tv Right This Minute FOX February 18, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PST
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hi,m pebeth troutman. we have the day's best videos right here, "right this minute." a car on a russian highway takes a hit that -- >> causes the dash cam to spin around. >> how the surprised drivers pull a surprise of their own. did a pub surveillance camera capture a ghost? >> now, before you give me that, come on, beth, look -- >> too late. >> the video that has even skeptics scratching their heads. a motorcyclist taunted
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police with a video called -- >> catch me if you can. >> how cops took the challenge to put one cocky rider in jail. plus, the buzzword for your shot at a new ipad mini. and pranksters put a fake baby in real danger. what happens when not everyone is amused. >> oh, man. he looks like he's going to beat that dude up. just a pair of videos that are going to make you glad that cameras are truly everywhere these days. the first video the kid doing doughnuts in the garage with his motorcycle having a good time goofing around with the bike but the thing gets away from him a little bit. tries to pop a wheelie but he's got it, he's got it. he's got it. he's got it. i got it. i got it, i got it! >> whoo. >> oh, wow, his face went into the wall. >> he was just giving it gas the whole time. >> yeah. that's exactly the problem because he was holding on to the handlebars and grabbing the
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throttle which is making it go faster. all he has to do is let go with the right hand. instead he goes hello wall. >> i hope he is okay. >> it was like he was trying to wrangle some sort of animal that was out of control. this next one surprising on so many levels, the guy speeding between traffic here and up ahead are cars trying to make a left-hand turn. he slows down but the people behind him didn't. >> oh! >> whoa! >> the hit from behind causes the dash cam to spin around. now we see the driver and passenger. but the most ridiculous part of the video comes next. >> there was a cat on the -- >> i don't know if the cat was driving down through traffic and maybe that's why the guy is mad at him and throws him in the back seat, you damn cat, you crashed. >> that means the cat had to be in his lap or by his feet. >> or the cat got thrown forward when the car was hit from behind. i don't know. but the poor little old lady in the passenger's seat, her eyes
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are wide. >> what's weird about this besides the cat, not who i was expecting behind the wheel of the car, that's what's so strange, suddenly you see the driver and the passenger. >> rarely do we get to see who is behind the wheel of these dash cams and who knew it would be a cat. very recently this video went viral. this is helmet cam from a motorcyclist that is the on a san antonio, only place it's legal to split
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lanes is in california, you are not supposed to split lane s especially at this speed. >> when he first posted the video on facebook, he title it, part of the caption was "catch me if you can" police saw this video, and guess what, any caught him. >> so they could. >> they could. >> what ended up happening is they followed a lead for a stolen bike to this guy's house where he was. he ends up running away. the same guy, alberto rodriguez, they got him. now, alberto is going to obviously going to be fashicingw charges but will have to face a misdemeanor assault warrant. and for the motorcycle that led him to his house. >> glad to know that dumb criminals haven't smartened up enough to know they shouldn't put their videos online. guys, i want you to go ahead and brace yourselves, because this video is going to freak you
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the heck out. it's going to send chills up the back of your spine. this is surveillance footage from ye old man and scythe in bolton, in britain. it's a pub. and watch what this surveillance footage catches! first you see the lights flash and look in the center of your screen. >> oh, yeah. >> keep watching. >> what is that? >> it's a figure walking toward the camera. now, before you give me that, come on, beth, look -- >> too late. >> no, there's an awesome story behind this video. ye old man and scythe is the fourth oldest pub in britain. reports say that this pub is haunted by up to 25 different spirits, but they believe that this particular spirit might be the spirit of the seventh earl of derby, his names is james stanley and the reason they think he haunts this place is because in 1651 james was
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hanging out in this pub moments before he was beheaded in the streets outside of this pub and the chair that he was sitting in just before he was carried out to execution is still inside this pub. >> and we're only seeing his head. >> right. >> which is kind of -- >> or it's a power outage. >> or it could be the night watchman. >> there's no night watchman. the manager of this particular bar who is a skeptic, he said he came into the bar and there was a broken mirror so he went to the security footage to check it out and when he played it, he saw this and then shortly after this little head appeared on camera, the camera stopped working. >> weird. >> one of the better ones we've seen. i do agree, it's good. i think i would have been totally terrified if i was the guy watching this video back for the first time in a dark late-night pub and i saw that. >> sure. hey, everybody, we have more ipad minis to give away. >> yep, that's coming up in a
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little while we'll be giving you the tsday buzzword and tell you how to enter to win. >> you must be 18 years old and a u.s. resident to enter. >> the "rtm" ipad giveaway coming up in just a little. two weird things you probably don't see every day in the wacky weird weather. this is 19-year-old zach he's been drumming since he was 11 and he's in a drum athens. yes, there is he is, being dragged. this video from juking video. >> this drummer's on a roll. ♪ >> this isn't his first stunt out there on the ice. he also did a little performance on the frozen swimming pool. now from drumming out in the snow to this, a kayak. this is in clemson. check out this dude on a hill. little dusting of snow there, right? and he's got his go pro going
