tv Right This Minute FOX April 29, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. time for great videos and the stories behind them, "right this minute." holy cow. holy [ bleep ]. >> whoa. >> kids are at the mercy of one person. >> very dangerous, very erratic driving. >> what happened when an alert good samaritan did something about it. >> just cut that guy off to crazy [ bleep ]. >> he's coming. >> workers try to save a puppy from a sewer pipe after they put a camera down there. >> saw this little face. >> there for four days?
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>> see the rescue with the ultimate happy ending. >> a store owner is behind the counter. >> minding his own business. >> he literally is minding his own business. >> he is. >> how he showed an armed robber who's boss. plus, tuesday's buzzword for your shot at a new ipad mini. and a daughter's surprise for mom goes down at costco. >> hey. >> oh. >> dropped. just cut that guy off too. [ bleep ]. >> crazy [ bleep ]. >> hit him. >> yeah. >> looks like a bus driver may have to hit up the unemployment line in edmonton. check out this video obtained by ctv in canada. this guy's dash cam rolling as he pulls up to the intersection. watch the school bus that makes a left in front of the person that has a right of way in the dark colored sedan. >> we're going to get a license plate. >> that's not all this school
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bus driver was up to. wondering, are there kids on the bus? >> yeah, the driver dropping off a student on the curb. the questionable maneuvers are not done. >> cut that guy after too. [ bleep ]. you crazy [ bleep ]. >> this is also going to get even worse. the school bus approaches another bus that is behind a car trying to make a left. instead of waiting. >> holy cow. holy [ bleep ]. >> whoa. >> goes around the bus, goes around the car with its signal on trying to make a left on the street, almost hit the other car very dangerous, very erratic driving. >> if i see this video and know my child is on this bus i am furious. >> seems like parents in the area don't have to worry about this driver transporting their students anymore because the bussing company saw this video, fired the driver the next day. that's how quick it was. now they're using this video to educate other drivers behind the wheel of their busses saying basically don't do this because
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this will get you fired. >> you crazy [ bleep ]. holy cow. holy [ bleep ]. >> wow. >> sit down. >> what you are looking at is a puppy stuck in a 6 inch pipe. this was in north carolina. now this puppy was first heard on tuesday. they couldn't really find it. but on friday city workers came out and public works workers came in and busts into the pipe after they put a camera in there and saw this little face. >> at least four days? >> at least four. he was heard on tuesday. the workers were able to find out where the puppy was and get it out. >> let him go. >> don't put your hands on him. he'll bite you. >> according to the town manager they named the dog lucky and lucky was adopted by the person who called in last tuesday saying i think i hear a dog. >> that poor little dog. >> not poor little dog anymore.
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lucky has a forever home and will be okay. now this video was unloaded by one of our viewers. she called firefighters when she realized there were three ducklings stuck down in the grate. >> good work on behalf of our viewer calling in the help. >> pmommy duck was over here pacing up and down. >> you see that mom duck hanging around like the sewer drain. you have to figure something is up here. >> i brought bread and water and stuff. >> can i see, please? >> oh, my gosh. >> oh, that is -- >> oh. >> there's two of the little guys. i have to say, everybody was okay once they were rescued. if you want to upload a video go to and click on upload. safe to say there is a time and place for everything and racing your dirt bike through the streets of england not the right time and place for that. >> oh, man. that looks dangerous.
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>> if you notice the guy we're riding with doesn't even have a headlight on his bike. >> i was going to say, are his lights off? >> this is a dirt bike not designed to be used in urban areas. this is an off road motorcycle as is the one up ahead. police say this is louis, 20 years old riding dangerously through plymouth. >> since police know who he is do they have his bike. >> they did take his bike because after they saw louis racing around with his buddy racing through traffic doing all kinds of unsafe maneuvers they observed louis before they were able to light him up with the blue lights about here and pull him over. take him over to the side of the road where they have a chat with louis. notice he's got a camera on his helmet. said we would like to see that as well. they found a bunch of clips of louis allegedly pulling wheelies. nearly hitting a car. going over a pedestrian footbridge in a park.
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lots of different things that police thought were not quite up to safety standards. he has been ordered to do about 250 hours of community service. banned from driving for 18 months. they took his bike and he's going to have to go through license retesting as well. coming up, everybody. we've got another ipad mini to give away. >> now to enter you need the buzzword and a twitter account. if you don't have one don't worry. it's easy to create. >> the buzzword is coming up. you have to be at least 18 years old and a u.s. resident to en r enter. >> hang tight, everybody. we're giving away an ipad mini in just a little bit. >> just because you're up to no good doesn't mean you are going to get away with it. that is the case with this in the uk. this hooded masked guy walks into a grocery store. he's there minding his own business. >> he literally is minding his own business, yeah.
