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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  May 31, 2014 10:00am-10:31am PDT

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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we have the best videos of the day coming your way, "right this minute." he's only 2, but not too young for cheerleading. lands that victory pose up in her dad's hand. now meet the duo with the moves that are blowing up the web. >> that was actually the first time we had ever tried that. >> a drag racer makes a command decision and -- >> drives straight into the wall. >> see why the crash wasn't even the worst part. a back to nature trip becomes one of those -- >> life flashing before your eyes moments.
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>> how a herd of elephants tells tourists to keep out. plus, the love story behind a frat house homecoming. and see how you start doing this -- >> back, back, back. >> and you end up like this. >> oh, my goodness. >> video for you that is absolutely blowing up the web, going viral. it is a vine. >> boom. >> wow. >> she finishes with a flare it tao. >> looks like he's flinging the towel in the air and she lands it. >> that's little 2 1/2-year-old emerson decker. her dad andrew. andrew is a cheer coach at a place called cheer city united. and he has been tumbling and doing gymnastics since he was 4 years old and he started pretty early as you can tell with his tiny daughter emerson. here is another video when she
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was just 17 months old this is from his facebook page. >> she has a binky. >> unbelievable. >> you can imagine the video is getting all kinds of attention, positive and negative. but to tell us the story behind it, we have andrew decker and little emerson via skype. dad, talk to us about this process. >> emerson is a showoff. she loves doing it and i love showing her off. it is a lot of fun. >> you've been getting all kinds of attention. what do you have to say to the people who think this might be dangerous for emerson? >> she has complete trust in me and i know what she's doing. i'm not going to let anybody else do it with her and i have never dropped her, will never drop her and we have a blast. >> are you surprised that she picked this up so naturally? >> yes. very surprised. we actually tried it when she was -- before she could walk, she was standing in my hand. >> yea. >> we haven't been able to stop.
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we have had a lot of fun. >> tell me about the vine. >> that was first time he tried it. we did that at the beach. we videotaped it really quick. >> does she wake you up now because she wants to practice now? >> yes, in cheerleading, they start on five and do, five, six, seven, eight, she'll do toe touches and cartwheels. she likes doing stuff on her own and stuff with me. >> is she in classes now at cheer city united? she's the youngest one out there. so this year is her first year. they asked her to try out for a spot on the team. and we're going to try to be a cheerleader this year. >> emerson, what do you want to be when you grow up? >> i don't any. >> you don't know? >> we're going to leave it up to her. i don't want to push her into anything she doesn't want to do. it is something i've done my whole life. if she wants to do that, cool. >> pizza is this guy's business.
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drag racing is this guy's hobby. off he goes in his mazda rx 3. and now he seems to be panicking a little bit there. >> oh, my gosh. what happened? the. >> throttle stuck in his mazda. frank is kind of panicking. reaching around, something is not working. see him messing with the gearshift and then he drives straight into the wall. reportedly frank drove into that wall on purpose because he doesn't want to hit his competitor down trk.s a terrify. when he hit that wall enyand yo see the flames, right into the cabin of the car. >> he runs a mobile pizzeria. i don't think you're used to anything quite like this. >> if your pizza is done, you can say fastest delivery in town, right? >> and it will be hot.
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check this out in slow motion. you see the hood crumble up. flames coming down around his feet, his legs. yeah. he's got the suit on. he jumped out of this and walked away without a single scratch. the car, wrecking his own car, so he didn't hurt somebody else. that's tough. >> i hate i have to show you this stuff. this video in australia shows a group of young men, very young men, some of them in their late teens. they're walking through this train station and then at the moment, you see a couple of them start kicking that door, behind that door is a metro employee. one comes back and kick the door again n that moment, that employee decides to open the door to shoo them away. that was a huge mistake. watch what happens to this employee, who is in his 40s.
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one of them squirts box wine at him and immediately they start savagely beating had him. and they are relentless. >> that's disgusting. what's wrong with these kids. >> he can't even fight back. he tries barely, but there are 20 of them there. one of them is norman khan, 19 years old. >> what was the motivation? >> there was no motivation. that's the worst part. it was a completely unprovoked attack. they left him with a broken nose and a broken cheekbone for which he required surgery. fortunately, this was caught on video and 19-year-old norman khan was identified. that's him here. he was leaving court. he was convicted. and has to spend 12 months in community corrections and was also issued a 270 hour community service order. >> there was a bunch of kids attacking this guy. >> not clear on how many other of the people involved were charged, but they will also be facing charges.
