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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  June 5, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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reggatone,. hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time for great videos and the stories behind them, "right this minute". a mountain biker gets a shocking change of scenery. >> that's a gunman. >> how a band of robbers made one big mistake that got them busted. a cat keeps trying to tell people -- >> hey, somebody come get . >> see who finally saved buddy after four days after the roofp. if you don't get distracted by the ladies on the beach. >> it's easy to notice what the awesome part of this video is.
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♪ >> meet the talent artist who is riding high on success. >> i'm just left with all the things that have been going on so for. >> a guy is about to surprise his girlfriend who -- >> has no idea who is on this plane or what's about to happen. >> wait until she finds out it's her wedding day. >> she's soaking it all in can you imagine. >> there are certain inherent risks when you ride a mountain bike. when you're riding your mountain bike in south africa there's other risk jus to consider, maybe some wild animals we don't have here in the states. you wouldn't expect this. >> is that a person? >> it's a person. that's not a wild animal running out of the bushes. that's a gunman. he has two accomplices, this poor guy malcolm riding his bike in south africa gets robbed. this guy comes up with the gun, starts fishing through this pockets. two other accomplices come in to help out. it's disgusting. >> what? >> these guys were hiding in the
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bushes on the off chance someone might mountain bike through this trail? >> yep. >> who takes all their money with them when mountain biking. he had his phone and camera so we're seeing the video, so they obviously didn't think about taking the gopro. >> you're right. they took his cell phone, car keys, sunglasses and had his mountain bike and then tell him walk that way. get out of here. >> which way? >> okay. as you can tell for some reason, didn't take his helmet with the gopro on top. >> maybe they didn't see it. >> or didn't know what it was. >> maybe. >> who knows. talk about getting a shot, though. >> right. this is great evidence. the guy basically looked right into the camera and cheeses. >> luckily the guy did cheese for the camera because this video was handed over to police and they made three arrests. they got these guys. >> yeah. >> all because they were too dumb to take the camera off the guy's head. >> are you safe anywhere. >> that's all i got on me, i promise.
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>> what are you doing? >> you have a cat in peril in los angeles you call the l.a. animal services. they will send in their smart teams and that's what buddy the cat needed. >> you got up in the tree, didn't you? >> buddy the cat had been missing for four days and a neighbor next to the two-story home and buddy was loud like hey, somebody come get me. >> what are you doing? what are you doing there? did the ladder scare you? >> the smart team know how to rescue teams and they use the 28-foot ladder and climb right up. >> who's a good boy? this guy. what's your name? >> he easily goes to smart team rescue member and the first thing they do, throw him in a bag. >> put you in here and get you out of here, shall we? >> every cat rescue there's a cat in a bag. >> the family is reunited and
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buddy looks happy and the girl takes the cat out of the crate. now this dog does not need a rescue but it does need a scratch. instead of like walking up to the door and scratching itself it's trying to scratch it with its neck. >> does it have a neck? good luck, dog. >> if it had a long snout it might have better luck maybe. i feel bad for this dog because it had an intch that needed to e scratched. >> get ready for the shocker of the year. what you're about to see a fight on the russian roads. i'm actually kidding. there are many fights on the russian roads but this one quite different. this is a passenger van. we're seeing a look into the van and what's here. you got the split screen here. watch this mitsubishi, kind of cuts the guy off. you can see how the guy reacts. >> [ bleep ]. >> you don't [ bleep ]. >> they're yelling at each
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other, right. >> beeping at them a lot. >> reaches out and gets the other guy's car. >> smacked the top of the mitsubishi. comes down to getting down here. >> oops. >> it's go time, right. you might be thinking to yourself, interesting how the passenger and all the people in the back seat haven't done anything yet and they're not getting out and don't seem all that concerned. that's because this is a taxicab. these are customers. this is the taxi driver. >> did he take a water bottle as his weapon of choice? >> funny, the weapon progression in this video starts at a water bottle but kind of goes up the ladder. you'll see the yellow shirt guy and the driver of the taxi van are going at it here a number of times. the mitsubishi circles, pulls over. you see the guy from the mitsubishi and comes back, screwdriver, pops the front tires of this van, and rips the license plate off. all the while these passengers
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still don't seem so concerned that their driver is fighting somebody on the street. then it looks like taxicab driver has made a friend or somebody from the vehicle jumped out and run up there and the fight continues. there's other just cars on the road, blocking the way here. now later watch this. the weapon gets upgraded again. comes back with a baseball bat. now taxi driver has a crowbar. all the while these people sitting in the car. maybe the back seat passengers have left or decided we'll walk. from one fight to another, this is outside of a nail salon in compton. see the fight is on here. lots of hair pulling, lots of, you know, wild swings. they make their way in. >> now they're wrecking business now. look. they're damaging equipment. this is these people's livelihood and wrecking the whole day. >> wrecking their freshly done nails. this is still wet. >> that's what popped if into my mind when i saw this for the first time. when you get your nails done you don't touch anything for a