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>> he is. this masked dude walks up with the gun in hand. demands money. but you know who wasn't having any of it? the man. >> wow. >> he looked at that guy like you got to be kidding. get out of here. >> looked like he hit some button under the counter. the panic button or something. >> he was trying to find something to protect himself with, but the guy ends up getting scared and ran out the door. unfortunately in this other case in california these guys did get away with it. you see a car drive rhtho abrup then they start backing up to park in reverse. >> package. something caught their eye? >> yep. >> that's right. the guy picks up two packages left at the doorstep. he simply walks back to the car. as if it were their own packages. >> this sucks. you tell the company you order from, we didn't get it and the delivery company says we delivered it like it's your word
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against theirs. >> do they know what they got? are they just taking boxes? they could have gotten a box of -- >> adult diapers. >> right. >> wonder how many other boxes are in that car too. >> a new series brings the cell block psychic to get to the bottom of murder cases. >> she investigates in cell blocks to decipher what happened before and after the crime was committed. >> she's standing behind you. >> now the woman behind it all talks scenes, secrets and skeptics. >> they're thinking what do we have to lose? >> what happens when a raccoon goes on a wild rampage. >> like what are you doing? get out of here. twtwizizzlers bites y rarand are so soft, c chehewywy, , and with their fruity selves... ththeyey t thihinknk t thihis 'g enough for the both of them. bubut t wewe a assssurure e yoy. bibitetes.s. l litittltle e. jijim'm's s hahairir i is . soso's's h hisis s ser,
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if you're surfing the web looking on your computer for stuff you can see pretty wild stuff on the computer. ♪ >> stuff you can't unsee. >> some you can't unsee. >> this guy, working on his computer, ended up seeing something way wilder behind him. >> can you stop -- >> oh, no. >> oh, snap. >> that's a raccoon in his outdoor closet. this fella in florida was sitting on his patio working on his computer and hears racket and this is what he saw. >> probably doesn't appreciate you just sitting here. >> he said this raccoon spent quite a bit of time the his
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closet eating everything from looks like boogie boards to fishing rods, brooms. the fella said the raccoon wasn't afraid of him at all. just continued to run around the closet. >> listen to the sounds. >> you're starting to freak me out a little bit. i think i'm going to -- i might move. i don't like that -- >> don't you stop this thing at some point? >> you're not going to grab it. it will bite you. >> pick up the broom and shoo him out of there. >> he did leave the raccoon to nibble on his stuff. the raccoon came out and hung out in his yard for a while. >> oh. >> turtle obstacle course. ♪
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imagine the endless questions left unanswered for families of murder victims, the how, the why, did they suffer, questions unanswered that is until now. >> i see people on the other side every day all day. >> this is vicky monroe, the psychic medium in a three-part series for investigation discovery called "cell block psychic". >> unanswered questions linger. why did the killer do it? did the victim suffer? are they in a better place? >> she claims to be using her psychic medium abilities to help answer some of these questions and bring closure to some of these cases. >> they want to talk, they appear and i can see them and hear them as clearly as anyone in the room. >> she investigates in cell blocks to decipher what happened before and after the crime was committed. >> vicky uses her gift to talk to the spirit around stone cold killers. and she'll make sure that the dead don't hold back.
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>> she's standing behind you. >> fascinating. >> yeah. >> via skype "right this minute" we have vicky. welcome to the show, vicky. >> thank you so much for having me. >> in the video you tell one of the inmates that the person is right behind them. do the get scared enough where they actually open up and share stufyes. that's the point. i go into the prison and see basically the person that was murdered. they give me a little bit of extra information that i can take then back to the families who have these questions that have been lingering often for decades and there definitely is when i leave a sense of more peace in the way they can live their lives. >> how do you deal with the skeptics like me? how do you deal with people who aren't quite understanding or aren't sure of your abilities? >> i basically tell skeptics that that's a healthy reaction and that's anybody that's looking into seeing someone that does what i do, don't give your name, don't give them anything.
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then let them tell you what they see. and if it hits you it hits you. >> what about some of the criticism you are getting from some people that work with grieving families that don't like what you're doing on the show? >> these families call this is a test being performed by the closed captioning service provider's technical support department. these test captions are being inserted into the closed captioning stream to ensure that this client's encoder(s) is functioning properly. these test captions are a prepared script being streamed from a computer used by a technical support technician. this is a test being performed by the closed captioning service provider's technical support department. these test captions are being inserted into the closed captioning stream to ensure that this client's encoder(s) is functioning properly. these test captions are a prepared script being streamed
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from a computer hihi. . i'i'm m hehenrnry . and i know there are many myths out there ababouout t a a rereveversr, soso i i w wanant t yoyou u tot. ththerere e arare e cucurrry no credit score oror i incncomome e rerequs to qualify. yoyou u cacan n geget t tatax-xy from the equity in your home. yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe ef your current mortgage ifif y youou h havave e. the remaining money can be used for anything. ththerere'e's s nono m mononthte payments. anand d yoyou u ststilill l o! cacallll t tododayay t t your free guide and dvd. itit e expxplalainins w a government-insured reverse mortgage works. ththerere'e's s nono o obl. onone e rereveversrse e me is a quicken loans company. ththeieir r lilicecensnseds can answer all your questions. cacallll t to o fifindnd t a great solution this can be. dodon'n't t wawaitit, , c!