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also with hils ps paddle and or kayak. the kayak is like a swag. but, no, keep watching because he has a target he's trying to hit down there. and you are going to be wildly impressed with this guy. he starts to get out of shape but -- >> boom! >> yeah, he saved it. saved it. >> he has skills i bet he's pretty awesome on the water. if you can do this on snow and ice. >> it's a tiny space and he fit through perfectly. >> whoo! yeah! yeah! whoo! yeah! >> he sounded like howard dean. >> yeah! >> yeah. ♪ >> whoo! yeah! yeah! whoo! a look at love from a first person perspective. >> these are all google glass proposals. >> why wearing the frames is changing the game. and dude is about to do the
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of course, the police tried to stop this taxi driver during a traffic stop. driver wasn't having any of it, but the officer jumped on the hood and held on for dear life. notice, it's icy, it's cold, it's slippery but he hangs on and you notice the officers are trying to force this car off the side of the road and you can't use stop sticks and hit it and do a three-point maneuver because that will knock the cop off the hood. >> this is like the cop saying i got him, i got him, he's right here, he's probably on the radio saying i got my eyes right on him. >> watch what happens when they turn the corner, boom, the cop rolls off but he doesn't dust himself off he jumps into another police vehicle and the chase resumes. >> one thing we know about this video windshield wipers, everybody is hanging on to the windshield wiperses and luckily they've not broken yet. >> the cop looked oddly calm. >> it looked like it might happen to him often. >> he was, like, monday. >> maybe they do train for this. >> maybe they do.
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google glass has changed video, right? changed the way people are seeing the world because they are recording everything they are seeing if you wear google glass but if you go to the google glass youtube channel there's a video of love through google glass and if you watch really closely you'll notice all of these videos have one common theme these are all google glass proposals. some we've had on our show here before. >> this one. >> this is a sweet thing very cool but you have to also remember it's hard to look cool when you have the google glass on it's hard to -- i don't know, you kind of look like a weird robot nerd. >> i don't think so, i think it's pretty neat that we are seeing stuff from a different perspective as opposed to filming it. >> do we really need to be there? do we? i don't know that i need to be front and center. >> i agree with you there, sometimes it should be justor e couple. let them havebu are nervout pro to your girl or maybe if you are
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a girl going to propose to your guy, you can watch a couple of these like a dry run. this is how it's going to go down. >> that's a good idea. these could be training videos. >> if you go in for the big smooch, you might smash your glasses together. >> or we'll be part of the kiss and hearing all the -- >> do you want to be? >> what i enjoy is this guy wore the bowtie. >> we need a point of view from the ring to see the woman's face go, oh. >> yeah. that's a different kind of google glass. >> diamond glass. hey, guys, today i'm going to do a terrible thing. i'm going to cut my own hair. >> yeah, he is going to cut his own hair. does not recommend that you do this at home and we do, too. he's actually trying to give himself a style. >> he's not doing this. >> oh, i see. >> he's not buzzing his own hair. he's just cutting trying to give
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himself a different style. he cuts the bottom part off and then he takes tiny little cuticle scissors to cut the base. >> that's a little rough right there. >> getting a little weird. >> i keep cutting but it keeps getting worse and worse. maybe if i adjust the trimmer to a lower level. >> oh. >> looks like a different guy. that looks pretty good. a cool look. >> and that's kind of actually what he's going for. >> i think this might be it. not bad for a guy who cut his hair for the first time in years. let's get the before and after. >> there's the before and after. he's got nice long hair. >> you got a lot to work with, you can do a lot of possibilities here. >> he looks sharp. he did not completely mess up. >> what have i done? some slippery ice has one dude cracking up. >> calling it out. he can tell who is about to bite it who's about to make it.
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>> the slips that will have you in stitches. >> he's going to drill it right about now. and trending new way to ride. >> hello. >> it's, like, rollerblades and a bike all combined together! plus, the tuesday buzzword you need for a shot at winning an ipad mini. jojolllly y rarancncheher rd twtwizizzlers bites are so soft, c chehewywy, , and with their fruity selves... ththeyey t thihinknk t thihis 'g enough for the both of them. bubut t wewe a assssurure e yoy. bibitetes.s. l litittltle e.
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fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that parker. well, did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter - sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know. put a damper on a lot of things. constant itching and scratching. nenew w gogoldld b bonond relief cream, rerelilieveveses 5 5 s symympt.
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gogoldld b bonond d rereala. introducing cardioviva: the first probiotic to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels without a prescription. cardioviva. the snow, ice and cold creating a lot of misery for a lot of people across the country but this guy found a brief moment of joy. this is somewhere in the midwest. this guy's picking up his kids at school and he's noticing this school crossing here has a particularly slippery spot of ice and the guy gets his camera out and just cannot help but watch people slip and fall. >> ah. >> oh, no. >> oh. >> some made it out okay.