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college grads like to go back to the old stomping grounds, check out your old alma mater, see old friends. a guy named clark rahman graduated from florida state fsu in 2012. you see, he's been out of town a little bit because he's not just clark rahman, he's sergeant clark rahman. and he just spent nine months serving in afghanistan. being greeted by friends and family, but this isn't just about a homecoming to go back to your old frat house. that's where he's going. i love that shot. you can see him soaking it all in, feeling the air, feeling home. >> feeling the freedom that he's been fighting for. >> yeah. that's not about the kegger he goes to every year. he's heading back to the frat house to surprise his girlfriend
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lexi in front of her sorority sisters and his fraternity brothers. here is that moment. ♪ awesome moment. everybody is there. you know, this is around their friends, right? her sorority, his fraternity. the people know their story. you hear all the other sisters saying, oh, my gosh, that's so sweet. >> it is really sweet. it is beautiful. she was surrounded by so many people. guys and girls. but in that moment, they all disappear because it was just about him. >> dude tricks people into thinking they're getting a free burrito, but it kind of back fired. see how feeling guilty takes his prank in a whole new direction. plus, see who comes out on top in the great bear cub battle royal. hehey,y, l letet's's t talalk k. fofor r didigegeststivive? ererinin a andndrerew? yeah. and did d yoyou u knknow trubiotics is a daily probiotic ththatat h helelpsps i in ?
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it supports digestive anand d ie health, by working in your gut whwherere e 7070% % ofof y youm lives. nonow w inin c chehewaw.
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ithe part of us that a littwants to play,on. wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood.
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in this corner we have bear cub number one. and in that corner, we have bear cub number two. and it is a bear battle royal. at least that's what bud christianson called it. >> they were, like, squaring off and everything. >> i know. this is what he camouflaged his backyard in kiefer, michigan. they have a referee. >> it is mom. she's completely and totally uninterested in what these two are doing. >> this is human-like. standing up and slapping at each other and flipping over each other. their hands are just awesome. >> great. >> if you think that video was cute, check out this video from juken. this one involved a little baby who has learned how to crawl, right out the doggy door. >> crawling and attempting to get out. and she gets help because she can't make it all the way through by herself. there is someone who comes to
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her aid. that is the family dog. a little nudge. no. she's okay. looks like she's going to fall, but no. gave her a little nudge she needed. and she's out the doggy door. so you know what that means, both the dog and the baby have to be watched around this door because i think these two could get into some high jinks and run down the street together. >> they're obviously partners in crime already. >> want a free burrito? >> yeah, sure. >> everybody would say yes to that. that's what the guys thought too. >> 1,000 flyers that advertise for a free burrito from chipotle and pass it around to college students. >> so mean. >> who wants a free chipotle burrito. >> everybody wants the coupon for a free burrito, yes, please, especially college kids. they're strapped for cash. chipotle, perfect. but he had a change of heart.
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>> so excited about the challenge student college students getting a free burrito. >> he decided to buy the burritos and hand them out. one small problem, though -- >> we put the wrong date on the flyer. >> people were getting turned away. he goes and hands out a bunch of burritos. the folks at chipotle didn't like the idea of him handing out free burritos. >> i'm not doing anything wrong. >> kind of weird, huh? >> i bought all you guys burritos, i can give them to you. >> i'm giving a good deed here. i'm giving them to homeless people and people in need of -- >> he still had a box of 200 burritos. here's what he did. >> on behalf of -- i pronounce a chipotle-palooza. he just walked into a classroom, unannounced, they put it on the
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professor, like hey, your professor wanted to do something nice. he has no idea what is going on. he wasn't in on it. >> who would like a chipotle burrito. >> did not go as planned. and then the second plan didn't go as planned. but they made it work. got a good video out of it and a bunch of people got a burrito. this has got to be one of those life flashing before your eyes moments. video shot by lyle greg. you see the elephants coming out of the woods, coming on to the road in full view now, which is great. but watch. you can hear the elephants, see the ears flapping. we know that's a sign of aggression and you hear the guy screaming and yelling and banging on stuff and creating a commotion to get them to turn back. you see how they had this coordinated offensive, basically, right in sync, just,
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like, get out of here. that's what you go there for. you watch this kind of action, you want to see. >> i want to see that action from further away in a more secure vehicle with a top and maybe a roll bar in case they run up against it. >> think if you're already in there, coming at you, that's your trick right there. you made it. >> here it is in slow motion. >> yeah. >> here it is in slow motion. they block the entire road, coming straight at these guys. scary stuff. but definitely an intense moment. >> elephants in the back, did you see that, they nudge the smaller elephants off the trail and back into the woods where they all came from. they actually -- that's pretty remarkable, it see how beautiful this family is. wet and wild in aruba. >> this has the look we know so well. right? >> none other than -- >> yeah. see his latest action-packed video. plus, this dude wants you to keep your paws off his pet.
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>> you get it? [ bleep ]. >> the reason behind his strict command. >> the reaction is mixed. some people like it. most people don't.
