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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  March 9, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. time for great videos and the stories behind them "right this minute."
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traffic is jammed in a parking lot where you see a woman -- >> pulling a young girl on a sled. >> see why the girl is lucky to be alive. >> do they take her to the hospital and have her brain checked? >> waves get a little too epic off maui. and the boat load of people -- >> all get tossed into the water. >> see the amazing footage as a famous surfer joins a tv crew in the rush to save lives. >> nobody there. it could have been big, big problems. >> it is not every day you see this in your backyard. >> a miracle caught on camera. >> giving birth? >> why nick ruined the ending but you will still love this video. and when the door opens, a woman will get -- >> a huge surprise. >> what it was that made her crazy. >> like someone stole her tv. got two videos here where
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things start out looking pretty normal, but take a turn for the scary, really quickly. here we are in russia. looks leak s like a backed up s street. people backed up in a parking lot here. here is where things take a very, very scary turn. watch this. a woman is pulling a young girl on a sled. looks like she's got hands full of bags too as she's making her way through the snowy parking lot. i don't know what she's doing here, walking to put the bags down or something. but i think you can guess what is going to happen. the car starts to back up. the woman comes back, she's banging on the back of this car, trying to get the driver to move. you see another person rush, another guy comes over and helps out. the driver of this car can't see. this baby is below the bumper. there is no way. i'm happy to record, we read the baby was okay, didn't even need to be taken to the hospital. >> it thdid they take the mom t hospital and had her brain checked. >> why would you drag a child on the sled through the traffic
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jam? why would you consider that? >> from there to this one. this one looks normal too. the roads are snowy. looks like a cold day here in russia. this truck starts to slow down. this driver with dash cam, he starts to slow down. this truck comes from behind. taps into that first truck. then spins out. you'll see it kind of make its way over to the shoulder. it wrecks. we're not done. there is another truck coming in the other direction. it narrowly misses this one and then it is coming right -- listen to him, his scream sort of tells the story here. four trucks involved in this crash altogether. talk about a life flashing before your eyes moment. the world famous surf spot off the coast of maui was in full effect this past weekend. monster swells anywhere from 25 to 40 foot waves out there, drawing lots of surfers.
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and videographers and photographers as well. you see that one swell break over, okay. it already took out one surfer. if you notice down in the foreground, all the jets and other boats, many of them start to scoot to the left, all but this yellow and white boat here. seems to linger a little bit too long. and gets caught up in that swell. that's a photography boat containing grover cleveland, a videographer and seven other people, all tossed into the water. but surfers and rescuers quickly respond, including one of the most famous surfers out there in the land, garrett mcnamara hopped aboard this yellow boat and began bailing water out of it. once they were able to right the boat, all the photography equipment landed, everything, down into the water. that's the worst thing, then it is a good story, because people's lives in the boat and everything, way more important.
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>> it is incredible video shot by the go big project. rocky romano witnessed it. what were you doing out there to capture this awesome footage? >> we were filming for our new project called lift off. it features one of the world's best wing suit pilots and professional big wave surfers and they're attempting to switch sports. we were able to capture it all and then able to lend a hand. we're the white and blue boat you see helping out. >> what was going through your head? did you think these people were going to make it? >> i knew there was professionals on team. for a situation like this, if there was nobody there, it could have been a big, big problem. but having those professionals there, having water men there on scene made a huge difference. when the boat actually capsized, there was a man and woman trapped below the cabin. the man came out, got air, went
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back down and was able to retrievehe womannd pull her back up. >> this boat had prop problems, if it stalled? >> when the swell comes in from the west, it creates a secondary wave, which is called the west bulge and it takes the channel and creates an actual wave situation. so as everyone starts to realize, it funnels out of the area, out of the danger zone, the boat you see was the last one in the group and was therefore caught by the wave. i had one filmer actually in the water swimming. he got taken out by the same wave. he managed to rescue himself, and still get the shots that you see there of the rescue. definitely a legendary and historic day in big wave surfing. to the dominican republic, inside a bar. you can see people are having a good time, most of them seem to
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be at the bar, some are dancing. >> looks like fun. >> they're all having a fantastic time. until you see in the video everybody just starts dashing to the back. before you know it, you see what the problem is, and in runs a group of men, wielding machetes and swinging them, striking the people at the bar. >> what? >> look at that. >> people fall to the ground and these guys will have no mercy. they're just swinging those machetes. >> patrons have nowhere to go. they're literally backed into a corner. >> reports say this is triggered because of rivalry between two drug gangs. and in this moment, you see one of the machete wielding man jump over the bar, grabs a bottle of alcohol, and in that moment, he runs back out of the bar and they all just take off running. there is another angle that shows you more of what happened. >> any idea how many injury?
