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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  March 11, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman. if you want great videos from the web, we've got them "right this minute." don't you dare. >> a bear shimmies along the rope trying to get to this beaver. >> the extent that some will go to get the beaver. >> oh, no he's going to fall. >> meet the man who witnessed one tough choice. >> this was definitely the first time i've ever seen this happen. a woman's about to jump from a building so a rescuer decides to -- >> just reach over and grab her. >> see the last-ditch move to save a life. it's the video that has you
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going -- >> did they really not see this coming? >> how an atm holdup goes south fast. and see who madehe 2014 roster for -- >> theey hair team. >> we got a little bit of a clark gable here. >> look what happens when perfect hair and perfect commentary go together. >> dual exhaust pipes. ladies and gentlemen, keep your eye on the tightrope because you are about to see the performance of a lifetime. >> don't you dare. don't you dare. no way. he's going to fall. he's going to fall. >> look at him go. wow, his entire body is hanging from his hands. >> the bear is shimmying across this rope trying to get to this beaver. >> he's for sure falling. he can't get back. >> hanging by his teeth! >> and he just did a 180 on the
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rope. >> the extent that some will go to get the beaver. >> we knows that bears are very strong but we didn't know they were so acrobatic. >> right. >> uh-oh. >> oh, no. >> no way. >> there he goes. >> oh! >> and you may be wondering did he get the meat? no. he didn't get the meat, he didn't get the beaver. >> he worked so hard for it. >> this entire video was shot by a guy named pat garrett and they are now telling us that the bear turned out to be a he and not a she and for more we have pat garrett via skype "right this minute" from alberta. why was this bear hanging there? >> when they come out of hibernation we put as much meat and cookies as we can because the cubs haven't eat been.
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>> why make it a challenge? >> because there's seven or eight bears on the same place and the big male bears will actually take all the food and not let the moms take it for their cubs so we thought, okay, them big male bears they can't climb trees as good as she could, so i thought if i put it up high she'll get it for her cubs. >> have you seen anything like this before? is this the first time you captured a bear doing this? >> we've seen them stand on top of barrels. we've seen them tip barrels over, lots of different things, but this was definitely the first time i've ever seen this happen. >> what's the status of the beaver? did anybody ever -- did the bear come back or what happened after? >> oh, yeah she came back five minutes later and got the piece of beaver. i sat in that tree for ten hours and i just started filming as soon as i seen her coming and that's what i captured on film and i couldn't believe it. >> what do you do in a tree for ten hours? >> you hope to god your iphone doesn't go dead. i don't know, i'm just glad that she's okay and the cubs are,
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too. oh! got two videos of life literally hanging in the balance. the first one, a woman considering taking her life. she's standing on the edge of an 18-story building. there are negotiators behind her and one guy reaches over and just grabs her by the jacket at the moment he does that, you see her clamoring for the edge of the building with her foot. she could have slipped through the jacket, thankfully the last-ditch effort to reach over and grab her worked. >> i hope that they do get this woman the help that she desperately needs. another guy who needed help desperately, this guy. clinging to the side of a cliff. hundreds of feet in the air. there you see rescuers. he was stuck there for two days. >> oh, man. >> so he got himself accidentally stuck there. >> he was either hiking in the area or trying to climb in this area and somehow fell and
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managed to get himself stuck there but rescuers were not able to get to him right away. you can see how precarious the situation is. they are on the edge of this cliff and working slowly, tied in with ropes trying to work their way down to him. once they do get to him, though, it's not an easy pluck him off the cliff edge type of rescue. they have to tie a rope around him. he then needs to lower himself down. >> oh, my gosh. he looks so miserable here. he's probably exhausted, cold, hungry. you name it. >> tired and weak. now he has to continue the descent on his own. there are rescuers below waiting for him trying to help him out. >> oh, poor guy. >> yeah. he's guided into that boat and paddled to safety. i'm going to introduce you guys to a really cool new electropop band and i think you guys are going to like him. ♪
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smooth and groovy. >> kind of '80s. it feels '80s. >> exactly what i was thinking british new wave '80s. >> meet meow rocket. that's the name of the band and it is made up of christine, william, daniel, reese, chris and damian all of them have cerebral palsy. >> oh, wow. >> cool. >> and they were able to use instruments and also an app that allows them to connect their tablet to this instrument and computers so that they are able to create tunes with just one single touch. >> no way. >> that's got to be so fantastic for them to have this kind of remarkable creative outlet and to be able to come together and make a musical project. >> and they're loving it. the beautiful thing is the cerebral palsy league of australia has been working on
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this music program for years and they put this group together. these guys are working with some top notch producers and they actually have released an electronic pop album that you can buy. it's available on itunes. >> there's no limitations here. they're able to just let their minds run free. a couple pushes of the button and use their creativity. it's neat. ladies having fun in the winter weather. snow all over the place. this video from earlier this month in grand lake, colorado, you see people out there having fun. on their snowmobiles. but this video is a reminder in safety first. watch this. as the guy's going, look at the snow. starts to crack away. it's just a crazy visual. this guy kind of knows something's about to go wrong and just watch how this snow breaks apart like a puzzle. >> it would be kind of like water. >> listen to the guy here start struggle. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> oh. >> shoot. >> you can see it takes him out.
