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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  March 7, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PST

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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman, if you want great videos, we've got them, right here. "right this minute." an ambulance races to a hospital trying to save -- >> a baby under cardiac arrest. >> city an entire city pull off a precision operation when every second counts. don't adjust your tv, that is -- >> a man in a g-string. >> how he cleaned up at a second hand store. hard to believe but that elephant -- >> a climbing an electric fence. >> what happened when he got what he was after. and get ready to close your
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eyes. >> i just need you to tell me what you are listening to. ♪ >> see if you're as surprised as we were. >> oh. >> oh, oh, oh. we show a lot of dash cam footage of things going really wrong on this show. i have some dash cam footage of something going really, really right. this is dash cam video from an ambulance in las palmas spain. you can hear the driver calling in, in this ambulance is a small child, a baby, in fact, who had gone into cardiac arrest at the hospital. the baby needed to be taken to a different hospital to be treated properly but the helicopter was out of service. they could not airlift this small child, this infant, to this local hospital, so everybody worked together. emts, ems, 911 which there is
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112 and police to make sure that this child was transported to this hospital safely. you see police blocking off traffic, guiding this ambulance through turns. >> wow. >> that's amazing. >> this is organized like a motorcade, like a presidential motorcade, everybody in advance closing things off so this ambulance does not even need to stop to put on its lights, just go. >> you see them going down tunnels and busy streets and traffic pulling over and at the end of the video you see this ambulance successfully arrive at this hospital and according to report that we found, this child did survive this incident. >> any idea how long between point "a" and point "a," how long it took them? >> now in all they say this would normally be about a ten-minute trip between these two hospitals and because of this amazing organization they cut it down to about half, so cut it in half.
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it's not every day you see a bad guy dressed like this. he's hardly dressed at all. in australia, the video from 7 news, yes, that is a man in a g-string going to rob a secondhand store. >> is he rubbing his nipples? >> he's doing a lot of things as he walks through here. it's a little bit peculiar. i can't tell you exactly this man's state of mind. it gets better, because obviously he needed clothes because he's just wearing the g-string so he let himself in the backdoor of this secondhand store and he came out with the batman mask and cape. >> get pants while you are in there you are in a g-string. >> he got a bride-to-be sash. >> is he marrying robin. >> this store right across the street from a police station. >> you wanted to be caught. >> he seended up being apprehended. from there to tyler, texas, this dude david spievey, he's
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setting up a camera in his truck because he noticed money had been taken out of his truck when he'd go in to work out at the wood creek athletic club. he set up this camera. here's who it was. that's reginald wilson david's trainer at the gym, apparently reginald was going into the locker getting his keys and letting himself in. david describes it best. >> my hand went in empty, but it came out with green stuff. >> he's already paying you and you think that's not enough, let me help myself to more. >> reginald is charged with two counts of burglary and he's the former peace officer with the smith county constable's office and he was a reserve officer for the white house texas police department from may 2003 to last week so he resigned, so this guy is very, very aware of the law. >> there are always wacky animal high jinks at the kruger national park in australia and this wily elephant is doing
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something it oughtn't. this elephant is climbing an electric fence. you see that? >> oh, no. >> one leg over and the other leg over. he wants to get at that branch. he wants that branch so bad. he noticed earlier in the day that the electric fence had been turned off. >> that's interesting he noticed it wasn't going to hurt him and went back and went for it. he didn't go crashing through it. >> gingerly stepped over it. they say elephants are very intelligent animals. i think this video proves that. >> when he's done he gingerly raises his fote back up and doesn't trample the fence and delicately goes about his merry way. let's jump over to the dominican republic. watch this whale here. he's going to get a little company. brian was out paddleboarding and this whole comes up and he's, like, i'll swim beside it. look how gentle the whale was. it could have smacked its tail down, but it doesn't. it gently puts it down in the water, hey, how are you doing,
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bro? >> behavior you should not attempt, don't get this close to a whale, specialists don't recommend it. it certainly can be dangerous. you never know what this whale is going to do. >> very attempting. you are out there, and the whale is there. i want to swim with him. >> swim of a lifetime. >> for sure. this is, like, the best video you can get if you're a surfer. >> [ bleep ]. you're a hero! sometimes it's just not your day. this bad luck all around. got some dash cam video. up ahead. big truck tunnelling along the road, and it seems like a safe day. but, no, look what's coming barreling down that street, boom. >> boom. >> oh. >> what the heck? >> right up against that telephone pole that huge truck out of control. some reports say the guy was in reverse trying to reverse his way out. some reports say the truck lost all control. >> there's no one in that truck. there's a dude out of that
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truck. >> the door was wide open. >> the door was widepen.e why h reverse. that driver was having a bad day. look at this poor guy. he's trying to unload a truck and crunch. >> oh, no. >> he's got the big, heavy container. i don't know what he's trying to do, but that lift gate was nowhere near in the full up position. that giant cabinet falling down right on tom of him. a witness nearby races him over to try to help the guy and lift the cabinet off him. >> he had to have broken his leg. >> the video stops soon after this but it looks like he gets right back up which is remarkable. >> maybe it's not that heavy, that's the only thing i could think. the way it bends his leg back it looks like it's breaking. >> yeah. >> how was your day at work, bob? >> oh, my god. a bunch of criminals show their appreciation. >> thanks, dan. >> thanks, dan. >> dan is a criminal defense
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attorney, a legit criminal offense attorney. >> what? >> the brutally honest ad getting a ton of attention. plus, girl makes a very public appearance. >> decided to change her clothes. >> what? >> yeah. >> no wardrobe malfunctions here. e why she's not the only one riding t clothes changing train.
