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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  June 23, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman. great videos and the stories behind them coming your "right this minute." there's something furry stuck under the car. >> there's a a cat, compressing and pressing. >> why it was a long road to this rescue. it's a standoff after a man calls police and says -- >> i'm going to shoot this guy who lives on the street in the neighborhood. >> see how the plan of attack backfires. plus, talk about a wild
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photo shoot. the bear that knows how to strike a pose. >> he's like, excuse me, here for my picture. a goldberg inspired flaming sun that can only be explained as totally awesome. meet the guys who lit it up. >> when people ask if i want to be lit on fire, i don't say no. showing you the beginning of the video, you'll be saying, what? how? look at that there. that is a crazy scene. >> what? >> how? >> under a car? >> yeah. >> suspension. >> that's what it is, nick. it's a suspension spring. there's a lot of fur. that's a cat. how did the cat get in there? >> exactly. >> the cat crawled in the spring, but this is crazy because the person who owns the car had been on a road trip,
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drove more than 60 miles at 80 miles per hour, stops to get gas, hears a strange noise, and figures out there's a cat. in fact, a kitten stuck in the suspension spring. >> compressing, stretching, how is it alive? >> exactly. how is it alive? but it is, in fact, alive. you hear it meowing. mechanics got involved, jack the car way up, see them with their tools, wrenches, trying to remove the spring as a whole. look at the face when it's twisted. >> oh! >> once they remove the spring, it takes them a few minutes to figure out how they are going to get the cat out of the spring because the cat stays in there, the ltle paws are tside. >>oh, a yoga pose. >> watch what the awesome mechanics do.
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i think that this cat was looking for new owners because the mechanics kept the cat after they rescued it! this is about the most obvious statement you'll hear today. if you call the police and say, i'm going to shoot a man in the neighborhood. guess what? the police come and arrest you. that's what this guy did in dartmouth, canada. he called police, you see him there in the red shirt, saying i'm going to shoot this guy in the neighborhood. they came, created a barricade around his home. th he walked out and had a standoff with police. did not last long. put your hands up, has a cigarette, walks towards the
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police, does he have a weapon they can see? not that they can see, but he could have. watch. >> taze him? >> boom. with a form nfl style tackle, and you see one, two, three, four, five, six, an officer with a dog come and arrest this guy. police did find a pellet gun. he's facing two charges of disturbance and one possession of a weapon for dangerous purposes. a guy named tim, photographer for the chronicle, captured moments in photos. you see it was dramatic. i mean, it was a standoff. look how many officers are posted up around this guy. there's the guy who went in for the tackle. that's a great shot right there from him. >> really good. >> the dude is just launching that guy, and you see, gets him down on the ground. >> look at that -- you can't see it in the video, but the standoff they really were
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having. >> no reports on why he made the call, who the guy was, or maybe it was a cry for help. imagine being a wildlife photographer and posted up for days waiting for that one perfect shot. you peek out you know blind one morning, and you get your perfect shot right outside your photo blind. there he is. >> oh, he's posing for the camera, looking right at the lens. >> he's like, excuse me, here for my picture. >> how big is the bear? it's not a baby? full grown? >> i don't know. he looks big enough. looking like he's going to provide an awesome picture for the nature photographer. this is deep in the forest of finland. she doesn't yell at the bear or try to scare it away, but lets him do his thing. looks like he's licking the water off the blind, getting moisture. the photographer said she had a
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big fuzzy microphone cover that the bear took a liking to at one point. that's the only time she got involved and yelled at the bear. no incident here, just good video. a pharmacy is the last place you would expect religious violence to break out, but that's exactly what happened in sri lanka. the guy has a helmet on and bar in his hand. he's smashing up the place. he's not the only one. you see other men inside the pharmacy with their faces covered in masks, and they are kicking in glass cases, broken window, and in the back of the store, customers are trying to get out, and they are mixed in with the bad guys in the place, and they -- >> woah! >> they set the place on fire, they fire bomb the place. somebody's on fire. the fire goes out, but several people were injured in the incident, but this is not the
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only incident like this in sri lanka. the muslim minority have been targeted by buddhists that have been embarked by a monk making a speech, and violence has broken out, and dozens of homes and shops set on fire, two mosques have been set on fire, and now this religious minority is afraid. they have lived side by side for years. >> wait, the people coming in, setting the place on fire and destroying it are buddhists who have a problem with the muslim owners of the shop? >> exactly. >> buddist religion is not about that, but peace. they are extremists. >> i thought the headline was wrong when they said muslims were targeted by buddhists, but this is what's happening. two people caught on camera swiping a puppy in the street, but the worst part is --
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>> he took 6-year-old ellis. >> how social media is bringing peaches back home. a prankster ditches the funny business to give the homeless a new gift. >> that's a new pair of shoes. >> the reactions are wonderful. >> the small gesture that goes a long way. hey there.
