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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  February 21, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PST

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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman, if you love great videos, this is the show for you, rim. put it in the truck. >> it's a drive by stickup for rock salt. >> you see the man point the gun. >> what the pictures on instagram caught the eye of police. >> it's ridiculous. a driver spots a moose hauling down the street. >> man, this is the fastest i've ever seen a moose move. >> see who wins the race to the finish. ♪ what would happen if you took the hit song from the movie
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"frozen" -- >> and put it through several layers of google translate. ♪ let it go let it go give up give up ♪ >> meet the young talent who did it and knew she struck youtube gold. >> i was, like, yep, there we go. good. plus, the buzzword for your shot at a new ipad mini. and a driver spinning his wheels just gets -- >> madder and madder. >> see why one man's anger. >> you got to be [ bleep ]'ing kidding me! >> is another man's amusement. >> why am i laughing at someone else? this one's sure to make you guys just spitting mad. the guy that posted this video on his instagram page is named funniest in philly. these are anything but funny. a couple of guys in a white truck pull up to a guy trying to clear his sidewalk. how much for the rock salt there? they keep badgering him, how much for the rock salt. >> put it in the truck. >> there you see a guy point a
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gun at this man and they make him hold the bag of salt out of his spreader there. >> hurry up. hurry up! >> no! >> hurry up. >> the whole time they are laughing himself tearically. >> the whole man's face as he has a weapon pointed at him. >> what's up? what's [ bleep ] up? >> oh, he actually is pulling the trigger! oh. >> philadelphia police got wind of these videos. they figured out that that is darren stinson, 21 years old. the man that he initially robbed of rock salt was a 52-year-old man. thankfully that gun that he's waving around is simply a pellet gun, that's why he believes this is so funny because he said it's just a prank. philadelphia police say no prank at all. stinson did turn himself in and he's been charged with aggravated assault, robbery and
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six other offense s his co-conspirator has been arrested. >> if you look at that gun, you're not going to know it's a pellet gun. >> being held at gunpoint real gun or not can mess somebody up -- >> for life. >> that guns come out, people run, scream, fall, trip. and the sickest part i think is just how funny they find this. now, we all know that the olympics are going down in sochi, but they were once in park city. this moose did not get the memo because this guy was on his way to work when he noticed this moose sprinting along this road here looking like she's trying to get her best time. watch this guy and i got to say he gives the most calm, docile play by play in the history of sports. >> get too riled up. getting a little bit of exercise going down the hill. >> this guy keeps his distance from the moose which is the smart thing to do, the moose is
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coming out how do i get out of this road? blow the stop sign. like being on one of the toll roads that you can't find an exit for 20 miles. >> right. stuck behind a moose. >> is this rush hour traffic in this small town? it doesn't look like there's a lot of residents there. >> they call it moose hour traffic. the moose in a full gallop and she's look a horse. eventually finds her spot. >> right doesn't look too great. downhill, i'll get off here. fine. >> all of a sudden, i wonder what it was that said that's the spot? >> it was one spot that didn't have six feet of snow on it. >> she looks like she's wearing socks. not your typical day in lake county, florida, what you have here is dash cam, watch what this dash cam picks up, this driver blows through a red light and bang! >> ah. >> smashes into something. that something he smashed into was a claremont police vehicle, the vehicle that has a dash cam
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is an ambulance. an ambulance carrying a pasht according to police. there was no emergency that ambulance had no lights or sirens going when that driver smashed into that police vehicle. >> maybe, you know, an ambulance driver so often does have lights and sirens on, so often does have the right-of-way or can yield and go through a red light, maybe this guy was kind of operating on autopilot and was just driving his normal way of driving and there's a patient in the back and, you know, maybe it just all didn't register. >> wel when does autopilot kick in for somebody because this guy has only been on the job for six months. >> oh. >> ju hope the patient's okay because that's who this is the worse for. >> they said nobody suffered serious injuries because of this accident. the driver did have a clean record but was cited and suspended because of this. >> if you are an ambulance driver and you see a police car, that's kind of hard to get that one off your record. >> it's weird because if it were not an emergency situation why are you running through the light and if you're running