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it takes his rig out. he starts going down the mountain. but he was able to stay out of the snow. he's not buried up to his head or anything. >> which is fortunate. >> this uploaded to the power world youtube channel one of their customers sent it to him. they put it out there to remind everyone to be extremely careful when snowmobiling and never forget the danger of avalanches something you have to take into consideration especially when you are ripping it up on the untouched snow. >> fortunately it didn't drag him that much. >> they said everyone was shaken up after this as you can imagine but everyone made it home okay. massive swells make for a sketchy landing. >> you can see the helicopter going one way. the boat going the other way. the horizon is shifting back and forth. >> why hitting the target all comes down to a split second decision. plus we've seen their videos go viral. now -- >> let the parodies begin. >> see how two youtube funny guys go supertramp and sterling
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in two epic spoofs. >> the girl laugh. ic)) dedefifianancece i is s ini. dedefifianancece n nevevere. cicitrtracacalal m maxa. cacalclciuium m cicitrtrat. hihighghlyly s sololubu, eaeasisilyly a absorbed.
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sweaty palm time. you guys ready for that? look at the swells in this sea. that's an offshore patrol vessel in the rasmussen class of boat. also notice there's a landing pad on the back of that boat. designed for a helicopter. tasked with pushing helicopter
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and boat integration to the limit. basically meaning let's figure out where the point of flying this helicopter and landing it isn't safe anymore. now, this video is couple years old but it is going wild right now. you can see why. this pilot very skilled. he's a prison defense test pilot and here's a view from inside the cockpit. you can see the helicopter going one way. the boat going the other way. the horizon is shifting back and forth and it's up to him to determine when is a good time to try and touch this links mark 90-b helicopter down. >> this is just a training session. they're just trying to figure out what they can do? >> yeah. >> when do they decide it's not a good idea? is it when the helicopter explodes or slides off into the ocean? when do you abort this mission? >> i think that's left up to the decisions of the pilot and the captain of the boat. i think it's their discretion to determine, okay, this isn't safe anymore. but apparently they haven't reached that limit yet because you'll notice the helicopter coming down close, close, close
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and they do land this helicopter. waited for the right moment where the boat was down into a swell and not up at the crest of a wave. that boat just barely settles down enough. >> but that's not even a split second. it's, like, he has to get and, boom, made contact. now, this is probably my favorite video today. we did this last year. the all-hockey hair team. this guy does it every year from pull tab production. he records the minnesota state hockey tournament and critiques their hockey haircut and hockey players are notorious for having the mullets in the '90s. his commentary is perfect. >> zach crazy mane, love that. a clark gable clutterbuck. straight-up great flow. he refers to their hair as flow often which i like. he noted in this year 2014 a lot of guys skate to the camera and wink. this is great here. >> i don't know if the mustache color is supposed to match his
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hair but i'm glad i'm wondering. double exhaust pipes here from tom. he calls it double exhaust pipes. >> it's always a bit of a stretch to put a goalie on a hockey hair team but when he pulls this off you know he deserves it. he loves himself. it's amazing stuff. even though they lost i'm pretty sure the sun is going to come up tomorrow. austin captain, or is that "c" for coif because you look amazing. he has great honorable mentions where he gets into the coaches. >> this is kenny powers from stillwater. chewing the gum hard. >> at the end of this video what he sd was if you find yourself on the all-hockey hair team the's a specific salon where yousk for megan and you can get a free haircut. >> maybe they are trying to get on this team because they want the free haircut from megan. >> remember when it comes to hockey your hair matters. here at "right this minute" we've seen our fair share of supertramp videos, always spectacular, everybody's
