tv Right This Minute FOX February 12, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PST
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hi, everyone, i'm beth troutman. if you want great videos from the web, this is the show for you, "right this minute." a baby moose gets trapped by its -- >> two hooves. >> the happy ending behind the saddest face ever. a camera guy waits for a protester at a brazil jail and then nails him -- >> with his camera. >> the story behind the grudge match in the street. a couple is facing some expensive car repairs, but then -- >> someone steps in to help. >> really? >> yeah. >> wow. >> see who pulled the surprise that left them stunned. plus, want a new ipad mini?
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we've got the wednesday buzzword. and he's turning 10 so his uncle wrote him a song. >> ♪ came into this world he's been charming all the girls ♪ >> meet the guys behind the birthday diddy going viral. >> happy birthday! this video's going to make you go -- get real sad. you're seeing two hooves when the camera goes to the other side of the fence you'll see what those hooves are attached to. look at that. >> what was he trying to do, climb? >> i don't know. that's a little baby moose. his eyes are all wide he's, like, get me out of here. >> i don't know how this happened but you guys got to help me out here. i think this is in vancouver in british columbia, canada. the moosereaking out and then they get an ax and they start chopping awa at t fencres about? they got to get this him free.
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and he's twisting now, ouch. they kind of split one of the planks of the wood there and then -- and i think he just -- he doesn't go anywhere. he just sticks his hooves down in the snow. probably feels good. >> yeah. cool them off a little bit. >> icing them down. >> stop the swelling. >> you see eventually, do you know what, over there doesn't look so great, i'll go back this way where i came. you can see moose is okay. this video from juking video, this is going to be a controlled demolition. move some of this earth because they got to make room for something. >> the things there? >> there are two things. those are deer. now, they do sound an alarm. deer on the right, cool, i'm out of here. see you later. the other one is, what? what are we doing? oh! >> oh, no! >> keep watching. there he goes. he made it out of there just in time. you see the explosion go off. the deer quickly realizes what the heck is going on. takes off as the earth is moving beneath him. >> i'm so amazed by this deer
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that it was able to hop up and avoid this detonation. >> it's just funny that the one's, like, no problem, i'm out of here. takes off. the other one is, huh, what was that? >> that is crazy. keep your eyes peeled because the three incidents they happened fast. this first one in china, this is a hotel. there are guests in the lobby and before you know it -- >> oh, no. >> -- a car smashes through the glass doors, window. it goes right through that group of people. through the lobby and ends up crashing at the end on the other side where it looks like it's a set of stairs. look closely, though. there are also kids. >> yeah. >> in this group and a little girl wearing what looks like a blue jacket ends up being hit by the car. sent to the ground. >> but the little girl gets up real quick. as soon as he gets knocked down she kind of pops right back up. >> you see the little girl
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quickly get up and running over to a lady presumably her mother, but everybody seemed to make it out okay with just minor injuries. now, this other one happened on a very wet road in shanghai. look up ahead, there's a bus loses control, slams against the guardrail, slips on its side. >> oh. >> pulls a 180 and finally comes to a stop. apparently had left a station recently so there were passengers in the bus at the time. no words on what the injuries were. now, this next one in russia. look at the street up ahead. it looks like there are some cars stopped on the street. >> oh. whoa. >> do you see that? it happened very, very fast. according to reports there was a red light up ahead. the driver didn't see it. ends up smashing and crashing into three different vehicles. and you see the car just flip on its side, debris everywhere. >> i don't know, to me those
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look like parked cars so hopefully there weren't people in those cars. >> later in the video you see other people rush over to try and help. it sounds like the driver of that vehicle tried to get away. the passenger in the vehicle was injured but was taken to the hospital. a video coming out of rio de janeiro is getting a lot of attention online. you're about to see why. >> what the heck? >> whoa! >> well, that is a photojournalist, a photographer hitting a protester with his camera across the head. you may be wondering what caused this kind of behavior? there's a pretty intense story behind this video. protests continue in rio de janeiro over the proposed bus fare hike that officials are planning on using to pay for the world cup if you can imagine many citizens upset about this idea. they think that the money should be used for lots of other things and a group of protesters threw an explosive in the direction of the photographer that exploded right near that photographer's head. that photojournalist's head.
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it was a fatal injury. >> do we know if this explosive was intentionally thrown towards the photographer? >> all we know is it was a homemade explosive device and as you can imagine photojournalists in this area it's a very tight-knit community. now, let's go back to this moment that happened outside of the jail. now, according to reports this jailhoused one of the guys who police say was responsible for the death of this photographer. protesters were there demanding that that guy be released. as you can imagine, tensions ran high and according to reports the man who was hit in the head had said to this particular camera man, you might be next. >> oh, so he was threatening him. >> yeah. >> and here's the thing, too, i mean, these protesters are out there because they want to have their voices heard. >> right. >> so, you want camera people there. you want to be on the news because you want to get your point across, so there shouldn't be any violence against media or
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the press. because you are trying to prove a point. >> they are there documenting what point you are trying to get across to the world. it's hump day and we're celebrating by giving away an ipad mini. remember, you have to be 18 years and older and a u.s. resident to enter. >> the "rtm" ipad ninny giveaway is coming up. car repairs n s no fun. they are usually unexpected and very expensive. this family got an intervention, they've adopted two children from china, very expensive. this family had had an accident and the car needed a lot of repairs. $1,300 worth, so someone stepped in to help. this video was generously funded by udi's gluten-free foods for the sundance film festival campaign. >> buenos diaz.