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did any reports say how many people were injured in this? >> some people say as many as 29 people injured, no deaths caused because of this. the victims were taken to a hospital for treatment. >> even though this is apparently about rival gangs, truly there were innocent people here. just people that were having a good time, saw people dancing at the bar. those people were innocent. >> yeah. and, according to the dominican republic, police made several arrests, but they're not identifying who they have arrested. a miracle caught on camera in anchorage, alaska. when the video first picks up, you see a very large moose. >> is she giving birth? >> you said miracle. and -- >> a magic trick or turn -- >> this is a miracle.
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>> right. this is pretty remarkable video. and at first you don't know this is the same moose. you may think it was an injured moose. it came up in a backyard. this is someone's backyard. the guy behind the camera is dirk, the owner of the home. >> is it making any noise? >> no, it is very calm and quiet. listen. >> the moose seems calm as a cue cumber. >> got out there and helped it. >> there it is. >> we get the moment, the miracle on camera and look, the moose just laying there calmly, suddenly stands up and out comes the calf. >> i always feel so bad. at this point, the calf could have just gently come out on the ground, but now it's got to like, land. >> this is kind of how the mom gets it to move through the birth canal. and then suddenly here's the calf. the calf is here. >> you know what is cool about this? this is the baby moose's home now.
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which is now dirk's backyard. so maybe this will -- maybe it will come back, visit dirk every once in a while. >> i'm so glad you said that. because this video was shot almost a year ago. it was just posted to youtube. along with an article in the anchorage press. dirk's wife says that this moose does come back. the moose has been -- in fact this is even better, the moose learned how to take its first steps and frolic and play in the backyard. >> that's cool. a man threatens to jump from a building. >> you do hear people, i imagine, trying to coax this guy back in the building or coax this guy to safety. >> see what happens next that could be considered miraculous. >> and the wind is at their back as mountain bikers take a city by storm. >> through the streets and stairways. >> see why the road rising up to meet you is not a sign of good luck.
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this one is a stressful moment five stories up in china. a guy hanging outside of a window. now, apparently this man had been drinking. there was some sort of dispute or argument that led to this. eventually we get a closer look at this guy. at this point, he's just sitting there, like he's just trying to get a better view of something. touchy situation. it starts to get touchier. here he starts yelling.
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you hear people i imagine trying to coax this guy back in the building or coax this guy to safety. this guy is really not listening. >> my gosh, he's hanging by one arm. >> then he goes back with two arms, looks like he's trying to get some footing below. >> on his fingertips there, though. >> you got people from the inside. i don't know if those are rescuers or people from the apartment. watch. his shirt starts to come off and eventually the shirt gives, and the guy goes. >> oh, no. >> there was a rescue team down there on the ground, trying to get some sort of device out there to catch him. they weren't able to. and you see the guy at the end of the video on the stretcher. looks like he survived the fall. he was taken to the hospital immediately after this. >> he survived the fall and he's moving. he's moving around on that stretcher. >> looks like the guy is okay. but i can't imagine, no injuries from something like this.
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>> when this woman gets home, she gets a huge surprise. >> oh no. >> how she's screaming, either a mouse on the floor, something happened to the dog. you think something bad happened. >> someone stole her tv. >> oh no. >> i don't know. she looks like she's doing the river dance. >> she's clogging. >> let me tell you, it keeps going for a while. >> oh, no! oh, god, no. oh, please. >> oh, god no is what you hear when somebody gives you bad news. but it is good news. the people who shot the video had been traveling for two years. they gave mom a big surprise when they showed up. as you can see, she was really surprised. >> oh! >> mom dropped the f bomb two times. >> [ bleep ]. i love you. >> i like this family. >> a fun family. >> that's great. >> everybody wants a mom who with greet them like that
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instead of saying you're here again? >> [ bleep ], i love you. one of my favorite extreme sporting events of all time, the valparaiso urban downhill mountain biking race by red bull. every year they do it. these guys are fearless. this whole race put on through the streets and stairways of valparaiso. when they do it right, it is awesome to watch. when it goes wrong -- >> oh, no. >> still awesome to watch. here we have philippe pole, during one of his test runs. he's got a very strong helmet on. also a neck brace. he's going to need those right here. face plant, hard. that makes my head hurt. he said he went a little too slow on the wall ride section. break it down. first of all, some course martial goes in front of him.
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that could be what slows him down. on the first ramp, that ramp goes up on to a vertical wall. look where the landing ramp is, way down there. you need to defy gravity, ride on a wall and then manage to put that together and he doesn't quite. went right over the handlebars and right down on all that safety gear. the helmet took all the impact. >> gets right back up. okay after this heavy hit. >> i think it wasn't that guy at all. it was two girls. it was, like, hello, ladies. >> a dude chatting up the ladies starts laughing for no apparent reason. see the video to make you say awkward. and this is how to do a hand stand when -- >> hand stand is just isn't enough. >> the crazy dude that pulled it off six stories up. ononcece, , twtwicice, sold!
