tv Right This Minute FOX March 15, 2014 10:00am-10:31am PDT
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it is time for great videos before they go viral, "right this minute." a water buffalo tries to fight off wild hyenas who want her newborn calf. >> guess what? help is on the way. >> look at this, guys. >> the amazing video as the herd made sure to protect its own. an oversized load travels with escort vehicles -- >> guiding this truck because it is confused. >> what happens when somebody missed a sure sign of trouble.
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awesome video of a horse race as riders go over 15 fences. the camera angle that lets you feel every near miss. and aer thappened, mom knew this was coming. the story behind an instant viral hit. this is not how you want your newborn to come into the world. this video was captured by the wild horse at the limit conservancy in kenya. you have a water buffalo and right there, her newborn calf. by newborn, the after birth is still visible on the mom, but as you can see here, there is a hyena and that hyena is looking for lunch. >> that's not a good introduction to the world for that little baby. >> it isn't. there you can hear the baby bellowing because it has been bitten. mom is trying to be protective, trying to ward off one hyena. the problem is, more come to
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join. >> don't hyenas usually travel in pack? >> all four come and attack this mom and her baby. you see the baby hiding under mom's chin. this baby gets bitten multiple times during this attack. >> oh, no! i don't like this one bit. >> good grief. you got to learn how to walk under the pressure of being attacked by hyenas. >> mom is turning in circles trying to keep them all away. the attacks keep coming. >> oh, no! >> this is a no-win situation. >> but help is on the way. >> the whole herd. >> there you see the whole herd. >> they're coming to help. >> cavalry comes running in. >> the calf was saved. >> wow. >> how tough is that calf and that mother. always good to be extra careful when you see one of these on the road. hard to miss. giant truck with an oversized load sign on the back. carrying some heavy, big time
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stuff. usually followed by the little chase vehicle with the yellow lights and flags. that's actually who has the dash cam. this is the rear escort. also has the front. a pilot guiding this truck. it is confused. watch this. what if one of these things runs into something else? see the red suv passes safely. watch the oversized load. boom. >> takes down the whole thing. >> runs into one of those railroad traffic signs. see this thing hit the ground, the rear escort pulls over and eventually the truck pulls over too. we talked to the guy who was in this car with the dash cam. here is what happened. all the guys are communicating on walkie-talkies. >> coming around? >> the job of the front escort is to check the height of things like that, railroad crossing signs. the front escort was trying to tell the truck driver that when the rear escort was telling him that the car was coming around,
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he didn't hear it. listen to this. this moment when the truck driver said i remember this spot, used to watch trains go by, the front escort is warning him again, didn't you hear me, you got to stop. he didn't hear it so he's familiar with this area. but probably just didn't realize how high up the load was. i guess something like 17 feet. >> what are the odds that guy was trying to talk to the truck driver as the other guy was trying to talk to the truck driver. >> it sounds like the front escort is like, can you guys hear me or what? sundays like that person warned the driver about the crossing signs. tb radio, only one talker at a time. when they back up, the guy says, we should alert the railroad, because we have stuff all over the track. as the guy continues to back up, it activated the signal, cars are stopping here. nobody hurt in this thing, which is good. i'm no meteorologist, but
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this could potentially be the smallest rainstorm ever. >> what? no. that's coming from a building. >> or a fire hydrant. >> or the line that crossed, right? >> the camera pans off. it doesn't look like there is a building up above. look around. the camera pans around, everybody else is standing on a really dry street, yet you have a rainstorm the size of a basketball basket. >> it could be somebody on top of one of those buildings with a hose, right? >> this is in palermo, italy. when the video was posted, it went viral in europe because were so amazed. some people are saying rainstorms this small are in fact meteorologically possible but others are saying there was in fact an overhang of a balcony
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and there was water runoff creating this, but that moment toward the beginning of the video where it pans up and you don't see a balcony. >> no. it is pouring down. it is not coming from a cloud in the sky. let's hit the english country side for a cool horse race. the wednesday horse cross country horse race 2013. all the horses are ready to go. they have to go over 15 fences. the cool thing is the rider on this particular horse, johnny barnett, has a go pro on his helmet. we get to in a way par take of the race ourself. this is awesome to see from this perspective with the horse's head bobbing up and down as it comes up on the fences and see them go right over. you feel like you're the one controlling this horse. it looks like it is all going --
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it slammed, everybody is going fast trying to beat the other. this is when things start getting challenging. pay tension to this rider here, right at the front. >> man down, man down. >> the horse take off in a completely different direction. they keep going. here is another very close call. number five horse decides i think i'm going to not do this. >> oh no. >> dangerous for man and beast. >> i know. this guy falls right next to johnny. fortunately, misses him completely. this is homestretch right here. now they're galloping, giving it all they have. at this point, johnny is -- he manages to gain ground. here as the -- they cross the finish line. he comes in second place. >> i had a ton of fun watching thisvideo.