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i've got a bit of a
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commercial for you guys here that's going viral on the web. a lot of people saying thanks to a guy named dan. >> thanks, dan. >> thanks, dan. >> thanks, dan. >> thanks, dan. >> whole slew of criminals really what you could say thanking dan. so, who's dan? >> consequences, they sure suck, don't they? >> dan is a criminal defense attorney, a legit attorney, in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. >> hi, my name is daniel music and i stand ready, willing, able and committed to defend you on all manner of criminal charges, including murder, arson, burglary, bank robbery, simple and aggravated assault -- >> oh, my gosh! >> what? >> yeah. >> this is some dude's real
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commercial. >> yeah, here's the thing. is he being brutally honest? >> yeah. >> well, sure. >> so, when you're talking and you are putting these words on your screen, murder, arson, burglary, you'll ruffle fathers with this kind of message. >> he doesn't need to be a likable job, just good at his job. >> when you are charged with serious criminal offense, you are facing the fight of your life, you need a lawyer that understands you and where you are coming from. trust me, i may have a law degree but i think like a criminal. street knowledge and i make jail visits because i'll probably be there visiting my friends anyway. i'm the pittsburgh criminal defense attorney, pittsburgh criminals hire when they commit crimes. >> i refuse to say it's real, i know you say it's a real guy. >> it's for sure real, he gives us his phone number and the address where he works and there are articles in the "pittsburgh post gazette" where it talks about daniel music as the
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defense attorney. >> i like it. i love his honesty. good job. >> i would imagine it's ruffling a lot of fathers but i would also imagine it's getting him a lot of business from people who need an attorney. >> pay me now. thank me later. and, remember, you keep your trap shut and i'll keep your trap open. sometimes you really, really are in a hurry and you just got to do what you got to do. in this case this girl was in such a hurry that on this metro car she decided to change her choe clothes. >> what? >> yeah, she must have been in a real hurry that, yes, she decided on this train is the appropriate place to change her outfit. >> oh, yeah. >> looks like a bikini. it looks like a swimsuit. it doesn't look like underwear. >> i feel like this is on purpe becauseomne clea filming her before she started getting undressed and she did this to troy to make a video and it looks like she
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planted the camera, too, you ready for this? >> you recording? >> this particular video is a little bit old but it's just now trending here. and apparently apparently this type of videos are quite the statement on the internet. there's even a channel, one channel, dedicated to just these types of videos. >> like a dare, like, streaking across a sports field? >> i don't know if it's so much a dare as people trying to get views. people knowing that scantily clad women tend to get clicks on the internet. >> yep. >> a weird form of exhibition. >> yep. i'm so thrilled that this dude decided to capture this moment on video because it's just purely and spectacularly entertaining. >> we're here in iceland. it's spring break. it's a beautiful day. just a beautiful iceland day today. >> by atlantic standards this is beautiful. >> all ice and snow he's saying it's a beautiful day. a little bit of a wind. a little bit of a breeze. >> we have just a little bit of a wind coming in from the northeast i think and i'm just
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going to try to have a little drink in the wind. >> you're doing it wrong! >> i think this is also a demonstration of why you should never, you know, pee into the wind. >> yeah. >> just pee that way. >> shows you what happens. >> this is the perfect environment, perfect setup to do the michael jackson lean. >> oh, you're right. >> from "smooth criminal" because the wind will hold you up. >> i think he attempted after this video after the water bottle is gone. he leans into it and bites it. >> yeah, right. ♪ they are tough nfl pros. >> but can they handle the g-forces? >> no. >> no. >> no, no. >> next, "right this minute." and still to come francis is
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being compared to a popular cartoon character but he -- >> has a message to all the haters. >> i am only big boned. i'm not even that fat! >> see him rant into a transformation. plus catch a glimpse of the goat life on the goat-pro. >> this goat wants to show you what it's like hanging out with his buddies. >> he's hanging out with a llama. hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch. unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you.
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no, you can't. pretty sure we can... try snapshot today -- no pressure.
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uncle go one,two,one,two,one [uncle]thistwo,one.cotch,okay? [niece]okay! [uncle]okay? [niece]one,two three,four,five,six,seven,eight! [uncle laughing] okay,we go the other way,okay? [niece]one,two,three,four,five, six,seven! [uncle laughs]there's ten spaces,you want to try again? [uncle]yeah? ononcece, , twtwicice, it's time for new seselslsune scscalalp . it worksks a at t ththee sosoururce with
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ththe e nunumbmberer oe ananti-itch medicine. plus soothing aloe for fast relief. seselslsunun b bluluee scscalalp itch. right there. oh! makes me crazy. [ [ mamalele a annnnouounc] relief starts now. gold d bobondnd extra strength medicated lotion hahas s a a popowewerfrfululr to relieve all day. ggolold d bobondnd.. don't forget there's an app for "rtm," get it on your iphone, ipad or your android device and watch videos anytime, anywhere you are. we've all heard of the ubersuccessful go pro cams and the goat had pro is a go pro attached to a goat. >> he's hanging out with a llama. >> the next video, i need you to close your eyes. >> makes me nervous. >> no. i need you to tell me what you are listening to.
