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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  February 22, 2014 10:30am-11:01am PST

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we have the day's best videos right here, right this minute. a crazy scene as a guy pushes his girlfriend down a manhole -- >> and then puts the manhole cover back over the hole. >> how she survived days underground and rigged up a way to get herself out. a skier's head is above the snow, but -- >> the rest of his body buried. >> what gave his buddies time to get him out. the evidence is hard to make out at first. >> keep watching. >> see how this video has an entire town on curfew.
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get the buzzword for a shot at a new ipad mini. and pranksters put a fake baby in real danger. what happens when not everyone is amused. >> he looked like he's ready to beat that dude up. the story behind this video is just so crazy nuts that you're going to have to take your jaw up off of your computers. this is cctv footage out of china. we see what looks like a happy couple running together in the rain. she took a spill, but keep watching. >> did she fall into a -- she fell into a manhole, he covered her up. >> yes. she fell into a manhole and that man, her boyfriend, according to reports, shoved her further into the manhole and put the manhole cover back over the hole. let me rewind this video. because earlier in the evening, cameras caught this man setting the situation up.
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removing that manhole cover and then he places like a cardboard box and newspaper over the hole so that you can't see it. >> couldn't have just broken up with her. >> this story bet gets even wor. he walks away after placing the manhole cover. he comes back and covers up the manhole with another covering so that people can't see possibly fingers or -- so she won't have light down there. this poor woman is stuck in sewer water for 60 hours. >> oh. >> that's almost three days. >> finally, with her own just pure ingenuity, she fashions her own clothing, into a rope, that then she's able to climb to try to get to the top of this manhole, but then she's not strong enough to lift the cover off. fortunately for her, people on the streets heard her crying. and people together lifted this manhole cover and helped this woman out. >> was she okay? what happened to the dude.
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>> she was okay. she was taken to a local hospital and, in fact, a news crew from china spoke to her in the hospital about the ordeal. she says he owed her more than 16,000 u.s. dollars. police say this man has a gambling debt, she believes he was just trying to get rid of her, so that he wouldn't have to repay her this debt. police did find this guy and now he is being charged with attempted murder. >> that's pure evil. that is just so cold and calculated and dafteredly, dark. residents are reporting strange sightings in the small town in pra bbrazil. this video is feeding that terror. residents believe it is a werewolf. >> a werewolf.
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>> just a werewolf then local reports say thathere oee this thing. residents are so scared of this, they have a self-imposed curfew. nobody is going out after 9:00 because of this video. they think some dude in town is turning into a werewolf, due to a full moon and is prowling around people's backyards looking for chickens and small children? >> are they missing a gorilla? that's what it looks like. >> this video posted in 2007. it has been reposted after residents said, we have seen this figure running around town. and multiple people have talked to media outlets saying i saw something. >> i think it is a man in a costume. >> some people really swear by it. what the mayor says, he thinks it is hilarious. people have fertile minds and the government is not looking into this. >> we got trouble right off the bat in this video. a group of skiers out there.
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right away, what do you see? >> big old avalanche. >> an avalanche. watch, there is something in that avalanche. looks like a big, red air bag. this is an avalanche backpack that skiers wear in case they find themselves cut up in an avalanche. they can pull the cord. this blows up, look a big air bag. >> is it attached to a person? >> it is. they're out there with a group. this is his friend. he's in quite a hurry to get his gear off and goes to his bag, starts getting out his shovel. now we get a look at the guy. the inflatable device is like a neck brace. right around his head. his head is above the surface, but the rest of his body buried. >> this must be so miserable for this guy. snow is packed around you and you can't move. >> and this takes quite a while. this video we're watching is sped up. other guys coming in, lending a hand. this guy gives a thumbs up there. they're starting to make some progress, but even still, look where his legs are. you think his skis are still attached. not so easy where he can whip his legs out.
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he has his skis buried too. the urgency is there, even though he can breathe. his buddy is trying to get out of this tomb of snow. has to be crushing on your chest. now you're seeing how big that inflatable device is. it goes around his neck and almost down to his waist. it would create a big cell around your head if you were completely covered. >> a hole. >> yeah. right here, you can see him stand up, all is well, no injuries from this guy. on these conditions, on had this type of mountain with brand-new snow, important to be prepared. you're glad that, you know, this happened. >> it will save your life. it is the weekend, "rtm" ipad mini ipad giveaway time. >> the mini ipad giveaway in a little while. hand gliding is a fun sport.