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while, right? >> protect those things. you paid at least 25 bucks for that. get ready to be incredibly inspired and super motivated. ♪ >> this is a music video to a song by reggatone artist bryant amastha known as el valien-t. ♪ it's easy to notice what the awesome part of this video is. >> the wheelchair is awesome. has a alien-t is on a congenital condition called arthrogryposis which limits the growth of his ligaments and muscles restricting him to life on the wheelchair but el valien-t wasn't stopped by that condition even though by 22 he's gone through 75 different surgeries to deal with this condition. one of his other music videos he posted a few months ago is a
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very inspiring track. ♪ >> it's in spanish but some of the lyrics say things like life is beautiful if you take advantage of it. be a friend to someone in need. life is short. to tell us more about his inspiration and upcoming album we have bryant amastha known as el valien-t via skype right this minute. you had dreams of becoming an artist. did you ever feel like you wouldn't be able to do it because of your condition? >> it's kind of funny you say that. i've gone through a lot of roadblocks in the industry. this industry is very hard to get into, but thankfully because of my perseverance i've been able to make it so far. i've dropped my first album last year. to date we've sold half a million copies worldwide. >> tell us what kind of a
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response you gets from fans? >> it's kind of weird. i had people write to me from all over the world basically and it's just crazy how they got to my music. at first they are a little hesitant because of my condition, they see the cover of the album and see me and all that but once they start hearing the music the image goes away an they just enjoy the music. >> has it been a bit of therapy to create music and have that outlet? >> i think it's a therapy to anybody in the music industry. just like the second song, that song i created when my cousins passed away and just all my emotions and things like that, i took it out by writing and creating the song. >> so what's the ultimate goal for you? >> win a lot of grammys. a bus comes barreling through and goes straight for the crowd. >> oh, my gosh. that guy didn't see it coming.
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>> the story behind the crash that sent everyone running. and the adorable slip up that has little brightynn centered. >> it's a truck. >> [ bleep ]. >> whoa. so i get invited to quite a few family gatherings. heck, i saved judith here a fortune with discounts like safe driver, multi-car, paperless. you make a mighty fine missus, m'lady. i'm not saying mark's thrifty. let's just say, i saved him $519, and it certainly didn't go toward that ring. am i right? [ laughs ] [ dance music playing ] so visit today. i call this one "the robox."
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most people don't know how to choose a new dentist. that's where we come in. we've helped over 8 million people find the right dentist, and we can do the same for you. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪
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a bus driver needs to be sharp and aware of his or her surroundings, but what if that bus driver gets sick. this happened may 3rd. the 55-year-old driver identify as sergei -- >> oh, my gosh.
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that guy didn't even see it coming. the one guy was oblivious. >> drove over the sidewalk, hits two billboards and four pillars, 26 people were hurt, seven were hospitalized, 18 others were treated and released. he was most seriously hurt. the good thing there have been no fatalities. there are lots of videos popping up all over the internet of this incident. [ speaking foreign language ] >> notice that people kind of had a little bit of a warning. most of them were able to jump out of the way. it was falling debris that injured most of the people that were hurt. >> to me it looks like the person on the sidewalk who got this the worst was the one person where the sign hit them. >> rescuers were immediately there to help her. they said they were able to get her from underneath what she was stuck under. here you can see the aftermath of the accident and all the damage that was brought. now the police, health and
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safety officials are now checking his medical records and they're checking the records of all the bus drivers that work for this bus company. >> how sick was he? did he pass out at the wheel? >> they haven't said what exactly caused this illness but an investigation is going on to figure out what his medical condition was. pup loves fabreeze. >> fabreeze puppy experiment. th she did it twice before. we'll see if she does it again. ♪ ♪ >> quite possibly the cutest
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time of childhood the moment that parents really love when their babies start talking. this is brightynn, she is 18 months old. >> say truck. >> [ bleep ]. >> whoa. >> we're going have to bleep her through this video. brightynn was trying to it say truck. >> look at mama's mouth. it's a truck. >> [ bleep ]. >> the dad drives a truck so when she sees a truck she thinks of her dad. she's going to be saying this word a lot until she figures out how to -- >> truck instead of -- >> we talked to dad. dad says they don't use this word in front of her but this was only about three days worth of practice. brightynn not the only child dropping an "f" bomb. this posted on the rights this minute facebook page. >> say hot. >> say this piece is hot. >> nope.
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f bomb. >> so hot. >> not even close. >> hot and the f word. >> no similar letters no similar sounds. >> not a one. >> darn cute. as a parent i think you realize that your kids will grow up to have potty mouths possibly. >> [ bleep ]. lose 25 pounds in 15 minutes by chewing gum. >> see how it works next "right this minute." still to come, it's a dad daddy/daughter date that is smoking fast. >> the thing is a faster car to begin with but made faster now by dad. >> see why keeping their cool is in their blood. >> the guys at epic meal time are giving doughnuts a make-over into this is probably my favorite the pepperoni pizza doughnut. >> how a few ingredients take them from sweet to savory. : : t. this is paul's office. fofor r ththosose e whwhoe a serious job
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dodoesesn'n't t hahaveve t to o. onone e a a daday y memen'n's h key nutrients like b-vitamins. alall l ththe e fufun n ofof s a complete multivitamin. jijim'm's s hahairir i is . soso's's h hisis s ser, anand d hihis s mamandnn [speaking mandndararinin]] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of amamereri, jim falls short in gegettttining g imimpoportrtanam food alone. mamakikingng j jimim m moro. adadd d onone e a a daday y m, rich in key nutrtrieientnts sy need.
