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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  June 13, 2014 9:00am-9:30am PDT

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over the last year, we've been steadily ramping up our security assistance to the iraqi government with increased training, equipping and intelligence. now iraq needs additional support to break the momentum of extremist groups and bolster the capabilities of iraqi security forces. whetherwe will not be sending u.s. troops back into combat to iraq, but i have asked my national security team to prepare a range of other options that could help support iraq security forces and i'll be reviewing those options in the days ahead. i do want to be clear, though, this is not solely or even primarily a military challenge. over the past decade, american troops have made extraordinary sacrifices to give iraqis an opportunity to claim their own future. unfortunately, iraqi leaders have been unable to come to often the mistrust in sectarian
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differences that have long been simmering there and that's created vulnerabilities within the iraqi government as well as their security forces. so any action that we may take to provide assistance to iraqi security forces has to be joined by a serious and sincere effort by iraq's leaders to set aside sectarian differences, to promote stability and account for the legitimate interests of all of iraq's communities and it continues to build the capacity of an effective security force. we can't do it for them. and in the absence of this type of political effort, short-term military action including any assistance we might provide won't succeed. so this should be a wake-up call. iraq's leaders have to demonstrate a willingness to make hard decisions and compromises on behalf of the iraqi people in order to bring the country together. in that effort, they will have the support of the united states and our friends and our
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allies. now iraq's neighbors also have some responsibilities to support this process. nobody has an interest in seeing terrorists gain a foothold inside iraq and nobody is going to benefit from seeing iraq descend into chaos. the united states will do our part, but understand that ultimately it's up to the iraqi's as a sovereign nation to solve their problems. indeed across the region we have redoubled our efforts to help built more capable counter terrorism forces so groups like isil can't establish safe haven and we'll continue that effort through our support of the moderate opposition in syria, our support for iraq and its security forces and our partnerships with other countries across the region. we're also going to pursue intensive diplomacy throughout this period both inside of iraq and across the region. because there's never going to be civility in iraq or the broader region unless there are political outcomes that allow people to resolve threadinesses
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peacefully without resorting to war or relying on the united states military. we'll be monitoring the situation in iraq very carefully over the next several days. our top priority will remain being vigilant against any threats to our personnel serving overseas. we will consult closely with congress as we make determinations about appropriate action and we'll continue to keep the american people fully informed as we make decisions about the way forward. i'll take a question. >> u.s. history there, are you reluctant to get involved again in iraq? >> i think that we should, you know, look at the situation carefully. we have an interest in making sure that a group like isil which is a vicious organization and has been able to take advantage of the chaos in syria, that they don't get a broader foothold. i think there are dangers of fierce sectarian fighting if,
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for example, this terrorist organizations try to overrun sacred she sites, so we have enormous interests there and obviously our troops and the american people and the american taxpayers made huge investments and sacrifices in order to give iraqis the opportunity to chart a better course, a better destiny. but ultimately they're going to have to seize it. as i said before we are not going to be able to do it for them. and, you know, given the very difficult history that we've seen in iraq, i think that any objective observer would recognize that any in the absence of accommodation among the various factions inside of iraq, various military actions by the united states by any outside nation are not going to solve those problems over the long-term and not going to
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deliver the kind of stability that we need. >> anybody else? >> mr. president is the syrian civil war spilling over the iraq border? >> i think that's been happening for some time. isil has been able to gain a foothold in syria. that's part of the reason we've been so concerned about it. that's part of the reason why we've been supporting the syrian opposition there. but it's a challenging problem. in iraq, the iraqi government which was initially resistant to some of our offers of help has come around now to recognize that cooperation on some of these issues can be useful. obviously that's not the case in syria where president assad has no interest in seeing us involved there and where some of the governments that are supporting us have been able to block, for example, un efforts even at humanitarian aid. but this is a regional problem,
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and it is going to be a long- term problem. and what we're going to have to do is combine selective actions by our military to make sure that we're going after terrorists who could harm our personnel overseas or eventually hit the homeland. we're going to have to combine that with what is a very challenging international effort to try to rebuild countries and communities that have been shattered by sectarian war. >> we're in contact with them now. we'll have a better sense by the weekend about those consultations and we'll be getting a better sense from them how they might support an effort to bring about the kind of political unity inside of