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best part is the bird's-eye view you get. this guy is along the coastline. he's getting a great view some of guys down there doing a little bit of jet skiing, pull something stunts. he also gets an eye full of something else. swimmers, some surfers, and what's that? >> oh, snap. a big old turtle. >> nope. >> shark. is it a shark? >> it is a shark. not just one. this guy claims he saw about seven sharks in the span of about 30 minutes. he believes one was about 12 feet long. he was judging that because he measured against a surfboard. and -- >> look at how close the people are on the beach and they have no idea. >> does he scream? sharks in the water? >> he did. they did have an idea about the sharks because, yes, he did alert the surfers. he told the lifeguards about the sharks he saw down there. and everybody was able to get out of the water safely. >> makes you think they should
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have lifeguards on beaches above like this, cruising above the water to see if there are sharks out there so you can tell people to get out. >> let's put this in perspective. don't want to vilify sharks too bad. one cool family who knows how to party. >> how they turned a sad occasion into a reason to rejoice. >> hey, little buddy. >> a man runs along a swollen river trying to help -- >> little deer that seems swept over this dam. >> how that little deer turned out to be one tough creature. >> o?oowq
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10:41 am
. as far as family get togethers go, family parties, i think i want to party with the browns. i think all of you will want to too. watch this. it is a full on dance party. old, young, everybody getting in on the act here this is in the bronx. this was this past december. but it is hard to believe. this was a somber moment. this was after two deaths in the family. the older generation of the browns, seven brothers and seven sisters. and queeny, uncle eddie, they were living in the same nursing home and they both passed away
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within the same week. so this was -- a little reception after the funeral. that guy you see in the hat there, that's uncle caesar. he said, that's it. we're not going to be sad about this. he said my older brother would want us to dance right now. he would want us to have a big party. to have a big party, exactly what they did. >> go, go. >> looks like two of the older uncles there are ready to have a dance off. the best part, we see -- he goes hold on a second. film that! he's getting into the middle. it is a big party. always goes back to laughter is the best medicine. no better cure for this moment than just going out and having a good time and honoring the people in the family that live such a good life. behind the camera is jay summerville. these are his aunts and uncles. he's joining us right this
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minute via skype. he works for kiro, one of our stations. thanks for being on the show. how did this party started? >> started right after the funeral. they had a big reception type area and everybody was kind of down. my uncle caesar in there, he got up, they were playing hold on to your love. ♪ hold on to your love >> he blew the room up. everybody went crazy, everybody started having a good time. all the tears went to smiles. a great moment. >> after the camera stopped rolling, did the dancing continue? >> it went on until almost 1:00 at night. it is south bronx. what you to expect? something my uncle eddie would have liked and appreciated. >> is she not using a walker anymore? >> it was crazy, because i turned around. all of a sudden, she started walking. she's like, oh, oh. everybody went crazy. everybody started dancing. it was the best time. she was really upset, losing her sister and her brother and then
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just to have that moment of inspiration for her really helped her out and everybody was in a great mood. best experience i had in a long time. >> some heavy rains near lebanon, oregon, caused this river to swell quite a bit. you're looking at the river road dam near lebanon, oregon. you got a guy named robin behind the camera and he is narrating. it is going to break your heart. >> best to go over the dam. oh, my god. swim, little buddy. >> it is a little deer that is being swept over this dam by the raging waters. >> oh, gosh. oh, no. >> robin behind the camera doesn't know what to do. you can tell he's so concerned about it. >> go that way. >> he doesn't know what to do. he can't jump into the water. as you watch this video, you see
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the little deer's head go under and you're panicked wondering what is happening. >> ohhi, my god, i don't see it >> what a helpless feeling. you know you can't jump in to save it. deer are strong swimmers. >> they are. he keeps the camera on the little deer and the deer managed to get pretty far away from the little waterfall. and the deer makes it. the deer is going to be just fine. >> she's going to be okay, everybody. thank god for all the animals. all of god's beauty. >> very sweet. so grateful for all the animals. that's very kind of him. >> and you get to see his face. he's relieved. >> he's going to be okay, everybody. thank god. it is a whale full of gas. so somebody's got to -- >> release this pressure and cause this explosion. >> meet the unlucky guy who got immersed in the job. >> what are they supposed to do. >> his face was there. like some goggles.
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and a fake baby in real dang. what happens when not everyone is amused. >> he's going to beat that dude up. we have got the buzzword you need for a chance to win an ipad mini.
