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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  March 14, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman, if you want great videos from the web, we've got them "right this minute." a video causes outrage after a little boy steps into -- >> a marked crosswalk. >> the accident many say never should have happened. at first glance you can't tell that this woman -- >> was 22 floors up. >> how that made her rescue even more incredible. she's freezing for a reason. >> it's called the weinter challenge 2014.
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>> why the latest internet trend lets others feel your pain. and somebody's in the dog treats. >> another reason why the war between cats and dogs will just continue. >> see how kitty finally gets hers. it's all coming up on today's show. >> "right this minute," now right this time, "right this mi nothing worse than an obnoxious driver on the road. i have two examples. in this first video we see a dash cam and almost immediately you see that a boy is running across the street. now, apparently this is a marked crosswalk. but then realizes that a car isn't going to stop. he ends up getting dragged by that other vehicle. people rush over to aid the boy. and you see them, they end up lifting the car. they drag the little boy out. he is taken to the hospital with serious injuries. but what's even worse is that
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the 27-year-old driver of this vehicle had seven previous arrests because of violations to traffic laws. by not obeying yet another traffic signal he's now injured, a 9-year-old boy. what people are upset about, too, his driving privileges had been revoked very recently as well because the guy clearly shouldn't be behind the wheel. this other video will just make you mad because the driver we're in the car with he apparently is privileged to this road because when he comes up to this turn you see there's a car trying to make a left-hand turn. and you win, dude, so she backs up. well, this guy drives right up to her bumper and gets in her way not allowing her to get going. what's worse is that if you notice in the back seat there's a little child. this goes on for a while. until she finalmpletely, out of
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that he can go through. so. >> so he wasted his time and hers because he's got a vendetta. ridiculous. ♪ it's the latest internet challenge. videos are popping up everywhere and i got to say, pretty cool. it's called the winter challenge 2014 and the challenge is to jump into an icy lake, an icy river. at least put your head under the water one full time, of course. and then you nominate someone else and they have 24 hours to do the exact same thing. let me tell you how this challenge actually began. according to reports a woman in canada named kira jack wanted to get her video-obsessed cousins off the couch and out into the world and she challenged them to go out and do snow angels in the snow. she posted it on facebook and challenged her other cusses to do the same thing but it kept getting shared over and over again and now it spread through
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canada and through the northern states. this is perhaps one of my favorite of the video challenges that popped up. this called captain quinn's winter challenge 2014 and that's the captain and he specializes in comedy fishing. he's very, very cold. he's having a beast of a time. finally watch him go in. >> oh, my goodness. >> that's the kind of thing you got to jump in one shot. >> ah! ha ha ha! i challenge my mom! >> his mom? >> i love this guy. he comes out can barely speak and he challenges his mom to do it next. >> well, do you know what, that's genius, because probably going to stop there and then nobody else has to go through it. >> wow, this is like net nominating but it's chilly.
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chill nominate. >> indigenous people have been doing it every winter as part of their culture and they say people will appreciate it. it is a form of a cleanse. waking up the body and soul. this is a woman who is on the edge in desperate need of help and she gets it in dramatic fashion. according to media reports in china, this woman is a 30-year-old and she was suicidal and you can see in a different angle this woman was 22 floors up on a building. she looks disheveled and she's crying. >> wow. >> oh. >> and you see these men walking around kind of keeping a wide berth around her. but at one point she gets distracted. that's when her rescuer comes close behind her. she doesn't see he's getting close. then he grabs and pulls. >> oh. you can tell that he is desperate. that she is incredibly sad. i'm glad they were able to pull
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her off that ledge but hopefully they are also able to give her the care and services she needs in order to get over whatever it is that's troubling her so much right now. she's sobbing but they are attending to her and then eventually you see carrying her down the stairs to eventual help. >> that guy took a risk when he grabbed her, he could have pushed her, too, i'm glad he was able to grab her and latch on. we're inching ever so closely to spring, but winter has its icy grip on all sorts of people all over the country, we know that. people have to dig out their cars. that's the worst thing. you get out there you start the thing up and you get the brush and the scraper and you scrape the thing and you get ready to go. and you realize my wipers are frozen which is why i want to show you this invention. the wiper assist. this was all put together by a company motor city wipers. this is hooked up in a jeep wrangler. that is your standard weimer move back and forth, right?
