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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  April 22, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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hello, everyone. i'm beth troutman. we have great videos and the stories behind them coming your way, "right this minute." every year, the jet boats head upstream on the salmon river. >> they can go up to 100 miles per hour. >> why that looks faster when it's coming straight at you. >> hard to believe this guy. >> makes it out alive. >> how rescuers made it in the nick of time. >> no water, no problem for this monkey. >> that one knows more than turning on the faucet. he knows how to read. >> see why he's just following
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the signs. plus, the tuesday buzzword for your shot at a new ipad mini. >> and the l.a. beast takes on a challenge that will leave you bewildered. >> and probably a little nauseated. >> can't feel my feet. >> see what's soaking in ice and eating hot pockets have to do with each other. >> he's stuck in the water and still sitting there in a garbage can full of water. >> guys, i want you to listen to a few seconds of this video here first. couple big crash sounds like somebody trying to break in the front door of somebody's apartment or something. no. a crash from the salmon women jet boat races in riggans, idaho. speed boats flying. they can go up to 100 miles per hour. watch this. and there is that sound that you heard. one of those boats gets out of
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control, crashes into the rocks, comes really close to where those people are standing. we have this same crash from another angle, little further down the river. >> oh, no. >> oh, wow. that boat is like up on the shore about five feet out of the water. >> doesn't quite reach the spectators and doesn't look like there was injuries. >> this is the 30th annual version of this race, doing it for a long time now. the website from riggans, idaho, says they are the white water capital. this is a big time race. we featured this race on the show last year, another wreck. the boat flipped over and capsized. crashes are a part of this thing. i love this whole idea of bracing upstream in a boat. >> got this whole idea from salmon? >> right. they should paint the boats to look like fish. >> that would be cool.
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>> two very scary incidents in china, but fortunately, everybody makes it out alive in this first one, this man is dangling from this balcony. some reports say that the man was afraid of depression. made this could have been a suicide attempt. >> oh, they got it there just in time. >> firefighters did end up showing up in time. at first they were trying with one tarp. but then they put the grid-like tarp over it and the man let go and when he did, they were right there to catch and break his fall. >> looks like civilians helping out too which is awesome people came to help out. >> they needed it. look how close that net is to the ground. they didn't have all those people holding to provide that extra tension, the man could have been seriously injured. fortunately he made it out okay and was taken to get the proper treatment. the other one was incredibly scary because apparently this bus full of passengers not only caught fire, according to some
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reports it was headed to a hospital. it suddenly started up in flames. fortunately, there was a passerby able to help the passengers escape. they had to break a window to get out of this bus apparently and you do see passengers rushing out. you see other people helping. fortunately everybody made it out okay. some had to be taken to the hospital with bumps and bruises, but everybody was okay. no word on the cause of the actual fire. they don't believe it was arson. they think maybe it was a mechanical problem with the bus. the case is still under investigation. fortunately everybody okay in spite of how terrible this thing looks. i think we can probably all agree one of the best moments after winning a state championship soccer match is the moment that all your fans rush the field, come out to celebrate with you to congratulate you. this is the match between the high school lady vipers and the wiley east raiders.
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>> those are the high school fans. the lady vipers won 1-0. but notice anything odd. keep your eye out for something that seems a little out of place. >> see anything? >> big pileup like they're jumping on each other. >> one girl out by herself looks like she was with the opposing team. >> those things were happening but one person in particular that looks upset. keep watching. watch at the bottom of your screen. look at that, see that person in the pink shorts take a stumble and rom. >> started limping off the field. >> watch that again. that wasn't a trip and fall because of an accident. according to some reports people believed that this georgetown police officer george actually tripped that fan. then not only trips this particular fan, but also seems to do it to other -- >> see right there tried to trip that girl. >> and now he's tackling that
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one guy. >> see him stick his leg out trying to trip a guy and see him grab this other fella in the visor. this cell phone footage was shot by a student in the stands that this was going on. >> like what et 's he going to trip every person. >> what's he trying to control. >> the chief of the police department issued a statement he wanted to reassure the public it is not the position of the georgetown police department to condone or tolerate misconduct of any type and he says this matter was immediately forwarded to the professional standards division upon receiving notice of this incident and the officer has been placed on administrative leave with pay pending the outcome of the internal affairs investigation. hey, everybody, in a little while we'll give away an ipad mini. >> to enter you need the buzzword and a twitter account. >> if you don't have one it's easy to create one.