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iraq that bolsters security forces. look, the united states has poured a lot of money into these iraqi security forces and we devoted a lot of training to iraqi security forces. the fact that they are not willing to stand and fight and defend their posts against admittedly hardened terrorists but not terrorists who are overwhelming in numbers, indicates that there's a problem with morale. there's a problem in terms of commitment, and ultimately that's rooted in the political problems that have played the country
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>> just to give people a sense of timing here, although eventings on the ground in iraq have been happening very quickly, our ability to plan whether it's military action or work with the iraqi government on some of these political issues is going to take several days. people should not anticipate
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that this is something that is going to happen overnight. we want to make sure that we have good eyes on the situation. if i do direct any actions there that they're targeted, precise and they're going to have an effect, and as i indicated before and i want to make sure that everybody understands this message, the united states is not simply going to involve itself in a military action in the absence of a political plan by the iraqis that gives us some assurance that they're prepared to work together. we're not going to allow ourselves to be dragged back into a situation in which while we're there we're keeping a lid on things and after enormous sacrifices by us as soon as we're not there suddenly people end up acting in ways that are
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not conducive to the long-term stability and prosperity of the country. all right? thank you very much everybody. >> you've been listening live to president obama making a statement on iraq which has become a growing area of tension. the most important headline here i believe is that he did say -- emphasize no u.s. troops are going back in combat because of the terrorist group that has been taking over a few cities in iraq. he did emphasize that the u.s. will be reviewing options in the days ahead for their response, but he did also say u.s. military aid to iraq depends on baghdad's government setting aside sectarianism. there's a lot of differences in iraq, both culturally and socially, and he said it's a wake up call for that iraqi government to be able to make some difficult decisions and comp compromises to figure out how to handle this situation. >> he hammered that point. he said we'll do our part, but they have to do their part and that the u.s. has poured a lot
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of money into training soldiers over there, and they've got to be able to fight and be willing to fight. there's a morale problem. but he says we don't want to just be dragged back into something and they're not standing up for themselves. >> he did acknowledge there are u.s. interests over there. there was a reporter talking about the oil situation, how it could impact gas prices. the other thing i found interesting is he did say he would be consulting congress on this, which is a little touchy after the situation with bowe bergdahl who just came back to the u.s. he said he would keep the u.s. fully informed. this is an ongoing situation, very fluid. the president just speaking before he heads off to north dakota for an event today with the first lady, and then he's going to be heading to southern california for some fund- raising events tonight. we're going to continue to follow this obviously throughout the day here on ktvu, both online, our later newscasts, but for now that is a report here on ktvu mornings on 2. thanks for joining us. have a great day.
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goes, this is huge. brandon, in the video here, was going to propose to his girlfriend, katie. >> i decided on a group trip to st. martin, i would propose. >> what do you do? give the ring to a friend. he gives it to a buddy, but they are getting in the plane, right, and he was in group 35, and he said, sir, the plane is overbooked, put the carry-on in the belly of the plane. >> they get to st. martin, the ring was stolen, not in the bag. >> five minutes later, my girlfriend asks, isn't it beautiful? it's pair diez. >> they got the ring inensu go another one,te the ring, fed martin while on vacation, problem solved. >> oh, that's enough to make you have a heart attack. >> i went what could have been to the worst week of my entire
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life to everything working perfectly. it was worth it, and that's how the story goes from here. >> today is the last day i'm going to be your boyfriend. >> what do you mean? >> i love you, baby. >> you're kidding me. >> i love you, i love you with all my heart. >> are you kidding me? >> you make me the happiest man i've ever been in my life. >> you know from the heart, he's just speaking from the heart. >> i cannot live without you. i cannot. >> here's the big question, after all that turmoil. >> please say yes. >> yes! >> awesome. just as the waves crashed in, down on one knee, what a story to tell. you like the ring? well, let me tell you how it got here. >> thank goodness he had it ensured. >> you're in the pool, on the floaty, but you have to get to that side of the pool.
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instead of paddling over, why don't you just do this? oh! >> by the tail! >> does that hurt? >> he's not pulling it, just lightly holding on to the tail. >> the dog seems to enjoy this, feels like he has a purpose, rescuing the owner, getting him to the other side of the pool. >> i love how pump the owner feels on this floaty with his leg up on it. >> right. >> being all super cool. >> then you don't have to take the dog for a walk. he's worn out, exercising from this. >> what makes this better, though, if they went back the other direction, and the dude towed the dog then. >> that would be pretty funny. >> yeah. it's the closest yet to a hover board. >> looks like a ticket to
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freedom. >> see that next right this minute. still to come, so excited about dale, jr., he writes -- >> dale, dale, jr. >> that's painful. now meet the dude behind the whacky tune. plus, "sports illustrated" models show off their world cup. why sporting a jersey never looked so good. >> looks pretty good.