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but watch what else the wipers are doing. >> they come out and go back down and grab more and move it out. >> right. they are coming out. but they're coming out for a different reason. watch this. the guy actually puts wiper blades that are completely coated with ice onto this wiper setup. they lift up and -- >> oh, so they break off the ice from the blade. >> right. so you don't have to do that because a lot of times you have to get out and pick your blade up and let it hit off the windshield a couple times or use your scraper on the actual wiper blades themselves. here it's activated by the red push button. i'm surprised it took so long to come out. >> right. it's a simple, elegant solution to this problem that everyone has experienced, at least everyone who has ever 11th in a cold climate. >> do you know what i like about these? driving down the road dancing with your blades in your car. >> you can have your blades say hi to people. you pull up at a red light and you see a cool girl. >> only one blade to do it a wink. >> you can. two buttons. one for each. >> oh, well there you go. dude hits up a high-rise --
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>> and decides to pull off a handstand right at the edge! >> the balancing act that teeters on the edge of insanity. and we're turning potatoes into putty. >> this is awesome. i can't believe they got all this from just a bunch of potatoes and water. >> the simple step to pound it out. little karenen d debebututededt she did all by herself, a a cocoupuplele o on n ththee agagrereeded t to o a a see next week, anand d roroomomatateses f fie their final leg to yellowstone, anand d ththatat w wasas j juse in one day atat o onene c chihili. momore life happens here.
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announcer: babies who are talked to from the time they're born are more likely to have a successful future. talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at
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two perfectly cringe-worthy
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videos. this first one 40 stories high. >> that's enough to make you cringe. >> yep. this is episode three of a series where this guy, scott young, goes on top of a building, and this is the 40-story building on a very gusty day, mind you. and decides to pull off a handstand right at the edge! >> oh. >> you can see the wind. you're not lying it's a gusty day. his sweatpants are, like, flapping in the wind. >> truly amazing and cringe worthy. obviously survived. the other cringe-worthy video is this one in switzerland where instead of going downhill on skis or snowboards, snowmobiles, forget all that stuff. we're going down on bikes. >> have they been modified? >> they've got special wheels that do sort of carve into the snow. it's called the glacier downhill race 2014. >> this is an annual thing. >> yeah. >> this is a very popular bike downhill snow rales. >> and at the top you see people
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biting it. the guy he manages to go all the way down swerving out of the way. >> i think the key to this race is come from behind. see where everybody else is slipping and shieding a ining s and avoid that part of the track. >> you want to keep a straight line. >> falling would be fun, a big puff of snow and sliding around. >> hopefully that's what it feels like. it probably hurts a little more than that. well, he stays upright except here where he just bites it. but a very quick recovery because before you know it, he's back up on the bike and there we see him arriving to where all the other cyclists are, whoo-hoo, we made it. it's tech time of the random kind. >> okay. >> two different kind of tech videos really have nothing to do with each other. >> let's talk about them. >> but cool videos. >> okay. >> to talk about them we'll bring in the tech guru, zach. >> because we couldn't do it without him. >> right?