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did you select these things on purpose? not a color found nature. there's nothing wrong with tha. i can hear your arteries clogging. ok. no. this is tap water. i can't let you buy this. oh. crystal geyser please. crystal geyser. bottled at the mountain source. female announcer: when you see this truck,
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female announcer: it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic models, including the new tempur-choice with head-to-toe customization. plus, get 36 months interest-free financing, two free pillows, and free same-day delivery. are you next? announcer: but don't wait. sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ welcoheyback. really? kiss your abs goodbye. cardiologist to check stand 1. crystal geyser alpine spring water? toucé. crystal geyser. always bottled right at the mountain source. this video has a ton of levels of awful that are really going to make you mad.
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watch this. this surveillance video. these two people start chasing a black little pug, seven month old peaches. pug runs under the car and runs to the second person in the video, and they eventually grab it and run away with it stealing, dognapping little peaches. it is not their dog. they are stealing a seven-month-old pug. it belonged to 6-year-old ellis who had been in the hospital for an accident he suffered, went through multiple surgeries, and after he left the hospital, his mom, lucy, worked extra shifts to buy this dog for ellis to help with recovery. that's what peaches was, and these thieves took that away from him. >> i mean, are you just walking down the street and just happen to see a dog? is this a crime of just opportunity or walking the neighborhood looking for dogs to steal? >> there's an award on who the people are.
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there is a facebook page that has been set up to help find these people and urging these people to just give peaches back. >> what a weird thing and the guy chasing the dog around the car like you're tough. you can see a coward. it did not know where to go or what to do. it gave in. i hope the idiots see this. you stole a dog for a sick kid. what's worse than that? >> that's awful. i love when the pranksters put down the pranking hats and put on the helping hats. omar from omar tv wanted to help the homeless in florida. >> today, i'm going out and gives homeless people something we take for granted every day, and that's a new pair of shoes. >> as you would expect, reactions are wonderful. >> nice new sandals so you don't have to wear the beat up ones. >> and the clean socks.
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>> the guy was not expecting anyone to help me today. >> these are brand new. they are not even donated shoes. >> comes up to this guy -- those are nice shoes, can i have them? >> yeah, my son has something for you too so when it's hot out. >> he doesn't even have his shoes on, but happy about the clean socks and sandals. another homeless guy comes up, he gets a pair of shoes. it was a nice thing. one throws the shoes to the side, i got a pair of new dogs. hugs all around. he gives shoes to a woman in need, and she was happy to get them. but one man on the street, this guy is no shirt on, using shoes as a pillow, and he points out this guy is sleeping next to a very nice restaurant. the man was not even wearing men's shoes. he gave him shoes, a blanket, and the shirt off his back. seems like just things we have
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lying our house that we just kind of take advantage of, and we don't think about it. this guy got necessities. >> good day for his son too, his dad, and his son. guys, i'm about to change your lives. with the help of the crazy russian hackers. life changing hack. the first one i think is lovely for a party. >> now i can just grab it and start -- like that. here goes. >> okay. >> this is a great way to make a bag of cheetos shareable so everyone's not wasting in the bag, not wasting water by washing the bowl. >> a bachelor idea. like that, not going to lie. >> doing laundry, one of the most annoying things in the world, but not if you do this. >> that's the retail fold.
