tv Right This Minute FOX March 6, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PST
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hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman and it's time for the best videos of the day "right this minute." after being saved from drowning, a girl clings to her rescuer. >> and he's yelling at her, i have to go get the rest of your family. >> how one amazing hero managed to save five lives. some snowboarders try to play with -- >> japanese goat antelope. >> what happens when he doesn't want to be friends. everybody loves a good selfie but -- >> i don't know if there's one cooler than this. >> see the fighter pilot who's a
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game changer. and some dudes go on an authority trip. >> jaywalking. please go back. >> why it's funny what a megaphone can do. >> get out of the street. you guys are going to need to hold your breath for this one. this is an incredible rescue off the coast of brazil. a family of five were swept out of the shallow waters into deeper waters and are in desperate, dire need of assistance right now. they're drowning basically. this firefighter on a jet ski races out to them. he immediately comes upon three people. he grabs that one girl. whips her up onto the back. there's two more. but those people are so anxious to get out of the water, they dump this jet ski and the firefighter over. this young girl, you can see she's barely able to breathe. she's clinging to this jet ski. the firefighter trying to helper on on board. now, the firefighter's got three people, but, remember, i said this is a family of five.
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he's got to make the decision to speed past those other two family members right there. he can't take all five. so, he guns it right back towards the shore and drops them off, but this young girl is terrified. she doesn't want to get off the jet ski. she's too afraid and he's yelling at her, i have to get the rest of your family. >> oh, my gosh. >> yeah, he basically had to shove her off. now full speed ahead back out to the deeper water. now, this is where it gets desperate because that one woman is already slipping beneath the water. he misses her on the first pass. this fireman now races back around. she's barely keeping her head above water. >> oh. >> he ditches the jet ski and jumps in. >> wow. >> and rescues her. swims back to the jet ski. that man that was in the water also able to swim back to the jet ski and clutch on. >> she was almost gone. >> she was. you saw her head clearly dip
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beneath the water. so, here gets the girl up onto the back of the jet ski but the man clinging to the front is afraid to let go and work his way to the back. he has to plead with this man to let go of the jet ski and he's got him and guide him to the back. >> you know they must be exhausted. >> firefighter now safely rescuing those two people. gets back onto the jet ski, brings them back to shore. the family reunion here almost brings a tear to your eye. when you finish watching this video you'll be suspicious and a little bit scared for these people. you are watching this guy walk up to a fire alarm. that fire alarm is on and he's going to turn the fire alarm off. apparently there were quite a few people in this place. this is an office building but according to officials some women of the evening were in this building at the time. you can see them walking around. this guy he's got a jacket on, he just walks around like nothing's going on. the girls start walking through
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there in their pajamas like nothing is going on. as soon as the room is empty, look at the right of your screen. those were clothes the women had hung out to dry, a fire starts. the sad thing is the people can't go out of the windows because the windows are barred. >> do you think the two guys were responsible for setting the fire? >> they are really are at the preliminary stages of this investigation. they don't know who started what. it is arson. somewhere at the back of the doorway probably spreading the word the fire has grown up to the top of the building and spread. five feem were hurt and somebody does throw a jacket on top of it. there were four african women there and one russian women. they say one of the foreign women died the next day due to the extensive burns she suffered. >> my goodness. do they believe that this man ended up causing the injuries because he cut that fire alarm off and didn't give people the amount of time to respond, the proper time to respond? because regardless of whether or not he started the fire, he cut
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the alarm off. >> maybe the clothes were already burning and that's what set the alarm off in the first place. it looks like they set it's a heater or something. >> all they are saying the fire alarm was turned off and a minute later it was up in flames. well, in the selfie-crazed worlds, my friends. everybody into the selfie and all different locations. i don't know if there's one cooler than this. what i'm about to show you, boom. this selfie here, look at that thing. this is a danish fighter pilot in his f-16 fighter jet. just as the rocket's launching. >> right. look over his right shoulder just as his rocket is blasting off there, this is really posted by the world danish air force back in october of 2012. but now's going crazy because of all the selfie hysteria with the ellen selfie with the cebrities. o u remember w
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that ellen selfie would top all the selfie unless they get that many a-listers with them. >> here's the actual video from the selfie. the selfie is technically just a freeze frame from this video that we're watching right here, so we didn't have another camera up there taking the picture. >> i'm imagining this fighter pilot, hey. >> there you see the moment where the thing blasts off. and what's cool, watch his visor. >> you can see the rocket go in the visor go which is pretty awesome. this is where we need to raise the selfie bar. >> i'll disagree with you, mr. fable i fabian. that's not a selfie, it's a screen grab. i could have a selfie right now. a couple of videos of what some are calling snow time fun. this video that we got from juking video i wouldn't necessarily call this snow time fun. these guys are professional
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snowboarders, scottie leggo and tim humphrey. >> big and scary. >> the thing that he's talking about that looks kind of scary is a japanese goat antelope and you're about to see what this is. i don't like what this guy does here. >> ah. >> oh, oh, oh! >> he, like, wrecked into it. >> yeah, he stopped right in front of this japanese goat antelope and he just piles snow all onto its fur. terrifies the thing. but i do have to admit that this thing is far more terrifying than it is terrified. >> head butt, see the little horns? he's got the itty-bitty horns and doing the head butts. >> they are, like, little shanks. >> now, the japanese goat antelope tries to run off into the woods. but they don't leave him alone. >> ah! >> ha, ripped his gloves and they decide they'll leave this little fella alone.
