tv Right This Minute FOX June 4, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we have the best videos of the day and the stories behind them, "right this minute." >> get off! >> when a passenger goes after a bus driver. >> this gets terrifying. >> see what sent a teenager into a blind rage. the posters went up in the park but that little boy -- >> was sitting right there on the bench. >> why this missing child was nearly invisible. >> a crash sent him flying, but there he was -- >> shaking it off. >> the dude who was way tougher than you.
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plus a belly dancing baby. >> shake it. >> and a party wait panda suit and a chicken. >> but it's about to get weirder. watch. >> see why weirder means hotter. >> he's on fire. >> some blind violent rage caught on camera in a bus in melbourne, australia. >> get off. >> i ain't got [ inaudible ]. >> that is a teenager who tried to get on this bus in melbourne, australia. >> get off the [ bleep ] bus. >> he didn't have a card, which is base cically the ticket to r the bus. the bus driver asked him to leave. >> drive the bus! >> this gets terrifying. he does have a little bit of a protector cage there, but that doesn't stop this young man from reaching around the cage, smacking him, hitting him, at one point wrapped his hands around his neck. the bus driver spoke to 9 news and said this guy was so strong. >> i thought he was going to kill me. >> eventually one of the kid's friends does try to restrain him, but that doesn't stop him
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either. >> get off. >> the rage continues. >> off. >> the bus itself was packed with women, children. they get off of the bus, tried to escape, some of them in tears. turns out this guy according to police was high on meth. >> oh. >> drive the bus. >> this happened back in september of 2013. he was charged with recklessly causing injuries. has appeared in court and did plead guilty but he's yet to be sentenced. the heartbreaking part this bus driver was so traumatized by this experience he's now left his job. he doesn't feel safe. he continues to be in fear for his life. >> get off the bus. >> this next video out of the united kingdom, this guy setting a raging fire if you will. hobbled up to this business front with a cane and starts dousing some kind of accelerant on the front door of this business and then throws a match on it. now, unfortunately, this is not just a business. there are homes above this
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business but neighbors, including the people who lived in the building, come to put this fire out pretty quickly and because they did act so swiftly, there was very little damage. no injuries caused by the fire at all and the business will still be able to operate. police are looking for this man and hope that anybody might recognize something about him, including the walking cane. >> wanted to find out how observant are we and so they did this little social experiment in italy. what they did was they put a missing child poster up. they said the little boy's name was christian, he was 9 years old. meanwhile they put the boy pictured on that poster on a bench and wanted to see if any of the people noticed the 50 posters they put up in that park and if anybody would notice the boy from the poster was sitting on the bench. some people just walk on by. they don't notice. this woman seems to notice the poster she walks by. this couple they know test the poster, walk by the boy, see the
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poster again and go and approach him. they said they were out there for two hours and 144 walkers passed by. they said all the people that stopped they were able to capture in the video. only a handful stopped and approached him on the bench. >> this doesn't surprise me. you can't expect every single person to notice a missing person's flyer. they become white noise. if you were looking at the grand scale that's about the right ratio of people who would notice the poster and put it together with somebody sitting around. >> this is based on a real story. two years ago a boy was missing. his mom and sister put poster in the park, the boy sat in the park all day, dehydrated, in shock, nobody approached him. he was found by his mom. two years later they used the same boy to see if people
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noticed and only a handful of people noticed this time. the scooter a popular mode of transnorgs taiwan. easy way to get in and around traffic. here a bunch of scooters come to e front of the line here at this red light stop. may not have been the best idea for these scooters bausewh happ roads. >> oh, boy. >> they dodged a flying bullet right there. >> talk about lucky. watch it again. this green van for whatever reason makes a blind left turn around that column under the bridge there. has no clue what's coming on the other side of it. turns in front of that delivery truck. that delivery truck, though, seems to turn the wheel to the right and avoid that head-on collision. >> wow. >> what was the guy in the green truck thinking? who makes a left there. you're three lanes from where you should be making a left.
