tv Right This Minute FOX March 14, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman. if you love great videos, we'll show some to you and tell you the stories behind them "right this minute." a guy's friends egg him on to do it. >> to jump from the moving train. >> a bone-headed move even he says was stupid. some camels see a fence and think -- >> hmm, let me put my head through it. >> how four rogue friends get a taste of freedom. a mother tries to teach her daughter -- >> when to say no to strangers. how to keep herself out of
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danger. >> why this little cutie knows how to yank mom's chain. and hangover helpers. a dude and a nurse team up and -- >> they did find the ultimate cure. >> see what really works. and the common remedy that doesn't. >> it will only irritate your stomach more. >> i never felt that. i always felt great. one teenager's incredibly, incredibly dumb stunt could actually lead to some changes in australia. first, let me show you the stunt here. >> [ bleep ]. >> oh. >> oh. >> yes, that is 17-year-old james lambrew on his way home from school pulling up to the station and being peer pressured to jump from the moving train as it's pulling into the station at 25 miles per hour and also wedging in the doors. >> did he think he would land on his feet and run it off. >> here it is again.
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there's the kid you can see fall. he loses his hat. he's kind of wobbly. staggering around. and then he actually gets back on the train bumps and bruises, scrapes, no serious injuries but definitely could have died from this thing. he takes a shot to the head absolutely. he posted this video on facebook. he's since taken it down but it's been passed all over the internet. he spoke to 9 news and 7 news in australia. i will say he is sorry for this. >> i thought it was cool at the time but now stupid and ridiculous. >> they are saying the transport safety victoria is now recommending the doors be modified on these trains so people can't wedge them open illegally. because they say since may of 2010 there have been nine instances where people have forced the doors open when the doors shouldn't be open. >> what i'm worried about this guy because he's young and he posted it and his guys shared it, it will create copycats. >> according to 7 news he's been expelled from school because of
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this and apparently the police department in the area is investigating and there could be some charges from this because clearly he did it on purpose and this is not legal. this first video shows a quad copter drone with a go pro camera attached. but as you will see things didn't go so well for the quad copter. spinning out of control and -- oops. >> something bounced up in the air. >> that was the quad comment ap. watch it again. that was the rigging. the go pro is fine, but the copter not so much. very durable cameras the go pro. we go again. this is somebody's brand-new rc truck. go pro attached and they have a go pro hero label on there. watch what happens. it's picking up speed. makes the turn. and watch what happens.
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>> oh. >> it rolled. >> multiple times. he said the camera just had a light scuff on the housing but the shell of the truck was destroyed. >> boy, that's all it took to ruin that remote control car, like, what a poorly made thing. maybe they should just make the remote control stop out of what they make the go pros out of. >> so, go pros, two. rc stuff, zip. if people are brawling on the streets you know the cameras are going to start rolling. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> this first video from the strip in las vegas right in front of the bellagio and, yes, showgirls brawling on the street, headdress, feathers and all. >> it's a showgirl showdown, you all. >> like one girl's turf strutting around out there. >> that's exactly what was happening, steven. these, in fact, aren't girls that are in the show they are girls dressed like showgirls and
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they typically ask for money to snap a photograph with them. and one girl got in another girl's spot and the reason we know this is what this girl says to the girl she's fighting. listen to this. >> [ bleep ] you stole my spot. >> you stole my spot. >> they're not showgirls but they are definitely putting on a pretty good show, because this is entertaining. >> the quality not so great so people haven't been able to identify the ladies and nothing has happened as a result of this. >> this is the only corner where you can stand and people will take pictures with you in all of las vegas? now, this next brawl not involving showgirls but young girls and boys. this is in st. louis, missouri, and it's actually in one of the more popular areas of st. louis. an area known as the loop. punches being thrown, kicks being thrown. it seems like absolute chs. police believe some m be hig school syoung as junior high sc students but listen to how this
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fight breaks up. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ]? >> you hear gunshots fired. and people screaming and running. now, multiple police officers from multiple different agencies did arrive on scene but all the young people dispersed really quickly so no arrests were made, but also the good news is no reports of injuries as a result of this brawl and a result of the gunshots, but police haven't been able to identify who these people are yet. the streets of norway became a circus quite literally when four camels from the circus escaped. >> no way. >> and hit the streets. yep. >> that's awesome. camels in the street. >> yes. >> they're all staying together. >> they stopped to say hello for a quick second and kept going. >> wow. that's crazy. doesn't look real. >> apparently there was a power fence that didn't have power in it, one of the camels, hmm, let
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me put my head through it and broke it and apparently all four were it's now or never. they hit it. and they just escaped into the streets. >> the way they are running it looks like they are, like, we got to get out of here. follow me. this is our big break, we're out of here. prison break style. >> yes. unfortunately their escapade only lasted for about ten minutes because they were captured, taken back, secured in the circus area again. >> a taste of freedom. it's going to stick with them. they're going to do it again. >> they'll be living off those ten minutes for the next ten years for sure. >> and they'll wait for their opportunity to do it again. >> don't stop run straight. every camel for himself. a skier hopes to place so he really goes for it on this run. >> holy. >> right on the edge a number of times. >> see if going off the beaten path puts him ahead. >> ahh!