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>> we'll give you $100 off this car repair if you give us a testimonial. >> we have to fix some wiring. >> they're being told details of the bill and then they get the surprise. >> did he tell you that somebody took care of all the bill for you? >> no. >> no. >> yeah. >> who? >> well, they actually got 1, 0 $1,300 off. they didn't have to spend any money because giveback films stepped in. >> are you sure? >> all $1370. >> really? >> yeah. >> wow. >> they're kind of dumbfounded like who would have done this? >> these guys right here. >> good morning. >> morning. how are you? >> how awesome you guys are. >> the guys from giveback films come into the shop and explain what's happening to they give them some more gifts. a $500 gift card to walmart and a wii for the kids. you can't beat that. >> that would have been enough. plus the car bill, that's solid. >> i'm not sure why this is happening. >> no problem. >> here you can see her hugging
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these people, thanking them for the generosity. >> it's always nice to see really great things happen to good people. people who deserve it. people who need it. an argument breaks out in a hotel lobby, but it's not long until -- >> it turns into a full-blown mel melee. >> see how one guest gets served a complementary pot of coffee. and dude tackles the mother of all rubik's cube challenges. >> 2x2 and 3x3 which is your standard, 4x4, 6x6 and the mammoth 7x7. find out if this is a record solved.
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police chases are not exclusive to the united states. here in russia, the officer pulls up to the vehicle right there and the vehicle bumps him, that's not a good way to start and they try to get the guy out of the car and he drives off. >> the officer is skating along. >> now we have a pursuit on icy, snowy russian roads and the car losing control and sliding. >> russian dash cam videos weren't stressful enough now we've got a police chase. >> here's the car trying to speed through a pedestrian crossing. at this point it looks like the car may stop. the partner officer gets out and tries to bust into the car and doesn't work and the guy keeps
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going. while the driver bails this time and now it's a footrace. just down the street, though, the officer is able to get the guy on the ground, get their man and in this case they claim that person was drunk. >> oh. >> oh. this video from a lobby at a hotel in china. that's the hotel owner getting shoved back into that doorway by several other people because apparently the hotel owner claims somebody vomited in one of the rooms. he asked them to clean it up or he was going to charge them more. they refused and that's when this fight starts. you see this girl here part of the hotel owner's family. she goes back behind the counter to grab a phone to call for help, look at this guy. rips the phone right out of her hands and it gets much more violent with the hotel owner. but also his female family members as well. watch here. looks like one of the family members is trying to make a phone call. this guy goes after her. now, the hotel owner seems to have a bat or a stick and that's when the fight gets way out of hand and that's when the beating really starts.
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it turns into a full-blown melee in this small lobby. watch this right here. see the woman with the pony table, she grabs a coffeepot. watch this. bang! >> oh! >> oh! >> and he starts punching away. >> i'm glad one of his friends pulls him off. >> eventually it looks like these people finally leave but the hotel owner in the black jacket is bloodied over this attack. >> i can't believe this is all over vomit. i think it could take simple people like the four of us like a lifetime to solve the rubik's cube, right? just don't have it. i know there's, like, an algo ri rhythm. >> how about solving six of them? that's what 18-year-old kevin hayes is about to do six of them of six different sizes, 2x2 and 3x3 which is your standard and 4x4 and the 6x6 and the mammoth 7x7. he'll do all of these.
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here's 2x2, he does it in five seconds and your standard 3x3 he does in nine seconds. this is not sped up. look at how fast that rubik's cube is moving and you can tell it's not sped up because you can watch the clock on his laptop, here goes the 4x4 which looks like a ton of squares, he does it in 36 seconds. the 5x5 took him 57 seconds and the 6x61:45. that's insane. and here he starts the 7x7. >> and t. you can barely see the colors as he's turning them. >> he builds from the inside out and you see the middle, like, yellow start to appear and then the middle. this thing took him 2:51. in all, add it all up, 6:23 which he says new world record. for this. boom and we all feel dumb. >> geez! >> yep. momma and papa chimp give baby a lesson --
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>> the climb. >> they got to learn. and head over heels. >> it's truly pink this is not an illusion of any kind. >> what makes this jump the first of its kind. plus, the wednesday buzzword for your chance to win an ipad mini. [clucking]. everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny. cause only he brings delicious cadbury crème eggs, while others may keep trying. nobunny knows easter better than cadbury! yeah. i heard about progressive's "name your price" tool? i guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. huh? i'm looking at it right now.
