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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  June 6, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time for the best videos of the day, "right this minute." rescuers try to reach a man stuck in some kind of hole. >> it is a septic tank, my friends. >> why gas masks don't make this one any easier. a motorcycle follows a narrow path. >> to the right a cliff. to the left a mountain. >> what happens when the rider makes the wrong choice. >> do it now. >> a look at prison after guards use body cams. >> to record exactly what was going on.
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>> see what life behind bars is really like. plus, a selfie with a fiery redhead. and a fire in the front yard. >> what could that possibly be, my friends? >> this is youtube gold. >> why burning the ex's clothes make you wonder. >> is this relationship repairable? this is a rescue video. a rescue story which we love to see. it starts with a man stuck in a hole. okay. how did he get down there, we don't know. you're looking at this thinking that could be a well, maybe like a sewer, a drainage thing or like a basement. you know how people have the little things that go down. it's not. it's a public toilet. it is a septic tank my friends. >> why is he in a septic tank? >> why is he in there? >> you know you're in a crappy situation when people coming to rescue you have to put gas masks on to come and save you. >> they should have given him one. >> yeah. >> hand this guy a gas mask. he's stuck in there. >> this woman here she's
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freaking out as you can imagine because somebody she knows is stuck in a septic tank. if you're thinking this isn't so bad, throw the rope down, get him out of there. you will see what he's stuck in. >> oh, gosh. >> it is disgusting. >> i hope we can blur this. >> poo soup. >> do you hold your breath? >> imagine what that smells like. >> there is the poor man. after they got him out. and yeah, laugh. >> chocolate dipped. >> hosing him down right now at least. >> he's got ropes around had him and everything else you can imagine all over him. >> the poor guy is defeated right now. >> he's defecated. >> the moral of the story, having a bad day, just be thankful you're not this guy because this is about as bad as it gets. usually if we see footage
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from inside of a prison we're seeing security footage after something bad has happened. this is a different kind of footage from inside a prison. this is part of a test if you will in new zealand. correction officers in two different prisons in new zealand wore body cameras to record exactly what was going on inside the prison 24 hours a day and they wanted to see what would happen. would it affect the behavior of the prisoner. >> the prisoners knew that the guards were all cameraed up. >> absolutely. >> so they're going to get along and high five each other and knit stuff. >> in these instances put together we see moments where things started going wrong and where the camera actually had an affect on the outcome of the situation to keep the behavior from escalating to a negative place. this guy gets really aggressive when he's told to get off of the phone. the camera changes that. >> lockup. >> i'm telling you it's lockup. i'm telling you i'm recording
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you on camera and you need to lockup now. do it now. it's lockup. >> oh. >> you see him put the phone down. it happens with another prisoner who is on the phone. he got upset because he was being recorded. >> are you recording me? >> i am now. >> the situations deescalated if you will. >> i see that as a good thing. it monitors the behavior of the guard. >> now i guess just having the cameras on the officers themselves is a little more impactful. seeing the camera, knowing right now you're being recorded it's another level of safety for everybody involved. >> another part of this provides evidence. this moment here you're seeing a guard pulling a shank out of the drain of a prison even find whe shank was made and they have a video recording of the moment they see where it was sharpnd. you can see the scrape marks in the floor. the guards feel it was a successful test. so far this isn't something that has been implemented. let's go out and have some
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fun on our four wheelers. these guys in the sands of peru. the guy up ahead seems to have more experience than the guy we're riding with on the quad. the guy on the dirt bike says let's climb that hill. the guy on the quad says i don't think so. you need a little bit of faith. >> and lean forward on the way up. >> that's a good tip, steven. i don't think the guy does it. here's what happens. the guy on the dirt bike takes off, tears up the hill, no problem at all. now this guy's turn. >> he's making it. he's doing it. >> keep going, keep going, keep going. >> so close. >> oh, no! >> there he goes. boom boom boom. theres goes the quad veering into a ball of dust. our rider is okay but down down down, it goes, but it does seem to stop, probably still in gear. >> looks fine. >> he grabs on to it, reaches up, grabs the brake. when you fall off the horse what do you do? >> get back on and try again. >> bingo.
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>> lean forward. >> oh. >> he made it. see if at first you don't succeed, try try again. >> and have faith. >> and lean forward. here's a guy on a quad. to the left a cliff, to the right a mountain. the guy several times checking behind him seeing where his buddy is. >> keep your eyes forward. there is a mountain and there is a cliff. >> oh. >> at least he went into the mountain and not the cliff. >> yeah. looks like his left wheel gets hung up on some of the stuff on the side of the road. looks like he's okay, though. this video from pet piggy only needs one description. adorable. this micro pig mommy has week-old piglets and enjoy the cuteness. >> oh, my gosh. the little piglets. >> when you see them next to a human hand you can appreciate. scratching his belly. how can you not love that? >> oh, my gosh. look at that next to a human
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hand. i mean that defies the word pig. >> don't you want to go this little piggy went wee, wee, wee, all the way home. >> they all do. >> now it's weird because in this shot it looks like maybe they're just regular pigs. >> i love this one in the middle with the spots. it's like i know i'm supposed to be chewing on a nipple but climbing over my siblings is too delightful. you see the human hand. >> so little. >> like a giant's hand. >> a human hand to show you how big mommy is. not all that big. like a small dog. this video, destiny's child sang "booty licious" this lyric inspired that video. >> jelly. >> jelly was taken out for a walk by its owner and the deer not ready for it. >> jelly, come here. come on. >> i like how when the owner says jelly, come on, like a dog the cat goes to its owner. >> jelly.
