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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  June 4, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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. hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we've been searching the web for the best videos of the day, and we've got them for you, "right this minute." a dude follows the crying and comes out with a baby deer. >> it wants mommy. >> why this little fawn wasn't the only surprise in the brush. >> what are you doing? >> are you okay? >> he's acting drunk so these ladies step up. >> offering to maybe help him a little bit. >> how he claims they helped themselves to his phone. a red light camera caught the crash but -- >> pay attention to the
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wreckage. >> see what ran away with police hot on its tail. >> he punched his brother over pancakes. >> you can't hit people because you want pancakes. >> beat dad and the boys who answer the critical question. >> why did you punch your brother because you wanted paakes? >> because i wanted pancakes. >> the story hasn't changed. >> why is this man gettingn this lake? it doesn't lookclear, therey.t good. see what's in the water. >> a fish. >> no. >> wait. is that a -- >> that's a fawn. that is a baby -- >> that's a fawn. >> mom! >> it's loud and it's protesting because it wants mommy. >> not every day you fish for fawn. >> that's true. this is in lake okane, georgia. they say the mom was standing nearby and its brother was also in the water. the brother was easily rescued.
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this one was vocal. >> what in the world did the baby and brother both in the lake? do you think mom said, you guys need a bath and couldn't get them out. >> hot fwlalash. but they were both in the water, both rescued. i don't know how old it is but it seems pretty young but it's shaking because of the warm. they had to warm it and stabilize it but it was sent back in the woods to reunite with mom. >> how fun to have to warm up a fawn. hug it for a long time, get its body temperature back up, help it dry off. that's a job, your job that day is to hug baby deer. >> funny you say that, that's exactly what the guy does. he picks it up, cuddles it, scratches it under the chin. animals seem to like that. what's nice is both it and its brother were reunited with mom. >> check out this school bus on this road. very peacefully driving down the street. at this moment the bus driver stops to pick up this girl that
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you see right off to the screen here. once the bus driver makes a full stop, the stop bar goes down, you see the shadow of the young girl walking towards the school bus. watch what happens. >> oh. >> what? >> a semi truck passes this school bus on the right on the shoulder where that girl was. amazingly she was able to get out of the way and was not hit at all. but minnesota state patrol released this video because they want to find that driver of that semi that could have very easily and instantly killed that child. >> maybe the guy lost his brakes or couldn't stop in time. >> maybe to prevent a big accident this is the worse case scenario but he doesn't stop. >> the driver gets back on the lane and continues driving. police believe this was just a blatant disrespect not only for the rules of the road but the safety of the kids. >> i can't imagine a driver
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thinking that is okay. it's a school bus. it is stopped. what would make you think you could go around a school bus on either side? >> also, that truck was moving and you could see the truck coming in that side view mirror too. >> that's horrible. >> disaster. i hope they find that driver. that's messed up. >> police looking for him hoping someone can lead them to that driver. sometimes things just don't go how you expect them to go. here's the youtube channel, out doing a drunk walking prank on the streets of las vegas. >> we drunk walk and stumble into people and pretend like we're intx cated. >> stumbles into these three lovely ladies. >> you're just a drunk. >> what are you doing? are you okay? >> part of the prank. video pretending like he might throw up a little bit. the girls are like oh, gross. >> prank could be called
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blending in. watch what happens, though, to vincent. these ladies are quite nice, offering to maybe help him a little bit. instead of helping him, they do something else. >> oh, [ bleep ]. where's your hotel? >> oh. she's helping herself to his wallet. >> there goes the cell phone right out of his back pocket. >> where did my phone go? >> he doesn't know where the phone is. can you figure it out. >> handed off to her lady in the leopard skin. >> you're right. takes vincent a second or two before he puts it together. >> luckily i know about how scams work. i figured it out fast. >> [ bleep ]. >> he goes running after the girl in the leopard print dress. >> you all give me my phone right now. i ain't playing. >> i don't have your phone. >> i see it. >> lucky he caught up with her. this is outside the miracle mile shops. you can see the sign. there are plenty of places you can hide there or any other casino. >> he's not done.
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goes back to the group and gives him a piece of his mind. >> i ain't going to be so nice about that [ bleep ] next time. >> where's your hotel? i want you guys to pay attention to the wreckage after this collision because of a red light runner at this intersection in sarasota, florida. from american solutions, it is a bad wreck, somebody runs a red light and crash foos that truck. you see all kinds of stuff flying all over the place. something is running away. what is that? >> is that a dog? >> it's a little dog. the dog ran away from the crash scene. police were able to find the dog a day later and able to reunite the dog with the owners. the people all survived this. there were no deaths in this crash. >> and the dog didn't get hit by another car. >> no. >> scary because who knows what can happen to an animal during a crash like this. now this next one is scary
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because this could happen to any one of us on the road. this guy was traveling in los angeles on i-5 north. he says he's going about 70 miles an hour when this happened. >> oh. >> that is not what you want to see. cars coming directly at you making eye to eye contact with another driver. he says his left front tire popped. he says the thing disintegrated. he didn't hit the brakes. he let off the gas and tried to glide to the shoulder, but because the tire popped he had no control and brought them back across the lanes in traffic, flipped them around. he credits the people behind him for being alert as to what was happening in front of them and they slowed down and didn't collide with this guy. >> that is a heavily traffic area. i'm surprise an accident didn't happen. >> that was the scariest thing in my [ bleep ] life. don't have a bro to hold the beer bong? >> the bro bong might be for you.
