tv Right This Minute FOX February 5, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PST
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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman, if you want great videos, we have them right here "right this minute." an arsonist in action has neighbors thinking -- >> maybe we should move our car out of the way. >> see the mad dash to escape before the whole thing blows. a dude's barreling across the sand in his razor. >> now he picks up a good head of steam here. >> why it's enough to send him flying headfirst. a young otter pup races. >> calling for momma.
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>> the moment momma showed up to show off her baby. plus, the buzzword for your shot at a new ipad mini. and they turned the net nominate trend into acts of kindness. and gave us -- >> 24 hours to do the same thing. >> see what we came up with to pay it forward. police in moscow on the lookout for arsonists. i want you guys to notice this bmw that's in a playground but notice that guy was storing something over that car. that was accelerant. police say he doused the car with flammable liquid and set it on fire. >> was this a car that was parked or was it a car that was wrecked? >> they say it was parked in the playground, why it was there, we don't know. a few minutes later it was completely engulfed in flames and a tire exploded. they think that woke people up and you see area residents saying maybe we should move our car out of the way. firefighters finally arrived on the scene but notice there's a firefighter right there and there's a second explosion.
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luck-it miily it missed him. this video is trending all over the place and it happened several years ago but i can understand why because part of the country is in deep snow and they are at home looking at videos and they come across this. >> there's a car on fire up there. something is burning. >> car fire extinguished by a snowplow. because that's who put the fire out. >> put the fire out with your truck with the snow but it didn't quite do it. >> notice as he gets up to the fire there's the car on the side of the road. >> jimmie, i'm going to push the snow into the engine compartment. >> look at that. >> he gets several passes where he gets snow into his snow shovel and just dumps it on the car. >> it's almost out. >> makes sense, cold smothering. it's water. >> on the northwest highway from the fire station. >> still trying to route the fire department around town but this guy's wow, wow, i'll still keep shoveling. >> and eventually. >> there you go, one fire out! >> he's able to get the fire out. >> well done, george.
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pretty common knowledge that off roading has some inherent risks built into it and there's nothing like knowing those risks than a first hand experience. this guy is riding his polaris razor through a park in oklahoma. it looks like a beautiful day. he's with a couple of other side by side vehicles and it must be a ton of fun to have the wide open space and not worry about stop signs and lanes and all that stuff and be able to tear it up out there. >> uh-huh. >> ooh! >> whoa! >> hopping over that nice dip. now he's picked up a good head of steam here. ♪ >> ah. >> didn't quite pull that off like the old duke boys did. pretty much augers in, nose first. flips over, back over front and lands on his side. looks like he's okay, though,
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because his buddies come up quickly. he wasn't seriously injured. he said he had injuries to his wrist but nothing serious. he was clear. i don't know what kind of damage the razor sustained, though. a bit of an experience. now he knows that, yes, in fact, there are some definite risks to off-roading. i got a couple of videos for you and they are kind of, like, your worst nightmares caught on camera. first imaginetu roaring seas at night. that's what happened off the coast of the uk. this ship right out front is a commercial fishing trawler. it's been pounded by 30-foot seas and 60-mile-an-hour winds. it caused this ship to lose power and steering. but luckily the royal national lifeboat institution to the rescue. this camera was placed on one of their lifeboats and if you notice you see light overhead that's a rescue helicopter from the royal navy air station.