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right. hey, zach. >> hello. >> the first video cool to look at. it looks like an art project but this is actually a real pattern. >> it is. this is a data visualization of 24-hour period of air traffic. >> oh. >> in europe. >> uh-huh. >> okay, cool. >> oh, my goodness. >> can you imagine being an air traffic controller, when you see this, think about the stress of the job. >> it's cool. because you can see where all the airports are. airport, airport, airport, this is cool. >> exactly. this is put together by nat holdings limited. they are in charge of most of the air traffic control had the uk so they are show casing how intense this air traffic is and how efficient their system is. >> as crazy as it looks there's something that knows exactly what is happening. somebody has it planned out to a "t." >> a random tech video it looks cool. liquid putty, what is it? >> this is making a fluid, lots of people call it ubleck and all
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you need is water and potatoes. >> i don't know what either of those things are. >> water or potatoes? >> no, ubleck or the nonnewton-form or whatever you said. >> they are fluids that have change in viscosity based on an increase in stress either over team or the increase in stress. >> basically this will be a solid when you move it around and you let it go and it turns into a liquid. >> right. another one you are probably more familiar with is ketchup, if you increase stress, its viscosity is lowered it's easier to tap out of the water. >> which is why you do the whole whack thing. >> there you go. ♪ i'm dropping a beat. >> people who were around in the '70s know the name mavis staples, if you don't, you certainly know one of her hits. ♪ i know a place i'll take you there ♪
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>> oh, yeah. ♪ let me take you there >> this is mavis back in july at the white house singing "i'll take you there." she was a big part of the civil rights movement, she was recently in phoenix at the musical instruments museum, guess what, she sang for ""right this minute." >> what? ♪ this little light of mine i'm going to let it shine ♪ ♪ this little light of mine >> even impromptu she gets a little backup from vickie randall who makes an appearance in this video. ♪ i'm going to let it shine ♪ i'm going to leat it shine ♪ >> vickie used to sing on the tonight show, but at the end it gets better than that because she gives us a shout-out. ♪ i'll be on your show i want to be there ♪ ♪ let it shine let it shine let it shine ♪ >> "right this minute," now right this time. "right this minute"!
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>> from the soul sister, you should be watching "right this minute." >> the person she was singing tos a a little geeked out you could see that here. >> oh! >> good. she was just singing to the president and now she's telling people to watch "right this minute." >> "right this minute"! >> hey. some popular youtubers pull a prank that nearly scares leo! >> she, like, runs out of the building. >> see how they give them the surprise of their lives. and when this dog plays fetch, it plays fetch. >> why this stick picking makes for a tough catch. [ [ cocougughshs, , snsneee]
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i have a big m meeeetiting when we land, bubut t i i amam s so o st, i can't rest. [ male a annnnououncncer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. ththeyey d donon't't?? alalkaka s seleltztzerer p pls yoyourur w wororstst c colold , plus h hasas a a d dececon. [ [ ininhahaleles s dedeepe] ohoh. . whwhatat a a r rele.
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[ [ ininhahaleles s dedeepe] uncle go one,two,one,two,one [uncle]thistwo,one.cotch,okay? [niece]okay! [uncle]okay? [niece]one,two three,four,five,six,seven,eight! [uncle laughing] okay,we go the other way,okay? [niece]one,two,three,four,five, six,seven! [uncle laughs]there's ten spaces,you want to try again? [uncle]yeah?
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you're history.cscalalp, memeet selsun science. seselslsunun e ititchchy y dry. gegetsts t to o ththe e rorootod hydrates the scalp. seselslsunun e ititchchy y dry. said my prescription caused dry mouth. [ [ mamalele a annnnouounc] act dry mouth hhasas s seevevenn m moioi, plusus f fluluororidie to strengthen teeth. sstrtronongeger r teth anand d drdry y momoututh. right there. oh! makes me crazy. [ [ mamalele a annnnouounc] relief starts now. gold d bobondnd extra strength medicated lotion hahas s a a popowewerfrfululr to relieve all day. ggolold d bobondnd.. i've got to say it's a little weird, not often we see
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videos from inside a funeral home on this show. i'm actually kind of surprised we're allowed to show this one. >> i'm jack bale, i'm sure you've heard -- >> shut up! >> it's our friend jack. >> you might recognize jack. we have jack on the show all the time and, of course, we had bass master on the show a lot, he's another prankster. he's the guy in the coffin and homes the dead guy. people are coming to deliver things to the funeral home and, of course, you know where this is going. this woman here whose face is blurred, bless her, because she freaks out. >> i got a tip for you. hold on a second. >> she, like, runs out of the building. jack has to run her down and say, no, no, no, it's just a prank. it's just a prank. >> when she gave him the flowers it didn't seem like she wanted to stick around for the tip, the dead body alone was enough -- >> delivering flowers, probably not the first time delivering flowers to a funeral home. >> i'm sorry about that. >> knock me over, man! >> sort of quickly realizes it was a joke. he doesn't run out.