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gorgeous footage from the island of aruba. but it is not just beautiful scenery of the beach, also people doing some cool things. this has the look we know so well, am i right? >> none other than -- >> yeah. ♪ >> they make everything look amazing. doing some kite boarding. doing this thing with the skateboard on wheels, i have no idea what it is called, but it looks really cool. >> things we can't do boarding.
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>> it is awesome. guys and girls enjoying this gorgeous water. they were there a few months ago. video just released. also part of a giveaway that aruba is sponsoring where they giveaway a trip for two to their annual highway tournament on july 1st to the 7th. enter to win at >> this is beautiful. but if i ever get to aruba, it is going to look more like this, you know? >> he shoots people doing this cool stuff so we can sit back with a mai tie and watch it. >> true. >> most dog owners spend a lot of time training their dogs to do the right thing, right? this guy has a message for all the people who maybe aren't dog owners. >> you see somebody walking down the street, with their dog, and
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the dog is being good, and it heels, don't whistle to it, don't say -- never indicate to the dog anything. the dog is being good. if you encourage the dog to come over and be petted by you, and it is on a leash, the owner is going to have it correct the dog. you're getting the dog in trouble you [ bleep ]. >> oh, my goodness. >> this is peter king. he's actually a professional dog trainer. in fact, he's the own and operator of read your dog in brooklyn, new york. and he put this message out online to basically tell everybody else, let the dog be. this is not your dog. >> when i pass a dog on the sidewalk, i don't stop the dog. >> a lot of people do. a lot of people are compelled by the cute dog and want to interact. >> a few more things to say. >> if you see a dog tide up outside a store like this, you should leave the dog alone. if you walk up to the dog, and the dog gets excited and jumps on you, and you start petting it, you're training the dog to jump on people. so you're a [ bleep ].
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>> good information, though. it is things i wouldn't have known or thought about. i'm not a dog trainer. he's presenting it a little harshly, but good info. >> it is his harsh approach that getting this video so much attention. it has more than 150,000 views and the reaction is mixed. some people like it. most people don't. most people are offended. >> i think this dad spent so much time training dogs, he's tired of people untraining the dogs he's trained. >> it is a different kind of clean and press. >> work out your booty while you're brushing your teeth. >> see her two minute brush and burn challenge next. jijim'm's s hahairir i is . soso's's h hisis s ser, anand d hihis s mamandnn [speaking mandndararinin]] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of amamereri, jim falls short in gegettttining g imimpoportrtanam food alone. mamakikingng j jimim m moro. adadd d onone e a a daday y m, rich in key nutrtrieientnts sy need.
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were you an rc car guy? >> yeah. i had the turbo hammer. >> good times, right? >> yeah, loved it. >> what would it look like from the car's point of view? now we know because thanks to go pros and other different types of cameras, we can get views like this. this guy from the rc kit youtube channel built a swivel mount that mounts on top of the truck. the camera is on a little bit of a boom arm and can spin around. the mount is sort of moving on its own. not controlling it, right? just going with the flow of the car. >> looks to me that way. don't believe he has any control over it, just randomly spinning around the truck. the truck turns, the camera
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turns around. i don't know. just a really cool perspective. >> pepper is a sleepy head. >> good morning. >> mm-hmm. if you're bored with your existing workouts and want something unconventional, here is two ideas. this first one by jordan carter, a model. she shares snippets of her daily life. she teaches us how to work out your booty while you're brushing your teeth. >> out, down and squeeze all the
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way out, make sure you flex your brush. >> i think this would be more effective for your legs if you strapped 40 pounds of silicone to your chest. if you don't have that, is it just as effective? >> make sure you always squeeze your butt and always hold it tight. >> it is hard to watch this. really just distracting. >> regardless of her appearance, i think this could be a little exercise for all people. two minutes better than nothing. >> i guess, yeah. >> how about this, the yoga frog, deepen your straddle on the wall. she's about to demonstrate what this looks like, get on your belly and place your feet against the wall. >> that alone right there is impressive. makes a square out of her legs. >> you've seen nothing yet. that's just the beginning. she then challenges you to push back more and you end up like this. >> oh, my goodness. >> i feel like i'm going to see this challenge with the
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videographers, the camera men here in the next break. they're always doing on set calisthenics. >> ready? go. >> got to ease into stuff like this. >> i was about to ask, how long do you have to do yoga before you can? >> probably ten years away. >> i think it might be a lifetime. >> thanks so much for watching, everyone. >> that's going to do it for us here at "right this minute." we'll see you next time, everybody.
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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. time for great videos and the stories behind them, "right this minute." a mountain biker suddenly hears a warning. >> dude, he's coming after you. >> what happens when a massive beast charges him on the trail and just keeps coming. >> look at him. >> a driver has to go around a cyclist and he's not happy he's having to share the road. >> lord have mercy, i'm going to hurt one of them one of these days. >> how the video rant got him on the wrong side of the law. you can't say she fights like a girl, because this


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