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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  March 25, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman. we've been searching the web for the best videos of the day and we've got them "right this minute." potty tensions overflow leading to this little pissing match so to speak. the spring break showdown of one man go gainst many. beneath this house rescuers spot a litter of puppies. see the heroic effort to reunite mom with babies. drivers in oakland are putting on a sideshow. >> all kind of doughnuts and
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burnouts and spin-outs. >> why the spectacle cops hate is growing in cu aeal. ut crash test dummies. >> they make a love connection. >> now the creator reveals the high-tech romance inspired by an ex-girlfriend. >> i never opened my eyes and when i did it was -- take the big punch bowl that is known as panama city beach and pour in party beverages and dash in a couple of thousand strangers going to have fun and you have the perfect cocktail for spring break fun. >> hey, hey, hey. >> are you serious? it's spring break have fun. we see these every year this time. >> here the xchin-factor is thee at the port-o-potty. see that guy right there black and white hat tank top on, he's one of the guys involved in the fight. this guy here in the orange hat also one of the guys involved in this little pissing match so to
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speak and a couple of other guys join the orange hat guy and it turns into a three-on-one. >> hey, hey, hey. >> people go flying and fists are flying as well. these guys mobbing on top of the guy with the tank top. it's a mess. eventually boys in blue show up. they start to break this thick up. see the guy in the red shirt still got his legs wrapped around the guy with the tank top. he gets pulled off into the crowd and just splits away and disappears. the police arrest the guy with the tank top. everybody else seems to get away. >> it's supposed to be fun and time to blow off steam from the exams and studying and instead you see a port-o-potty pounding. if you guys want to know or see what unconditional love looks like, this is it right here. this is one beautiful example so a crew from the gateway pet guardians in st. louis came to
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this home because underneath it is an entire litter of puppies that they believe were only three weeks old. >> oh, they're little ones. >> little, little ones. >> association they're so preshls. they're in the dirt under the house not exactly good conditions for these little guys. fortunately these guardians came over and they started rescuing the puppies after some maneuvering because it looks like this house is abandoned but they were able to go and started retrieving the puppies and putting them in crates. >> where's mom? >> we see where mom is, she's stuck behind part of the crawl space and after one of the workers wrapped the rope around its neck they're able to pull it gently. >> look at mom she's a big girl. she's a bigger dog. >> yeah, she's big and she's gentle even though it looks like a couple of times she's struggling with the workers but they allow them to pull her out and they allow her to put her in a crate. >> she's got all the mouths to
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feed and she's alone. >> dead bet dog dad. >> hopefully they find a good home soon. >> mom is a really pretty girl. >> where is the father and he needs to be fixed. >> you know what, fast. a snowboarder captured a small but deadly avalanche in ochy, russia, this happened in the ski area, and if you notice in the video it is a small avalanche it's not one of the big mountainous ones with snow rushing down. you can see some people fell down but sadly six people ended up being buried in the snow. >> oh, my gosh. >> you could see here the people on the snowboards are kind of resting waiting for the snow to stop but they immediately realize that there were some tourists that were covered in snow so before rescue crews got they started digging them out with what they have, with their hands and snowboards. >> in this small avalanche are people buried right now?
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>> there are six people who are buried and three managed to dig themselves out, one woman, 45 years old, and a 16-year-old girl they were killed in this incident but a fourth person was dug out by rescuers once they got there. >> wow. >> my goodness, and you see this because of the way the footage is shot it doesn't seem incredibly violent but when you look back you can see how huge this avalanche was and it took the skiers on surprise because they or a trail at a resort. >> that's what's important because they are investigating this incident because according to officials the avalanche warnings was removed the day before. this area was probably believed by them okay to be in but according to one official they said that your chances of getting killed in an avalanche this size is negligible so now a criminal investigation is under way. we've seen these videos before. i'm certain that we will see them again. videos known as sideshow videos
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particularly the oakland sideshow. groups of people coming out to public streets and just doing all kinds of doughnuts and burnouts and spin-outs and quite frankly quite dangerous behavior. i have three different videos. the first video from sideshow biz shows what looks like a mustang just spinning out in the dark. there are people close by reaching out touching the cars. other cars waiting to get their turn and come in and do their little doughnut. >> i can't believe that these people don't realize how dangerous it is and that they could get killed! >> the second video from sideshow biz shows this truck in the middle of what looks like a busy intersection and he starts just spinning out. >> oh, no. >> watch what happens as the camera pans and you see this other car is also doing doughnuts on this road just down from the intersection. you see a third car also. what they are doing choreography but look at this guy he gets right in and starts dancing along with the car. >> what a dummy.