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as you see the spotlight hitting the ocean, you'll notice the crew members from this fishing trawler are in the water. >> oh. man. >> the seas were so incredibly rough that the helicopter couldn't put a swimmer down onto the actual ship. so the guys had to put on their rescue suit and waited to be taken up to the helicopter one by one. in all, all six crew members were rescued and are doing okay. >> no power and no steering on that boat. i mean, they could have ended up anywhere. they were at the whim of the ocean. >> yeah. now, another nightmare scenario caught on camera. imagine being buried alive. that's what happened to a construction worker in russia. he was digging a trench doing some pipeline work and the trench collapsed on top of him. and in this moment you're watching rescuers try to dig him out. but look at that right there, according to reports that's an air tank attached to a tube. they were able to put that tube
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through the earth to get to the man who was buried alive so that he could get oxygen. and workers did get rescuers there on scene really quickly, but it took rescuers two hours to dig this man out. you do see him at the end of this video being taken away on a stretcher. he was taken to a local hospital where they did say he had two fractured legs. and he is currently recovering. hump day, everybody, so let's celebrate by giving away an ipad mini. >> we'll be doing it in a little bit and how to enter and win. >> the buzzword is coming up and you have to be 18 years or older and a u.s. resident to enter. >> it's the "rtm" ipad giveaway coming up in a little bit. there's an otter in monterey, california, known as a million dollar otter because he likes to hang out with the million dollar yachts in the marina and that otter had a baby pup. and the pup is roughly 2 or 3
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weeks old it's calling for momma. >> ah. >> yes! >> he does. >> little later you see her swimming up to where the baby is. okay, honey, i'm here. she gets down on her back and starts rubbing her face and gets her pup and puts it on her own belly and starts grooming him. >> this is awesome. >> how cute. >> she's rocking him, kind of. from california to texas to lake houston where a couple of guys out fishing. jesus and brian spotted this here. that's a pelican that had gotten a catfish but as it was trying to eat it, the catfish actually poked through the pelican's pouch, so it wasn't able to eat it. it was the fin that poked right through. >> this is a really delicate process here. >> see in that moment how you can actually see the fin pushing through. there it is. see? he grabs the catfish. throws him back in.
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swims back into the lake. don't eat it again. >> yeah. see how karma slaps a girl with a one-two punch. and we'll reveal how each one of us took a challenge to pay it forward. >> you do this and it just makes you want to do more. >> grab some things in there i hope you can use. body pain? back pain? try bayer back and body. it's bayer aspirin plus a special pain relief booster, to relieve sore backs and soothe aching muscles fast. get moving again, with bayer back and body.
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i nethat's my geico digital insurance id card - gots all my pertinents on it and such. works for me. turn to the camera. ah, actually i think my eyes might ha... next! digital insurance id cards. just a tap away on the geico app. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ugh. geico. little help here.
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of you to pay it forward. you have 24 hours. >> yesterday the five of us were challenged by brett and andrew from south africa. they took the net nominang trend where people do beer and they turned it on its head. instead of doing something stupid, they did a random act of kindness and if you remember they gave us 24 hours to do the same thing. >> we are outside of a subway and we're going to buy everybody dinner for them. >> just for fun. >> have a good day. >> so much fun. i was jumping around that thing, like, i had magic beans in my shoes. >> you were giddy like a child at disneyland. >> it absolutely made my life. it does do something great for your soul. this one was really fun because all we did was head over to the register and i decided to pay for the groceries of a couple of people that were in line. this gentleman in the yellow
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sweatshirt was really surprised but very grateful. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> yes. >> thank you. >> the other customer was especially cool because he happened to be buying red roses for his wife. >> give your wife a big old smooch for us. >> all right, thank you very much. >> pay it forward. >> all right. >> we know about a homeless guy that hangs out at a sandwich shop nearby and we bought him a meal and we chatted with him he's an incredibly talented a artist and these are some of his works and he made this while we were there which i thought was you a snm. awesome. >> we put his e-mail in case anyone wanted to reach out to him for his artwork. >> i see this woman every morning, and i bought this woman a bunch of things that i thought she may be able to use. put it together in a backpack i had and i found her this morning in her usual spot. got some things in there that i hope you can use.