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>> and it might look like an d ordinary doghouse -- >> it's more like a clown car because watch how many come out of this thing. >> see how many bassett hounds head out. >> one, two, three. arenen d debt she did all by herself, a a cocoupuplele o on n ththee agagrereeded t to o a a see next week, anand d roroomomatateses f fie their final leg to yellowstone, anand d ththatat w wasas j juse in one day atat o onene c chihili. momore life happens here.
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about to show you would be dummy proof. >> there are certain givens in this world, like, you know, north up, hamburgers don't eat people, stuff like that. with the military there's a couple things that, you know, that you should be, should be a given, right? on a claymore. >> this video from our service member, this guy in the military telling us about a claymore which is a directional mine. >> the front of it says point front towards enemy. i would hope that's the direction you're going to point, right? >> but that's not what he's really getting at here with the dummy proofing of the claymore. >> what i didn't expect to see on the back of it was, warning explosive is poisonous. what, you think there's candy in there? also do not burn, produces toxic gases. >> glad to know they've dummy proof the claymore mine. >> i feel we could operate it if we ever need to utilize the claymore mean, we'll know what
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to do and what not to do. >> definitely not to eat it. >> right. >> somebody out there must have done either one or all of these things to make it necessary to put the warning on it. this video's actually the competition run at the world tour and the french alps. there are a ton of competitors and this is his run hoping to place. >> what? >> oh, boy, he did it on purpose. >> that was a calculated move because that got him some time because he would have to go around the rocks and keep going down and got air and bought him a couple of conds. >> and m not see any other tracks on that rock. i think he boldly went where nobody had gone before. >> he's definitely going off the beaten path here. this is where the other guys went. >> this is the beaten path where if you fall you will get a
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beating. >> look at this he's right on the edge the number of times and look at this very rocky cliff. >> how did he get down that without falling? >> he keeps going down. he makes it to the finish line. this ended up being a third-place run. >> i wonder what first looked like? on the looks of it, it just looks like two bassett hounds curled up next to each other enjoying their doghouse on the porch in bellingham, washington. >> a dog igloo. >> more like a clown car because watch what comes out of this thing. this video comes from us from vuke i
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juking. >> oh, my gosh, one, two, three, four, five! >> it was like you hear -- ♪ ♪ >> then there's a whole team, herd, whatever of bassett hounds. >> how many bassett hounds does this person have? >> this person does raise bassett hounds but it's amazing five of them pfit in the igloo. >> i'm surprised they all fit. >> you see the last five is shaking it off. >> how do you get five in that space. >> how do they get in? >> maybe a hole? >> it's a dog pile. where does that term come from? probably bassett hounds. >> it is awfully cute to look at. >> it is cute. >> one, two, three, four, five. five doggies! he's falling so who's going to help him out? >> very few people check on him. >> no way. >> here in the garbage can. >> ew!
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>> that was pretty disgusting. >> see who doesn't help out next "right this minute." and these guys bring down the house at the subway station. >> the kid's good on that sax phone, man. >> yeah. >> now see what happens when the band gives us an impromptu performance. >> we're worried about our downstairs neighbor. plus little amelia's rocking a mustache. >> but she thinks it's a muss patch. >> why we like her way better. [ [ cocougughshs, , snsneee]
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i have a big m meeeetiting when we land, bubut t i i amam s so o st, i can't rest. [ male a annnnououncncer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. ththeyey d donon't't?? alalkaka s seleltztzerer p pls yoyourur w wororstst c colold , plus h hasas a a d dececon. [ [ ininhahaleles s dedeepe] ohoh. . whwhatat a a r rele.