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at ikea, we don't just we design good mornings. little experiments. big ideas. brighter ways. and better tomorrows you can take home today.
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imagine if everyday was just a little bit better for everyone. closed captioning provided by -- male announcer: you could try home remedies to remove your warts... - are you sure about this? - not at all. announcer: but wartstick works. buy at drugstores or use only as directed.
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dad yedaddy/daughter time i special time, always great when you can get together with your kids. check out what this daddy does for his daughter's graduation. dad takes his daughter emma for a ride in a mod fide ferrari. the thing is a fast car to begin with, but it's made much faster now by dad. the name there, hennessey is a name synonymous with speed. that's dad john hennessey famous for the venom gp. here he is driving one of the ferraris he's modified and his daughter in the passenger seat having a blast. >> 142. >> they are on a closed course, of course. this is all done safely. they're to the on public roads. the sound of this thing. >> just that ferrari wail.
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she's grown up around speed so even the fast passes puts a little bit of a smile on her. >> i'm glad to see it she enjoys it somewhat. >> this is dad's thing, doing it for while, still has her phone. >> texting while doing this? >> looks like she is at least checking. why wouldn't you want to talk about this on social media? what great cool thing for your dad to do, take you out for a couple high-speed laps in a ferrari. >> that's a graduation present. >> congratulations. if you're anywhere near a scale right now, just walk away from it or just straight up throw it in the trash. you don't want itround when youee hey, hey. ♪ eat every day >> from epic meal time, this time they're creating doughnut fusion and here, i'm just going to hit play. >> the big mac doughnut. just like big mac. like watching my girl and rudy.
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rest in peace thomas j. >> like watching my girl and rooting for the b's. >> here is the bacon doughnut. >> this guy is good. got great jokes. >> this is a mac and cheese doughnut. melted cheese and more mac and cheese on the insnide was he squirting cheese like a cheesy filling. >> this is probably my favorite. the pepperoni pizza doughnut. >> what happens if a bagel bite gets deep fried and taking steroids. >> they could start a stand at the county fair with every one of these and kill. >> they would be millionaires. >> and actually kill. they might be set up right next to the ambulance or the paramedics. >> this is a nutella doughnut or the new tell la doughnut. wait a little bit it will be the old tella doughnut. >> probably the most normal doughnut in this video too.
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>> there it is all together. >> apparently they have a combined 23,350 calories. >> and 1185 gramses of fat. >> sib sign me up. i'll take that bullet. >> he surprises his lady with a proposal and a wedding. >> 30,000 feet in the air. >> holy cow. she took that in stride. >> how he landed their mile high day.
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9:26 am the message because we don't always need a phone. kitten in a fish bowl. ♪ back around valentine's day thomas cook, which is a package vacation company and also an airline, asked their facebook fan this question, what if you could marry your love on a
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plane, would you do it? a fella named alexander responded immediately. alexander was picked to make this dream 30,000 feet in the air a reality. that is his girlfriend marieke. there's all sorts of spy work done here. marieke and her sister who is in on it goes to a thomas cook little store. she's told she won a girl's only vacation on an island in greece. in the meantime the wedding prep begins. the sister goes and picks out the white wedding dress with mom. >> i was worried she would have to get married in the clothes she wears on a plane. >> i was skeptical at first too. you know what, you'll see what happens. 40 of their family and friends were picked up, they're loaded on to the plane too. but in the back of the plane. bride-to-be marieke has no idea who's on the plane orhat's i'm nervous. that is a lot of pressure to put on a girl 30,000 feet in the
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air. >> yeah. sn>> [ inaudible ]. >> so now the wedding prep begins. she gets had her dress. there's a makeup person there. she still doesn't know friends and family are on the plane. surprise number two, the captain of the thomas cook plane performed the ceremony. the ring. they kissed. [ applause ] they get off the plane. she does the bouquet toss. thomas cook paid for their honeymoon after this. all expenses paid. >> that's a heck of a contest to win. that's our show, everybody. thanks for joining us. we'll see you next time.
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time for the best videos of the day, "right this minute." rescuers try to reach a man stuck in some kind of hole. >> it is a septic tank, my friends. >> why gas masks don't make this one any easier. a motorcycle follows a narrow path. >> to the right a cliff. to the left a mountain. >> what happens when the rider makes the wrong choice. >> do it now. >> a look at prison after guards use body cams. >> to record exactly what was going


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