tv Right This Minute FOX June 12, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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hey, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we've been searching the web for the best videos of the day and we've got them for you, "right this minute. if you ever find yourself in an elephant's territory -- >> don't do this. >> what happens when mr. nerves of steel stands his ground. >> trouble brews at a bar when a dude follows a woman outside. >> and tackled her to the ground. >> why he claims he's a hero but cops threw on the handcuffs. >> a pair of thrill seekers.
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>> guess what they're going to do, they're going to jump off. >> why they're calling this one history in a wing suit. and she made wedding guests learn three dances. ♪ >> meet the bride who took her reception very seriously. >> any chance anyone is calling you like super bridezilla. >> i was going to say i'm like the bridezilla from hell. when you go on vacation and you're in a wildlife sanctuary where there are wild elephants walking around in the forest, don't do this. this is in the wildlife sanctuary in thailand. notice in the brush there is an elephant and notice there's a tourist just staring at him. he's got his camera. but watch what happens next. ♪ oh, boy. get out of there. >> didn't flinch. >> that dude only flinches a tiny bit. he doesn't run. >> all he did was like whoa whoa whoa stop to a giant elephant
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and then put his camera up to his face. >> yeah. that elephant charged that man and all that man did was hold up an arm. ♪ >> the dude is laughing. the dude almost got trampled by an elephant and he's like what a great photo. >> news websites say this happened in late may. however part of me thinks is this thing real? >> people are questioning whether or not ts is a real video? >> i make mess wondercause thise and this elephant stops dead in its tracks, but according to many thai websites they say this happened in late may. nobody is saying that this is an ad campaign. >> if it's fake it's an awesome fake. >> is he stupid or brave? >> i think he's -- to be quite honest. you could be trampled to death.
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>> dash cam video from far east russia. watch this captured a horrible moment of judgment by a bus driver. >> what was he thinking? >> oh. >> oh, my gosh. were there people on that bus? >> yes, there were people on that bus. five of them were killed in this incident. 12 others sent to the hospital with varying degrees of injuries. >> oh, boy. >> some witnesses on the bus say the driver was trying to beat the signal, which is ridiculous. >> trying to beat the signal it was like coasting. looked like the guy wasn't even hitting the gas. >> almost looks like the driver may have rethought his move at the last minute because it looks like he does slow down a bit right there and thinks, oh, gosh, i better keep going. that leaves the back of the bus to get hit and spun around by that train. >> you can't even call this an accident sadly. >> it was just a horrible moment of judgment by the bus driver who, of course, survived this incident. now he's got to live with that idea of what he did to these
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people. i don't know who's at fault for this accident captured by surveillance camera. see his truck, pulls off to the curb and starts to backup. watch what happens. right into that person. >> oh, my. >> backs right into that person, but the person is walking directly behind the truck with their head down, doesn't even seem to notice the truck, runs right into it. gets knocked over. the person bounces back up and takes off down the street. >> looked like the person was on his or her phone there. >> hard to say if they were looking at a phone or not. i tried to look at that a couple times. >> looking at a phone or not the person's head is down looking at the sidewalk. >> looks like the person was just knocked over and not run ov over. what you're seeing in this video, my friend, the matta horn, not the ride at disney, the real matta horn in the swiss alps. this thing is 14,687 feet tall
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and extremely difficult climb. who's doing it? julie ann and geraldine. guess what they're going to do they're going to jump off. >> who wants to climb down? why go back the same way you came up. >> boring. >> believed to be for the first time ever. these two jump from the tippy top of the matta horn. down they go. i love the shot because it's cool to see what's in their visors. this is a short clip that's part of a larger documentary that's going to be coming out. >> exhilarating. can you imagine the feeling, you're up high, the view is amazing. >> and get to see all that you just climbed and fly over it. come on. >> and also you can see some images that geraldine and julie ann captured while at the top of the mountain with their wing suits. look that arrow points to where they jumped off from. >> that's impressive they
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climbed up there. i'm more impressed with the climb than the actual jump. >> the climb was eight hours. how long was the jump? >> like eight seconds. >> this incident happened on christmas eve 2012. the video was just released. these are images from bar inside australia. part of the group is michael simmons his girlfriend and another woman. apparently part of an altercation where glasses were thrown. security guards were not happy with it. you all got to go. they do. a group of people is then seen leaving. the problem is that just a few feet away, apparently whatever altercation was happening inside this bar, continues, sparked again. that second altercation led michael simmons to tackle another woman to the ground, claiming that he she was attacking his girlfriend. apparently he was heard telling the other woman, i'm an off duty police officer and you're under arrest and tackled her to the
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ground. he said that he felt like she was on his girlfriend and he needed to defend her. security guards saw this at this point michael is now being tackled by other security guards. >> because they saw him tackle a woman? >> uh-huh. >> that will set people off. >> he did already go to court and the judge there said that he did have the right to protect himself and his girlfriend, but that he used excessive force. >> is he a cop or not. >> he is a cop. he was awarded a bravery medal during for his work during the victor yan brush fire. because of this incident he faces losing his job. >> none of this happens if some people walk away. no one will think less of you. you have your job, won't get in trouble, not on surveillance video. just say let's get a cab. >> grab your girl and get out of there. >> we're kicking off the world cup celebrations with this guy because -- >> got some ball skills. >> how he and his tricks bounce around the globe.
