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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  April 2, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman and great videos are coming your way "right this minute." a toddler playing on a fountain falls in the water but -- >> there's no one there watching. >> see thing a nide ie agonizin tick by before someone swoops in for the rescue. you don't see this kind of fight very often. >> that's an aggressive deer. >> why good fences don't always make good neighbors. a pedestrian is so distracted by her cell phone -- >> she just never bothered to look left. >> how she survived one heck of a hit. and an update with double
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rainbow guy. >> oh, wow! >> whose video got -- >> 39 million views. >> so bright. >> now hear the shocking amount he made from his youtube hit and how it's leading to fame as a film star. >> you're a legend. you're a youtube legend. >> it's true. we know never, ever to leave a child unattended near water because we know how dangerous it is. we believe this video was captured in thailand and immediately you see that there's a toddler playing around this town tfountain. you do see people in this place not sure what it is, but the chdecid to actually g a start walking around it. when he gets to this corner of the fountain, he sits down, reaches down for the water, goes to get back up, but loses his
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footing. and falls right. >> where are the parents? are they have inside? why would this child be unattended at the fountain? >> at this point you would never know he's in there now. if you didn't see him fall in, nobody else would know he's there. >> more than a minute later you finally see another boy walks over but at this point, look, the toddler seems to be just floating in the water still moving. the other little boy walks up, immediately tells an adult and then you see a woman running up, grabbing the little boy's feet and then pulling him back up, drops him on the floor and then carries him away. the toddler is still moving, though. >> oh, my goodness. >> you wonder why that child was allowed to play around this fountain. >> it doesn't look like it's terribly deep water but you always hear all the time that you only need a couple of inches of water to drown especially when you're that little. >> no word on whether that woman was his mother or not, but according to some reports the child did survive this accident.
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bad guys caught on tape but the good news is they didn't get away with it. they've been caught. we start in russia. this guy walks into a store when all the customers have left, but look, he's got a pistol in his hand. the clerk is terrified. the gun's pointed at her. but according to police she refuses to give him the goods that he's demanding but he doesn't leave without a parting shot. she's shot in the leg but she's able to hit the panic button before she fades. police were able to catch this guy at the entrance of another store nearby. he did admit that he had a drug addiction. >> oh, geez. now, these guys hit a tobacco shop in italy, but watch what happens. first they're able to get through that gate. but once they get through the gate, they have a little bit of a hard time getting through this glass door. it must be reinforced glass because it takes them well over a minute to get through that. finally the whole door comes down. >> how does someone not see
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this? >> right. >> that's got to be loud, too, for an entire minute trying to bust through the glass. someone must have heard something. >> they were able to get away with cigarettes and other items and police did say even though you see four of them and two other guys outside of the store helping them with what they've taken four of them have been arrested. >> yeah, no kidding they are walking down the street with a whole entire humidor it looks like. >> is that what it is? >> i don't know. it's some kind of damn cave, who wouldn't recognize. an act of aggression is caught on camera and this one is going to surprise you. yeah, that's an aggressive deer trying to attack a dog, if you will. there is a fence between them. this is a video shot in pleasant hill, california, our friends at ktvu obtained this video. >> the dogs will run down a deer. if they see a deer in the woods, forget about it, they'll run right after it, so the deer had
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to defend itself. >> the deer approached the fence first and the guy behind the camera his name is darren and he seemed at first the deer at first seemed friendly and docile and he got his camera rolling and suddenly he charged this deer charge towards the fence at the fence towards his dog and murray starts barking and luckily the fence did keep them apart as ktvu found out talking from a veterinarian deer can actually injure dogs. >> we can get all kinds of injuries. we can get penetrating chest wounds and deep wounds to the skin, muscle tears all these things are possible associated with a deer. >> did anybody offer an opinion as to why this deer was acting so aggressively towards the dog? >> yeah, experts say during the fall bucks tend to be very territorial and aggressive during mating season and during the spring which is this time of year doe tend to be very territorial because they are guarding their young and darren does believe there were two fawns close by and that could have possibly been it. this was a momma deer trying to make sure this dog didn't get anywhere near her fawn. >> to her the dog looks like a
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predator and aggressive, so, sure, makes good sense. >> murray the predator. he probably just wanted to play. >> murray, murray, murray! back, back, back! of all the places to keep your head on a swivel the russian streets you definitely should. >> yeah. >> don't do what this lady does in this video. watch this lady in pink on her phone talking, jabbering just walks right out in front of a moving car. she gets crushed by this and you can't really necessarily blame the driver. i mean, just don't expect somebody to walk right in front of your moving car. apparently she suffered a head injury and a fractured leg from this was taken to the hospital. she is believed to be recovering right now. >> oh, my god, that's awful. she did not pay attention at all. the guy behind her wasn't paying attention. he was yakking away on his phone, too, he wasn't looking either. >> what's worse than a traffic
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jam in russia, a traffic jam in russia on fire, that's what this person encountered while filming on this day. you see smoke, you see a line of cars here. the guy with the camera goes in to take a closer look and we get to see what's causing this problem. the van on fire, looks like the fire coming out of the hood of this thing, smoke everywhere. or somebody hitting it with an extinguisher. but i've noticed a weird sort of technique in putting the fire out here that i only guess they use in russia. watch this one dude in the black shirt. just takes his shirt off. and then not only did you just put a bunch of bird holes in your shirt but i don't know that that's really going to do anything. >> especially since the fire is still going underneath the car. >> by the end of the video it looks like they got things under control. the guy just needs to go pick up a new shirt. a skier takes on a steep run. >> this slope looks like it's near vertical.