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>> can i say quite good car control? so far no damage, i got to give them to it a little bit. >> but on the street! >> and look at the third video a lot of guys mug for the camera and showing their faces and talking to the camera. >> it's going to be hard to stop because it's culture in the neighborhood. >> if you look really closely to the guy sitting in the participating seat in this particular car, yes, he does have a gun. we never hear him fire the gun but you can see he's clearly holding it up. >> surprised police aren't there yet. >> witnesses say police did show up at this early morning sideshow and this woman who spoke to ktvu said one of the guys fleeing the scene actually hit her car and totaled it. you've got mail. >> one of the most popular lines from the '90s. >> i always thought that th was some sort of comgenerated v. it's not. >> we'll reveal the mystery man behind the voice. and see how these guys take
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on the ultimate teeter tots.
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got a couple of near misses on this pair of videos. the first one, though, i want you to guess to see what went flying across the screen. glen and his family were driving on this dark roadway and they see this light flash by them. >> a firefly. >> that was a car involved in a high-speed chase. police in australia were chasing an alleged drunk driver and they
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see this car just go by them. >> how did it launch itself? >> the car careened over an embankment and then crash landed. this is the body of the car here. here comes the driver. just wearing shorts and kyle gets out of his car to offer this man aid and the man starts talking to him but cal says he starts saying things he did not expect to hear. >> the guy was still thinking about getting found by the police after that? >> this is the car that he just climbed out of seemingly unhurt because you can see him in video going into court and he doesn't look like the guy involved in a car accident like this. >> do they believe he was under the influence of something? >> police allege he was driving drunk. they say the speeds in this chase reached 124 miles per hour. this family just dodged a bullet. just look how close they were to that car come sailing into them. the second video comes to us from the ukraine. watch what happens ahead of this car which barely misses getting hit by a car.
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that was a 20-year-old driver according to police. the driver in that blue car that hit the fence lost control of the vehicle suffered head injuries. >> oh. >> and was taken to the hospital. >> it really did come out of nowhere. the car was driving along and the car with the dash cam had he been going a little bit faster, he might have been sideswiped. >> both cars in the videos dodged cars. i would argue this is one of the most quotable lines of the early days of the internet. >> you've ngot mail. >> i was going to say you've got mail. >> i always thought it was some sort of computer generated voice. it's not. >> put your hands up. >> he points out this guy. >> that's the you got mail guy? >> jim brewer is telling the camera that's the guy. >> i know. >> he don't believe me.
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>> the guy's name is ellwood edwards, born 1949. he's an american voiceover actor. so here's the story behind "you've got mail." >> in 1989 i recorded "welcome you've got mail, good-bye." and kept right on going. >> wow. >> isn't that weird? do you believe that? >> can you imagine being that person that you just randomly were asked to be a test to be the you've got mail guy and suddenly everyone hears that and there's a movie named after that line. >> you've got mail. >> back in the day ellwood's wife overheard steve case talk about how he thought he might want to add a voice to their new user interface so the wife was, like, my husband does voiceover stuff, boom. that was it. >> really? >> a test and it became part of the software. >> just because she overheard a conversation?
