to put catsup on. you make a big mess. >> all over your fingers and outfit and car seat and your steering wheel. >> all over your face. food beast has that. pouring them directly on the fries is not going to work. you need both hands on the wheel and they use a napkin. i have been known to tear the bag and use it as the cup. not optimal. you think about who touched that catsup pack. you squeezed that into your mouth. it defeats the purpose of it going on the french fries. you have to put them all in your mouth. this way is the optimal way. you open the packet. you get a wide opening but not all the way and you just apply it to the packet. >> i do like it. it is clean. only one at a time. >> you'll get fuller, faster, with eating less fries. we've seen all kinds of
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slo-mo videos but boxes we have never seen. fortunately, d.j. was very curious. would you like to see how meat boxing looks in close motion? let's do it. he beatboxes for a few seconds and then he slows the video down. it is gnarly. it gets better. he starts blowing through his lips. >> it is kind of seductive. >> it is like a squid mouth. >> then, he does another version.
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>> what is happening to his face? it's a lipplosion. >> it is hard to watch. >> it does look nasty. >> he does find an interesting way to describe the way his lips look. >> i said it was weird. >> he freaked himself out. >> the wor continues to perplex me.>> that's it for us "right this minute." we'll see you next time, everybody.
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. >> hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman. we have all the great videos you have been looking for "right this minutes." >> it's the time for the run. it looks like a water slide. >> now, meet this 12-year-old who barrelled to the bottom in one piece. >> i thought it would stop it. >> an angry bull has people running. but a few brave


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