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gorgeous, they always look like they're having a great time. let the parodies begin. and you might recognize the fellas in this video, our buddies stuart and andrew. >> ah. ♪ all right sit back relax >> the girl laughing. >> the videos are always with a cool stunt. andrew and stuart they are just swinging. ♪ need the money like my name is cuba gooding ♪ >> add the music to anything and it sounds like a party. ♪ keep it popping >> i think they put that go pro on -- >> yeah. >> clearly not a dislocation. >> i can actually make this moment even better for you because they also did a parody of our good friend lindsay sterling also a woman we've seen on our show. she's a brilliant violin player.
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she does this violin ballet video thing and andrew and stuart have a little bit of a crush on lindsay sterling so this is kind of a bow, a little tip of the hat to lindsay. ♪ >> i love this so much. >> -- moves and the strange settings. ♪ >> these guys can play just as good as lindsay, too. >> yeah. dude spearfishing makes a catch, but then something catches his eye. >> you can see him frantically paddling to try to get back to the boat. >> see who's also hungry for a bite to eat. and some guys pull a prank by staging a holdup, but things go very wrong when -- >> it's a bank, it's a bank, it's a bank! >> why this one was a hit to the face.
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you know, millions of people have saved with progressive, so i get invited to quite a few family gatherings. heck, i saved judith here a fortune with discounts like safe driver, multi-car, paperless. you make a mighty fine missus, m'lady. i'm not saying mark's thrifty. let's just say, i saved him $519, and it certainly didn't go toward that ring. am i right? [ laughs ] [ dance music playing ] so visit today. i call this one "the robox."
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you're history.cscalalp, memeet selsun science. seselslsunun e ititchchy y dry. gegetsts t to o ththe e rorootod hydrates the scalp. seselslsunun e ititchchy y dry. said my prescription caused dry mouth. [ [ mamalele a annnnouounc] act dry mouth hhasas s seevevenn m moioi, plusus f fluluororidie to strengthen teeth. sstrtronongeger r teth anand d drdry y momoututh. right there. oh! makes me crazy. [ [ mamalele a annnnouounc] relief starts now. gold d bobondnd extra strength medicated lotion hahas s a a popowewerfrfululr to relieve all day.
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ggolold d bobondnd.. you know, if it weren't for all the action cameras out there in the world we probably would never believe stories like this one. that's in the bahamas spearfishing has his quarry at the end of his spear. it's a parrot fish that's what he went down there looking for and he got one. you can see him frantically paddling to try to get back to the boat because you may have noticed another fish out in the water. >> ooh, ah. >> you see that long slender-looking fish in the distance. >> is it a barracuda? >> it is. it can sense the vibrations of a disabled fish and maybe smell some blood. not after the fisherman, though, after the fisherman's catch because watch. >> he can't use his spear. >> no. >> watch this. >> oh! >> barracuda swoops, grabs the fish and pulls the spear right out of this guy's hand as well.
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>> you should just let it go. >> but a risky move on the barracuda's part. >> this could be now the most well equipped barracuda in the sea, he's not only got sharp teeth but he's hunting with a spear, too. >> good point. down on the ocean floor enjoying his meal and the guy gets back to his buddies safely to tell the story. >> bure cauda took my catch. did you see this fish i was holding out of the water the barracuda turns around and says sorry, homeboy. >> but i think the video will tell the story better than he can. >> nobody would have believed this one. we see our fair share of prank videos on this show. here's the one that toes the line between prank and social experiment. here's one from reckless youth. >> give me the money! >> the guy at the atm and the bad guy arenn it. g give me the money to see if other people help. >> it's a prank.