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like this. >> it is. >> and see how he drops down for the win. and dude likes to scare his girlfriend. >> ah! >> ah! >> does it in the car. does it in the garage. does it everywhere she is. >> the screaming getaway he gets her every time.
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think about the last time you went skiing. now compare it to this guy.
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this is free skier fabian lynch. he's at an event in austria. this, my friend, is what it takes to have an award-winning run. watch him go down that first drop. nails that. back and forth. this slope looks like it's near vertical. it's like this. >> it is. >> if you take a fall, take a tumble, you're done. right about here creates a nice little snowfall for himself and skis down that. >> what? >> back and forth again. comes up to another rock cropping and just launches himself off that. the people behind the camera are going nuts. >> there's plenty of space for him to go around the rock. just a smooth slope isn't good enough. >> i think that's what gets yourself the first place prize. here with speed goes launching off of that. other cliff not shying away from any drop. >> that's the biggest one, too. look at that. >> oh, that was a double jump. >> how did that not skill hkill
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him? >> he was the best of the bunch. >> is there a rating for this kind of run? >> skull and cross bones times a million. >> when i think about the work i've done on the bunny slope it's just not even skiing compared to that. i have two sticks on my feet. you know once you get into a relationship the guy starts picking on you. >> i think that goes both ways. you pick on each other. >> one of the things us ladies hate we hate being scared. don't jump out and scare me. >> it's awful. especially because they're doing it for their enjoyment. >> right. let me show you what chris milberger does for his own personal enjoyment. >> ah! >> oh! >> oh! holy [ bleep ]. >> ah! >> his girlfriend poor shan dodd is the object of the fright, frightee. >> yes. >> and chris put together this vine video compilation of some
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of his favorite moments when he scared his girlfriend shan. >> what? >> holy [ bleep ]? >> does it in the car, does it in the garage, does it everywhere he is. >> he goes what and she has the same exact scream. >> you would think she would slap him on the arm but she cracks up. >> i think she ultimately ends up hating it. >> stop scaring me! >> she goes right at him. right on his throat. he just kept making what could have been a peaceful calming ride into, like, a butt-clencher sweatfest. >> and i'm sure she gets him back. there's got to be something she does that gets him back. >> or something that she doesn't do that's a good get back. >> she can withhold affection or something. >> one way to get him to stop doing that for sure. >> we all know the mentos and
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coke experiment but that is also a new experiment to test, you will not guess this -- >> condoms? >> condoms, yes. so, this guy in italy decides he's going to test the condoms to see how they can withstand the force of this mentos/coke explosion but not only that he's in italy. he adds nutella, he takes it and puts five mentos inside the condom. >> inside the condom? >> yeah. because that way he has a chance to put the condom on the bottle and tape it and watch what this thing does. >> oh! what the -- look at that. what the heck? >> look at the size of that thing! look at how huge it is. >> i can't even believe that. >> there is a certain limit to this condom and -- >> oh! >> the best part of the video is the guy's reaction.
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>> we're not sure this is an ad for nutella or what, but we love it. >> i love this guy. >> good gracious. >> why did he need a go pro he needed an extra angle to get an extra look at this? >> right. tisha has no arms and she's up for any challenge. >> i had been changing a car tire in my garage. >> next "right this minute." and still to come -- some toust come face face an a. keep watching because they need to look out! for something else. >> what gets in the way of their getaway. plus, soul pancake asks -- >> which one of life's big questions would you like answered? >> why? why life? >> where is he already? >> see the video all about big questions and big ideas next.
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totogood thing she used news b . act braces care mouthwash. it's designed to help clean around braces, frfreseshehen , anand d prp whwhitite e. act braces care.e. smsmilile e ststror. ononcece, , twtwicice, it's time for new seselslsune scscalalp . it worksks a at t ththee sosoururce with ththe e nunumbmberer oe ananti-itch medicine. plus soothing aloe for fast relief. seselslsunun b bluluee scscalalp itch.