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9:49 am
well if you live and commute in london you got to believe that it might be a little easier on tw wheels to get through some of the congestion and the traffic but it's also much more dangerous. this is a com pilation from a guy who calls this video welcome to london, all the different helmet cam and motorcycle cam videos of just people getting tangled up with traffic, whether riding a bicycle or scooter or motorcycle. >> sometimes people are paying attention, sometimes they're not. this has been able to happen. >> there are close calls, some legitimate accidents and then just people who don't give a crap. >> yeah.
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>> and putting people in real dangerous situations. >> opened the door right on him. >> he got out and didn't even look the direction he got out. he got out facing other way. >> how do you even do that? like -- >> he just like that -- kind of like that. >> and you do bump into each other. >> oh, boy. >> definitely don't ever go on a bicycle in london. >> it's some of the bikers, too. that's the point. there's a couple parts where there's not enough room to go by and trying to squeeze through a bus and somebody's car. >> some guys taking chances they shouldn't. it's chaos. >> cat takes on the dog. ♪
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guess what, steven. it's tech time spring break edition. we will bring in our partier, spring break year-round, zach. hey, zach. >> hello. >> spring break it. what is this all about? >> normally to test out their advanced materials they use different machines that put them through rigorous testing. this year for spring break they're putting regular objects you might use every day inside of tse tests to see happen. >> so like what kind of objects? >> you can put a rubber duck in the micro forge test. this is what they use to test alloys inside of jet engines. >> they squish the duck. >> put up to 100,000 of pressure. the poor duck. how it bursts in the end. in the infrared camera it's getting exposed to heat similar to those found inside of a volcano. the toy car what they're using
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is the micro test. some of the materials what they do is they spray aluminum at their materials at 150 miles per hour to simulate ten years worth of sand erosion in one minute. >> wow. >> they use these for metal coatings they use in lots of areas. >> this is a cool way to get people to pay attention to all of the work ge is doing. >> very popular on spring break the adult beverage. this what is? >> this is kickstarter for an app for your phone. if you see a menu lots tifrms there will be beers you've never heard of before you can't figure out what they are. take a picture of the beer menu or wine menu and it will let you pick the perfect beer for you. >> that's a cool app. >> we're about to give away an ipad mini "right this minute." >> you need a twitter account. if you don't have one it's easy to create when you enter. >> enter at click on the ipad mini button and enter today as buzzword.
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>> let's reveal the buzzword for tuesday. it is welcome. >> get over to and click on the win an ipad mini button and enter tuesday as buzzword w-e-l >> remember, if you don't win today don't worry because we're giving away another ipad mini tomorrow. >> don't forget, to follow us on twitter. >> daughter decides to pull off an early mother's day's surprise. >> daughter thought i'm going to tell mom i'm sending her a gift, but in reality i'm going to show up myself. >> see the big reveal with the best reaction. >> hey -- >> sofa... desk...
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♪ >> nothing better than awesome surprises like this one. this video was sent to us by one of our "right this minute" viewers, meredith scott. her daughter showed up to her work. >> that's costco, baby. that's costco, my favorite store. >> yep. so meredith works there. she's doing her thing, helping customers. that's her daughter here with the long pretty hair looking for mom because they haven't seen each other in about six months. >> oh. >> it's mother's day around the corner. so daughter thought, i'm going to tell mom i'm sending her a gift but in reality i'm going to show up myself. >> she's the gift. >> that' m right h kinds o box her hands and under her arms. doesn't even notice her daughter standing right in front of her. continues with her business. they start, you know, asking for help.
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>> hey. >> oh! >> she just dropped all that stuff. >> hey, um -- >> oh, my gosh. >> oh, my gosh. >> that's great. >> it was the greatest reaction in the world. you don't expect anything less from mom. >> that's great. just that little bit of a beat she was like wait, what. >> oh, my god. a good surprise. >> a lot of love between mom and daughter. >> oh, my gosh. >> that's our show, everybody. thanks for joining us and we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute."
10:00 am
live from new york city, it's wendy williams. today wendy requell robinson and britney daniels about their hot tv show. be sure to catch the word of the day for your chance to win a trip to the u.s. virgin islands. >> and all of the latest juicy hot topics. now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: i love it.
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