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>> yes. >> you've got mail. >> further proof behind every great man is a wife who pushed him into it. >> you've got mail. you've heard of the teeter totter but maybe you've never heard of the teeterboard. this is it and these are some of the tricks you can do on a teeterboard. >> whoa. >> what? >> these aren't average dudes these are, like, acrobats. >> yeah. these two guys are part of a duo called sons. this is one of their performances they titled it tact. they are students of the university of dance in stock homstockh stockholm. teeterboard or you don't land correctly. there's so many spectacular things about this performance. >> you need to have somebody as your partner that is kind of the same weight because if you had a
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real skinny guy or a real big guy, you might not be able to launch each other. i can't believe it. i've never seen anything like this. >> i would like to have seen these kids on a playground when they were, like, 6. >> they're going to be graduating soon and they're apparently going to be putting on the graduation performance, the closing act at that ceremony and they do say they'll want to be looking for jobs so if anybody is interested holler. >> is there a graduation ceremony at circus school, it must be awesome. two cute little girls one sweet message. >> this is the day that daddy gets to come home. >> might i add they're both stinking adorable. >> and daddy's home. >> oh, that must have been so amazing. >> see the homecoming next "right this minute." and still to come, a prankster tries to make strangers on the street believe in ghosts by -- >> using a long stick. >> to poke people in the back.
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>> something just got me. >> why a simple pass has them terrified. >> [ bleep ]. plus a student film ignites a spark. >> this is, like, incredible! >> see how the crash test dummy love story ends. hihi. . i'i'm m hehenrnry . and i know there are many myths out there ababouout t a a rereveversr, soso i i w wanant t yoyou u tot. ththerere e arare e cucurrry no credit score oror i incncomome e rerequs to qualify. yoyou u cacan n geget t tatax-xy from the equity in your home. yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe ef your current mortgage ifif y youou h havave e. the remaining money can be used for anything. ththerere'e's s nono m mononthte payments. anand d yoyou u ststilill l o! cacallll t tododayay t t your free guide and dvd. itit e expxplalainins w a government-insured reverse mortgage works. ththerere'e's s nono o obl. onone e rereveversrse e me is a quicken loans company. ththeieir r lilicecensnseds can answer all your questions. cacallll t to o fifindnd t a great solution this can be.
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dodon'n't t wawaitit, , c!
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cacallll t to o fifindnd t a great solution this can be. i've got 3-alarm heartburn... fifireremaman n chchilili ? rolaids gives yoyou u rarapd relief of heartburn anand d neneututraraliliz% more acid than tums. atattataboboy!y! rorolalaidids,s, t thahatw you spell relief.
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popolllon my weekends.d toto s but the power of allegra put me on the road again. >>non-drowsy allegra starts working in one hour anand d ststayays s ststr twenty-four. alallelegrgra.a. s stotop . start living. safe to say this kid's final product works should get him a job with disney or dream works. this is crush. crush is a final project film for the vancouver film school. he made this story about two crash test dummies. you notice early on something happens.
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notice they make a love connection. >> what? >> i cannot believe that this is a student doing all of this animation. >> instead of the air bags it was an air kiss that deployed at the end of this. >> makes me feel really old. because i think about the things i did in school with, like, construction paper and crayons and paste and now this is, like, incredible. >> so to tell us about his amazing final project we have him "right this minute" via skype all the way from lebanon. tell us, where did the idea for this short film about crash test dummies come from? >> i had, like, some ideas that
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weren't as interesting, say, as this and then it hit me. i just thought what if i take something that is not animatable and just make it animatable. >> help us understand people who aren't in animation how you even do something like this? >> well, actually the credit should go for everyone that was around me during this year honestly. my class is very inspiring. my teachers are amazing, of course, if you see the last phrase it's dedicated to my ex-girlfriend. she was super supportive all the time before i got there in vancouver. we didn't make it, many reasons, but she is the one i dedicated. >> is this a story of how you came together and grew apart? >> actually i'm just going to sum it up. she was the best person with me and i never opened my eyes and when i opened my eyes it was too late so basically you can see the similarity during the movie. you guys believe ghosts?
