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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  February 22, 2014 10:00am-10:31am PST

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. time for the day's best videos and the stories behind them, "right this minute." it may look like an accident, but these fireworks -- >> are purposefully aimed at the spectators. >> see the place where you need a helmet to celebrate. a guy trying to keep the peace on the beach is told -- >> i'll knock you out, old man. >> what happens when mr. cocky's plan blows up in his face. a young deer and a little boy play in a pasture.
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nudges him right down into the ground. the amazing story of the bond between babies. plus, the buzzword for your shot at a new ipad mini. and a prankster tells a dad he got a girl pregnant. what happens when the truth finally comes out. >> wait, wait, wait. i'll be honest. it looks like something is going terribly, horribly wrong in this series of videos i'm going to show you. you got people through the crowded on the street, looks like fireworks being shot rite at them, looks like a huge accident, like a war zone. it looks like this is 100% an accident because this isn't where fireworks are supposed to go. unless you're at the annual beehive fire works festival in southern taiwan and the tree -- all sorts of videos of this event online. i've got a couple of them here for you. they do this every year. the fireworks are perfectly
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aimed at the spectators, which is why all of them are wearing helmets, for safety. this goes back to the 19th century. they have been doing this for a long time. the town did it because they needed to help the town fight off a cholera outbreak. >> people are ducking but no one running away. >> fireworks to the face, to the body. that's bizarre, but fun. i think i would like to be part of this thing. >> are you kidding? projectile rockets coming at your face? >> not missiles, they're fireworks. it is an adrenaline thing. but there are websites out there that call it one of the top ten most dangerous traditions or festivals. the sun is going down at the beach in ft. lauderdale. after a long president's day weekend and this guy here seems like he's getting on a nerves of a group of girls.
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>> hey. >> he's about a 25-year-old man. there is another guy there who is trying to break things up. that's a 44-year-old man in the blue shorts. he looks like he's trying to calm the situation down. let everybody just walk away. and cool off. [ bleep ] starts gesturing toward the guy in the blue shorts saying, hey, look, i'll knock you out, old man. >> whoa! >> he's really insulting the women, some language. >> yeah, yeah. and that's what got people so upset. then he takes a swing at the guy in the blue shorts, misses horribly. and that guy has had enough. >> oh, my goodness. i thought it was going to go the or way completely. >> right on the bean. that guy -- the young guy is face down in the sand, knocked out. does make you feel good a little
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bit. >> i feel bad because i feel good. from what i can see -- >> everybody on the beach has the same reaction that we have. they all kind of felt okay about it. >> reports say that guy was wiped out for quite a while, he did get up, though, sat on a bench for about an hour to kind of get his bearings back. he did reach some reports that police responded to multiple fights in this area. long beach weekend, people having fun, not the only fight on the beach. >> an interesting little relationship caught on camera, little deer you're seeing on your screen, name is baby, baby was named by this baby. >> that's 2-year-old jaden. >> oh. >> he's got a stick and jaden is playing with this deer. >> oh, my gosh. that's stinking cute. >> baby is not excited about the sword fight because baby doesn't have a sword.
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so baby fights back, the only way it knows how. >> a head butt. >> nudges him right down into the ground. he's okay. just a little boy. they like the rough stuff. >> is baby a baby? >> baby is a baby. kevin hamlin, posted this video, believes baby was orphaned when her mom was killed trying to cross the road in colorado. they found baby trying to hop over a fence and decided they were going to help care for this animal. jaden's grandmother actually hand fed baby until she was able to join the herd. but, still, every four to five days, baby comes back to pay a visit to little jaden and the family. >> that's the coolest thing because it is still a wild animal, but you can give it -- >> cared for in the past. she's remembering her roots. >> she's grateful. and the other great relationship, baby loves to play with the dogs as well. >> the dogs are chasing baby. they're not even thinking, you know, lunch, they're thinking, another dog that's just got bigger ears.
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the ipad mini giveaway time, everybody. >> that's coming up and you'll need the buzzword to enter and win. >> you need to be at least 18 years old and a u.s. resident to win. >> the "rtm" ipad giveaway in a little. there is enough clearance finally for this man to walk at least half of the way as he's waiting to finish crossing the street. a wide car that seems to not notice he's right in front just hits him, sends him flying. >> oh, no. did that other car run him over after? >> yeah, a second car runs over this guy. if you do see that other car, they do end up stopping. they get out of their vehicles an agroup of people ends up not, they lift the vehicle to take the guy out from under it. he ended up being taken to the hospital where he is
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recuperating with serious injuries, obviously. >> the guy was clearly in a cross walk. there are signs, stripes painted on the road. the car that initially hit him, didn't look like he hit the brakes. >> you want to believe as you're there, trying to cross the street, that people are paying attention. unfortunately in this case, that driver wasn't. it looks like in the paying attention was also the cause for this accident. this truck was -- it is about to cross that intersection. it looks like the driver does have a green light. there is a pedestrian crossing on the other side, but the black car in that moment decides to make a left-hand turn right into the way of the truck. of course, the truck ends up ramming right into it. >> pedestrian is wrong too. >> how do you not see a large truck coming if you're the driver of the blue car. >> how do you not stop. going slowly through the intersection? how does he not slow down? >> everyone was not paying attention. >> there is a lot of not good happening.