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closed captioning provided by you could try home remedies to remove your warts... - are you sure about this? - not at all. announcer: but wartstick works. buy at drugstores or use only as directed. . hey, don't forget, there's an app. get it on your iphone, ipad, or android device and watch wherever you are. if you're a dale fan, you were excited watching the pocono watching him take the win and take the checkered flag.
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fans went nuts, but i think no fan went crazier than roofus. ♪ dale jr. just won the pocono 450 ♪ ♪ you know what i always do ♪ hold on hold on ♪ you know what i do when he wins the race ♪ >> so excited he writes a little diddy. >> or free style? i just got done win a race ♪ ♪ my best friend won his race ♪ dale jr. ♪ watch my friend win ♪ is sweet because that loser jimmy johnson couldn't cheat ♪ ♪ after i'm done, i dig in ♪ before i do that ♪ i'm going to eat from a bag of meat ♪ >> this is bad. this isin
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>> but it's swee >> it's not the only diddy that roofus has done. ♪ katy ♪ i hope we can chill at home ♪ watching tom and jerri >> the worst part of this is i will sing this. it's stuck in my head. >> he's a character created by a guy named cory mckenny. he is joining us right now. welcome to the show, cory. what made you come up with the character? who is this? >> just pretty much any red-blooded guy who is all about america and the bad -- >> you know who i am, the guy who parties until 6:a.m. in the morning, a bonfire 20 feet high, eating from a bag of meat, listening to bon jovi, listening
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to a prayer, honey. >> do you have people online who think this is a real person? >> it's about 50/50. some people are like, it's too real to be fake. there's no way there's a guy out there like that, so -- >> how long does it take to put together a song? >> usually, well, like the one for this past one, the poconos, i did that in ten minutes. >> well, what if we put you on the spot a little bit and had roofus make an appearance for us right now and maybe ad lib a little? >> you putting me on the spot like that, honey? i'm going come out there, and i'm going to bite your toes off, honey. >> i was almost believing you, but you have sleeves on right now. >> i can cut them off, see. >> that's roofus. >> i made a bonfire 20 feet high, honey. >> i think i deserve a sincere thank you for the video i'm about to show you.
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>> thank you. >> you are welcome, but this is art as well. this is the "sports illustrated" body painted world cups jersey video. >> that is always so impressive. looks so dang real. >> real. >> yeah, the ruffles on the bikinis, these people are talented. >> they got better too. they have been painting on bathing suits for a long time, but it's advanced. they didn't have ripped shirts and all the other stuff before. >> it's clever. it's really good. from an art's perspective, the artist that was able to make these jerseys look like jeerz jerseys, pretty impressive. >> do we have to blur this? >> i saw three nipples. >> you saw the outline of a nipple. if you want to see the whole thing, go to, or you can check it out on our mobile app.
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americans put food to the test, and it does not go too well. >> oh, gross. >> oh, no. >> oh, it's a duck! that's a duck! >> see what happens when we take on the tasting. >> there are -- >>
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one of the great things about traveling around the world is sampling foods from other cultures. so many people that live here, you can now sample that food, and that's what the kids did. they sampled asian delicacies you don't see here. >> traditional japanese food made from fermented soybeans. >> looks like snot and beans. >> oh, gross. >> oh, no. >> doesn't take good. >> tastes ferments, but it's not bad. >> this is a fruit, popular in asia, and it's known for its
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smell. >> oh. >> in is a developing duck embryo boiled and eaten in the shell. >> we know about this. >> david and i sampled this. >> you got a head in yours? >> i ate it. >> it squirted. >> it's good. >> oh, what is that? oh, it's a duck! it's a duck! >> this is moving on the plate. >> this is a live octopus chopped in small pieces and serves immediately. >> you don't chew it. suctions to your throughout. >> like you're making out with someone and trying to eat at the same time. >> it didn't taste that bad. >> there's something about eating something that's still moving. >> they also tried chicken feet, and guess what, guys? >> no, no, no! >> bring them in, folks. >> let's dig in. >> here's the deal. i'm exempt because i ate the
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duck. >> i'm not going to exempt myself. i'll try it. why not try one? you at least have to try it. >> it's a horror film on a plate. there are -- >> you went right in. >> boy, that is a lot of fat on there. there's not a lot of meat. >> i feel like the texture will make me gag. >> just do it. >> you used a fork? >> it's just chewing tendons. it's not that bad. >> this looks like a dead person's hand that we dug out of a grave. i might be the only one who makes it to work tomorrow. >> it's a good thing you did not eat this. >> i'll fill in while you guys are barfing. >> that's all for us here at "right this minute," we'll see you next time, everybody.
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