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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  February 25, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman it's time for the best videos from the web and the stories behind them "right this minute." a mountain biker has his eyes on the trails. >> then he notices something. >> what it was that stopped him dead in his tracks. [ bleep ]. a bride makes a grand entrance high on a crane. >> very elaborate. >> why it also turned out to be very dangerous. a teen tries out a homemade blow dart that -- >> then lodged in his throat. >> why x-rays don't lie and
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neither does mom. >> had five minutes private with him. plus your buzzword for a chance to win an ipad mini. and a new way to send sweet messages to your girlfriend. >> from your phone number. >> how bro app is helping men. >> this is evil. this is so evil. well, this looks like a nice relaxing mountain bike ride through the woods up in jasper, alberta, canada. he's riding with his cousin. brad uploaded this video last august but it's just now catching fire. he pedals up to the top of this mountain, his brakes squeak a little bit and then he notices something. >> [ bleep ]? >> oh, oh! >> that is crazy. >> did you see that? >> it was a very big bear. >> it was coming right at him. >> it was charging at him. >> a grizzly bear sow, a female,
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with a cub. >> an angry momma, you don't want to get in the path of an angry momma. >> super dangerous, so brad yells back to his cousin dan. thankfully they are prepared for such an encounter but now brad's down off the trail, can't see his cousin, can't see the bear, so what's he do? he kind of skirts along the gully here a little bit and tries to work his way back towards his cousin but along the way he catches sight of the cub and the sow who are still hanging around. >> oh, it's running after the cousin? >> yep. did you see that? that's another charge. >> oh, my gosh this bear is aggressive. >> because dan was able to get his bear spray out before the grizzly charged any closer. thankfully these guys did not need to injure the bear or the cub. eventually both worked their way back up the hill. you can see him off in the distance there. they got back in the trail and walked away from the bear and got out of there safely. >> seeing that bear coming
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right -- >> at the beginning. >> yeah. >> ooh. >> it's got a clear path right to him. >> brads said he heard his brakes squeak and he heard a growl that's what made him look right. and noticed that bear charging right at him. >> lots of people like to go all out for their wedding and do something really special. this didn't go exactly as was planned. watch this. this is in india. this is a 40 feet long hydraulic crane that is lowered down this diamond crystal-looking structure. this is how the bride and her sister were going to sort of enter the wedding reception. very elaborate. very i would imagine expensive, too. >> you mean they're inside of that thing? >> they're in there. >> this looks like a bad idea. >> as they starting to get lower, the thing gets lower and lower and lower and eventually you see the crane gives way. no word on what caused this. could be the weight type of thing but sadly a 40-year-old man was killed in this.
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you do see the crane land on people who were down there on the ground. it was near to the location where the bride and sister were going to get out of the platform. they apparently fell out. four others injured in this. >> were the bride and her sister seriously injured? >> they didn't say. our reports don't say whether the bride and her sister were one of the four injured. i can't imagine they fell great because they fell out of this thing. this is aftermath video here from a news station tv-9 in india. you can see the crane toppled over. you can see where the bride and her sister may have fallen out of this thing. >> how heartbreaking for the couple, for the family. this was supposed to be a celebration. a joyous occasion and for something like this to take place. how do you ever get over that emotionally? >> you can't. i don't know how the night goes on. >> i want you guys to take a look at this x-ray. you notice something that's not supposed to be there in that
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x-ray? >> i'm guessing that thin line probably a medal. >> yes, we got this story from wcsc from charleston, south carolina, and according to reports this is a homemade blow dart. this is a result of a youtube challenge. we've seen all kinds of youtube challenges, the cinnamon challenge, eating challenges. this kid, 15-year-old shawn stillenger took a youtube challenge and the challenge was to create a homemade blow dart and then use it. >> i took it up to shoot out of the tree and it fell back out of the straw that it had been in and went into my throat. >> now, this gets worse. once he realized this was in his throat, he was terrified. >> one lady told me they were going to have to cut my throat open. >> he didn't believe they were going to be able to get it out, in fact, he went to two different hospitals and they couldn't figure out how to get it out but finally a doctor at a third hospital was able to remove this without having to cut into his throat. >> we could access his airway
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and operate on the airway through his mouth. >> that doctor says that shawn was incredibly lucky that this was the best-case scenario in removal. shawn's mom said if she'd have gotten maybe five nu with she probably could have shaken it out of him. >> she was that mad? >> she was that mad at him. >> happy he's doing well. >> glad he's okay. hopefully he'll never try this again. >> i don't think he will. >> hopefully he won't try any other youtube challenges either. >> yeah. hey, everybody, we're giving away an ipad mini in just a little while. >> stay tuned for the tuesday buzzword. >> you have to be 18 years old or older and a u.s. resident to enter. >> the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway coming up in a little bit. a pretty amazing rescue in southern england. what you are looking at is a guy in a kayak. he's alone but watch where he
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gets stuck in the river. he's stuck between what looks like a rock and a hard place. he's stuck there but he is not alone. there are people there who are coming to rescue him. >> you need to hold it. i can't get to you. >> so, his kayak is wedged in between these two rocks as the water continues to flow under him and over him. >> you're right, beth. that water does not let up this entire rescue but what's amazing is this video is being encouraged by kayakers in england for people to understand why you really need to have whitewater rescue training. >> hold it. hold it. >> notice, there's a guy on the other side who is helping him out and the guy makes quick work of getting him out of the water. he hooks the back of his vest and yanks him out. >> that was quick. >> they are not done. the guy on the other side of the river has the camera up and they have all the ropes around where they'll pull that rope from one side of the river to the other to help get it out.