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>> slowest moving accident. like the bermuda triangle of bad drivers. people who can't walk across the street. >> there is no reason for the fact -- a young male lion is caught eyeing something down. how a mama with her cub tells him to quit staring. and this rock climber must have nerves of steel because -- >> he climbs without ropes. >> see how he makes his way up a mountain with nothing but skill. with their fruity selves... d ththeyey t thihinknk t thihis 'g enough for the both of them. bubut t wewe a assssurure e yoy. bibitetes.s. l litittltle e.
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fefeatatururining g alall-l-e tacos, enchiladas, totoststadadasas, , anan. pick any two and c crereate your perfect combo for 8 bucks. chchilili'i's s nenew w sosous for just 8 bucks. momorere l lifife e hahapp.
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some unexpected animal behavior caught on camera. first, out of the cougar at national park in south africa. some tourists had their cameras rolling and noticed a young male lion on the side of the road. you see that male lion eyeing something down. that is a lioness, but more importantly, that's a lioness
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with a cub directly behind her. watch this mama spring into action. >> oh, no. >> here's the thing. the male lion's defense, he was just standing there, looking in that direction. maybe he was thinking what a lovely day it is down there. and she attacked him. >> she's coming across too many male lions. she knows better. she's not even going to wait for him to make a move. >> another thing, he dominated him like he had to skip off because he's, like, i don't think i'm going to have that little lion tonight. >> it is impressive to see her force. she goes back to her cubs. this next video, an unexpected relationship caught on camera. this is in the united kingdom at the none eaten warwickshire animal sanctuary.
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if you look at dawn really closely, you'll notice that's not a dog, that's a fox. >> oh, man. >> dog gets a little belly rub. she's wagging her tail. seems to be thrilled to see jesse, even giving jesse little kisses, like a dog would, kisses right on the mouth. in this instance this wildlife sanctuary would rehabilitate animals and release it back to the wild. they can't do that with dawn because dawn is so tame, that she is almost pet-like. so they're going to keep her. went up the giant basin. if he falls, he dies. >> in my opinion, this man is the true man of steel. man of steel nerves. alex is a world famous rock climber. most notably known for his free soloing, meaning he climbs without ropes. the stuff he does is really
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insane. this video chronicles his climb of the shining th. this route w ropes and harnesses. traditional climbing, but only doing that to clean this route. >> you take one small hold and it pops off the wall. when i was cleaning the wall for alex, i was, like, cleaning every little thing. anything that looked loose or any little piece of dirt, i was trying to clean it off the wall because i want my buddy to live. >> once they have this all sused out, time for alex to climb. he has 2500 feet to go before he reaches the summit of el toro. the shot of him on this vertical space, with nothing but his skill, it's beyond words. alex made this climb 2500 feet
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in just over three hours successfully and the middle of january. the guy is super human. >> a car on a russian highway takes a hit that -- >> causes the dash cam to spin around. >> how the surprise drivers pull a surprise of their own. and a kiss for a booboo made them superstars. >> it instantly went viral. >> now see what life is like for the youtube twins. >> we're together every day. we're giving away an ipad mini. all you need is today's buzzword for your chance to win.
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ececzezemama c canan j jusy put a damper on a lot of things. constant itching and scratching. nenew w gogoldld b bonond relief cream, rerelilieveveses 5 5 s symympt. gogoldld b bonond d rereala. introducing cardioviva: the first probiotic to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels without a prescription. cardioviva. welcome back to the show. don't forget to check out a pair of videos that will make you glad that cameras are truly everywhere these days.
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first video, kid doing doughnuts in the garage with his motorcycle, having a good time, goofing around with the bike. the thing gets away from him a little bit. watch this. tries to pop a wheelie. that didn't go. he's got it. he's got it. he's got it. he's got it. he's got it. i got it. i got it. oh! his face went into the wall. >> giving it gas the whole time. he had it -- >> yeah. exactly the problem. he was holding on to the handlebars and grabbing the throttle which is making it go faster. all he had to do was let go with the right hand. instead, he goes, hello, wall. >> i hope he's okay. >> like he's trying to wrangle some sort of animal out of control. >> this next one surprising on so many levels. guy speeding, looks like between traffic here. up ahead his path is blocked. cars trying to make a left-hand turn. he slows down but the people behind him didn't. >> whoa! >> the hit from behind causes the dash cam to spin around.