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>> you have to be 18 years old or a u.s. resident to enter. >> stand by for the ipad mini give away. >> the last thing you would expect to see crawling out of a roof. that is a leopard. this in india. >> attacked that guy. >> what's it doing there? >> no word on how it got inside the building. as you can see all the residents have long pipes and they're trying to beat this thing back. jumps off the roof, gets on the ground. in an alley. somebody has the wherewithal to block the door. it runs into this bathroom in a hut and that's where it hides. >> poor thing. the poor animal. you know it doesn't want to be there. it's not trying to kill these people. it's just lost and trapped and scared now. >> animal control officials eventually captured this animal. the sad news is, there has been deadly conflicts between humans and leopards in this area and in the last week, three people have
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died because of those conflicts. >> oh. >> this is terrifying for the humans, terrifying for the leopards. it's a sad situation. >> if you notice that the man nipped on the behind by that thing, the only one who really had contact with it, no other people were hurt in this incident. >> meanwhile, in bali, a more xhomcle animal encounter. this video from the sacred monkey forest sanctuary. that macak has turned on the faucet they say for its friends. i say maybe he wanted to play in the water. >> following the sign. >> totally following the sign, please wash your feet. >> shows you how smart they are. >> that one knows more than turning on the faucet. he knows how to read. read that sign. >> we should be worried. >> it ain't your average grab and go snack. >> of all the things to eat during your commute. >> how weir ter served anywhere but av here. and see how a holy thursday
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procession turned into a holy terror. >> oh, no. >> oh, no. toto y youou...... ththey're momorere t thahana pet so protect them, with k9k9 advantix ll itit's's b broroadad s spepm protection kills fleas, ticksks a andd mosquitoes too. k9k9 a advdvanantitix l fofor r ththe e loloveve o g
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last week was holy week and many christians and catholics celebrated. ? spain this is the celebration captured where the virgen de los dolores translated to the virgin of pain. she's being carried by members
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of this community. they're wearing these robes. apparently this is a very big deal in the celebrations, this encounter between this madonna, this virgin, with the jesus of nazareth, when they raise her up. and bring her back down. that's her dancing. watch what happens when they lower her. >> oh, no. >> oh, no. >> yeah. she was obviously not secured enough and as they went to lower her, she became unstable and fell over. unfortunately hitting this one guy right next to her. >> oh. that was like a heavy statute to him him on top of the head like that. >> fortunately it wasn't a serious injury. mostly a bruise left behind on that guy. but immediately you see everybody rushes over to pick up the virgin because obviously she's very symbolic and people are moved by what's happening here. they do pick her up. fortunately everybody was okay. she had a ding on her crown.
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they were able to repair her in time for good friday's event. ladies, time once again for adventures on the subway. first up, this guy appears the party does not stop for him. ♪ i'm bad tonight 176 >> he has a big cup of water, his headphones and all sorts of dance moves. ♪ i'm all night >> this is a long video about nine minutes long. people aren't paying attention to him now, they're paying attention to him by the end of the video because he does some weird stuff. >> well dressed, happy man. >> don't worry about it. >> i love the hip shake he's got. he's got a funky hip shake. >> he does not stop moving. >> say no, say no, say . they know, they know. >> from his sick moves on a subway car to something that might be sick to watch and smell.
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a man on apparently an n train subway. he is shucking oysters. of all the things to eat during your commute. >> oysters. >> they smell. >> on a subway. >> not portable food. this isn't something handheld and how strange that he's got -- his lemon wedges in his pocket and bottle of tabasco sauce. >> that's weird. it's odd. >> let's hit it. >> it's an extreme mountain bike run and the dude riding it. >> never been on this downhill course in south africa before, but that doesn't slow him down. >> how he handles it all the way down. >> my arm starts to burn. >> plus, want to win an ipad mini. all you need is tuesday's buzzword for your chance twin.
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totogood thing she used news b . act braces care mouthwash. closed captioning provided by -- frfreseshehen , anand d prp whwhitite e. act braces care.e. smsmilile e ststror. ononcece, , twtwicice, it's time for new seselslsune scscalalp . it worksks a at t ththee sosoururce with ththe e nunumbmberer oe ananti-itch medicine. plus soothing aloe for fast relief. seselslsunun b bluluee scscalalp itch.
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when thinking of reality tv, now we can start making fun of it. the case with this film, wet and reckless. >> oh. >> it's a lot of nasty happening in this film. it follows two reality tv stars on their journey in thailand. they've had enough. they cut off contact, they cut all funding. >> road trip with some bros. >> now the two reality stars are on their own in thailand. >> they pulled the plug? >> they find a treasure map. >> a map to a treasure map. >> a map to get to the map to the treasure. >> but if they do find that treasure they will be $23.4 million rich. one of those reality stars placed by jason. >> you're fat and confused at every turn. >> he's also the director of this film and the agent is shawn, you might recognize him from films like "men in black" and "charlie's angels."