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rorolalaidids,s, t thahatw you spell relief. ononcece, , twtwicice, it's time for new seselslsune scscalalp . it worksks a at t ththee sosoururce with ththe e nunumbmberer oe ananti-itch medicine. plus soothing aloe for fast relief. seselslsunun b bluluee scscalalp itch. whether you're an animal, human, nothing like hanging out. we got this video from juking video. shows the whole family climbing around and hanging out. in fact, we're talking about some chimpanzees and a baby chimp being taught to climb. >> he's got it better than birds because they get shoved out. this little guy has support network. >> look at him going. >> is that dad saying follow what i do, do what i do, kid,
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come on, son? >> there he goes. >> i think that's exactly what is going on. he's on top of the ropes and climbing like a pro. >> he's a natural. >> look at him go! >> look at that! >> a couple days later they're going to regret they taught him this stuff because they're not going to be able to keep track of him. >> right. you'll think this cat is a chimpanzee after you see this behavior caught on camera. >> you got to see this. >> look at that! >> what are you doing? >> this is slinky. >> and literally just hanging out. >> wow. oh, he fell. >> oh, you okay? >> yeah, he's totally okay. you okay slinky? okay. >> i think slinky needs a new hobby because that's not working out for him. >> slinky what are you doing? >> are you okay? when i bring you guys wing suit videos it's usually the
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athletes, the pilots of these wing suits that make our jaws drop. not this time. this time it's actually the scenery that is so stunning it just makes you wonder what is that, how is that, that is lake hillier and, yes, it's truly pink. this is not an illusion of any kind. it's off the coast of western australia, the island, and this is chuck bare riff, 47 years old, out the helicopter he goes to be the first man to ever fly over lake hillier. >> it looks like somebody dumped a bunch of pink lem made powder in it. >> even scientists haven't come to the consensus to have the lake have such a unique color. >> it is the scenery because we haven't said a thing about chuck except he's flying but we're looking at the pink lake. >> chuck has 6,000 jumps under his belt. he's a very experienced wing suit jumper and skydiver. even he said this is memorable, that this is probably the best jump he's ever done. he feels very lucky to have had
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this opportunity to be the first man to do such a unique jump. >> that's mesmerizing. guess what? somebody's going to win an ipad mini today. >> that's right. now, remember you got to be 18 years old, you must be a u.s. resident and you have to have the wednesday buzzword to enter. >> you enter on our facebook page. if you're using a mobile phone or tblet go to the first post and tap on the mobile link. >> here we go time to reveal the wednesday buzzword. it is stranger. >> now, get on over to and click on that win an ipad mini button. >> and then enter the wednesday buzzword stranger, s-t-r-a-n-g-e-r for your chance to win an ipad mini. no mini u don't win today, we're tomorrow. it's an ode to a special birthday boy. ♪ got a nephew named fin who on this very day is turning 10 ♪ >> yes. so much better than a lame old
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it's a fact of life if you have music in your soul you'll find any way possible to get it out. ♪ >> yes, that man is playing a broom. >> are we sure there's not some dude with the saxophone offscreen somewhere? >> we are absolutely positive. this man is in taiwan and he doesn't just do this with brooms. as a matter of fact, anything that's pipelike he will get it, drill through it, make little holes and turn it into an instrument. >> wow. ♪ does this guy get anything done? i feel like people keep saying, all right, bernie, go out there
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and sweep the sidewalk and the next thing you know he's out there playing his broom. >> oddly not a sidewalk sweeper. he's a decorator as a trade. he decorates homes and things. ♪ seth thompson is the coolest 10-year-old in new orleans, why? because his uncle jeff said so. ♪ i've got a nephew named fin who on this very day is turning 10 ♪ ♪ since he came into this world he's been charming all the girls with his good looks and his talents and his grin ♪ >> as you can hear from this song, it's fin's 10th birthday so uncle jeff who is a noted musician who lives in nashville, north, wrote him a song. ♪ both your mom and dad love you quite a lot they're so grateful for the only son they've got ♪ ♪ and boy i love you too so i wrote this song for you ♪ ♪ it's not perfect but at least i took a shot ♪
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>> yes. so much better than a lame old card! you know, even if it had a couple of bucks in it, this is so much better. >> we have his uncle jeff thompson "right this minute" via skype along with the birthday fin thompson. welcome to the show. >> happy birthday. >> happy birthday, fin. >> what did you think when you heard the song? >> it was good. >> i know your uncle put a lot of work into it. what did you like about the song? >> all of it. >> okay, uncle jeff, tell you what inspired you to write this song for fin. >> i live in asheville, north carolina, and fin lives down in new orleans, louisiana, so i don't see him nearly as often as i would like to. it was a way of sending him a more intimate version of a card. i wanted to make him smile. ♪ he's been climbing things since shortly after birth and there's nothing he canned build with some leggos and he's filled with more energy than the oceans filled with surf ♪ ♪ speaking of the ocean fin can
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sail and he built a boat from wood without nails ♪ ♪ because his dad's an engineer and a sailor who can steer through any storm and he's a good dad without fail ♪ >> it sounds like fin is a pretty busy guy. it sounds like he has a lot of hobbies. >> did you want to tell them about sailing? what do you like about being on t a sailor? >> being on the water. >> now i got to do it with everybody, right? >> yeah. >> love you, buddy. >> that's it for "rtm," everybody. we'll see you next time.
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