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>> thankfully appears no serious injuries happened as a result of that poor thinking. >> in russia i think the scale of pain is on a different level. they don't seem to react to pain like we do here. dash cam video up ahead. there's a head-on collision. >> oh. >> oh, my god. that guy came out. >> the guy in the white car gets ejected from that crash but watch. >> there he goes. >> shaking it off. shaking off the pain from a head-on collision. >> not feeling good that's for sure. >> such a violent crash. >> i can't believe he's able to move at all. >> different pain scale in russ russia. >> people may or may not notice but there are some serious die-hard, hard-core whiffle ball leagues out there. this is the website from the
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potomac league. they have a video from their league going viral and you'll see why. >> does this ring his bell? >> oh, yeah. >> that is barn burner jim shannon hitting umpire hall ward right in the -- now from there we go to i got to say one of the most bizarre endings to a baseball or a softball game i've seen in my entire life. this is crazy. this was the aa state championship in montana between big sky high school and billings west high school. we got this video from abc fox montana in missoula. bottom of the seventh, extra innings for softball, this girl pitches a strikeout. the catcher misses the ball. as you know in baseball or softball if you strike somebody out, you have to throw the guy or gal out at first. watch what happened. throw to first. throwing error. girl runs to second base, another throwing error, runs to third base, her dugout waving her home, goes home, scores in
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the bottom of the seventh, scores the winning run on what's being called a walk-off inside the park strikeout for the state championship. >> oh, my gosh. >> i feel bad for that catcher because if she catches that ball this doesn't happen. an elephant family makes its way across the street. >> pay close attention to the littlest elephant. >> why it's a little too fast for its own good. >> oh! >> and it's called an internet drinking craze that this girl is -- >> making a bit more of a spectacle. >> how she's taking the trend to a whole new level. ♪ jijim'm's s hahairir i is .
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soso's's h hisis s ser, anand d hihis s mamandnn [speaking mandndararinin]] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of amamereri, jim falls short in gegettttining g imimpoportrtanam food alone. mamakikingng j jimim m moro. adadd d onone e a a daday y m, rich in key nutrtrieientnts sy need. safeway gets that staying on budget can be a real bear. that's why they've got lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week, dulcinea mini watermelons are just $2.50 each.
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if you're out on safari i think you hope you see something like this. this is from a game reserve in south africa. a family of elephants is walking across the street, crossing the road and if you notice, like little stair steps. you have several different sizes. >> what i like, the mom and dad look like they're in the front and the caboose. keeping the little ones between them. >> pay close attention to the littlest elephant. >> two little ones. that's a really little one. >> he's moving. >> oh! >> poor little guy trying to catch up with his or her older sibling. has one of the little dumbo
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ments. lls flat on his face. pops back up. keeps on running. is okay. do your best to follow the bouncing [ inaudible ]. this video not nearly as dangerous as some of the other videos we've seen. she basically says i'm going to try to make this craze a little bit more fun. ♪ kind of got her on built-in music video going on. >> there's a lot going on here. i mean just why does she have the beer, why is she in like the st. pauly girl outfit. moving. >> taking that craze to the next level. instead of just chugging the beer, she's been challenged to do, she's making a bit more of a
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spectacle. something more fun to watch. >> she's wearing the outfit. >> she is bavarian and looks like a traditional bavarian outfit she has on. >> ladies, it goes far beyond the yodeling and breast movement because she can put back some beers. >> i figured out those aren't boobs, those are tanks. >> that's why her cups run over. >> the thing is so tight, after you chug all that. >> the corset. >> she passes it on and challenges her brother and sister to do the same. >> really, really fast to very, very slow. >> first video on what's known as the mount evans scenic byway. apparently one of the highest paved roads in america. but look back here, these longboarders coming down very fast behind this vehicle that's recording this video.
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>> perfect environment for a longboarders. >> except the cars are right behind him. with him or trying to get around him. >> sounds like this car capturing the video is in on the stunt here. one of the longboarders zips past him, basically loses him in the dust. >> they were going nearly 40 miles per hour. >> they were going incredibly fast. >> you hear the guys in the car say -- >> [ bleep ]. >> that's how fast those guys were going. possibly even faster. >> they were just gaining speed. this is all downhill by the end of this thing, i don't know how they even stay on the board. >> no brakes. you can't slow yourself down. you have to wait until it flattens out or go up a hill or wreck. >> yeah. >> of all the extreme sports this one is one of the craziest. >> let's go to very, very slow. >> this is steven atkinson and he's doing something called tricking. where athletes do fast, precise
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flips and kicks it up. master his technique in tricking so he can eventually become a professional stuntman. >> i think he's mastered it. >> right. like he's doing some cool kung fu move out there. . >> dude calls out to prank the postman. >> yeah. >> i got to say i love it. >> see why the postman gets the last laugh. >> oh. >> and a tech time. >> that's going to make you see and hear things differently. >> far, far, far. >> how some of your senses are playing tricks on you.