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now he sees the driver and passenger, but the most ridiculous part of the video comes now. i don't know if the cab was driving through traffic. >> that means the cat had to be in his lap or behind his seat. >> or the cat got thrown forward when the car was hit from behind. i don't know. but the poor little old lady in the passenger seat, her eyes are wide. >> suddenly you see the driver and the passenger. >> rarely do we get to see who is behind the wheel of the dash cam videos. who knew it could be a cat. there is a chance you've seen this video. if you haven't, it is going to be a treat. these are twins levi and lexi. lexi, she had a little booboo on
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her knee. what makes it feel better without fail? >> a kiss. >> a little kiss. who goes in for the kiss? >> oh. >> right on the booboo. >> had to get really low. wide eyes, puckered out from a mile out. >> no one better to kiss the booboo than your twin brother. the video was posted in 2011. it instantly we viral and of attention online. what is lovely about levi and lexi, they're -- the love between these two is unquestionable. they're on the beach. they take a walk on the beach like the perfect little siblings they are. >> so cute. >> it melts your heart, right? >> here is another one. lexi is just loving up her twin bro. look at the video when they were 5 months old. little levi, kissed his sister again. >> like instant bffs. >> we have lexi and levi on
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skype and their mom amy to tell us about whether the love continues. welcome to the show. how old are the twins now. >> they just turned 4. >> are they still as loving as ever with each other? >> they are. they have a bond. they have their moments where they're, you know, they're individuals, but they have a special bond. no doubt about it. >> they're full of life, that's for sure. especially little lexi. >> lexi, who is your best friend? >> levi. >> that makes sense. >> levi what do you like best about lexi? >> she's nice. >> she's nice? >> what about you, lexi. what do you like best about levi? >> he's sweet. >> really great. >> i love them. can i have them? >> no. >> well, you send a kiss to us in the camera? ready, three, two, one.
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>> thank you. you guys are adorable. we love you. >> that's funny. >> guess what, we're celebrating the weekend with an ipad mini giveaway. you must be a u.s. resident and today's buzzword. >> enter on our facebook page. if you're using a mobile phone or tablet, go to the first post on the facebook page and tap the mobile link. >> the buzzword for today is can have fee. >> -- coffee. >> so click on the enter to win button. >> and click on coffee for your chance to win an ipad mini. >> good luck, everybody. a son pranks his pop with some big news. >> she's pregnant. >> she's what? >> it is about to get worse. >> see how dad tries to knock some sense into him. >> dad, dad, dad, wait, wait, wait. [ male announcer ] this is kevin.
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to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap.
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this looks like a creature from another planet but this known as the scaly anteater. this thing has found -- >> a mud puddle. >> it is a transmit erk right? >> it is a transmitter. this one wandered away, once. they said maybe we need to put something on him so if he wanders away, we can find him. >> that's a dinosaur right there. >> looks prehistoric. >> you think of anteater, you don't think of something that looks like this. >> it looks indestructible, like
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it should have no known enemies. >> when they're born, they're soft but as they get older, they harden. >> looks like he has artichoke leaves as armor. fascinating. so weird anden th then the transmitter on his back, even weirder. >> i love how he's in the mud. after all these years of being able to evolve, i just want a mud puddle, y'all. this kid's name is imam kellan, his family is from nigeria. he has some news he needs to sit his dad down for. >> i need to speak to you about something. >> okay. >> he calls his dad in. >> remember the day you found the phone numbers in my room? >> yes. >> remember that girl, those condoms. dad is starting to put the picture together. >> she texted me and she's pregnant. >> she's what? >> pregnant. >> tells dad the girl is
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pregnant. >> she's what? >> she's pregnant. >> hey. >> dad rips him apart. this is what you want? >> he's 16. >> how old is she? >> 14. >> 14. dad's flipping out. >> i love her, dad. i love her. >> oh. >> i love how he -- >> and then he says, you move out of this house. i don't care where you move to. i told you, you are going to nigeria first class tomorrow. >> i have a child to take care of. >> going back to nigeria. >> it is about to get worse. dad leaves the room, but not for long. >> where are you going?
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>> whoa, whoa, whoa, dad, dad, dad, wait, wait, wait. >> he comes back with a broom and he's about to -- when imam finally lets him down and says -- >> it's a prank. >> what? >> it's a prank. it's a prank. >> he has a great sense of humor. >> he's so happy it isn't true. >> a terrible joke to play on your dad. that's our show. we'll see you for next edition of "right this minute."
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we have the day's best videos right here, right this minute. a crazy scene as a guy pushes his girlfriend down a manhole -- >> and then puts the manhole cover back over the hole. >> how she survived days underground and rigged up a way to get herself out. a skier's head is above the snow, but -- >> the rest of his body buried. >> what gave his buddies time to get him out. the evidence is hard to make out at first. >> keep watching. >> see how this video has an entire town on


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