tv Right This Minute FOX March 18, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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kes a subaru, a subaru. hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman. there are billions of videos on the web. we have today's best "right this minute." heartbreaking cries as rescuers try to reach a small dog who -- >> got stuck in this tiny little cave. >> now, meet the family who got their beloved pet back after having to leave him overnight. >> i can't describe it. when i thought about him stuck in that hole, cold, dark, clause toe phoclphobic, i imagined myself being in there.
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a snowplow is clearing the road but there's one little problem. >> it's going in the wrong direction. >> let's see what happens now. >> the unsuspecting driver heading for one big road hazard. i love to draw. >> a child with autism appeals to the leggo factory to help him -- >> combine his two fascinations. leggos and ships. >> it will take leggos on a grand scale. >> 2 billion. and a dog is jonesing for what's in that jug. >> it curls up like a baby with a bottle. >> see how cujo finally gets his fix. we'll get things started with an incredibly complicated rescue that was fueled by a lot of love. behind what looks like this giant wall of rock is a little jack russell terrier. listen to this. that's the watson.
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watson got stuck in this tiny little cave in tennessee. we're seeing watson's owners, his family, trying to get to him. they were losing daylight the day before and they had to leave watson in this little cave overnight. just heartbreaking. if you can imagine the terror the dog was feeling but the panic the owners were feeling so they came back the next day with this drill hammer that you're seeing here. that's one of watson's owners that's 15-year-old nick edwards he's the son of manny edwards, they finally ended up tieing some rope to watson's leg. nick crawled back in there and they were able to get watson free. let me show you the moment that watson is reunited with his family. there's watson, dirty and afraid and you can imagine hungry and thirsty, but thrilled to see his owners. this was an effort by an entire family, we not only have manny and nick and daughter elizabeth and son ben was there and some neighbors from their area and to
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tell us all about this really complicated rescue, we have manny edwards and the hero nick who crawled into the cave and elizabeth from tennessee. tell us how watson got stuck in this tiny space. >> what i figure is he was chasing something. he's a terrier and whenever something moves he goes after it, and if it goes into a hole, he goes in the hole after it. we only had a couple of hours of daylight and the only thing we had available were hand tools. we went at it with the a crowbar and hand tools and chip away rock and dark fell and there was absolutely nothing we could do. >> can you describe how he was stuck? what was making him not able to get out? >> his chest and shoulders and his head were wedged sideways behind a rock but he was turned sideways. i don't know how he got in there like that but it was impossible for me to pull him out because i would break his arms. i had to turn him sideways and get him back on his belly so i could pull him out like that. >> can't pull him out.
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>> how tough was it to make the decision to leave where you had to leave watson stuck in the cave, how tough was that? >> i couldn't sleep that night but there was no option. it was after hours. the businesses were closed. i couldn't rent anything then so we had no choice but to wait until the morning. there was a lot of rock to chip away to get nick in there to where he could reach him. i never had any doubt that we could do it, it just was going to require a lot of effort. everybody pulled together and we got him out and it was a great celebration in the end. >> what does it feel like to have watson back home, elizabeth? >> i like it. over hill going the wrong way. >> over the hill going the wrong way what's this guy talking about in this video from arlington, virginia, you're about to see -- >> that's how arlington plows their streets. >> a snowplow in the left lane military road in arlington, virginia, going the wrong way and up ahead is a blind turn. >> i almost slid into the thing. >> this is actually a