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through the light, why aren't your lights on? it should be an emergency situation. it kind of all doesn't add up. >> the ambulance now out of service. we're ending the week with another ipad mini giveaway. >> that's. coming up, you'll need the friday buzzword to enter and win. >> you need to be at least 18 years old and a u.s. resident to enter. >> stick around, it's the "rtm" ipadmini giveaway coming up. when you see this video you're going to want to go out to the street and pat this guy on the back and say dude, chill out. [ bleep ] >> yeah, he's unhappy. >> you guy on a snowy road and a very nice it looks like a jeep stuck in the snow. he's kicking the snow around the tires trying to clear a path for his jeep but this video goes on and on. and this man just gets madder and madder until he's got, like,
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flames shooting out of his ears. >> you got to be [ bleep ]'ing kidding me! >> yes. >> you hear the tires spin and that engine just grinding. >> he's thinking to himself i just spent nearly 50 grand on this jeep, it's got four-wheel drive and i'm still not going anywhere. >> better for him to be mad at himself, the car and the snow than others. >> oh. >> oh, he gets mad at others. >> oh, okay. >> uh-oh. >> [ bleep ]-you! >> wow. >> at this point he's so frustrated as he's trying to roll out of the snow he almost rolls out of the car. >> holy [ bleep ]. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. you [ bleep ] [ bleep ] >> and people drive by and nobody is trying to give the guy a push. give him kitty litter or something to throw under the tires. >> he is acting like an insane person. >> uh-oh, here we go, here we
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go. >> got it, got it. >> finally. >> oh. >> he's out. >> he made it. he made it! he made it. ♪ a motorcyclist hauls it down a road, but when he hits traffic -- >> he has no chance to slow down. >> see how a last-minute maneuver had him eating street. and dude's got a pizza to deliver. >> the pizza receiver is up here on the third floor it looks like. pizza guy say i ain't got time for stairs, my friend. >> see how tossing a pie gets the job done. [ laughter ]
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he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop! ♪ [ male announcer ] don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls gets you there in just 60 seconds. ♪
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is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪
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videos like this, dash cam of a motorcyclist just really disrespecting the laws of the road. here he comes. he's flying down the road and up ahead you can clearly see there's traffic. >> ah. oh. >> oh, what did he hit? >> not only did he crash himself, he took out two other riders, plus another car. that one bike had two people on it. it doesn't look like there's any real serious injuries here the rider that we were with standing up and walking away. >> those people couldn't see it coming. they couldn't even brace for impact or anything. >> he's lucky, this guy who caused the crash, he flew right into oncoming traffic. it's amazing that small suv was able to stop, not run him over.
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>> by the way, that's his bike he walks back to. >> yeah, that's his bike. that's how far he goes flying. you guys are about to witness a game changer. flipping the script when it comes to pizza delivery! watch this guy, he's got a pizza to deliver, but guess what, the pizza receiver is up here on the third floor i looks like. pizzaguy said i ain'tfor stairs going to sling the pizza up to you. that's a daring move, because the customer has not paid yet, he could have blocked the window and said, thanks for the pizza, idiot, the guy comes back to the window and it looks like he's got his 20, drops it, dude catches it, peace out, keep the change. >> that's the brightest display of laziness i've ever seen. >> if you got your pizza this way, all the cheese would be stuck to the top of the box.
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>> you never know, the pizza's come with the barbie table in the middle. >> laziness on behalf of the pizza guy and the customer because no one wanted to go down and up to get the pizza, but regardless the pizza got where it needed to do. >> i think these guys are bros and they are friends. >> and i got a pizza, get your camera ready. >> i feel like this isn't the first time they did this. >> no. i think it's weekly. we've all seen it. we've been at a restaurant or at a stoplight, beside a car and everybody at the table, everybody in the car, they're all on their phone doing this, not paying attention. exactly. >> what? >> not paying attention to the world around them, not soaking in life. there's a solution for this. >> we've developed the social media guard. it takes the social out of media and puts it back into your life. >> that's really good.