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>> that's it? >> no, no, no. hear. >> i want to say some sort of animal but i also want to say a slide whistle. >> okay. good guess. good guess. >> i want to say a baby cooing into a cup. >> open your eyes and you will see what it. >> oh, so it's a dog. >> this is zero and he's just been neutered. and, of course, as you know he has to wear the darn cone of shame for ten days. this was on day two. couldn't take it anymore so he was howling to the gods of neutering to let him be at peace. >> this is a tough dog's life here, i tell you, opposite of the goat's. >> having to wear the awful next break and he lost his manhood in
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all one fell swoop. >> like, what? ♪ dog plus laser equals alarm clock. ♪ well, our old buddy francis is at it again, if you don't know francis a very popular youtuber, francis up to 1.7 million subscribers. francis was given a review copy of the new video game south park the stick of truth. >> evil has descended upon us. >> people start to make a certain comparison and francis has a message to all the haters. >> i know that i'm inviting myself up to scrutiny when i upload a video about south park
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because everybody calls me cartman. >> he gets compared to cartman. >> i don't see the resemblance. i don't think i look anything like cartman and i don't shout like cartman. >> i can see where some might draw that conclusion. >> we don't have that much in cartman. cartman is an 8-year-old, okay? and i'm a grown-ass man! >> point number one, cartman is 8. francis is not 8. >> cartman is fat, he's a little fat [ bleep ]. >> he said he's just big boned. >> i'm only big boned, i'm not even that fat! >> cartman he calls overweight. >> i'm not fat. i'm big boned. >> i'm not anything like him! but that's what you want, i'll be cartman. >> sort of transforms into cartman before our eyes. >> always wearing red. i got red. i can wear red. >> he's very francis-like way starts to fl s ts to flip out. >> a ski cap, got a little winter cap on and looks like cartman. look, i'm cartman, it's so funny
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i'm [ bleep ] cartman [ bleep ] cartman [ bleep ] [ bleep ] yo! >> francis giving everybody what they wanted here. >> he does a very good job at just being cartman. >> screw you guys. i'm going home. dad's got a new toy but he's willing to share. >> dad figured out how to get the kids involved. >> oh, my goodness. going pretty fast. >> yeah. >> see how they take it for a spin next.
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that lion is the father of those triplets you see there, he is taking them for their first outdoor jaunt, they reside at the oregon zoo's predators of the serengeti habitat. >> what i love is the little lions are, like, maybe we'll play with each other because dad at first kind of swatting them
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away. what are you kids doing here? they say initially it was a little tense but they calmed down, ah, they are cute. after he warms up to them, he'll show them how to play king of the mountain. >> three is a lot to handle. it's a handful. >> okay. i'll lay down and come on over, i'll show you my teeth, you walk around. >> tough to go from being a bachelor of the jungle to suddenly triplets. >> the cub comes up and dad shows his teeth. got you, you are the boss. >> they are listening to dad. >> when i told you i was king of the mountain, i meant it. husky throws a hissy fit. >> sit. sit down! loki. are you going to throw a fit about it? sit. loki sit!
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good boy. nothing quite like the sight of children having fun. >> yeah. >> this little fella having fun with dad's new toy. dad built an rc car. >> oh, my goodness. he's going pretty fast. >> little fella hanging on to that rc car and that car powerful enough to spin him around and iould think o going. >> i don't know if you want to do this after dinner. >> this needs to be before a meal. you would be a little dizzy. i imagine the child won't be able to walk. >> it's a freshly waxed terror and that would help with the spinning. we are watching this little fella his name is phoenix but they call him bear. we are watching him. >> interesting name. like, my name is richard but my friends call me sam. >> this fella has a helmet with a go pro attached to it and all
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he's doing is running through the house. dad's chasing him and the sight is just pure joy. look at these faces. look at this huge smile. >> this angle is always funny because the camera's not moving, you know, and the helmet's not really moving and his kind of head isn't really moving but you can see everything else, it always makes it hilarious. >> dad greg told us that this camera was a new present for the family and that this was actually on bear's 5th birthday which was yesterday, so this was his first run through the house with the camera. >> happy birthday, bear. >> phoenix. >> phoenix. >> can you get me? that's it for "right this minute." we'll see you next time.
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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman. it's time for the best videos from the web and the stories behind them "right this minute." an oversized load travels with escort vehicles. >> guiding this truck because this thing's huge. >> what happens when somebody missed a sure sign of trouble. >> oh, wow. terror as an armed man walks into a bar where -- >> the gun went off two times. >> see the bouncer who turned out to be bulletproof. how can it be raining when -- >> people a


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