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>> hear all about the tool that could be at your next party. and a bunch of average joes hit the track in -- >> tiny crummy hatchbacks. >> see howheir need for speed turnsnto road rage. >> whoa. jijim'm's s hahairir i is . soso's's h hisis s ser, anand d hihis s mamandnn [speaking mandndararinin]] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of amamereri, jim falls short in gegettttining g imimpoportrtanam food alone. mamakikingng j jimim m moro. adadd d onone e a a daday y m, rich in key nutrtrieientnts sy need.
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ithe part of us that a littwants to play,on. wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood.
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you've always wanted to be a race car driver but you thought it was too cost prohibitive, not anymore, my friend. this is the 750 motor club in
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the uk. they race tiny crummy hatchbacks. super cheap. >> all i can think is the announcer, that would be announcing this race -- >> speeds up to 55 miles an hour. >> doesn't look like they're breaking any speed limits here. it doesn't matter. all going at the same speed so you get that real tight racing action. you can hear the guys ringing the necks of the tiny four cylinder engines. yeah. even playing field. >> yep. >> everybody is going the same speed and then comes down to your driving skills. >> you can see his hands on that steering wheel. >> he clips the curbing too much a little bit. the car nearly flips over and gets on two wheels. here's what it looks like from the inside. >> like bumper cars without being stuck in the little ring. >> yeah. >> oh. >> that's the same crash.
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that's the same two-wheel off track crash except inside number 48's car. his window gets smashed out. all this action in the first lap. >> what? they just like riding on a seat with no body at the end? >> only in the uk. so let's urge somebody here in the states to start a series like this. invite us all to race. >> why don't we start the motor club. we can race the cars we have now. >> yeah. >> mine is ready for the junkyard. >> this prank keeps pulling the heartstrings and it keeps getting paid forward. remember eric. >> oh, yeah. >> he was pranked by rahat from the magic of rahat. eric was tricked into thinking he won the lottery and they gave him $1,000. what was his reaction. >> i want to share it. >> he wanted to share it. so many people liked that video and said how can we give back? they started a campaign and they raised $44,000 for eric so they got him a home, they outfitted
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it and eric has a job. >> i'm just so thankful. my god. everybody that helped me out i thank you from the bottom of my heart. >> guess what eric wants to do? he wants to pay it forward to somebody else. >> this is how this works. you do something nice for someone, more than likely that person is going to do something nice for someone else and you can make the whole world a better place by helping one person. >> eric is going to go out and help a homeless man get a hotel room with $1,000 of his own money. >> it is pretty hot out here my friend. me and my friend have a lot of money and would like to put you in a hotel room. >> it takes eric a little convincing to get this guy to agree to it. >> what do you say, buddy? >> i don't want to wake up in a bathtub with my -- >> oh, no, no, no. >> the guy wants to make sure this isn't a trick, he's not being duped. >> i want to help you because i
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was in the predicament snifl with $1,000 he takes him to a hotel. >> i have $1,000 how much would that get him? >> [ inaudible ]. >> they get him the room and when they get to the room, the guy is a little overwhelmed. >> man. this is -- >> oh, man. overcome. a little air conditioning and a place to stay. >> hopefully this guy has a good story and maybe he'll pay it forward. >> that would be great to see this continue it to snowball from that one beginning prank that rahat did. >> i wanted to help. sometimes you see a kickstarter campaign, an idea, you think, no-brainer, right? like how have we not thought of this by now, take my money. then there are kickstarter campaigns like this. this is known as the bro bong. it fits into any standard door frame and basically is a you've
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your life who doesn't have the time to hold the beer bong over his head on his own, wants to drink beers fast with his buddies and they don't have the time either the bro bong might be for you. you hook it up in the door frame, you got three beer bongs. put the beers in and lights included my friends. lights included here. they go down, they have stopper valves so everybody can start at the same time. there it is my friend. >> the coolest part are the lights. >> i will say does examine inco couple variations and foam and acrylic. we have to put this into the context of our lives. at our age at this point in the game we may not be interested in this. turn back the clock to when i was 17, 18, 19 -- >> 21, 22? >> i mean 2 21, 22, 23, give me one for every room in the house. >> they are looking for money to
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mass produce the bro bong. so far they have $100. >> isn't the height weird. they're on three on their knees sucking a pipe. it's weird. >> i'm going to agree. >> down on your knees with your bros all together. >> you're making it weird. >> it's the music video from a guy out to inspire. >> don't worry about the little things in life. >> see his inspirational story next "right this minute." and still to come -- opening the door for others is a nice gesture. >> but, what if you do it awkwardly? >> i got it all for you guys. >> see how some pranksters manage to make it weird. >> there you go, my lady. >> thank you. >> the big floating thing that will make you squirm. >> that's awful.