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>> it's a dog collar that just forces you to look out instead of down at your phone. >> then we can just remember things with our minds! instead of taking pictures and videos of them to remember them later, we'll just look at them and remember them here. >> and then at the end of the video there's a little message. >> get yours now. >> here at "right this minute" we like to do a little digging. we actually reached out to coca-cola asking about the coca-cola social media guard, coca-cola said, hmm, this is not a coca-cola youtube channel. >> interesting. >> it's still really cool, though. and coca-cola is a brand that's recognized everywhere in the world even in the most remote parts of the world they recognize that brand. so, it's actually kind of brilliant. >> kind of wish they were real, though. >> well, you could always get one of the dog collars and give them to your friends as gifts. >> put them on your teenage children. when you need to revive your
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fast food, all you need is this -- >> crispy, yummy, greasy, burnt cheese and crust kind of yumminess. >> next, "right this minute." and still to come -- >> i don't like it! >> girl's got a major fear of the tumbleweed. >> she's saying she hates everybody and she's losing her mind. >> i can't do this! >> see if her wild freak-out blows over. plus, he's not your average juggler because he -- >> juggles those blades like they are plastic. >> why he better be feeling sharp for this performance. and don't mills the friday buzzword for your chance to win an ipad mini next.
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ececzezemama c canan j jusy put a damper on a lot of things. constant itching and scratching. nenew w gogoldld b bonond relief cream, rerelilieveveses 5 5 s symympt. gogoldld b bonond d rereala. introducing cardioviva: the first probiotic to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels without a prescription. cardioviva. >> we are calling this one a spart. half sport, half art. he's a good juggler and he grew
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up in the circus so you know he's good at it, but this is what he's juggling today. >> a cleaver. >> saw blade. >> grim reaper blade. >> cleaver saw blade and an ax, a bunch of sharp stuff, really. >> exactly. he's originally from ireland, grew up in the circus and calls himself apparently the largest leprechaun of the world and there he goes, juggles those blades like they are plastic. and just to make it a little harder, look at what he does on this table he then gives himself a little balancing bar. >> and he's going to juggle on that thing, wow. >> uh-huh. >> i couldn't even do the bancing thing much less the toing of sharp objects. those knives or that big saw blade to the face. >> yeah. >> that would not be cool. >> no. >> and actually at the end of this video we do see a bit of a fail although he drops it, when things aren't going quite well, he drops the blades.
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>> happy he put a camera on what he was throwing because that gave us a nice angle of juggling. >> he asked us and told us they are real and apparently he has lost some flesh while practicing with them. >> ooh, i bet so. people have their irrational fears, you are scared of a wacky thing, cotton balls, but it at times can be pretty hilarious. this is one of those times. this girl is afraid of -- >> i don't like it! >> they're just tumbleweeds. >> this girl afraid of tumbleweeds coming across the road as she's driving on a highway in idaho. >> what's this? i hate it! >> i love you. it's fine. look we're -- >> oh, my gosh, i want to be home. >> we're so close. it's okay. >> oh, my gosh. i can't do this! >> pull over to [ bleep ]? >> that's a lot of sagebrush i got to say. >> killing me. the poor boyfriend he's trying to be really nice, he's telling
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her he loves her during this and it's okay if you are scared, pull over. she's saying she hates everybody and she's losing her mind. >> okay. >> no, it's not! >> it's sagebrush. >> wait, are those two stuck on the car? >> yeah, now they are, like, stuck to the grille which happens but, again, it's just tumbleweeds. >> maybe it's just the sensation of striking something with your car. >> it's okay. i'm going to get out and i'm going to [ bleep ] off my car! >> oh, that's scary. she can't see anymore. it's hindering her view of the road. >> they're pulled over now at, like, the rest stop, it's a giant parking lot with nobody else around. >> hi. >> i'm proud of him, though, for not picking one of them up and taking it to the driver's side window and going boogie, boogie, boogie, you know, that's a boyfriend move. it's ipad mini giveaway time right here on "right this minute." >> you must be a u.s. resident
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and have the friday buzzword to enter. >> you enter on our facebook page so if you are using a mobile phone or tablet go to the first page and tap on the mobile link. >> all right, beth, here we go. the friday buzzword is mettle. >> get on over to and click on the win an ipad mini button. >> and then enter the friday buzzword mettle, that's m-e-d-a-l for your chance to win an ipad mini. >> good luck, everybody. she's taking a current disney hit and put the lyrics -- >> through several layers of google translate. >> see what happens when "let it go" goes back to english.