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but this dude, tough guy. >> one of the purple ones in kind of, like, the chest area. >> and as soon as he goes to lay the flower down ed makes a weird face. [ bleep ] >> i saw it, bro. >> and from the casket. >> wow, this is so freaky. >> this guy in the red might be the best. he's the last guy. comes in with a gift. can you take a picture of me and my brother? >> would you mind taking a picture of me and my brother? >> oh! >> dude, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. >> is a really macabre prank. >> people freak out about this stuff. >> it's weird for march, if it was october, we'd say, oh, okay, halloween prank. it's still good. jack always comes up with good stuff. fun in the snow. ♪
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cats have one strategic advantage over dogs. they can get up on the counters easily and steal stuff more often like this cat. this cat is in the dog treats. you see that, the cat's on the counter and the dog treats are in one of those ziploc bags looks like gallon size. >> another reason why the war between cats and dogs will continue. >> you think this is the start of the war but the dog and the cat that live in this home are in league together. like a good quarterback and a wide receiver right there. >> looked more like a fumble from the cat to me. looked like she wasn't exactly trying to get it to the dog. she was maybe trying to pick it up with her paws or something. when this dog plays fetch, it plays fetch. check out the stick that it
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fetched. a small dog, big stick, right? you have no idea how big. >> oh, that's still attached to the tree. >> he just got the whole branch. >> that dog is slow-mo and according to the owner, rachel, he fetches trees all the time. >> he's trying to take the whole tree down. like a dog landscaper. move over, these guys are pulling stunts and -- >> taking aim and shooting off their arrows. >> see the flipping archery, next.
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safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to find big savings on the things you need. just make a straight line to safeway. your club card gets you deals you can't find anywhere else. right now, fresh driscoll's strawberries are just $1.99. make it an extra scoop. breyers ice cream is only $2.88. and arrowhead water is just $3.29 a case. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. we've seen baggage handlers do this. we've seen package handlers do this. enter this posty, australian for postman. >> oh, no. >> somebody caught this guy on cctv, he's on a bike and he's got packages. look where they land. >> oh, man. >> right in the bushes. >> that looks like a drive-by packaging. >> who will look in the bushes
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for the package? it will be lost and find it ten years from now. >> well, it was found by the owners of this home. samantha blakefish found it in the bushes thinketing it was trash. huh-uh. >> luckily for myself it was something for my kids and it was soft and wasn't damaged. >> she talked to a radio station about this. >> but in the past i've had a lot of damage. people had things go missing and talking about many complaints over quite a few years. >> they say this person has only been on the job two weeks and it's a subcontractor and he has been dismissed. >> not surprising because you don't toss people's packages like a frisbee. life of a lab at the park. ♪
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they say practice makes perfect. these guys are practicing their bow and arrow skills at this gym and they're pretty darn good. >> these guys are, like, par course bow and arrow. >> they are stunt performers. the four guys aaron, joshua, jason, and jim and steven. they are in the gym because they are jumping off the walls and off the extra mats and they're, then, taking aim and shooting off their arrows. >> i hate to tell these guys but the role of catness has been taken in "the hunger games." but if they want to do it themselves, they are good. >> they are doing all the flips and spins with a sharp arrow in your hand. one false move and you end up with an arrow in your chest or
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butt or armpit. >> i have to say, you don't see where they are shooting the arrows. we're just looking at their form. we're looking at them grab the bows and shoot the arrows. >> i don't even care if they hit a bull's-eye or not. i'm impressed with the form. >> they look like bad-asses. i'm scared. >> deadpan faces. one guy lunges down. >> i feel like we shouldn't be seeing their faces, it's a ninja training class. >> they are the good guys. they are defending and saving humanity. that's it for our show, everybody. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute."
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city, it's wendy williams, today, gorgeous krysten ritter here it tell wendy about ""veronica mars."" plus, lupita nyong'o has a new oscar but does she also have a new man? plus, all of the latest juicy hot topics. now, here's wendy! [cheers and applause ] >> wendy:


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