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food and some warmer clothes and things. and -- you do this and it just makes you want to do more. and i think that is the best experience of this. >> i did a canned food drive. i put it on twitter. i put it on facebook and my friends responded and i drove 98 miles picking up cans. >> where are you going to donate all of the canned goods? >> this is going to my church because they give away 100,000 pounds of food. they put them in food boxes and they hand them out. it's to many, many veterans. i was happy that i got to do that. >> it was an awesome thing that they started and we are thrilled that they nominated us and we are nominating all of you, our "right this minute" viewers. head out there and do something fun for someone. do something nice for a perfect stranger. it is your turn and you have 24 hours. you can post your videos at and we can't wait to see what you come up with and remember to
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nominate someone else at the end of your video. time for a good old fashioned double dose of people falling down. both of these videos coming to us from juking video. the first one from this ski slope. the dude's on a pretty treacherous, pretty insane slope. the guy knows what he's doing. but even the most skilled of skiers, most experienced people, they will have their little mishaps and here's what happened to this guy. falls down. but notice what you see there. what do you notice? >> he lost a ski. >> he lost a ski. and he keeps falling down and falling down and falling down and falling down. and his ski managed to just kind of stick into the side of a mountain like a toothpick. >> gravity will get you. >> so now what's he got to do? >> climb back up there to get it? the >> here, watch this, do you know what, not going to need those. throws his poles away. now he is kind of on his hands and knees getting back up. >> this angle gives you an idea
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just how steep that slope was when he has to start digging in tw h with his fingers to get back up. >> problem solved. >> way to go. now, this next one probably seemed like a good idea at first. but sure wasn't. i think this was, like, new year's eve and you've got a bunch of people partying. this dude's got his leg up on the counter. he's going to dance. this girl has an idea, so funny if i, like, tripped him. >> whoa! >> man, she just brains herself on that floor. >> yeah. >> that was ultimate face plant. >> and notice she's got a bottle of champagne that looked like it wasn't opened but it opened when she hit the ground, and the base of the bottle hits the ground and champagne shoots up in the air and all over pretty much everybody. >> i think that's just poetic justice because she was trying to make somebody else fall. >> it looks like she's okay. her one friend comes over and checks on her. but heck of a way to ring in the new year. >> oh, my god!
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dude tells his dad he failed his driver's test so -- >> dad is just reaming him. >> once you fail the first [ bleep ] time. >> the funny reaction when angry dad realizes it's all a joke. >> ha ha! and we've got an ipad mini to give away. the wednesday buzzword you need for your chance to twin is next.
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the more i scratch, the worse it gets. nenew w gogoldld b bonond relief cream, rerelilieveveses 5 5 s symympt. gogoldld b bonond d rereala. i've got 3-alarm heartburn... fifireremaman n chchilili ? rolaids gives yoyou u rarapd relief of heartburn anand d neneututraraliliz% more acid than tums. atattataboboy!y! rorolalaidids,s, t thahatw you spell relief. ononcece, , twtwicice, it's time for new seselslsune scscalalp . it worksks a at t ththee sosoururce with ththe e nunumbmberer oe ananti-itch medicine. plus soothing aloe for fast relief. seselslsunun b bluluee scscalalp itch. it's a pretty big deal when you pass your driver's test for the first time, you know, sort of a rite of passage in your life. well, this guy here apparently it's a huge deal for his dad. he just took his test. he passed. he's going to tell dad he failed. watch dad's reaction. in this video from juking video. >> what about it? the >> dad, the three-point turn got
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me. >> [ bleep ]. jesus [ bleep ]. >> it's all right. i'll do it again. >> for [ bleep ] sake do you think that we'll -- once you fail the first [ bleep ] time that's the easiest. again and again. >> dad is just reaming him. >> what kind of a [ bleep ] are you anyway? [ inaudible ] >> wow. he's telling his son to try and sweeten up the female driving instructor? >> yeah. >> wow. >> but then he breaks the news to old dad. >> ha ha! >> jesus. >> that man's got a mouth on him. >> but the accent makes it so much more entertaining. >> it does. it sounds charming even though every word that comes out of his
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mouth starts with an "f" or a "c." >> i'm recording you. >> turn off that [ bleep ]! it's cold outside wouldn't it be nice to have the hand warmers, you know, the little warming packs. >> great in this time of year a lot of the country deep freeze. >> yeah. if you don't want to purchase them, you can make them at home. >> today on household hacker reusable instant heat packs. >> it's a phenomenon known as hot ice. >> hot ice. >> doesn't sound like it should be a thing. >> what hot ice actually is sodium acetate. >> it will almost instantly go up to 130 degrees fahrenheit and turn from a liquid to a solid. we're going to make our own using a few items from the kitchen. >> to tell us how it's done we'll bring in our warmer, zach. >> the science geek. >> yep. >> hey, dude. >> hello. >> what's up? >> pretty cool and it's pretty simple, how do we do it? >> it's very simple. all you need is baking soda and vinegar. it's just as easy when you are a
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little kid making your volcanos out of baking sodsó and vinegar. >> what's different? the mixture or how it's put together or what? >> first of all you'll add in the baking soda slowly so you're not getting so much carbon dioxide to make the bubbles to explode. >> stir it to help quickly finishñr off the reaction that' taking place. once everything's in there click your stove to medium heat and get ready to do waiting. once the mixture has been on the pot to close to an hour you can see there isn't much liquid left this is good as we're getting close. now your eyeballs are really important. you need to keep eye signature on the rim for a crusty film to appear. when you see this, it's time to kill the heat and pour out what we have. what happens is there are sodium acetate crystals that form in your pan when you make this. what can do is drop some of that in and it will start this freezing process so it turns into a solid and because going from a liquid to a solid state is an exothermic process it will give off heat and it becomes this hot pack. >> hot ice. man, that's crazy.