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[ [ ininhahaleles s dedeepe] you're history.cscalalp, memeet selsun science. seselslsunun e ititchchy y dry. gegetsts t to o ththe e rorootod hydrates the scalp. seselslsunun e ititchchy y dry. said my prescription caused dry mouth. [ [ mamalele a annnnouounc] act dry mouth hhasas s seevevenn m moioi, plusus f fluluororidie to strengthen teeth. sstrtronongeger r teth anand d drdry y momoututh. right there. oh! makes me crazy. [ [ mamalele a annnnouounc] relief starts now. gold d bobondnd extra strength medicated lotion hahas s a a popowewerfrfululr to relieve all day. ggolold d bobondnd.. [ speaking foreign language ] this is a mom trying to teach her little girl of how to say no to strangers and keep yourself out of danger. what if they ask you to eat ice
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cream? >> good. >> are you kidding me, ice cream and cookies, duh, mom? >> the mom is saying, no, you say no. [ foreign language ] >> like, this little girl likes cookies and swimming and ice cream. why would i say no to that. >> having a hard time to figuring out when cookies and ice cream would not be good. [ speaking foreign language ] >> i love this. it's so awesome. this next child the innocence is just obvious. she's so adorable and so innocent and she think she's saying the correct word. >> muss patch. >> this is ameli a sheystuck-on
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pink mustache. but she thinks it's a muss patch. >> it would be funny even if she were pronouncing it correctly. what if an adult came up to you and said mustache, mustache, that would be weird, too. >> that would be weird. >> muss patch. muss patch. if you guys are getting bored of, like, all the music on your itunes or ipad or pandora play list. something new here i want you guys to check out. ♪ pretty unique, awesome sound. you see this trio performing at the union square subway station. they are known as too many dudes and their genre of music is something they call brass house. >> i like it. >> nice. >> brass house. the guy on the trumpet is matt, plays the saxophone and the
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drummer known as the king of sludge. that's what he goes by. >> nice. >> it's a very cool sound. listen. ♪ >> you can't walk by these guys. >> no. yeah. >> is the deal. because they're so engaging, the music's so good and the guy on the sax the dude does work. watch it here. ♪ the kid's good on that saxophone, man. >> i love that he moves while he plays. it's grooving on that sax. ♪ >> we've got two of the guys from the band leo, pete and matt joining us "right this minute" via skype from new york. how are you guys? >> good. >> you guys have only been together for six months? >> it's hard to really say when we first started because we've been playing together for a long time but we didn't really make it a band until about six months
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ago. >> we both attended the manhattan school of music where we met so we have a strong background in jazz but i step back when i started listening to music, rock, hip-hop, r. & n., jazz, and house and we're trying to smush this stuff all together. >> do you guys write these songs or is it a jam session? are you going off? >> we're in the middle of writing a song kind of debating how much it's going to be a jam or a song. >> play us what you are working on now. if you are in the middle of a song. >> i know we're missing the king of sludge. >> we're worried about our downstairs neighbor. >> that's what it comes down to. ♪ ♪
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no matter what kind of cat it is, house cat, lion, leopard, they're all going to stalk you, they're all going to do the creep, so people at big cat rescue wanted to show you how big cats will creep up on you. start with this one. creep up on you. look at that one. comes out of the den. sassafras. love the name. alex, they're all creepers and then they kind of try to do the pounce like, i'm going to hunt. and then you realize, oh, wait. >> if that fence wasn't there, they'd have taken him down.
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>> he'd have been lunch. this one a man is i'll wait a while and pounce down and creep up on hi this one here. >> oit funny whene turned aroundhe kind of too, food. >> i know. >> smart one. >> it's remarkable to see instinct in action. they're spectacular animals full of so much power but the cool thing is so much grace. right around the corner from st. patrick's day, a day where a lot of people like to get drunk! let's say me, people in general, what we're about to do is talk about cures with hangovers with sam matthews from the evocative youtube channel. >> i agreed to get drunk five nights in a row to find out the cure for the hangover. >> he'll try different hangover cures the morning after the five nights. the first one you heard the hair of the dog, right? coming from the hair of the dog that bit you. have a couple of beers the day
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after i had 30, it will help me feel better. the nurse says -- >> it's not advisable at all. ultimately it will only delay your hangover. it will increase the toxicity and make your dehydration worse. >> i always wondered the logic. >> the greasy soothe cure. >> the next morning when you eat the greasy foods it will only upset your stomach more. >> i always felt great. >> they talk about the blowfish part aspirin and part caffeine and kind of like an alka-seltzer and you drink the thing in the morning to make you feel better. he tries it. >> it's been 20 minutes since i took blow fish. i feel much more alert and my headache's gone but i am still a little nauseous. >> they did find the ultimate cure. but oit's going to be pricey, something that you can't just get. >> the the thing we heard is the ultimate hangover cure is an iv. >> where you have to call a doctor and you get all sorts of
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vitamins and stuff injected into your bloodstream to make you feel better but it costs something like $250 a pop. he gets the iv. >> it's been about 25 minutes and i'm feeling pretty good actually. we're on to the second bag of fluid. i actually feel kind of better than i would had i not drank at all. >> that's interesting. he's, like, yeah, this iv is making me feel better than normal if i didn't get completely blacked out last night. i feel great. but, you know, to everybody out there who is going to celebrate on st. paddy's day, everything in moderation. don't drink and drive. if you're hungover, sleep it off or try one these things and see if it works. >> that's it for us at "right this minute."
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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman, if you want great videos from the web, we've got them "right this minute." a video causes outrage after a little boy steps into -- >> a marked crosswalk. >> the accident many say never should have happened. at first glance you can't tell that this woman -- >> was 22 floors up. >> how that made her rescue even more incredible. she's freezing for a reason. >> it's called the weinter challenge 2014.
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