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>> okay. back it away. >> i think the japanese goat antelope won this round. >> absolutely won this round. do you know who else is winning the people in this video? >> i don't think they're going to make it that far. >> also from juking video. you got a few youngsters ready to go down a snowy hill in, yes, what is a canoe. at the bottom of this canoe is a little pond. is this going to go well? is it going to go badly? let's watch. oh. >> perfect. >> yes! >> wow. that's really neat. >> i think the little girl behind the camera has the best idea that maybe everyone else should have thought of. >> taking the saddle. >> oh, no. >> they should have taken the paddles. first, momma makes an appearance. then -- >> we're about to meet baby moose. >> see how baby has a frolicking good time.
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>> it's like a puppy except ginormous. and meet dave. >> a lot of people want to say thank you, dave. >> hey, thank you! >> we'll reveal why an entire town was so thankful for dave. le annthis is kevin. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap.
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quite foggy. a little bit of low cloud cover in there. they are calling this imc conditions. meteorological conditions, basically saying you need some sort of fly instruments to fly basically using aviation terms. >> i think it should stand for i might croak. >> this base jumper does have some people down on the ground relaying conditions to him with their cell phone. he counts down. he goes into a whiteout condition and then -- >> wow. >> -- punches through the clouds. there's the snowy valley below. he looks around a little bit. what a rush that must be. basically base jumping blindfolded for a moment. he pulls everything works perfectly there. and now he gets to just gently coast to the floor below. then he pops his helmet off.
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gets himself a quick sellfie. you can see the mountain behind him and where he came from. >> as if base jumping weren't scary enough. he might have as well worn a blindfold because he could not see anything. this video will have you saying, thank you, dave. >> need a bigger coat. >> ah. >> this is dave. he's a plumber. he's out with his partner. and a lot of people want to say thank you, dave. >> thank you. >> he kind of passes by the first guy that says thank you because he's out for a stroll. >> thank you. >> people keep saying thank you. and he's a little mystified. >> what's that about? did you see that? >> it's strange that was. >> hey. thank you! >> what is going on? what's happening?
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>> mate, this was at the house first time. >> la la la la. >> thank you, dave. >> you're welcome. >> my goodness. >> dave, thanks, dave! >> all right, guys, no problem. >> dave finally gets into it because everybody keeps saying thank you. >> it looks like somebody in the newspaper or something that just saved a baby. >> i was wondering if the entire town had, like, a plumbing problem and everybody needed dave's help to fix their pipes. >> let me tell you something this is a short film made by bristyn connect and they just undertook one of the largest market surveys ever on a new online platform that they have for plumbers. they discovered that 35% of all plumbers in england are named dave, so bristyn connect wanted to thank all the plumbers in england but they just thanked dave since he had the most popular name for plumbers. i have a couple of videos
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for you purely to make you smile. this first video from northern new brunswick, canada, you got a camera out in the wilderness, this is from long lake adventures a vacation spot. and one of the cameras caught the giant moose going through this little water hole. that's momma moose. we're about to meet baby moose. moose cam. oit, like, a puppy except ginormous. >> it's like a kid in a really big bathtub. >> right. >> meantime, mom is on the other side saying come on, junior, let's get going. this video will make you smile. this is camp fido, doggie day care camp this is in kalamazoo, michigan, and they decided to get footage of this. two feet of snow that they are playing in thanks to the polar vort vortex. this is part of the doggie day care camp just having a good
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time and it makes you have a good time just because you're watching it. and they're off. >> versus rc car. >> see what this explosive race is all about. and we're showing you how to pick a lock with hairpins. >> that doesn't work. >> it does work. and i have the video to prove it. >> the simple trick to the pick.