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there's a lot that goes on in a fully automatic weapon when it's firing at top speed. the slow-mo guys have captured it all, of course, with their slow-mo cameras. 18,000 frames per second. gavin and dan are in alabama.
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they chose to focus their high-speed camera on the chamber this time instead of watching the bullets come out of the barrel because they were really interested to see that mechanism work so quickly. dan is in the british army and he has that gun experience but gav really only has experience with an xbox controller and now it's gav's turn and he was instructed to just hold the trigger and you can see that rifle just push him back and he really doesn't have much control over it. you can see it kind of climb up. then he gains control of it, brings it back down and they kind of get a laugh out of it. >> you did crap yourself. >> yeah. >> gav was also interested in slow-motion how long it took his eyes to blink after that first round was fired. >> there goes the eye. >> oh. >> just now blinking. >> yeah. he's blinking. the song "let it go" from the hit disney animated movie "frozen" has become incredibly popular on youtube, people doing all kinds of covers, also incredibly popular because it's nominated for an oscar this year. ♪ on a uain
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footprint to be seen ♪ >> this particular cover, if you will, is going viral. a different take on the song, "let it go." ♪ little white snow on the mountain tonight no visible light ♪ >> a little -- it sounds like when you get an instruction manual and it's in chinese and they try to poorly translate it to english and it doesn't make any sense. >> that's quite astute of you. steven, fabian. in fact, what this adorable girl did, she's melinda kathleen reis, she took the lyrics to the song "let it go" and put it through several layers of google translate. >> french, polish, creole among other languages. >> and decided to set the translation back to english to the original song. ♪ do not let them do not let them see it is always a good girl ♪ >> funny. ♪ let it go let it go give up give up ♪
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>> give up. >> give up. >> not only did she do "let it go" she did the same thing with the lyrics from "part of your world" from "little mermaid ♪ ♪ it's easy to find devices >> i don't know how that translated to that? >> we have melinda kathleen reis via skype "right this minute" from her dorm room at vassar. welcome to the show, melinda. >> hi. >> what made you want to translate these songs? >> disney released a video of "let it go" in 25 different languages and i listened to one of the languages and i thought, huh, i know if you directly translated that it wouldn't quite be right and i thought what if you put the whole thing into the goog translate after four layers i translated "give up" i thought, oh, my god, it is terrible and funny. >> did you find it hard to keep a straight face as you're singing? >> yeah, i did. >> is there one range that mepsed it up? >> japanese and vietnamese and korean are my go-to when it's not quite funny enough i put it
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through one or two of those. >> what is your favorite missed translation? >> "part of your world" translated to -- ♪ disease of the sponge >> and i was, like, yep. >> how does it feel to have this video go viral? >> it's been very, very weird, obviously i didn't expect it. i'm getting messages from people all over the world the overwhelming response has been do more. a ton of requests. >> have you heard from disney? >> i did get a message from someone who apparently works at disney and apparently the animators were passing it around the office and getting a good laugh at it, so that made me happy. >> that's going to do it for us here at "right this minute," thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time.
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anncr: at jennie-o we heard of a place in iowa where every thursday people ride 10 miles for tacos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco made with jennie-o ground turkey cooked thoroughly to 165. i feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. i think they are light and they are just fresh tasting. yeah. when i eat well, i feel well. anncr: it's time for a better taco. the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey in a store near you.
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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman, we've been searching the web for great videos and we have the best for you, "right this minute." rescuers try to squeeze down a deep shaft after a family pet fell -- >> 60 feet to the bottom of this hole. >> how these heroes went the distance to let the cat out of the bag. forces do some serious damage to a -- >> porsche 911. >> the reason they're sending the owner one strong message. a high school senior nails the shot in -- >> the final game of his basketball career. >> now, the star


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