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we're do not sure how, but someone managed to assemble -- >> all of the world's big egest speed bags into one little area. >> what happens when push comes to shove at spring break. he made a video for prom date and then played it back at school. see if his lip-synching got him the girl. (m(mususicic)) dedefifianancece i is s ini. dedefifianancece n nevevere. cicitrtracacalal m maxa. cacalclciuium m cicitrtrat. hihighghlyly s sololubu, eaeasisilyly a absorbed.
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all sorts are people are yelling spring break all over. just like that. first it looks like this. people partying on the boat, drinking beer, no problem, right? cut to this. on a boat this is from last year's spring break. copper canyon, lake havasu. the problem is guys open this boat and guys on this boat, this older fellow goes for a swing
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and also lands up on the boat. i don't think he asked for permission to come aboard. but does he. one punch and he goes down like a stack of potatoes. watch what happens. after a gray haired guy gets punched. this boom puts the sunglasses on and starts swinging away at this guy. this guy in the tank top does not want to be bothered. older guy gets backed up. girl is enveloped. th this is a fresh melee. keep your eyes back here as this is happening. that guy falls. we'll get that in slow motion. >> i think he got hurt. >> he's trying to go from boat to boat. and he just falls right in. finally the dude with the megaphone tries to play the voice of reason. >> hey, let's have some [ bleep ]. >> i kind of agree with him there. spring break. we're on boats. everything is fun on a boat.
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this is spring break. it is not all fun and games. people get loaded. this is what happens. >> i don't understand that. people can't handle their alcohol, i don't understand why the fights start happening. >> i have a theory. i know what you're going to say. i point out the massive amounts of dudes in this shot. it is wall to wall dudes here at copper canyon. apparently a proposal is not enough. now we have very elaborate ask the girl to the prom videos. ♪ she's cruel but she knows what she's doing ♪ >> this is micah. he's lip-synching to the click five song "just the girl," a knit 2005. this is his music video to ask rhea to the senior prom. he played it back at school and that's what the smaller video at the bottom of the screen is,
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rhea watching this video at school. >> that's so risky. my god, that's risky. ♪ because she's bittersweet she knocks me off my feet ♪ >> get his buddies involved in it. >> you hope she says yes. >> after you do this -- >> a brave guy. you are to admire his willing to put himself out there for this girl. i think that might be attractive to her. >> let's find out. >> this is the moment he reveals who he's after. he's looking to the yearbook and puts a heart around her picture. and then in the video, you see him getting very dressed up, putting on a tie, a little extra gel in the hair, one lastcor choreographed dance on the bleachers and he walks into the auditorium, walks over to rhea, she stands up, accepts the flowers, gives him a hug and i think that's a yes. i'll go with you to the prom.
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>> in my mind, paragliding is one of the safer extreme sports. you have a prr chuarhute, you sd be safe. he com slow, low, over t theres a l head dam there. and he gets lucky. >> that's not what he was planning. >> i call that a refreshing flight for sure. the next guy flying over the country side in slovenia has a different problem. out there with a bunch of bodies. you see the other paragliders out in the distance. you can't see what causes this guy to have such huge problems right here. >> oh! >> what happened? >> all of a sudden he goes into a stall. the main wing collapses. he said he's spinning out of control, trying to pump it to get it to inflate again. that doesn't work. split decision, he tosses his reserve chute.
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when he does that, he does his main chute reinflates. now he's struggling with two separate chutes, out of control and headed to the ground. >> oeh, no. >> oh, man. that didn't sound good. >> a bit of a hard landing. but he does miss the rocks you see. he managed to fracture his back in two different places. he was airlifted to the hospital where he recovered, bet you he wished he crashed into the water. >> yeah. >> these kangaroo joeys are getting tlc because -- >> they believe their mamas abandoned them. >> the story behind their second chance. >> and some guys pull a prank by saving a foldup. but things go very wrong when -- how this one was a hit to the face.
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$ you're history.cscalalp, memeet selsun science. seselslsunun e ititchchy y dry. gegetsts t to o ththe e rorootod hydrates the scalp. seselslsunun e ititchchy y dry. said my prescription caused dry mouth. [ [ mamalele a annnnouounc] act dry mouth hhasas s seevevenn m moioi, plusus f fluluororidie to strengthen teeth. sstrtronongeger r teth anand d drdry y momoututh. right there. oh! makes me crazy. [ [ mamalele a annnnouounc] relief starts now. gold d bobondnd extra strength medicated lotion hahas s a a popowewerfrfululr to relieve all day. ggolold d bobondnd..
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we see our fair share of prank videos on the show. here is another one that toes the line between prank, social experiment. you be the judge here. this is from reckless youth. broad daylight. you can figure out what is happening here. the guy at the atm and the bad guy are in on it. give me the money, give me the money. seeing if people will help. >> it is a prank. it is a prank. it is a prank. >> give me your money. >> that's disgusting, though. i don't like it. because it is too heavy. >> i think this is not even toeing the line. this is past the line, you can't see the line. >> i wish they had some sort of message behind it, at least, hey, you always have to keep your head on a swivel and be aware of what is happening. did they give a message? >> no message. somebody could be hurt. one of these guys coming up to help could hurt him. keep watching. >> [ bleep ].