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professional stunt driver who shot the video and said it was heading right for him and he had to kind of, like, swerve out of the way into heavier snow and pulled the e-brake and that flipped him around and facing the direction the snowplow was going and he caught back up with the snowplow and filmed this video. >> this does not seem like a safe way to plow the road. >> absolutely not. he's going around the curve to the right. if you're going in the opposite direction how would you be able to know this plow is headed right for you? >> and it's an icy road, so if somebody does they'll react and slide and slip everywhere. >> and that's what you almost see here at the end of the video. watch this. >> this car is coming down the hill. can't stop. >> in this instance the snowplow does stop but the car has to go into the snowy median part of the road. >> did you ever find out why the snowplow was going in the wrong direction? >> no. >> arlington county said they saw the video and said the driver was not following the right procedure. some reports online said the
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driver of the snowplow has been removed from duty while the thing is under investigation. >> i'm anks to figure out what really was going on. i got to believe there was some reason not that it makes it right but maybe the plow mechanism couldn't turn to the other side, either way he's taking a huge risk. >> really smart, buddy. this is dash cam from a mercedes. notice what happens on the left side. you see that. watch it again in slow-motion. >> the guy on the bike. >> on the left side. >> on the left side. >> watch. >> did he throw something? >> no. he steals the side mirror off the mercedes. the driver not happy about it so when everybody starts to go the driver pursues. >> go, go, go! >> he yells and catches up with the bike and watch. >> whoa, he hit him. >> he hit him on purpose. >> was he stealing it like a prize or in a feud with the driver? >> we don't know what happened previously. once he merged into traffic there were 800 scooters. how could he figure out which
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one was the one he was after? >> the one holding the mercedes mirror. >> after they went skidding he got up and ran and they haven't found the two guys. >> like a side view mirror is so valuable. >> what do you do with it? another case where the biker doesn't win over the car in b s brisba brisbane, australia. watch the audi hatchback over on the left. legally in this spot the cyclist is allowed to be in the middle of the roadway but watch what happens when the white hatchback pulls up behind him. >> oh. >> driver hits the cyclist. but according to the man who posted the video, the driver did stop, get out, talk to the cyclist. they called ant the ground so hard it cracked his helmet but he only escaped with a badly gashed knee and bruises and the people that posted the video said the driver
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and cyclist were amicable to each other and it's a warning to know that cyclists are on the road and give them room. videos of people stuck in a jam. the first one on the river thames. the luxury yacht approaching that very narrow underpass over this bridge doesn't look like he's going to make it so the guy puts it in reverse and starts to back up. but, remember, this is the river thames, a powerful river with a strong current. that current, then, pushes the boat off course and -- >> start the engine! >> oh, man. >> that's a lot of money getting banged up. >> oh, definitely. it's over a million dollar boat easily. he just can't seem to get out of there listen. >> oh! >> reports say, though, this guy was able to eventually somehow get beneath this bridge and continue on his journey. probably over to the boat body shop down the river. >> yeah. this woman also needing the assistance of the rnli but this time they're not rescuing
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somebody from the water. they're actually rescuing somebody from the shore. a woman was out walking her dog and got stuck in some deep mud. she was stranded up to her waist. couldn't get out. the rnli delivering a couple of firemen with what they call mud masks. basically a large platform that they can use to stand on and work from so they don't sink into the mud. they've got her on the mud mat and dragging her back out. there's the little dog, too. he's okay. >> like quicksand. wow. >> she was walking along in a tidal area in soft sand, she got stuck. a collision at the intersection sends one car -- >> flying right into. >> ooh. >> the shopping center. crashes right through the wall. >> why this crash avoided the crowds. and this cat doesn't like being in a cage. >> so it figured out how to get out. >> that's a smart cat. >> see the sly way she makes her escape.