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you can see here they've got the boat attached and now they're going to pull that thing across. >> let go! >> so, they eventually are able to just pull this thing up to the other side. >> yeah. what you said, a reminder to have that training but also to not go out by yourself. this guy was by himself. how do you get out? >> yeah, what would have happened? >> yeah. dude tries to rob a bank. >> he just walks up casually behind this woman and starts waving around a meat cleaver. >> see how his holdup had her scared silly. >> this guy. is this guy for real? and leave it to youtube sensation devin supertramp. >> to set up a snow park within a park. >> see it next. [clucking].
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everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny. cause only he brings delicious cadbury crème eggs, while others may keep trying. nobunny knows easter better than cadbury!
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two different bad guys caught on camera in two different parts of the world. this first video horrifying. this is in a sandwich shop in new orleans. you see a guy walk in dressed in a hoodie. he has to gloves. his face is covered. daylight during business hours it looks like he pulls the door closed and possibly locks it. he walks past an employee doing some work and into the back where two male employees are working. he quickly forces those two men at gunpoint into the freezer. you can see how horrified they
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are and how quickly this happens. they didn't realize he was there. he takes the woman to the cash register and he forces her to open it and you watch him quickly take all of the cash out of the register and then he flees out the back door. and he got away with an undisclosed amount of cash but the new orleans police department they are looking for this guy and they need the public's help. that's why this video was released. this surveillance footage is from a bank in shanghai, china. take a look at the man in the blue jacket. he strolls into the bank and comes up behind this woman who is visibly doing business, a transaction with the bank teller and he walks up behind this woman and starts waving around a meat cleaver. >> that's not a piece of paper. >> i thought it was a note that said, like, give me all the money. >> no. then he casually takes a phone call. watch the bank teller. >> this guy -- is this guy for real? >> you can imagine this guy doesn't get away with much becaus right here that security guar immediate walks up to guy s
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up taking the guy down to the ground. >> that's bizarre. no fight. i don't get it! >> eventually police did show up. they got this guy into custody and they took him to the station for evaluation. >> yeah. because it was the dumbest robbery attempt ever. he obviously has a couple of screws loose. do you know what keeps one-upping himself every time he does a video? devin supertramp. they set up a snow park within the park with the help of snow park technology. >> oh, wow. >> yeah. >> and then he gets a really good snowboarder to hit that said made snowboard park. >> oh, wow. ♪ >> that was sick.
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>> shoots some b-ball. >> how do you stay on that little ramp? that ramp looks like you'd fall right off it. >> i'm so amazed how they used everything from the park to make this snow run. they use the sliding board, a picnic table what looked like the swing set and then the basketball hoop. this took some real thought and planning. >> apparently they shot it in reno where it is very cool but apparently not snowing that much this year. >> oh! >> oh! an endangered shark is spotted in serious danger. >> like, in a noose. got caught in something. >> the scientists knew the shark's days were numbered. >> the risky business to save his life. >> the viral video that went viral. >> pregnant? >> and one guy tries to pull it on his own dad. >> but one massive twist here. >> the joke that goes terribly wrong.
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plus, want a chance to win an i pad mini? all you need is the buzzword next.
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[son]hi! [mom screams]
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[people clap and cheer] you're history.cscalalp, memeet selsun science. seselslsunun e ititchchy y dry. gegetsts t to o ththe e rorootod hydrates the scalp. seselslsunun e ititchchy y dry. the nurse shark is an endangered species, so you can imagine when scientists saw this why they would immediately spring into action. this video is from 7 news. that's a gray nurse shark right off the coast of australia. >> it's, like, in a noose. it got caught in something. >> yeah, there is a plastic noose essentially around its body cutting into its gills and you can see here the way it's breathing is a sign of distress. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> the scientists knew that if this stayed this shark's days were numbered. scientists got their gear, they got back into the water. and after some maneuvering using this tube, this white clear tube, were able to secure the
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shark. it was a little difficult because you can imagine an animal in the water can't be easy to guide. >> i can't believe they went back and found the shark. it's, like, a needle in a haystack. >> yeah. >> fortunately after patiently waiting they were able to get the shark in that white tube and then they wrapped it in a shark gurney. they were able to get it back up to the surface near the boat where they are very successfully quickly and able to use a small pair of scissors to cut the line and look at them pull it away. those scientists do believe it had been there for a really long time based on the depth of that wound. look at it. >> look at that. it looks like even scar tissue had built up around the area. >> but apparently because it swam with so much strength they believe it will be just fine. it may take about a month for that wound to heal, that's a good thing because they believe there are only about 1,500 of these nurse sharks left in that part of australia.
