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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  March 6, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PST

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commute from the east to the caldecott on the oakland berkeley side. the damage was done overnight not causing too many issues but we have may be a little bit of light rain and most of the focus is to the north. we will he will still get a light rain out of it. 57-to 59 to 60. 51 overall looking for a cloudy morning with continued mild temperatures, i will tell you. down towards santa clara valley it was downright warm. a little bit of morning fog, mainly low to upper 60s, here is star a. >> we do have some fog and it is funny because normally we see that in san francisco but as i have was driving bamberry
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cross there was the fog. as pam mentioned, there are a few areas still wet. this is a look at traffic on your right right-hand side and at the bay bridge, seems to to be drying up and no problems into san francisco. into san jose traffic is moving nicely in both directions. 4:31 let's head back to the desks. they have been blowing home bringing heavy rain and lightning and thunder to some parts. alex has more on what problems the weather is causing. >> some people have lost power in walnut creek, still homes are still in the dark and pg&e
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is still trying to get those folks back online and it does appear that lightning did trigger there some of those outages. windows rattleed at up there der and lightning moved. it happened around the time power win out to customers. lightning and thunder was followed by drenching rain and this was not the only area that got wet overnight. there was a strong downpour in pacifica. there was also rain in san francisco, showers were short lived and the storm cells moved through went a large possibility. about 5,000 customers were without power here in contra costa but here they have been working hard overnight to get those folks back on overnight
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and at this point just a handful mr. are without power. we will also bring you updates and we will bring up when you will have the next update when the storm will hit. it means people in the water district will not have to worry about the water district and water rationing r now they are at full campusty -- the reservoir is now at full capacity. >> we feel confident we don't need to go there there year. >> they did asks customers to reduce their water usage and
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val tare redirections -- restrictions are still in place. an accident involving a beddian no, i police say they are at the scene and cooperate friend rating and they need to pass 349 lanes of traffic and investigators have not said yet if that was a crash. taking center stage. at 9:30 mayor ed lee plans some takes pedestrians. the most recent happened when a 90-year-old man died after a concrete truck hit her.
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five women were stab had to death back in 1976 including very ron can casio who was 18 years old at the time. casio was last seen waiting for a bus and her body was found in pacifica. family and friends have not given up hope that her family and friends will be found -- that her killer will be found. >> she was stabbed 32 times and raped and left in the golf course. >> the other two victims were killed in mill bray, failly citizens and a possible be connection to a murder in reap know . a child is teacher is -- a teach every is in custody. his students watched him being taken away in handcuffs.
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he passed background checks shortly before he was hired two months ago but they now admit those background checks may not have gone far enough. >> we need to review and explore and go deeper into our background checks before we i am ploy people. >> reporter: they are not tied to also short-term and they will offer student counts willing this morning. >> they become into effect on sunday. they prohibit the possession of magazines which hold more than 10 rounds. in his ruling the judge cited an nra report that finds americans who find themselves with guns usual limb fire just
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about two shots. they are asking for an emergency stay. facebook is aimed at keeping illegal weapons out half the hands the young people facebook will all delete instagram and the photo shooting site and facebook has set off a passionate step. >> they took meaningful steps to address the gun sales because they are a platform. >> when you start lent let darn limiting it and just as long as that does not happy done think there will be any problem with it. >> facebook will begin getting
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rid of it and they are using them to flag those restricted gun posts. >> crime prevention and oakland stage of address to insure perfect safety. they are bringing jobs to noon hoods the economy and public am safety 0 go hand in whatever. the inside job that almost brought put mouse -- brought the music to an end. >> the reason why the supreme court said it was okay for a man to take pictures up women's skirts. >> we will tell you about an unusual accident canning up.
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we will see if there is any lingering this rain on the way. the coming up.
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. >> one of the former san francisco police officers facing charges says he doesn't believe the charges against him will hold up in court. one of them, sergeant ian spoke to us off camera. the officers are accused of violating the rights by doing illegal searches and even stealing money and drugs. >> we downloaded a year and a half and compared it to the police reports. when we compared them it was clear they were lying. >> he said i can't make any
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comments other than saying you have a better chance of getting me pregnant than moving i did anything wrong. it was right next to highway 101 and they denied the license of life choices and they are making sure residents will be taken care of at other facilities. they are looking into why they are closing the resource center. they will meet tonight. the 18 member task force was followed by a suspected this hate crime. some students accused the school of not doing enough to address their concerns. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is wrapping up work in the bay area. he signed a pack in mountain
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view. the agreement calls for new information am concernings potential sides and water conservation. the pact has been in the work for years. >> they state california and israel are the most powerful hubs of end november evacuation on the plant net together. >> last year they totaledp more than 1 -- totaled more than $12 billion. the majority of the people are taking over the area and waving the russian flag. john kerry continues to meet with his russian counterpart in europe trying to bring a piece
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full solution to congress. >> it is important to try to resolve these issues through dialog. >> congress is working on legs layings against russia. time now 4:44, the murder trial of oscar pistorius just resumed a short time ago. the double amputee is surrounded by photographer fur the when oscar pistorius fired four bullets through a bathroom door killing his girlfriend. they testified about a month earlier a gun he was holding went off in a crowded restaurant. the nobody was hurt in that incident. they are trying to find it.