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it's a prank it's a prank. >> give me the money! >> the money! >> that's disgusting, though. i don't like it. because it's too heavy. >> i think this is not even toeing the line. this is so far past the line they can't see the line. >> i wish they had some sort of message behind it at least, you know, say hey, you know, you always have to keep your head on a swivel and always be aware of what's happening. >> do they give us a message? >> no, there's no message and the other concern is they could get hurt. keep watching. >> get off me. [ bleep ] [ bleep ]! >> it's a prank, it's a prank, it's a prank. >> oh. >> guess who got hurt? the prankers. >> yeah. that dude in the red pants packs a hell of a punch because look at the blood. dude must have been wearing, like, a big ring or something because wait until you see the hole in this kid's face. >> oh. >> look at that. >> is it bad, bro? >> i always want to feel bad for
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him but i absolutely don't because they created this situation. did they really not see this coming? >> it is good to see the people did come to help out. >> but leave those types of social experiments to the experts, to the scientists that know how to actually conduct them. not like this. houston, i think we have a problem here. >> that's not real. >> that's totally real. >> no! >> like "gravity" the [dad] [laughs]
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[boy] mom! [mom] yes? [boy] whoa,whoa,whoa... [mom and dad] [laughing] [boy] whoa,whoa,whoa... [mom] you've got two left feet,boo.
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this guy takes ideas from pinterest that he, then, re-creates himself. >> it's a face pillow. >> oh, weird. >> a pillow with your own face to have around your house. >> pretty creepy. pretty weird. >> he's going to take a picture of it himself and he's going to print it on this fabric sheet.
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>> he made it creepy, too. makes sense. >> cut it to size. peeled it off. sewed it to a piece of material. >> he's a handy fella. >> he takes filler and fills it in. >> and you have yourself a really creepy [ bleep ] face pillow. >> you can put it in the chair which looks weird and put it in the refrigerator. >> give it to your mom or dad. they'll appreciate it. that way you're always around the house. >> there is a website where you can order yours for 30 bucks. >> so he just showed you how to do it quick and easy and cheap. right on, brother. today we're going to do a little tech time outer space style. >> space freaks me out. >> to explain exactly what's going on we're going to bring in our little astronaut. i know you are about to freak out, steven, because this is the freaky face video ever recorded. >> get out of here. that's not real.
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this is, like, a set. no? that's not real. he's not really floating away. >> it's totally real. >> it's like "gravity" the movie real life. did it just happen? >> what you are seeing is video from february 3rd, 2006, there actually was a suit that was released from the international space station. >> a suit. there's no man in here. >> that's the point here. it was the suit sat and it was an idea conceived by russian cosmonauts to use the old space suits turning the suit into a satellite. this satellite had a radio transmitter on it so it actually transmitted radio waves down to earth so people with ham radios can tune into it and gave information about the suit, like, what the temperature was there. some information about the battery life and how long its mission had been ongoing for. >> and what happened to the suit? then what happened to the suit? >> i think it was around september the beginning of september 2006 that it finally re-entered the atmosphere and
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bush burned up. >> i don't like it. what about this next one? >> the scale here is one pixel equals the diameter of the moon. the scale of the universe of our solar system is often very miscstrued. hrou s great about this because this the whole time, you're doing the work of traveling throughout the solar system so it gives you an idea instead of looking at a picture and going, okay, those are big and that one's not. >> holy moley. >> there's so much space in space and that's something we often forget. >> it freaks me out all that empty space. that's our show. we'll see you for the next edition of "rtm."
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>> announcer: live, from new york city, it's wendy williams! today the remarkable rosie perez tells wendy all about her revealing memoir and gives us the lowdown about working with jennifer lopez. plus, has grammy norwood called off her engagement? wendy has the details. and all the latest juicy hot topics. now, here's wendy! >> wendy: beautiful.


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