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come on. come on. come on. >> when has a cat ever done anything you've requested it to do. >> a good cat. >> jelly come here. >> commotion as a train comes around a corner. >> because an elderly woman had fallen on to the track. >> see how one man put his own life on the line to save her. >> struggles to keep up. >> when you think he's about to give up watch what happens. >> we'll reveal. have saved wi, so i get invited to quite a few family gatherings. heck, i saved judith here a fortune with discounts like safe driver, multi-car, paperless. you make a mighty fine missus, m'lady. i'm not saying mark's thrifty. let's just say, i saved him $519, and it certainly didn't go toward that ring. am i right? [ laughs ] [ dance music playing ] so visit today. i call this one "the robox."
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two different kind of rescues in two different parts of the world caught on camera. the first rescue performed by a guy who was thinking of the life of someone else. this footage captured by a train camera as it's approaching the station. an elderly woman had fallen on to the tracks a she wasunning toward the trai the opposite platform across the way saw what happened, wasn't thinking of himself at all, jumped on to the live train tracks and ran in to rescue her just seconds before this train pulled into the station. you can see that other people are trying to help. they're trying to flag this train down. the train did stop in time, but the thing that you don't see in this video in the moment that this man jumped on to the train tracks to rescue this woman he nearly missed another train that
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was coming into the station. the man who rescued this elderly woman, a 26-year-old soldier, a paratrooper visiting friends in the area. >> jumping on to train tracks nothing compared to the danger. >> he is being called a hero by those that witnessed the event and by train officials. >> this next rescue performed by rescuers who are called to the scene of this construction site. the 39-year-old crane operator at the top of this tall crane became too ill to climb back down. something suddenly struck him. he couldn't get down on his own. so rescuers were sent up the crane. they climbed up the crane ladder, secured this man was ropes and harnesses and lowered him down to safety where an ambulance was waiting to treat him and take him to the hospital. >> if a guy says i'm too sick to make it down you have to take his word for it. as the world cup nears
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everybody is getting in football fever. the soccer fever. including the more mature generation. ♪ >> just when you think he's about to give up, watch what happens. ♪ >> grandpa busts out with some pretty solid moves. >> schooling them. >> what professional soccer player is dressed up here? >> yeah. who really is -- who is grandpa? we know it's not really grandpa. >> you're right. that is actually a freestyle champ shawn garner. he's not a professional football player but he is very good pulling off all these amazing tricks to the point where he's won championships because of his skills. >> got that guy. >> this is put out by a department in mexico.
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>> all right. you two, tell me what this video is of. ♪ >> some sort of amusement park ride. >> fish island. >> you got it. it's a roller coaster. they put a camera array up on top of the front of the roller coaster car and that's shooting at a 360-degree view and it makes it look like this roller coaster is on the tiny little planet. >> it's just a planet that's just a roller coaster. >> yep. this thing is going up into space. >> that is freaking nuts. >> here's another unique look. this is a racing simulator put out by vasaro. they're using three 55-inch led screens. the screens are curved. so it gives it more of a wrap-around view for you. >> it's like you're really driving this thing and the car shakes and moves. >> oh, yeah. >> the seat moves.
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every time you shift it gives you a shake. really supposed to feel very, very close to racing for sure. >> the hardest part is getting in your car in the parking lot and driving out of there at safe speeds. >> another difficult thing, affording something like this. this is mainly built for commercial use like arcades. if you wanted to put something like this in your house you're looking at $20,000 to $30,000. >> people will buy it. >> it's a video titled "crazy wife swings the hammer." >> the weird thing is she's also very calm as she's doing it. >> it gets weirder when you found out whose car she's destroying. and who says you need snow for a snowmobile. >> this guy is using this snowmobile like a jet ski. >> see how he works it on the water. : ththisis i is s papaulu. this is paul's office. fofor r ththosose e whwhoe a serious job dodoesesn'n't t hahaveve t to o.
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closed captioning provided by -- you could try home remedies to remove your warts... - are you sure about this? - not at all. announcer: but wartstick works. buy at drugstores or use only as directed.