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you could try home remediesnn: to remove your warts... - are you sure about this? - not at all. announcer: but wartstick works. buy at drugstores or use only as directed. welcome back to the show, everybody. don't forget to check out great videos all darn day long. enjoy. >> poor mail carriers. not only do they have to deal with biting dogs, the weather,
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too hot in some places, too cold in others, they have to deal with pranksters. this guy is doing his job drying to deliver his mail. looks around. nobody answers. he sticks around for a little while longer. finally he's going to leave agn. >> poman. >> i got to say i love oes soun somebody needs help. you can tell this guy is very concerned. >> this is like teenage girls off in the summertime, nothing better to do than prank the postman. >> poor guy. now somebody else's mail is going to be late. >> everyone is going to be all right. >> ready to be really mad at this video but the greatest part does come at the end. >> [ bleep ]. >> the prankster does reveal himself. the postman figures out what's going on and they both get a laugh out of it. >> the postman got the last laugh here. >> jack and the party blower. ♪
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>> i have a tech time for you that's going to make you see and hear things differently. >> good. i always wanted to work on those. >> zach tell us about all of this. >> he's not going to smell. >> he may. he didn't shower. >> hello. >> it's remarkable how much what you can see can affect what you're hearing and hearing can affect. >> listening to a guy saying a word. >> far far far. >> so what's he's saying bar. >> we're right. >> bar. >> i want you to watch this next word he's going to say. >> bar bar bar bar. >> what do you think he's saying there. >> sounds like he's saying far. >> my guess he's saying bar but looks like he's saying far so what we're seeing is affecting what we think we're hearing. >> you've got it. the same audio from the first
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clip but put a different video on top of it so looks like he's saying far. your vision is skewing the way you're hearing his speech. >> look at that. >> bar bar. >> what else? >> there's going to be a flash of a circle on the screen. tell me how many times you see that circle flash. >> the first time i thought i saw two, but second time thought i saw one. >> it did only flash one but hearing it beep twice. these two things happen at the same time. >> what you hear can affect what you see. the opposite of the effect. >> the moral of the story here our ears are as dumb as our eyes. >> i would say more that your perception is not always one specific input. >> things aren't always what they seem. >> definitely. >> oh. are you really here, zach? >> a bachelor in a panda suit. >> they hand him a chicken because that makes sense. >> see what really adds flair to this game.
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water cooler would be backed up and a huge line there. >> i've learned something from this video. maybe you will too. it is that bachelor parties in sweden sound like they're pretty awesome. the groom-to-be is in a panda suit at some sort of camp ground and everybody thinks this is hilarious and doing a disney thing with a stick. it's about to get weirder. watch. then they hand him a chicken. that makes sense. >> live chicken. >> it's very alive. >> oh. he's on fire. >> as he like tries to walk around the fire his leg lights there.the kitchen. stick your foot in the water. >> this is so much better than just having a stripper. >> who knows. he could have been the stripper. they did say that nobody was injured. the panda man or the chicken. both unharmed in this. now what comes after the bachelor party, the wedding. looks like a really fancy place.
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you see the bride and groom and this guy is going to do the old champagne thing with the blade. >> yeah. he can do it. that's a great party trick. >> if you can do it. >> this guy cannot do it. looks like he works there. >> i think he is like a wait staff member, right. >> that's not how you do it. >> not even close. i hope what he was saying has nothing to do with like this bottle is special to the couple. >> right. >> the one and only bottle. >> i think he was really saying, i shouldn't have lotioned my hands before i did this. >> like he's not even gripping the bottle at all. it goes right out of his hands. >> no one upset. you think this is going to ruin everything. these people have a good sense of humor. listen. everybody loves it. >> if i'm the groom, that's not on our bill, right? >> right. >> i think we can all relate to these two videos, especially this first one. >> come here, just let me see what you did to your lips, please. >> boy is crying.
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his sterically. hear his mom saying what on earth did you do to your lip. this video was posted on our facebook page by the poor boy's mom, kylie graham. >> can i see your lips really fast and inspect them. >> he doesn't want to. covering with his face. as he gets close you realize what he did. >> oh! he stuck on the cap and his lips got swollen up. >> they're nice lips and that's natural botox. >> it is a beauty thing women actually do. they suck on it. >> we tried it, remember. we did that thing, that product. people want these full limbs. except not him. but i mean why would mom let an opportunity like this pass, right, to have fun with her son. >> you're going have big old lips for the rest of your life. >> no! >> oh, no. he believes her. he really thinks that he's going to have giant lips for the rest of his life. >> eventually he runs away
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devastated, crying, threw his glasses on the floor. >> parents take every opportunities like that to pull their kids' legs because they feel like they deserve it. >> check out the talents on this little love muffin. she can belly dance on cue. >> shake it. >> oh, my gosh. she's even got her hands behind her head. she's shaking it. >> shake it. >> she likes it. why are you laughing? it's not that hard, dad. >> in this case the diapers don't lie. >> that's our show, everybody. we'll see you for the next edition of "rtm." ithe part of us that a littwants to play,on. wants to be mischievous, wants to run free,
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