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it's time for new seselslsune scscalalp . it worksks a at t ththee sosoururce with ththe e nunumbmberer oe ananti-itch medicine. plus soothing aloe for fast relief. seselslsunun b bluluee scscalalp itch. right there. oh! makes me crazy. [ [ mamalele a annnnouounc] relief starts now. gold d bobondnd extra strength medicated lotion hahas s a a popowewerfrfululr to relieve all day. ggolold d bobondnd..
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welcome back to the show. don't forget to check out "right this minute."com, great videos, all doarn day long. enjoy. nothing more awkward than talking to a complete stranger and then they completely start cracking up in your face for no apparent reason. >> to you know how to get to the city mall from here? >> from here -- >> he asks for directions and as soon as they start talking, trying to help him. he starts cracking up. and this is a really creepy laugh. >> like he just ran into a serial killer on campus. >> what was that?
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i think they start laughing because it is that nervous laugh. >> i love it. i think it's great. >> this guy in the blue jacket is so sweet. i'm thinking she thinks he has a tick. >> but it's pretty quick to get there. and that's why he's laughing. she tries to just pull right through. >> yeah. >> what are you laughing at? >> i don't know. what? no. >> then, of course, he does reveal this is all a prank. >> we're making a video. >> that's got to be relieving. >> he could have a real laugh, not an awkward laugh. >> cool. >> yeah. can you do a hand stand? anybody? >> i use ed to be able to. >> against the wall, heck yeah. >> scott young with do hand stands too. scott prefers to do his hand stands -- >> no. >> oh, yeah.
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in high places. hand stands just aren't enough. here he goes. throws the leg over that wall there. the roof of the building in delhi, india. gets himself into position and hoists himself up, right on the edge of that wall. watch for this shot here. there goes the leg. >> oh, no. >> that was freaky. >> go pro on his ankle and giving you that shot of what his pose must feel like. >> how do you not get wobbly. >> the go pro on the ankle, surely he's been doing hand stands for a long time, put the go pro and then you fall because he's trying to get that shot. got to be real confident in your abilities. scott certainly is. here is episode two of hand stands in high places. this one seems even nuttier to me because he doesn't use that beam there. instead, he pushes himself up, using that little piece of metal
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right there. >> they fly over, helicopter and really spectacular view of a hand stand in high places. >> oh, geez. >> this little cutie got into the bath, but he missed a step. >> you forget to do something. >> yeah. >> patting himself, yeah. forgot to take off my clothes, dad. >> see the cutest clothes bath ever. [ male announcer ] this is kevin.
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to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap.
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people who can solve rubiks cubes in second makes us think why can't we do this. this is kevin hayes. he has three rubiks cubes of three different sizes and he's going underwater to do them. two by two in a matter of seconds. he's done flipping it and already reaching for the other rubiks cube. he grabs the standard three by three. he can't find the four by four. is that it? no, that's the one i just did. grabs that, of course, takes him a little longer to do this one, it is more tiles, right? keep in mind, holding his breath the whole time too. couple more moves. done. he says he did this two by two in five seconds, three by three in 11 and four by four in 20 seconds. >> everybody is having a grand time. kevin is down there.
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what is the first thing you should do before you get in the bathtub? make sure you have a towel for when you get out. >> check the temperature, right? don't want to jump in and get burned. >> all of those good bath taking rules. you also need to take off your clothes. >> um, okay, i see you in the bath. what did you forget? >> i think he knew dad was going to come in with the camera and didn't want to be on tv. >> not this day and age of the internet am i taking my pants off. >> what did you forget getting into the bath. you forget to do something? >> yeah. >> what did you forget? >> i forgot to take off my clothes. >> so adorable. like just that face. that huge smile, he's patting himself, yep, forgot to take off my clothes. >> i'm in here now. feels good to get it done.
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>> you're a little wet, right? did you take off your shoes? check. >> did he take off the shoes? >> did he? >> he did. >> okay. >> he remembered that. >> what are you going to do now? >> i'm going to swim. they're already wet, i'm not going to take them off now. he dives back in. that's our show, everybody. thanks for joining us. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute."
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>> from the world famous ryman auditorium in nashville, tennessee where someone is going to win $100,000. welcome to the nashville final of the 32nd annual texaco country showdown. starring grammy winning song writer, leann rimes, hall of fame legend charlie mccoy and our talented finalists. from california, suzanne harper. from north carolina, casey sutton. from wisconsin, zac matthews. from texas, crystal yates. and from mississippi, southern halo. and now, please welcome our host, leann rimes! [cheers & applause] ♪ baby, baby, baby, listen to


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