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>> i don't. >> magician and prankster rich ferguson might make you believe in ghosts. >> can show me where gum alley is? >> gum alley is -- okay. >> excuse me? something just got me. >> this is the ghost touching prank and rich ferguson is asking people on the street asking for directions and if you look really closely this arm is a fake arm it's carrying a bike helmet so that you can't tell it's fake, his real arm is tucked behind him in his shirt and he's using a long stick to poke people in the back while they are giving him directions. and everyone starts believing that it's a ghost. >> there's, like, ghost hunters or something like that ghosts -- >> yeah. >> near gum alley? near gum alley. >> this goes on. and on. >> yeah. >> do [ bleep ]? >> and on and on. that one but i don't know what the [ bleep ] just happened to me? >> really simple yet really effective. >> you see his hand with the bike helmet so that takes that
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out of the equation in your mind but it is suspicion that every time he gets close to you feel something and, all right, creep, what's going on. >> he plays along and starts making them believe he's getting poked, too. >> like, it's a tap. >> ow. someone just grabbed my hair. >> he does a great job of maybe tucking his hand in his pants when people start get behind him and look around because people don't figure it out until he shows them the stick. >> hey, what's going on? >> i was terrified. >> he had so much fun doing this that he not only uploaded video he did two. in the second video he's not necessarily trying to make people believe it's a ghost but he's still doing the fake tap and freaking people out. >> dude. freaking me out. what is going on. how are you doing that? who's to blame for this? >> whoa, that is a mess in the house. >> oh, no! >> the evidence that leads right to the culprit.
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three guys are going fishing
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off the coast of mississippi when they came across this shrimping vessel, the shrimpers were throwing something in the water. >> there were a lot of sharks. >> the guys on the fishing boat why don't we jump in and go swimming with the sharks. >> they saw spin xers bottle nose dolphins as well. >> it's amawzing they would choose to go in the water with them. >> they continued to go fishing and got a good catch. ever get that feeling you're being followed? >> yep. >> have you ever been followed by sharks? look at these guys. >> snap. >> that's off the north coast of australia. again, a huge i don't know herd of sharks. >> what are they following? are they in a boat full of blood. >> they are throwing bits of fish into the water. look at them all, too. a ton of sharks. >> i've never seen that many sharks together. even if you are in an aquarium, there aren't that many sharks all in one place. >> what we have here is a
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classic whodunit. you have dogs and cats they've been left alone all day. look at that mess. >> whoa, that is a mess in the house. >> tore up from the floor up so to speak. there you can see the remains of a potted plant. and notice there are two cats in the house. look at them. they don't even look any kind of guilty and the person asked them a question. let me translate because i can guess real well, like, which one of you did this? orange tabby, kiki, she's not talking. you can see dirt everywhere. >> how did they do that? it's everywhere. >> there are cats and a dog in this house. look where the dog is it's dirt all over that bed and -- >> oh. >> that is classic! >> that dog is hiding its face in shame. >> he's not even in his own bed, he's hiding in the cat's get away and i love how it's holding its toy. >> it's precious and heartbreaking. he couldn't help himself in the heat of the moment. he was bored. >> the culprit here is pretty
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evident. dad let a 3-year-old make his own breakfast and as you can see a big mess ensued. >> oh, no. >> the 3-year-old william has made his breakfast of kashi very healthy. he decided to pour them out and spread them out and make hiswn breakf. maybe dadhouldn't have allowed him to make his own bowl of cereal. >> at least he remembered the spoon. >> who said you have to use a bowl. >> mom will come home and find this mess and say that's why i never leave you alone with a child. that's it for "right this minute." we'll see you next time.
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the hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman. it's time for great videos from the web and the stories behind them "right this minute." a diver corners a sailfish and -- >> the fish ain't happy about it. >> see the underwater panic of a dude dodging one sharp spear. a bus driver slams the door on passengers. >> but keep watching because this gets a lot worse. >> what happens when he puts a stop to the whole trip. a guy who raises ducks is crushed by a sad sight. >> he thinks that duck


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