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closed captioning provided by -- male announcer: you could try home remedies to remove your warts... - are you sure about this? - not at all. announcer: but wartstick works. buy at drugstores or use only as directed. after a heavy downpour in
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george bush park in houston, texas. this floated to the top. a floating flotilla of fire ants. >> that's awful. fire ants? >> what are those other things in there? those bigger snigs. >> i think they're just leaves being moved by the movement of the fire ants. >> how do the fire ants not drowning? why aren't they dying? >> i don't know. i think those ones have wings. those are ants with wings. some ants will have wings. >> i think maybe some of the stuff they have and the fact that they're one solid mass, maybe that's what keeps them floating on the top of this water. you know what, this is like a scene out of a horror movie where you think that you've got all the fire ants out by washing them away, but they all get together and form a flotilla and then they come back for the final act and they terrorize you and you have to use the flame thrower to get rid of it. >> i feel like they're on me. >> this is not for me. holding the door open for somebody very simple, nice gesture. but what if you do it awkwardly.
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how do you awkwardly open a door for somebody? i leave it to big daws tv and cody from the angry picnic youtube channel and they do a good job as making it as awkward as possible. >> thank you. >> kind of makes a tunnel. >> game of london bridge >> i got it all for you guys. >> it's like -- >> blocking the door for some of the people. >> no. >> there you go, my lady. >> thank you. >> that was definitely the most awkward. >> yeah. >> you're welcome. >> what a gentleman. >> you are so cute. thank you. >> makes a little speed bump and
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she goes over. she loved it. >> that's a good moment in her day. >> yes. >> how confused would you be if you're one of these people. thank you. thank you. wi aion mark. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> conner wanted pan cakes. he packed a punch. >> you can't hit people because you don't get pancakes. >> i need some. >> dad doesn't seem to understand the severity of this pancake need. >> the story behind the little guy's big craving. >> i need pan cakes.
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sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. watch. dentist. [ popping ] now you have to figure out which one takes your insurance... [ sighs ] okay. now, a dentist you trust and feel comfortable going to. hrmm. i know. at 1-800-dentist, we've helped over 8 million people find that right dentist, and we can do the same for you. [ chuckles ] so don't put it off. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪
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so don't put it off. call 1-800-dentist today. sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt.
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i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. kid's birthday party. whip these things out. that's awesome. >> if you have a sibling you know the feeling when you were a kid, sibling did something, look at this scene. in this video from juken your got dad driving the car, that's jonath jonathan, you see his kids in the back seat, something bad is
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going down, right? >> conner. conner? why did you hit aiden? >> because i want pan cakes. >> because you want pancakes? >> conner is 3 years old, the boy in the car seat. aiden, his 6-year-old brother, who seems to have been affected byes this punch, but lee[watching. conner's reaction is priceless. >> you can't hit people because you want pancakes. >> i need them. >> you can't hit people because you don't get pan cakes. >> i need some. >> dad doesn't seem to understand the severity of this pan cake need. >> you can't do that. >> he's being good. you just punched him in the head because you didn't get pancakes. >> but he's being good, and i need pancakes. >> needed his brother to be bad. >> it seemed to have made perfect sense in conner's mind, to find out what was going on, we have dad jonathan, 6-year-old
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brother aiden and 3-year-old conner, via skype from illinois right this minute. welcome to the show, you guys. so conner, my first question is going to be for you. why did you punch your brother because you wanted pancakes? >> because i had to get pancakes. >> the story hasn't changed. >> we were driving along and all of a sudden i just hear a really loud smack and i looked back and i caught him right out of the corner of my eye punching him in the head. so i decided to go ahead and catch it on camera and decide to see what he was going to say. i had a really hard time not laughing while we were recording this. >> how did the pancake thing come up? >> it was completely random. we did not talk about pancake, had not had pancakes, nothing, in six months at least. i guess it caught him, and the urge got him to take out his aggression of not being able to have pancakes right then. >> did you feel anything besides it hurt? >> this hurt. >> and he cried.
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>> how are you using this as a teachable moment? >> just trying to teach him you can't hit people over pancakes, butting over anything in general. he got a time-out. at the time he seemed like he was a changed man but i guess he's reverted back to old ways pretty quickly. >> i need pan cakes. >> you're a very good brother, aiden. >> hang in there with that little guy. >> okay. >> i think he mig still be punch to get himhecked out. maybe he did more damage than we thought. >> that's going to do it for "rtm." we'll see you next time. ♪
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take the nestea plunge. nothing refreshes like nestea.
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we have the best videos of the day and the stories behind them, "right this minute." >> get off! >> when a passenger goes after a bus driver. >> this gets terrifying. >> see what sent a teenager into a blind rage. the posters went up in the park but that little boy -- >> was sitting right there on the bench. >> why this missing child was nearly invisible. >> a crash sent him flying, but there he was -- >> shaking it off. >> the dude who was way tougher


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