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it's a prank. it's a prank. it's a prank. >> guess who got hurt? the prankers. that guy in the red pants packed a hell of a punch. look at the blood. the dude must have been wearing a big ring or something. wait until you see the hole in this kid's face. look at that. >> is it bad? >> i want to feel bad for him, but i absolutely don't because they created this situation. did they really not see this coming? >> it is good to see that, the people did come to help out. >> but leave those types of social experiments to the experts, to the scientists, that know how to actually conduct them. not like this. >> a rescue video here. you'll love them. so darn cute. this first one, this adorable hawk bill sea turtle. it is out swimming in the water. this is actually after it is
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rescued. this is a supervised swim that the fresh little turtle is taking. if you notice, look at its back legs. >> only one is working, right? >> when this turtle was taken to the rescue center, it was very weak. it couldn't move the leg. it seems to be torn. >> seems to be doing really, really well now, it is moving. >> apparently it also had issues diving in the wor at this rescue ended up feeding it pieces of jellyfish and fresh fish. this is especially important that this sea turtle gets back into the ocean because it is critically endangered. there are few of them left in the world so they want to make sure they give this one a fighting chance. >> this is a good exercise. really cute rescue. these are kangaroo joeys. not like the regular kangaroos, but they are cousins. these guys hang out on trees.
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hence the name. >> they're cute. >> two of these were taken into this rescue. they believe their mamas abandoned them. they're caring for the little guys, they're enjoying spaghetti. i don't know how they figure that one out when they go back into the wild. these are also a threatened species. even though they do break a thing or two here or there, she says it is worth it because she's giving the two guys a chance. this toddler turned artist. >> what is that? >> a pa-china. >> what he drew. >> no! no! >> really did it. [ [ cocougughshs, , snsneee] i have a big m meeeetiting when we land, bubut t i i amam s so o st, i can't rest. [ male a annnnououncncer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. ththeyey d donon't't?? alalkaka s seleltztzerer p pls yoyourur w wororstst c colold , plus h hasas a a d dececon. [ [ ininhahaleles s dedeepe]
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ohoh. . whwhatat a a r rele. [ [ ininhahaleles s dedeepe] so i get invited to quite a few family gatherings. heck, i saved judith here a fortune with discounts like safe driver, multi-car, paperless. you make a mighty fine missus, m'lady. i'm not saying mark's thrifty. let's just say, i saved him $519, and it certainly didn't go toward that ring. am i right? [ laughs ] [ dance music playing ] so visit today. i call this one "the robox."
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it is beautiful to see a goth hawk in action. bbc worldwide got a goth hawk and they'll show you how it grabs its food in midair. they have some meat attached to a balloon and they got the camera rolling. here you see the hawk in action, just beautiful underneath. you see its talons, see it flying toward the balloon. watch what it does with its claws. brings the claws underneath and with precision, just grabs its prey.
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still got some of the meat. >> pretty awesome. wow. oh, man. that's a shot for you. >> meat is not flying away. still has a hold of the balloon, the meat is attached to it. keep watching. once it grabs it, you see the full power and majesty. prepare yourself, because hilarity is happening in the form of three videos. the first one from juken video. a whole lot going on in a short video. >> beans on the toast. >> baked bean sandwich, maybe his favorite snack. you also have this little tyke further back, standing on a little box, also eating something. oh! >> why is this being filmed? that's funny it happened, but why did they start filming? >> maybe because mom knew this was coming.
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>> i'm glad they were filming then. >> now the little guy got back open his feet, looking down at his big brother like what did you just do? >> the second video, whalen, also hilarious. >> it is a pa-china. >> a what? >> it is a pa-china. look at the picture that whalen has drawn. >> no! no, no! >> he real dly did it. >> maybe it is a hamburger. >> but he's not saying it is a hamburger. he's saying it's a pa-china. >> where did he get this from? >> no telling. >> it's a pa-china. >> third video, an awesome moment, so glad the camera was rolling. got this from juken video.
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the present for this little guy, so excited. >> what? the banana. >> they're like 19 cents. >> this was shot on mother's day. all of the moms opened their gifts. but this fellow was feeling left out. they decided to prank him by giving him a gift, the gift being a banana. they thought he would be upset. but -- >> he loves it. >> he loves the banana. >> he was grateful he got a gift. they should re ward him for that. >> what do you think? >> that will do it for us at "rtm." th
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. if you want great videos from the web, we've got them, "right this minute." it takes sheer manpower to pull a car from a lake and -- >> there is still a guy in the car. >> how a crowd of heroes jumped in to save a life. a bear shimmies along a rope, trying to get to this beaver. >> the extent someone will go to get the beaver. >> he's going to fall. >> now meet the man who witnessed one tough choice. >> this was definitely the first
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