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this video should be titled lookout! because that's an orangutan. >> oh, no. >> they can be aggressive, they can rip you apart. >> this is near a tourist village in indonesia. >> one of my biggest fears. >> really? >> strong primates that rip you to bits. >> because they have human hands and opposable thumbs and drive and they can probably drive away in your car. but, again, lookout! because this guy is mad at these tourists are hanging around and watch what happens. >> oh. >> get out of there. >> it starts charging at them. the orangutan is in pursuit! >> ran to a tree. >> the lady running from the orangutan ran into a tree. >> not even looking where she
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was going. >> at all. >> not even. >> are you okay? you hit the tree spot on? >> can't say that i wouldn't do the exact same thing. >> the thing probably feels cornered because there's people in front of him and behind him. >> or this orangutan is a distant relative of yours, nick calderon, knew the tree was there and thought the lady would run straight into it. this is great. >> i can't wait to see the editor put the monkey face on me. thanks. dog's a drinking fountain pro. which one of life's big questions would you like answ
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answered beth? >> what is the meaning, what is the purpose? >> steven? >> is there another universe here? >> nick? >> who put the earth here? how did we get here? >> soul pancake asked people what big questions they wanted to ask. >> why? why life? >> the first question, why life, why am i here. and then there were some other ones that had a lot to do with what age you were at. >> how much money will i make in the future. >> what am i doing here. the older i get sometimes the less clear that becomes. >> how successful i would be in my career. >> i think a lot of politicians could use this to see what's on people's minds. >> when will the economy start building up again like it used to be before 2008. >> but this guy he has one of those big idea questions. >> whether reincarnation exists, say the wind is blowing through me like the universe is giving me the answer right now. >> i like this dude. >> i like this lady. this question is probably what i would ask. >> where is he already, my soul mate? i've been dating since i was 12, i should have found him by now,
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right? >> i think if we knew everything then we probably wouldn't explore all day or be adventurous. >> having mysteries in life keeps life more meaningful. >> do i think some questions should remain a mystery? yes. we should not explain saints to people. >> i want to know where all my missing socks go. >> they are at a party somewhere. they are at a sock hop! it's the double rain be seen all over the web but the real star -- >> a man almost passionate, almost spiritual about these double rainbows. >> oh, wow! >> now find out how the natural wonder has taken him from youtube legend to leading man. >> my man.
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this video was submitted to us by one of our "right this minute" viewers don austin. this is don's fiance richard and he's putting on his wranglers. >> how is your underwear riding, honey? >> she's the one behind the
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camera. she's just thinking this is hilarious. >> i didn't know that putting tn wranglers was this painful, though. they don't look that tight, do they? >> no, fabian wears tighter jeans every day. >> i slip right into those things. >> does he have hemorrhoids maybe? >> or he fell into a thorn bush and the thorns fell into the jeans. >> or he had a colonoscopy. >> i don't know why they are so painful. take them off and put on a different pair. >> [ bleep ]. >> opt for sweatpants that day. >> apparently richard is a horse trainer and he was maybe in a hurry to go start training a horse? >> well, he needs to take these back and get a different size. well, guys, since january 8th, 2010, we've all been asking ourselves the exact same question. the double rainbow what does it mean, right? >> what does this mean? >> of course, you know this video. one of the most viral videos of
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all-time posted on january 8th, 2010, by paul "hungry bear" vasquez. >> double rainbow all the way across the sky. >> 39 million views on this thing. >> i love it. >> a man excited, a man almost passionate, almost spiritual about these double rainbows in yosemite. guess what, we're about to find out a little bit more behind the man behind the video, bear, because there's a kick-starter project right now to complete a documentary about paul "hungry bear" vasquez. he was invited to iceland by a group of icelandic students because they liked bear so much they wanted to know about him. while he was in iceland, an icelandic filmmaker this woman here she followed bear around for five days, and filmed him. started learning more about his life. well, guess what, now she needs help finishing this film about the man who's so interesting to so many of us about bear. ♪
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>> well, guess what, i'm really stoked ba ed because we have b joining us "right this minute" from his farm right outside of yosemite national park. >> whoo! >> my man, welcome to the show. >> i can't believe how eloquently you just explained what's going on. that was awesome. >> you're a legend. you're a youtube legend. >> it's true. >> this video that has 39 million views, you didn't monetize this thing, you didn't make any money. >> god told me not to put ads on the video that my needs would be met in other ways. >> you did figure out what it means. >> so, yeah, what it means is that i was in the presence of god and i'm here to give a message to humanity. i've distilled it down to a real small essence. it's love your fellow man. walk gently on mother earth. and connect spirit. the rainbows kind of indicate to me that i'm on the right path. >> tell us about this film,
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$88,000 is the goal for the film. most of it wants to come and see you in yosemite. tell us what you want to do if she makes it there. >> i've never been out of north america, i'm not someone who travels but i get an e-mail from iceland who says we're a high school and we want to bring you to iceland. really? okay. it was so powerful to go out there and have the festival where the kids sang and danced to me and i feel it's only half the story and it's really important and this movie has to be made. they have to see where i came from and why i did it and all that. >> that's it for us here "right this minute," everybody. thanks for joining us. we'll see you next time.
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hi, everyone, i'm beth troutman, it's time for great videos before they go viral "right this minute." a family launches an internet campaign to save 4-year-old aliza. aliza was diagnosed with a rare terminal disease. now her parents reveal how a viral video could help in their desperate search for a cure. >> but what you find out is a rare disease a left up to the parents. a cure is there. a motorcycle rider ignores the


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