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experience. >> like a badge of honor. like the tiger saying if you don't feed me something i'm going to damage your car. >> the zoo keepers were nearby and coaxed the cat away from the car. she's obviously not going to file a damage claim since she says she wants to keep the mark. >> most of the marks come from shopping carts and car doors. this came from a tiger. >> in the listing they will have to put slight tiger damage. >> the car fax will be hilarious. >> think of the interest from that alone. everyone will want the car attacked by a tiger and survived. >> this dog wouldn't survive an attack by a duck. this dog afraid of a feather. >> it's a new thing in its home. it doesn't know. >> weird. >> it doesn't know what it is yet. >> it's like that dog is huge, you know. it's weird the stuff they get afraid of. >> look at his face. his eyes are like -- what is this thing? >> the other dog is like come on. >> this dog belongs to kate.
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she loves in dorsett, england. i'm almost afraid to share that with people because i don't want them to know this dog is afraid of anything should they come over uninvited. >> the same dog will bark and chase after somebody coming to the door or a rabbit that's in the yard, you know, they'll go crazy, but put a feather in a doorway, no way, not going through there. the world cup officially kicks off today and there's a lot of excited people around the world. kickoff is a celebration with this short film called "bounce." a movie put together by a talented guy. he's not only great filmmaker but he has some ball skills. ♪ ♪ what ♪ hmm ♪ okay ♪ we used to play all day sit back and only feeling like
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yesterday ♪ ♪ hey don't you feel like fooling around ♪ ♪ letplaying soccer around the world to celebrate the world cup? >> pretty much. >> lucky enough to travel with his best friends to france, sweden, usa, morocco and canada and takes this ball which appears in this video to be a plajcle ball, transporting him in multiple different places in these countries. it's fun to watch because it's perfectly put together. think about a thought that went into this. you're traveling, you're in different parts of the different countries and thinking okay, i kick the ball off that side of the screen, now it needs to bounce in from this side of the screen. there's a lot of thought put in here. at the end the ball also brings him back to where it all started with his friends on the beach. some pretty cool behind-the-scenes footage. if you want to see the entire film "bounce" go to
9:44 am and click on this show and see it and you can download the song too. guess what, steve, it is tech time for the people who want to be the coolest kids on the block. >> and we all do. >> right. everybody does. >> yeah. >> to explain these two tech items that will make you the coolest kid on the block. >> he's the cool kid on his block. >> that guy. >> hey, zach. >> hello. >> this is the greatest tech item ever. because we all play sword fight. >> yeah. absolutely. at any age. >> and it's the hardest thing when you can't keep score because somebody's going to inevitably cheat. >> how do you keep score? >> saber tron. >> this is the saber tron and it's basically like a laser tag set but with swords. you can think of it as a fencing set but with built-in scorers. >> yes. >> so the swords have this technology inside the sword and so they have wireless communications so the swords can tell when they hit something,
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but they can also tell when that something is just in the sword. they can tell if they've hit your opponent or just been blocked by the other side. >> i see. it's not going to count all the -- >> for now it's the swords. but get a set of two for $99. >> this next tech item you will be the coolest person ever because you look like you're magic. >> it is. >> this is the levitation stand that makes it look like your phone is levitating off of your terrif desk. >> it is a wire stand. >> it is a wire stand but your charger and that cable. you're getting a stand that's going to charge your phone at the same time. >> how does it float? >> it's a regular table they've made to stand up to securely hold your phone in place. it will work in landscape or portrait thing. it's a cool thing to put on your desk to make people think your phone is floating. >> a spider has captured a bumble bee. >> this is pretty awesome what you're about to see.