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this video may look very similar because it was inspired by imam kelham's video that i showed you last week thinda telling his dad he got a girl pregnant. >> pregnant? >> this guy thought that prask was so funny, he decided to do the very same thing. >> what's up? >> to his own nigerian father. >> this is for all the nigerian fathers, they are all going to get pranked. >> he's nervous, he starts working through the story, i had this girl over and one thing led to another. >> she's pregnant, dad. >> and dad flips out. >> pregnant? how, when, where? >> why are you laughing? >> almost the exact same reaction. >> you are go to -- tomorrow! [ inaudible ]
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>> but there's one massive twist here. >> don't tell me calm down because someone's life is involved. >> dad's pacing around the room incredibly stressed. >> i can't move. >> he starts to breathe heavy. >> dad? >> he's getting chest pains. >> dad? >> he collapses to a knee. >> dad? >> oh. >> dad? >> what? >> dad? >> go get -- >> i'm so sorry, dad. >> before you call them. >> come. >> come. [ inaudible ] >> don't you ever try to prank me. >> he knew it. did he see the camera? how did he know? that's one smart dad. >> isn't that funny. smacks him right across the face, smacked some sense into him, don't ever prank me again.
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>> i love the big laugh they both get out of it at the end. it's a real cute father/son moment. >> i'll never prank you again. come here, come here. >> perfect. >> oh, oh. it's tuesday ipad mini giveaway time, everybody. >> you got to be 18 years old and a u.s. resident and most of all you have to have the tuesday buzzword to enter. >> you enter on our facebook page and go to the first post and tab on the mobile link. >> here it is, beth, the buzzword for tuesday is balloon. >> get on over to and click on the win an ipad mini button. >> and then enter the tuesday buzzword balloon, b-a-l-l-o-o-n for your chance to win an ipad mini. >> good luck, everybody and, if you don't win today, we're giving away another one tomorrow. it's a new tool called bro app. >> your clever relationship wingman. >> bro app sends your girlfriend
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personalized messages so you can spend more time with the bros. >> a sneaky way t charles not having coverage stressed me out.
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i literally haven't been to a doctor in 15 years. i had a car accident when i was uninsured, and i declined medical assistance because it was gonna be too expensive. as a result, i deal with back pain on a pretty regular basis. after it had built up for so long of not having insurance, i couldn't believe that it was just that easy. it was just nice to have a plan that was a reasonable monthly premium. i'm in because i don't want to put a price on my health. [ female announcer ] everyone deserves health insurance.
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are you in? visit, and get covered today. there is a new way to live off the grid, i mean, if you really want to live off the grid and not have any power but you need something charged up, i got the machine for you. it is the pedal power invented by new york-based entrepreneurs andy and steve. they've come up with a multifunction machine that allows you to charge your devices while just pedaling. >> wow, i rather like that. >> it's like a recumbent bike, you sit down and you pedal. this is the big one, the big rig. it has multiple outlets, to use multiple devices, you can put your food processor on it and you can charge your compressor with this thing. >> you can do this and get your work in and get your cardio workout in. >> smart work.
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>> they have a portable single-function machine but this is the big rig. if you know somebody who is, like, a survivalist who has everything in their underground compound they probably don't have this yet. >> perfect gift. otter pup's first day out. ♪ ♪ when i first saw this, i wanted to believe that it was just some elaborate spoof or prank. this is a real app. what i'm about to show you. it's called bro app. their catchphrase, your clever relationship wing man available for download on your android.
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here's what it does -- >> bro app automatically sends your girlfriend personalized message sos you can spend more time with your bros. >> let me break this down. it's an app, you give the app your girlfriend's number. it has the predetermined text. >> morning sweet pea, i hope you have a great day. thinking of you, fluff muffin. >> you can have it sent to your girlfriend from your number so it looks like it's coming from you. >> it will only message your girlfriend if it's safe to do so. bro app knows your girlfriend's house is a no-bro zone. >> oh, my god were this is evil, this is so evil. >> the whole time you think your boyfriend is thinking of you were, how sweet he's checking on my day and meanwhile he's having a beer with the boys and probably forgotten all about you. >> i wanted to see if it's a real thing and i used our camera guy's joey's android app and i put in the app where it asks,
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bro who is your girlfriend and i picked myself and sure enough i did get a text that said can't wait to see you tonight with a smiley face x-mouth which means i'm being naughty. it does, in fact, it's really a working app. >> whether you are lifting, gaming, or just hanging with the bros, bro app, maximizing your relationship. >> i mean, let's get real, if you are using this as an actual tool in your relationship, you probably shouldn't be in the relationship. >> you are a tool! >> yes. that's our show, everybody. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute."
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>> the new diet craze women are taking to the extreme. dr. oz: how did this trend get so outing -- of control? >> women dangerously obsessed with getting a thigh gap. going from this to this. the book that has oz outraged. dr. oz: don't you think you are training women how to starve themselves? >> absolutely not the dr. oz: do you think you are qualified as an expert to give some of the advice you are offering? >> coming up next on "dr. oz." [applause] dr. oz: in my hand is the single most extreme diet book i've seen in years. "the thigh gap hack" targets young girls with hard-core


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