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we have both of them via skype "right this minute." welcome. who came up with this crazy idea. >> that was me hanging out on my buddy's couch. i was living there like a month. >> is that a real eye patch? >> it's a real eye patch. >> for really being blind, yeah. >> oh. >> do you feel weird for asking that? >> incredibly weird. >> awkward. >> it did look like a reality show. >> hard to market to people at first because they were like this is a reality show, why do we want to watch this? that's the point. we did it on purpose. >> you also won the 2013 independen independence spirit award. >> america has a hard time getting the movie because the joke is on them. when they take the movie around the world, everyone is like you stupid americans. >> never ever keep snacks out of your mouth. >> we had a full theater falling out of their chairs. it was fantastic. >> was it fun playing that part
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of the agent? >> it was great. so sick of these stupid reality stars. if you had to wrangle the jersey shore guys every day, you might be a little bitter too. >> i took it another level and did a train wreck on the freeway. >> you released the movie last year, but now available on itunes. >> amazon and itunes like the instant ones. go ahead and download it there and watch it. >> kiss yourself. >> let's go for a downhill mountain bike ride but not with a racer. this shaunot by claudio. a mountain bike team manager. >> let's hit it. >> just one second. it would be as if one of us got on this bike. >> yeah. >> down the thing. >> okay. >> that was the first crash already almost, but made it through the section and now we're going into a fun part. yes.
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i didn't think i could clear that one. >> surprising himself. >> my arm starts to burn. >> i'm tired. >> i'm amazed he can go through the play by play while concentrating on this trail. >> we're getting close to the finish and we have to because i'm [ bleep ] tired. >> i don't think any of us could -- >> nope. >> from one extreme sport to another, this video from xavier. this guy has to gingerly scoot across a piece of this mountain. >> amazing. >> they have to repel down this sketchy, strikingly beautiful and scary at the same time. gets in position, tries to lower himself down, one foot on the snowboard and the other free to work his way down. >> i'm good. >> i feel like if you do this you a death wish. >> if you have to go there to
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actually snowboard. >> it appears like it was worth it because watch this run. ♪ >> yeah. >> another day, and we've got another ipad mini to give away. >> you need a twitter account. if you don't have one it's easy to create one. >> head over to and click on the win an ipad mini button and enter today's buzzword. >> time to reveal the buzzword for tuesday. it is magazine. >> get over to and click on the win an ipad mini button and click on magazine, mag ga zone. >> we're giving away another tomorrow and don't forget to foow us on twitter. >> good luck everybody. challenge. >> while he's sitting in this trash barrel full of ice water. >> the theory he's trying to prove with the hot pocket polar
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it's very possible you've seen these very fuzzy tubular scarves. you may own one. but i bet you didn't think of all the possible ways you could wear this thing and this lady in this video is just going through one after another after another ideas of how you can wear this thing. >> she made a flower. >> i know. >> she twisted it and put it on like a poncho. she's doing like a halter top. makes a hood out of it. >> things is cool. >> i threw my scarf like this away because i couldn't pull it off. if i had been able do this i would have been able to pull off one of these looks. >> wear it as a regular scarf, infinity scarf. it's about to be a dress. she makes another flower out of it and then she grabs another one makes a sweater to go over
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the dress she made. >> does it so quickly. >> if you still have this scarf somewhere in your closet, these are pretty cool ideas. >> kitty fishing game. ♪ >> this latest challenge from the l.a. beast will leave you shivering cold and probably a little newsating. >> what i'm going to do is see if i can maintain my normal body heat with hot pockets while submerged in a giant barrel filled with ice cold freezing water. >> the ice water he records is around 40 degrees. his body temperature before he starts this challenge is 97.7.
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so after he warms up his hot pockets he climbs in the barrel. >> the hot pockets will cool off by the time he gets to the last one eating a luke warm hot pocket. >> i don't get the point of this challenge. >> i cannot feel my feet. >> he can't feel his feet and only 23 seconds into his challenge. >> true. this what is you do when you like pull a muscle and play sports. take an ice bath because it numbs your leg. >> stuck the pocket in the water and still stewing in a garbage can full of water dipping his hot pocket in and eating it. >> goes against his plan. that's going to cool off the hot pocket and make him cooler. >> got the first plate nearly finished but then gets a little nassated. >> this is like oscar the grouch in real life. >> it almost takes him 20 minutes to do it, but he does eventually finally get through all the hot pockets.
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>> yes! >> and he does check his body temperature. >> 95.2. >> i can't feel my legs. >> it started out at 97.7 and then he gives us a follow up. >> to conclude my experiment hot pockets did not help me maintain my regular body heat temperature. and this was dumb. >> oh. >> that's our show. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute." [father]c'mon,buddy,you can do it.c'mon,reel it up, you gotta reel it up now,buddy. reel it up. [father] reel it up,you got him on there.bring him in. is that a bass? [boy] yeah,i got a big bass.
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[father]bring it up.keep reeling.keep reeling.c'mon, where is he? whoa! you caught that all by yourself? [boy] yeah! [father]how old are you to catch that? [boy]three! [father]you're three years old? show me how many fingers that is.
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>> announcer: live from new york city, it's "wendy williams." today, hip-hop legend rza gives us the lowdown on working with the late paul walker. plus, from the female super group tlc, chilli is here. and the circus is coming to town with a very special live studio perform from cirque du soleil. now here's wendy!


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