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>> see who swoops in to save the da >> he came inutt bride who hadg request for her guests. >> learn three dances so they could all dance at her wedding. >> now hear her reason behind the requirement. >> any chance anyone's calling you like super bridezilla. >> i was going to say, i'm like the bridezilla from hell.
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you could try home remedies to remove your warts... - are you sure about this? - not at all. announcer: but wartstick works. buy at drugstores or use only as directed. rebecca got married and she shared on youtube the entire experience. >> i'm rebecca and this is happily hitched. >> she had her guests learn three different dances. this is one of them snoets sneets. >> they're dancing to pit bull s the ng concekeisha'stimb
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father/daughter dance and the song was "i hope you dance" by leann womack. ♪ i hope you dance >> wow. >> he's a talented guy. he sang the song while she danced with her dad. >> to tell us more about it we have rebecca via skype, "right this minute." welcome to the show. you took your wedding very seriously. any chance anyone is calling you like super bridezilla. >> i was going to say, i'm like the bridezilla from hell but, you know, actually i was actually quite mellow. i think because i had done so much planning before the actual day, everything was so like to a timeline that it was all smooth. >> i feel like you thought about this day since you were probably about 2. and now that it's all over, what are you going to do? >> i really want to focus on videos. i love to do sketches. i produce -- i love doing comedy
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and i thunk that there's just a lot of fun that i can have playing around with like the whole wedding and marriage, all those issues that come along with both of those things. >> what did your guests say about having to learn three different dances? >> that was just something that i just thought would be a lot of fun. so yeah, i made them do three -- learn three dances and definitely our most intricate was "timber" we worked on a it a lot. >> what was the favorite part of your wedding planning to document. >> we actually probably won't post a video of but my bachelorette party. it was so much fun. >> how are people responding to your series on-line and your videos? >> it's been a great response. everyone loves it. there really hasn't been anything out there that's really documented what brides go to. i wanted to let people know my journey. judging by this guy's narration and the content of
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this video you think it would be something from national geographic. >> bumble bee caught in a spider's web in my window fighting for survival. >> spider versus bee. >> on my phone. >> sound the like something from nat-geo. i don't think they film stuff on phones. >> you can put yourself in that poor bee's situation, only imagine what this must feel like as the bee can't get out. >> i don't want to imagine what that feels like. >> this bumble bee lives. >> but then, a second bumble bee crashes in and saves the first. >> buddy bee. >> watch some slow motion, comes in -- did he get a stinger on that spider. >> he did. watch it here. >> came in butt first. >> butt first and stung the spider. >> watch for the stinger right there. >> direct hit right in the abdomen. >> had to sting him all at once. there's the freeze frame of the
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stinger going into the spider. the guy and multiple sources on-line point out that bumble bees don't die after they sting. those are honey bees. bumble bees can live on. just an avenger friend saving e day. all captured on a phone. >> t i co. >> that bee sting looks like it's the size of a two-handed sword going into the spider. i don't think he survived. >> did the first bee somehow communicate its distress to the second? >> bees have that swarm mentality. i don't doubt this could happen at all. >> kid's got the blues. >> today is the last day of school. >> he's sad it's the last day of school. >> what it is that they'll miss. >> oh. work when it's
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chase, if you listen closely. >> today is the last day of school. >> he's sad that it's the last day of school. >> oh. >> i never had that reaction. >> no. >> listen to why chase is sad about the last day of school. >> why don't you like that today is the last day of school? >> because i can't see mrs. rumball anymore. >> he loves his teacher so much he cont want to enjoy the summer and the ice cream and the beach. he just wants to be at school from his favorite teacher. >> sounds like a teacher crush. >> he got over it quickly. here's a picture of chase at the beach with his brother adam and he looks to be fine without mrs. rumball. >> mrs. who? >> this child excited.
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>> whoa whoa. >> this is aiden. aiden is only 21 months old. and his family you can hear them going nuts in the background. the reason they're so excited aiden had spent the last couple hours at gymnastics class watching their sisters do their splits, tumblebles and swirls. got home and mimicked it. >> good thing he was wearing that diaper. >> padding. >> pad his rear end. you don't have those mats at home. that's it for "rtm." we'll see you next time.
10:00 am
live from new york city, it's "wendy williams." today, hillary forgives monica. your take and all the hottest stories of the week. plus you won't believe michael jackson's kids' outrageous allowance and how they spend it and all the latest juicy "hot topics." now here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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