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welcome back to the show, everybody, and don't forget to check out great videos all darn day long. enjoy! think we're all about ready to get some springtime going, get these road thawed out. up ahead snowy road. looks like up ahead might be a large passenger van in front of the car there. there's a left hand curve coming up and the van can't quite navigate and slides into the snow and, poof, right into a big
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snowdrift. and pops up and seems to get itself high sided on the snowdrift. doesn't look like a serious impact but enough to send that snow flying and the passenger van bouncing up and over it. >> enough to make that driver's heart race. >> and you're glad the snowdrift was there because look what was on the other side of it, a big hill leading to the forest and it's almost like the snowdrift stopped the thing. >> you wonder if the snow plowed into that spot purposefully as some sort of barrier to keep cars that slide off the road relatively safe. now, this next video is being captured by surveillance cameras outside of a grocery store in russia. keep your eyes there the cars collide and it looks like the intersection. the red light runner hard to see but the second car gets sent flying right into the shopping center, crashes right through the wall and thankfully, though, the lights were turned off. this happens at about 2:30 in the morning and that is extremely funky because people
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that work there say if this is during normal business hours our store is normally very crowded especially in this entranceway, it could be a lot, lot worse. >> it looks like somebody is getting out of the car on their own. >> injuries were not serious in this. i give you chavalo, the king of the cat escape artist. >> nice. like a little houdini cat. >> this cat is the mascot at a veterinarian clinic in france and as you can see the cat doesn't like to be in the cage so it figured out how toet out. >> that's a smart cat. you have to lift that lock a this must have been happening a bunch because they thought to set the camera, you know, like, they must be wondering how the heck's this thing getting out of the cage. >> in a different came still getting out. >> that's one smart cat and cats aren't the only ones having fun. this dog as dexterous with its paws, this dog is named cujo
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in name only. because cujo apparently loves milk and so the poster says whenever momma's done with the milk jug and there's a little bit left they give it to cujo figured out how to get the top off. it curls up like a baby with a bottle and starts trying to drink. just, like, wants to nurse the milk jug. >> weird. >> this is awesome. >> it did it all by itself. >> it says the dog figures this out on its own. >> dogs drinking milk you don't see that every day. tongue stuck in a can. >> what in the world is going on here? >> see who helps out next "right this minute." and still to come -- he has a message for leggo. >> i'm a special boy with autism. it's kind of hard to be artistic. >> using leggos to help develop his creativity. >> the story behind his dream to
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i have a big m meeeetiting when we land, bubut t i i amam s so o st, i can't rest. [ male a annnnououncncer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. ththeyey d donon't't?? alalkaka s seleltztzerer p pls yoyourur w wororstst c colold , plus h hasas a a d dececon. [ [ ininhahaleles s dedeepe] ohoh. . whwhatat a a r rele.
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[ [ ininhahaleles s dedeepe] i've got 3-alarm heartburn... fifireremaman n chchilili ? rolaids gives yoyou u rarapd relief of heartburn anand d neneututraraliliz% more acid than tums. atattataboboy!y! rorolalaidids,s, t thahatw you spell relief. ononcece, , twtwicice, it's time for new seselslsune scscalalp . it worksks a at t ththee sosoururce with ththe e nunumbmberer oe ananti-itch medicine. plus soothing aloe for fast relief. seselslsunun b bluluee scscalalp itch. i think you guys and our viewers will agree that one of the most awful smells in the world burnt hair. >> oh, yeah. >> what? >> so i can't imagine what it smelled like in this place. apparently this is the korean military getting ready for their military haircuts and this guy had a cool punk rock mohawk here. instead of shaving that thing off, why not have some fun with it. >> they, like, light it on hair and the more the guy's hair lights on fire his face grows
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from, like, scared and confused to, like, excited and happy while his whole head's on fire. >> like a volcano. like a spewing volcano of hair. >> burning itching scalp? >> it looks like it's getting pretty close. and then the guy comes with just his hand and kind of claps it and it goes out. they're going to have to buzz their hair for a haircut, i guess but the guy's a total hot head, though. >> think about the smell. >> yeah. >> one burnt hair stinks. the whole guy's mohawk's on fire it has to smell terrible. >> his face is classic. >> i would freeze frame that and make that, like, my christmas card. >> happy holidays. hi there, leggo land, i'm 11 years old and i live in iceland. i'm a special boy with autism.