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officers learned about the shooting when the victim walked into hyland hospital with a gunshot wound. his car was found with a bullet found he is not being very cooperative but he is am expected to survive however. there have been 17 break- ins since january. the neighborhoods hit the most go to the main island and most of the crimes happened and they are reminding people who are plot home to set their alarms before leaving. a las vegas casino much said the downtown grant loaned
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him money despite his condition at that time which is called if blackout drunk. he should not have it interest are consider are repay the loans if for hurting his good name. currently the cards can be used on bart an ac transit but they have vote offed to expand the clipper card system to smaller systems and over the years they will decide to have tonight's light show on the big bray bridge. between san francisco essential tee. >> all ever then want to know what the bridge would be like
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without them and that's followed few it for the next 10 years. >> that is nice. >> tara is in for sal, she said there was an unusual accident in san francisco. >> yes, normally you don't see it because there is so many police on had hand and trying to help her catch her flight and kept goinged. if you look at my construction project, speaking of fremont, here is it a look at how wet it a appears to and finally we have all look at the each span,
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you can am see it into the city this morning. let's head avenue to steve. and we have some light rain or drizzle in the forecast. light rain in the air and temperatures are on the warm side. by this afternoon or this evening we will start to get some sun break. it has already moved on and this is a really kind of a tenuious rope is in northern snap a, a and high pressure is building in of a laider today. some low are 70 uponnability
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just a little bit of rain, may be off the sonoma coast as well but it's still playing into the forecast. some thick fog, 56 to 07, that is at -- 07, that is at moffett 57 and it will play in a mostly cloudy day, the morning for volt lou 8 all months for all something clearing and cooler on monday. pretty sad story here, gilroy police are asking for the public's help after a dog
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was left to die in a stolen suv. they want to question these two men about an suv that was stolen from a wal-mart parking lot. a 15-year-old a key the that was left in a back seat and it was located in a san jose wal- mart. the dog did not survive after four days without food or water. and what who took pictures up women's skirts did not break the law. the law is written and if such a photo is taken in a public place, it is only little so winning is outraged. >> you should be able to access that transportation without feeling violated. >> i have the right to say whether somebody can take a
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picture of me. >> there is something called up skirting and they are rewriting the law from massachusetts. they say playing with barbie could affect how they view their career choices. they gave them barbie or mr. potato head. the girls with the barbie they reported fewer careers. >> they are demanding cleaner living conditions and coming up a breakdown and special mean being in the works. a spectacular basketball moment from jim harbaugh.
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. tenants who are living at the area are demanding the city remove the problems. they call it the worst example of housing in richmond. >> i am age any, i am frustrated and i want to see
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some change. >> we are still formulating plans based on instructions right now. >> they still plan on whom discussing the problems and the city manager said one option is to tear it down but there is not enough money to do that right now. there are 45 days to respond to a legal claim. she is the woman who was found dead in san francisco hospital last fall. that discovery came after she disappeared from her hospital bed. they claim medical malpractice but they could allow the family to seek 250,000 monetary cap. >> there is no cap on the adult
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depend pendency clause. >> they are looking for a man who committed a number of assaults on women. the most recent attack happened on 22nd 22nd street when the victim was punched and the suspect is accused of five assaults in the past week. he is described as having a partially high rate of speed. it was a last minute snub. and the scott family was abruptly told their segment had been pulled. because of it, ultimately the segment didn't work. miles who was stricken with leukemia, did get a trip to
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other places. >> that is his outfit, watch this though. nice job. that was a pep talk before sink ron icing that shot. his wife -- synchronizing that shot. >> i can't believe he still goes around in that outfit. coming up, the rain has come up with some life repairs . how you can see the inside of the stadium without paying those sky-high prices. and your commute is off to
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a nice start and we will actually went on the road. the rain is ended for the most part. when i was living without insurance, it was very scary. charles not having coverage stressed me out. knowing that i have an insurance card in my pocket gives me a sense of reassurance. i'm in because nobody deserves to be without health insurance. i'm in because my coverage can't be denied. i'm in so i can protect my family and my future. i'm in because she wouldn't take "no" for an answer. i'm in. [ both ] we're in. i'm in. [ female announcer ] everyone deserves health insurance. are you in? go to before the march 31st deadline.
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. we are live in san jose where police are investigating a deadly accident, what officers are telling us about the driver and victims. >> i am deeply concerned, how he could be a teacher without anybody knowing something is wrong. an east bay teacher, the alarming red flags the school missed miss did -- despite the back brown checks. -- background checks. good morning, we have live in martinez, and the rain has moved out of most of the area. still some showers and we are looking at martinez because there is


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