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oh, [ bleep ]. >> don't even. >> what happens when you pair the pranksters. >> we got an reaction. >> epic prank that i think almost pushes the line with some people. >> are you ready? we're going to take you for a ride. get in there. >> are you okay? >> oh, oh. >> my baby! my baby! >> oh, my goodness. >> it is a fake baby. >> oh, man. >> man. >> that guy in the red was hauling behind it. this is kind of crossing the line a little bit. this is tough to watch. >> let's just say there were some people that were not too happy about this. >> oh, man. he was going to beat that dude
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up. >> sorry, man. >> wait, what? >> at least the prankster got a little pranked. >> is he okay? >> is this a joke? >> [ bleep ]. >> you really freaked me out. >> puppy gets sung to sleep. ♪ go to sleep go to sleep ♪ ♪ go to sleep ♪ go to sleep go to sleep ♪ ♪ >> many people have all sorts of
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occupational hazards in their jobs every day, right? be thankful you don't have this occupational hazard. we have seen this before. as you may recall, we did have one video from back in november that was one of the most popular videos on our website, a different exploding whale. here we go again. this is in denmark. we have two beached sperm whales. whales beached and dead. they're performing an autopsy. that is a blast of whale, blood and guts directly to the face. it is a bunch of trapped gas in there and they have to release this pressure and sort of cause this explosion because this could be a hazard. but what bothers me is they're not prepared for a blubber blowout because this is what it is. we have seen it happen before. they have probably done this before. they know it has gas. >> what are they supposed to do? >> a face mask. he should have worn a face mask. his face was there, like some
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goggles. we have to give it to him for technical expertise. everything didn't come spewing or flooding out. he's a good surgeon. >> this guy out there doing it on purpose, better than that a bunch of people on the beach. eventually these things will explode on themselves if you don't release the pressure. these videos are kind of gross. so we won't show you the whole thing. we'll put the entire video on our website if you want to check it out,, click on today's show. guess what, we're celebrating the weekend with an ipad mini giveaway. >> you have to be 18, must be a u.s. resident and have today's buzzword. >> enter on our facebook page. if you're using a mobile phone or tablet, go to the first post on our facebook page and tap on the mobile link. >> the buzzword for today is coffee. >> get over to and click on the win an ipad mini button. >> enter today's buzzword coffee. for your chance to win an ipad mini. >> good luck, everybody.
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can you say brrr? >> you're cold? >> so cold, yes. >> what had tucker's chops chattering away?
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the guy is doing a burnout with a motorcycle. he's using it as a noisemaker in the neighborhood. it is not making people happy. there is no sound on the video. so i need you to help put sound
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effects in. so everybody go -- that's probably what it sounded like. some people -- some people got irritated with this guy's behavior. watch. not one, but two cows coming in and saying, get the heck out of our neighborhood, making all that stupid noise. just chased down the street by a whole herd of cattle. yeah. that's noise pollution and they were not into it. they all came in and said move on, kid. >> maybe a reason why cows are sacred, some places in the world. they know how to get somebody to shut the heck up. >> keeping the peace here. >> strange. >> i'm at a bar in ft. lauderdale, florida. i went to the bathroom and washed my hands and this is what happened.
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>> i'm pretty sure after seeing these videos you'll agree with me that weather is the worst thing that can happen to your pet. this video is old but with all the snow in the country, the kitty in the back seat over there. he is stuck and he is struggling to get back inside. >> up to her ears. >> you can hear it meowing. >> in russian. >> after working its way around the corner, through the snow, finally the camera pans over and we see kitty cat finally working its way over. look as the cat tries to get closer to the window. it is up to its neck. >> you know cats aren't into this thing. >> no. >> this is a dog activity. >> looks like he's having to
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swim through this. >> the expression on the cat's face is just indignant. finally makes it over. someone picks it up. >> you have got to be kidding me with this snow. couldn't just come pick me up. >> your cat russian is really -- >> i know. i've been studying. >> this is tucker. he's a boston terrier. >> you cold? >> oh, his teeth are chattering. he's so cold. >> give him a sweater. >> he apparently ended up going outside and it was 4 degrees outside. he got really, really cold and this is him back inside, trying to warm up. >> that's our show. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute."
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sports stars of tomorrow - episode 825 e're showing off our range this week on sports stars of tomorrow... we have top basketball prospects from across the country... an interview with one of the nation's best football recruits... and we'll feature a rising baseball star in california... all of that is on your way next! (show open) . welcome to the show, everyone. i'm charles davis... it's been a cold winter, and i'm ready for some spring training. with that in mind, let's head to california to meet


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