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it's kind of hard to be artistic because i need to control my mind and my body. >> uses leggos to help develop his creativity, help utilize his mind also one of his favorite things ships. particularly the "titanic." >> i see where this is going. >> i make this video with my mother to see if you can invite me to the leggo factory in denmark and give me the chance to build my favorite ship, the "titanic." >> will this be to scale? >> not quite the size of "titanic" but he'll tell you exactly how big because he's planned this entire thing out. >> i have already made the drawing and the measurement. and i know exactly how the ship will be built. t looks just lik other one.
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the ship will be 60 meters and 33 centimeters long. >> oh, my god. >> they ought to hire him. >> he's a true engineer this kid. >> he is a spectacular young man and we have him vewere skype from iceland right this minute along with his dad. how did your obsession with the "titanic" and with ships begin? >> his interest in "titanic" started about two years ago and he can tell you probably everything there is to know about the "titanic." >> do you know why it's going to be that big? >> why? >> because the leggo version has to be the samelike the real "titanic." >> he started out measuring the size of the standard leggo person and he measured how big the "titanic" needs to be in proportion. >> why is the "titanic" so interesting to you? >> it was the first biggest ship in the first classes was painted golden. everything was so beautiful i can't even imagine how beautiful it was. >> oh. >> awesome. >> can i tell you something?
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>> yes. >> i have built a "titanic" for 706 leggo tubes inside of it. >> there it is. >> that is spectacular. it's so great! >> have you heard from leggo? >> no. >> no. >> but we know for a fact that leggo has seen the video and it's in consideration. >> they want to know what i love most? >> yes. >> because everyone want moose toe go to leggoland. >> a lot of people are rooting for him. >> we are rooting for you, too. it's a rap video that's got it all. ♪ >> oh. cats and abs. >> see why this double dose of cute is all for a good cause.
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from with a group of para motor experts. paragliders with motors on the back. >> it looks like a team putting on, like, an aerial display. >> that's exactly what they are doing and they've got incredible control. rotating around that balloon and flying in formation in and around the city of dubai. spectacularly beautiful. most likely because this is the latest supertramp video. >> oh. >> that's why we've got such an incredible view. >> i can't imagine a better place for them to shoot this video. dubai is incredible to look at. >> this is so remarkable to see especially since we do see paragliders and para-motorist crashing and having problems. skimming their kites across the water. this is unbelievable control over what seems like an uncontrollable sport. this video is all for the ladies and some dudes, too. it starts off with a warning.
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the following video contains extremely cute content. and there's also 3-month-old kittens. >> oh, cats and abs. >> it's cats and abs. featuring c.j. eduardo and jason -- ♪ what up merlin shout-out to the humane society tony so cute ♪ ♪ tony is cute as hell ♪ meow >> they're rapping about how cool these cats are. and, of course, how cool their abs are, too. ♪ fancy feast chest abs obliques they're so purr-fect say meow to me ♪ ♪ dancing with my kitty >> cats and abs, oh, god. ♪ bird on a stick take a prize door box a cigar and a ball of yarn ♪ >> i wish i had a small ballpeen hammer right now that i could
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just hit myself in the forehead right here. >> this is all for a good cause i should have you know. >> sure, throw that in now. >> "cosmopolitan" did this video to draw attention to the kitties that need a home and at the end of the video you have the information to the humane society wre you can actually wanted them. >> it's what the internet is, kittens get viewed. >> that's true. ♪ cats and abs cats and abs with my kitty dancing with my cat ♪ ♪ that's going to do it for us here at "right this minute." thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time. and what do we have here? oh, look. we have a bunch of... announcer: babies who are talked to from the time they're born are more likely to have a successful future. talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives.
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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman, today's best videos are coming your way "right this minute." it's a full-on brawl between first responders -- >> who all were on the scene of an accident. >> what happened that took it from fisticuffs to handcuffs. he's hitching a ride on a porker who -- >> seems no worse for the wear. >> why this farmer went to market but this little piggy did not stay home. a prankster pretends to knock women out and kidnap them. >> he's thinking someone'
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