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>> that's a cool little deal here. >> it is. >> yeah. get ready, everybody, because it's time for us to give away an ipad mini. >> you got to be 18 years old and you must have the buzzword and you got to be a u.s. resident to enter. >> you enter our facebook page. if you are using a mobile phone or tablet go to the first post and tap on the mobile link. >> the buzzword you need for wednesday is skateboard. >> now, get on over to and click on the win an ipad mini button. >> and then enter the wednesday buzzword skateboard s-k-a-t-e-b-o-a-r-d for your chance to win an ipad mini. >> if you don't win today, we're giving away another one tomorrow. it's a finely crafted car but with a twist. >> this is intended for kids. >> how much it will cost you if you want the little ones riding in style. >> that's more than my car! >> that's
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covered california is howet californians can take advantage of the affordable care act. we can help you get quality health insurance right now. to sign up, call 800-890-7561 or go to you can also use our website to find local, in-person help. there's not much time left - open enrollment ends soon. so call 800-890-7561, or go to, and get covered.
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molly schuyler is a world eating champion and she posted this video because he was on the guinness challenge tv show where they gave her a 60-inch pizza and they wanted her to eat it in the less than two minutes. she failed. but she's since been able to do it. >> three, two, one, go. >> oh, my. she went in two slices at a time. wow. >> i just wish you guys could watch this whole thing because it does not take her two minutes to consume this. >> she's just mashing it up, too, a bunch of big gross mess. can't even tell it's a pizza. >> let's pause here at 39 seconds. you like to watch people eat. >> i don't like this at all. that's a lot of smushing pizza and funking it all over hands and her mouth. >> i don't want to hear it. i don't want to hear it. >> gross. >> congratulations if that's your thing you are trying to
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make the world record stuff but i won't ever watch it ever again. >> thank you very much. i bring you the aston martin for the most discerning of drivers presented by nicholas me and company of west london a heritage dealer. the nice wood wheel, leather interior all the finest metals. does it look a little weird? mini. miniature. >> you are absolutely right this is the aston martin db convertible junior. ♪ styled to look like the '60s aston martin. this is intended for kids. 10 years old. it's basically a top of the line go cart. it's exquisite. >> what? >> i thought this was, like, a mini model. you can get in this and ride around. does it have a motor or does it pedal? >> it has a gasoline engine, rear wheel drive. 46-mile-an-hour top speed that
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can be limited by the parents. >> i got to ask, how much will they have to pay to pay this? >> $27,000. >> what? >> $27,000. >> that's more than my car! >> to be fair it's all hand built, custom made. this isn't stamped out on some production line. i might have a child just to buy him one of these. >> you got it for yourself. ♪ that's it for "rtm." we'll see you next time.
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>> is your metabolism moving like molasses? super charge it with the fast metabolism diet. >> how you can reboot your body to burn more calories faster than ever before. >> see the secret weapon to rev it up. >> this is bog to change your life. >> plus -- eat more to lose more. >> not counting calories. >> never, no! >> plan that lets you eat carbs and drop pounds. coming up next on "dr. oz." [cheers and applause] dr oz: welcome to the show. metabolism! >> i love you! dr oz: thank you very much. i love you too. metabolism. listen to this, do you feel like yours is dysfunctional? nothing
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