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it worksks a at t ththee sosoururce with ththe e nunumbmberer oe ananti-itch medicine. plus soothing aloe for fast relief. seselslsunun b bluluee scscalalp itch. right there. oh! makes me crazy. [ [ mamalele a annnnouounc] relief starts now. gold d bobondnd extra strength medicated lotion hahas s a a popowewerfrfululr to relieve all day. ggolold d bobondnd.. i never made them as a kid but i wish i did, the stick bomb, did you ever do that? take popsicles sticks and weave them together under tension and then they explode when you release them. watch this, this is the stick bomb versus rc car. this video put out by subaru. off the sticks go. off the car goes. some really neat camera work in this race, too. you see the car drifting around
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the corner. th sticks are also just going down the track. >> if you didn' and you didn't e giant lights in the background it kind of looks like a real car. and you are thinking how big are these sticks. are these fence posts or what. >> i love the slow-motion reaction of the sticks. you can see the things breaking apart. the driving of this car, somebody is pretty skilled at that. >> how nerve-racking to be the driver of this car knowing if you mess up in your steering somebody will have to set up all the popsicle sticks. >> right. >> the finale is pretty cool. the sticks go into this huge field of popsicle sticks. the whole field on eater side just blowing up. >> and it's cool that it's in slow-motion because it makes it dramatic. >> and the victory doughnut at the end. >> and bikini-clad dancer. >> you need that at the end. silly dog trying to reach the branch.
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>> a little short. mix things up a little bit, it's tutorial time for people who want to be spies. >> yeah. sometimes you got to do some spying. >> and if you are going to do some spying sometimes you need to get behind a locked door. >> you can just shoot it off. >> no guns. all you've got is hairpins. what do you do? >> you do that old trick. it doesn't work. >> it does work. i and i have the video to show it. >> this video will show how you can pick a tumbler lock with hairpins. >> we'll bring the lock picker himself, he's a spy himself. zach. >> yeah. >> hey, zach. >> hello. >> this actually works you can pick a lock with a hairpin.
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>> it totally work. it's a hobby and locksmiths will use it and it's good to know for yourself if you are in a situation to get out of somewhere very quickly or if you lose your key and you want to get into your house instead of paying a locksmith you can do it yourself. >> how does it work? >> you can see the pins up there and we have the right key pushed in and it pushes the pins up to the right amount so the cylinder can be rotated. >> so it all winds up evenly. >> what they are doing is using the pick to push up these pins to the right position. when you push up each pin, it allows the cylinder to slightly turn and then the top pin will then rest on top of the cylinder. >> what you would have to do basically since you can see into this cheer olear one you can fi out how to pick a lock so you can feel as you are poking into a cylinders. >> in a real lock picking condition, you will hear it rotate because you are rotating it and it will hit the next pin. >> i don't know how i feel that
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check out this video it was reported in the uk in an area known as the berlin gap in east sussex. it is the moment the side of this cliff just crumbles down to the sea below. >> there's people standing right there, too. did they expect that to happen? >> this is a people that people just go to and hang out at. these people i don't think saw it coming. the weather and the conditions it's been raining so much it basically is softening up the chalk that makes up this cliff and it's just crumbling.
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85 million-year-old rock. >> it looks like it's about to happen again and break apart as well. >> it does seem to have a crack ready to go. >> the good news it doesn't look like there's anything valuable on top of the cliffs, nobody's house or anything. >> in this case you didn't lose a structure but because of this continuing erosion they have lost some cottages that were on top of this cliff. not this time but it has happened and probay will continue to dirty. ♪ a megaphone in all kinds of settings ups the fun factor i think. these guys from big dog tv had
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their megaphone and driving around areas of phoenix, arizona, communicating with the people. >> get out of the streets. get out of the street. get onto the sidewalk. thank you. >> now, they're just in a regular car. but the people are weirdly listening to this guy. >> sir, you are jaywalking. please go back. >> that's funny! >> it's funny. just it's that voice of power. >> right. >> almost. >> don't do it. nope, don't get into that car. >> you don't want to do that. >> it kind of sounds like a voice of authority. so, what happens when the actual cops are involved? because that happens, too. >> don't -- don't -- >> all right, guys, so there's three cop cars behind us right now. >> they have this kind of lengthy conversation with a police officer here. he's thinking they're using sirens and lights. >> we're using an intercom. >> you used the siren noise,
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right? >> no, we're using the p.a. system. >> they offer up their footage to show to the officers. they are kind of, like, nah, let me talk to you outside the car. watch what actually happens here. >> what? >> the guy named cody. cody got pinched. but it turns out it's kind of not because what we watched in the video. it looks like they ran cody's info. >> basically they took him because he was previously banned from asu campus for trespassing, so i guess they just decided to arrest him. that's our show, everybody. thanks for joining us and we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute." [dad] [laughs] [boy] mom! [mom] yes? [boy] whoa,whoa,whoa... [mom and dad] [laughing]
10:00 am
>> announcer: live from new york city, it's wendy williams. today will robin thicke win paula back. should an 18-year-old girl sue her parents for college tuition. our hot topic panel breaks down these stories and more. he's head strong and demanding and flipping out. jeff lewis is back on the couch telling wendy all about his show. all the latest juicy hot topics. now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ]
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