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both of these videos are actually kind of old but they're just not trending. absolutely zero information as to why either of these two incidents happened. this first video you see there is a pile of something burning at the front door of this apartment. what could that possibly be, my friends? >> the ex-boyfriend's stuff? >> ding ding ding. except not yet the ex-boyfriend. really mad. for some reason she was upset enough to take all his stuff, put it on the ground and start up a fire. some people come out to see what's going on. you see people peeking out because there is something burning. but eventually guess who comes home? >> boyfriend whose stuff is burning. >> guy in the orange shirt seems to be the boyfriend. he gets close to the fire and realizes that's my stuff. gets really close, takes a really close look, and then he walks over to her. some kind of exchange between both of them. after that exchange he just walks right into the home, locks
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her outside and wait to see when he appears again. >> he's going to have a handful of her stuff. >> you are wise. watch this. >> what is that? >> looks like he grabbed a big plastic tub and dumped a bunch of her stuff in it, dumped that over the fire, runs back inside, closes the door. >> she's trying to save her stuff. >> some girl in the background is like love you, sorry. >> if she was supportive she would give a garden hose and put the fire out? he re-emerges, the video is about to end, he takes off running because she is right behind him following. hopefully he got away. another crazy incident that makes absolutely no sense. the video titled "crazy wife" swings the hammer, presumably the husband recording this video, not sure why she's upset but something led her to take that hammer and just swing it at their vehicle. she goes at the hood, she's
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broken the windshield, she breaks the window there. >> oh, wow. >> the weird thing is she's also very calm as she's doing this. >> it's not vandalism if it's my own car. >> it's their car. >> this makes no sense. all you're doing is costing more money. >> great job. you just destroyed our vehicle. >> i got money coming in. it means nothing to me. >> she's done with the seats, goes for the knob, the radio. >> at least he still has the club on it so she can't drive away. >> that's the only thing that wasn't damaged was the club. >> she's destroying our vehicle. see how crazy that is. i'm recording it all. >> maverick plays tether ball. ♪
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takes the snow out of snowmobile for sure. look at this guy. we've seen them hydroplane across a short pond from one side to another. this guy is using this snowmobile like a jet ski. >> this thing is not modified in any way? >> it's modified a lot. the thing has been lightened up. a lot of the extra parts have been taken off. you can see there's no seat on there. but it's still a snowmobile and it hasn't been modified to float by any means. >> just going so fast that it's able to kind of stay afloat. >> yep. >> they took the extra weight off so that helps but they really didn't modify the design of it. >> and they have an expert rider on there too that can handle the thing. the speed this thing gets up to and the amount of control he's got on a snowmobile doesn't belong there. it's not supposed to be doing
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what it's doing. this clip all part of a brand new stunt freaks movie that was just released showing their entire lifestyle of this finnish stunt team. more impressive when he pulls up and like at a 45-degree angle and you would think the back end is starting to go under. >> looks like he can actually go forward and put the front skis on the water. he kind of has to stay up at that angle. >> he's steering the thing with his body. you see gratuitous explosions because that's what stunt freaks are all about. if you want to watch the movie go to and click on today's show for the link. >> these two are having fun taking a selfie but -- >> they've got their redhead friend with them. >> oh. >> where did that come from? >> how their plan to get her in goes up in flames. now.
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>> boston terriers go cuts for
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balloons. ♪ >> i'm here with amy. >> got this from juken video. this looks like fun. we're partying, living it up. what's in the video to our friends and let them know good times were happening. they have their redhead friend with them. >> [ bleep ]. >> oh. >> where did that come from? >> their table has a little like candle setup there where they're sitting. when you say fiery redhead quite literally a redhead on fire. >> looks like she was leaning over it to get in the video he was taking. all you need is a tiny bit to get your hair caught. >> and a little bit of hair spray or hair product in there that stuff is flammable.
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>> all of this could have been avoided. >> how. >> using horizontal video. she had to lean in so much because the guy was shooting vertically. if he would have held the camera sideways she wouldn't have needed to lean in so much. another reason not to shoot vertical video. you'll burn your friend's hair. after her hair is clearly on fire she's surprised that there are pieces of her hair missing. >> surprised it's burnt? >> yeah. >> oh, my gosh. >> she's like -- >> she really did just burn her hair off. >> and now imagine the smell. right. >> burnt hair funk. that's the worse. >> can you smell that? >> that's our show, everybody. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute."
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4:00 pm
>> our superfans are suiting up for some healthy competition. dr. oz: it's my super spectacular. >> super solutions for super skin, super immunity. dr. oz: hold down those infections. >> and more. dr. oz: show her what she's won behind the curtain. gives you energy, flattens your belly and helps your heart. >> coming up next on dr. oz. dr. oz: to beauty and your heart. [cheers and applause] dr. oz: look at you all. i'm so excited to have my superfans. these are wonderful costumes. give yourselves a hand. it's my super spectacular! [cheers and applause] now, throughout the hour i'm


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