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>> this is catching people out and he sat there and watched for a while and got a kick out of it. now, don't give this guy such a hard time because the kids themselves were also laughing, too. >> oh! >> ah. >> some even get up and go back and play on the ice. >> they're going to fall. they're going to fall. they're going to fall. she's going to fall. >> oh, no! she had a class project in her hand. >> he starts to get really into it. he's calling it out. he can tell who is about to fall and bite it. >> he's going to drill it right about now. >> oh, man! do his own kids do that and also fall? >> his kids come that way and it sounds like maybe his daughter is getting as much of a kick out of it as he does. now, his daughter gets in the car. >> oh, my god, that was the best thing ever. >> watch this kid. i guarantee you he's going to drill it.
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>> at the end, though, they do say to themselves -- >> i feel bad for people. start stretching out. get yourself all warmed up. >> this is my favorite stretch this one. up and stretched because it's tech time for the fitness buffs, this is fun. because i think that's what you holler while you ride this. it's, like, rollerblades and a bike all combined together. >> what the -- >> you're not sitting on anything. >> no. >> you are just skating but you won't really fall because this front wheel gives you balance. >> whoa. >> it's got brakes. >> i can't say i've ever seen anything like that before. >> what does it make you want to holler? let's bring in our hollering fella zach. >> a-oh. >> what's up, zach? >> why do you need this? >> i say why don't you need it? it's safer than maybe just rollerblades. >> to me it looks like training
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wheels for somebody who is trying to learn to rollerblade. >> can you do tricks? >> you can just strap in. it does fold up. >> it's great. it's better than the elliptical at the gym. you are getting fit and your legs are getting toned and tight booty. >> for others that aren't maybe into the a-oh. they could be into this. >> this is the fly fit but what makes this different it goes on your ankle rather than going on your wrist. >> okay. >> unlike the wristbands that can't track when you are bicycling, they notice it as a stationary movement. it can sense you are on a bike. it's waterproof. >> this is pretty cool. it's a kick-starter program. >> it is. you can get one for just $100. >> you do most exercise with your feet. >> it might be for more fitness oriented people. >> and you don't have to worry about it clashing with your outfit. it's time for us to give away an ipad mini. >> you must be 18 years old and a u.s. resident and have the buzzword. >> you enter on our facebook page if you are using a mobile
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phone or tblet go to the first post and tap on the mobile link. >> the buzzword for tuesday is hockey. >> get on over to and click on the win an ipad mini button. >> and then enter the tuesday buzzword hockey h-o-c-k-e-y for your chance to win an ipad mini. >> if you don't win today, we're giving away another one tomorrow. good luck. some pranksters shake things up with a fake baby. >> let's just say there were some people who were not so happy about this. >> see how they rock the cradle with this prank.
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sound effects. that's probably what it sounded like, so some people or some things got irritated with this guy's behavior. watch. not one but two cow coming in and saying get the heck out of our neighborhood making all that stupid noise, you jerk. gets chased down the street by a whole herd of cattle. >> that's noise pollution and they were not into it. >> not at all. they came in and said moo-ve on kid. >> maybe that's why cows are sacred in some places because they know how to get people to shut the heck up here. >> keep the peace here. sugar glider glides on down. ♪
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what happened? >> what happened when you pair the pranksters? >> we got reaction. >> an epic prank that i think almost pushes the line with some people. >> today we are practicing with vitale. are you ready? we're going to take you for a ride. >> yes! >> get in there. >> are you okay? >> the baby, the baby! >> oh. >> no. >> oh, my god. >>he baby! >> it's a fake baby. >> right there, too. >> oh, man. >> oh, my gosh. >> that guy in the red was hauling behind it. >> yeah. >> this is kind of crossing the line a little bit. >> let's just say there were some people who were not so happy about this.
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>> oh, oh, oh. >> oh, man. he looks like he's going to beat this dude up. >> i'm sorry i'm practicing being a dad. >> sorry, man. >> wait, what? >> at least the pranksters got a little pranked. >> oh! >> oh. >> are you okay? is he okay? >> is this a joke? you guys are [ bleep ]! you really pissed me off. that's it for our show, everybody. thanks for joining us and we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute."
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>> dr. oz reveals the five hidden signs you have a gluten allergy. dr. oz: i'm here to tell you it's very real. >> the symptoms that won't go away. >> patients are coming with many, many different complaints. >> skin rash, joint pain, stomach pain. dr. oz: this is a huge tip-off you have a gluten sensitivity. we'll reveal the major signs of a gluten sensitivity. >> coming next on dr. oz! [cheers and applause] dr. oz: until very recently, you thought you had a gluten sensitivity, your doctor would have told you, there is no such thing. but i'm here to tell you that it's very real and i have the five hidden warning signs of gluten sensitivity that every woman needs to know.
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