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>> and it's done. >> i'm going to try that. >> amazing. this is my favorite. i can't believe we don't do it anyway. you make microwave popcorn, it's delicious. an issue is you have the unpopped kernels in the bottom. they get in your mouth, hurt your teeth. this makes that go away. rather than opening it immediately and dumping that popcorn in a bowl, just hold it over the garbage can before you open it and do this. all the small bits you don't want to eat come out, and you have a bag of perfectly fluffy popcorn. stupidly simple. ten hacks to change your life, go to our website, and see today's show or check it out on our mobile app. it's not summer without a slip-and-slide. >> he went in docock eyed there.
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>> a red bull driver shows off. >> breaks away, lights it up. >> see how he rides in style. >> he, like, paralleled park between moving vehicles. must love nutella so he'll try to eat an -- >> 11-pound container. >> seeif he can spoonful after spoonful of spread.
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ithe part of us that a littwants to play,on.
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wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood.
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if you're getting a police escort, you must be an important guy, and that guy under the red bull helmet is professional driver, reese, going through the streets of the nation's capital, escort, then he breaks away and lights it up. >> i'm not going to lie, but i bet this made people in d.c.
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mad. traffic in d.c. is awful, and they closed the streets so he could show off. >> looks like there's secret service. >> the cars are not moving, in and out of the motorcade, in and out of the spots, buzzing by the capitol, whipping through the circles, cruising in his hyundai. things got moving. that's the fastest thing to move through the capital. you try to pass a bill, and that takes awhile. >> he, like, parallel parked between moving vehicles. >> seeing the smoke from the tires, hitting the brakes, and he abandoned the motorcade completely to get to the destination which was rfk stadium holding the red ball global rally cross this weekend. that's what this video is all to promote. once on the track, it's pedal down.
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who doesn't love nutella? well, serious pete recently hit 1 million subscribers on his youtube channel, so he's going to celebrate by eating an 11-pound container of nutella. >> it's over 25,000 calories. got to do it. >> a giant jar. put that sticker on his stomach. >> that is huge. >> where do you get that? he's eating a tub of nutella. like, the first spoon you have to think this is so awesome. one spoonful is great, but a shovel full? >> i don't feel good right now. i've never had so much in my body at once. >> have you noticed how much
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slow slower he -- >> yeah. >> the sugar has got me. there's a lot of nutella in my body, pretty sure all in liquid, now in my rectum ready to eject in the toilet. >> here's the end. >> this is the five kilogram of the nutella, fit my head in there to be hoppest. recording a fire stunt video. how do you top it off? >> more fire while on fire and a back flip through the
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can't do a double. >> i'm wearing this type today. coy gets down on watermelon. >> oh, my gosh. >> that is so weird! this video starts with a dude juggling. going to go a lot of places from there, from joyriders tv, an action sport adventurer group. somebody lights the balls this guy is juggling on fire, and that guy sets the ball into this gutter. we're talking a goldberg device for the fellows. the ball drops into this thing creating a bonfire. the dude on the bike comes, looks like a mar r mall low, comes over, lights his buddy on fire with a fire suit on, drives
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over the ramp, lights him on fire, and he's got a trombone. he's playing it. it's not over yet. another guy lights something on fire, put it in his mouth, has a fire extinguisher, uses that to go over the ramp, goes to his buddy, over this to thing, lighting himself on fire, and for the grand finale, more fire while on fire and a black flip through the flames, lands it, and now he's hot. he runs and dives himself into the water. it's definitely the most extreme we have yet to see. we have the dudes behind the stunt from joyriders tv joining us this minute. we have john, the mastermind, and dan, the trombone guy in the video. first of all, why a fire? >> a back story was "america's got talent" wanted us to audition, they wanted a fire
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stunt. how do you do that on stage that's creative, fun, and also, at the same time, extreme? we wanted to squeeze it all into one shot to work on a stage if we made it to the first round of editions. >> was it the first try? >> took several tries and several days to pull it off. through trial and error, we got it, made it streamlined, and it worked. >> got lucky, i think. >> how controlled was the fire part? >> there's three people lit on fire, and each person has, like, their own safety assistant next to them to make sure that after they have ten seconds of fame, over, put in water quickly as possible. >> trombone guy, you are quiet. did you bring the trombone? was that your idea? >> i was not the original trombone player for the stunt. he had to back out, and so i was called in, and when someone asked if i wanted to be lit on fire and play the trombone, i don't say no. >> why didn't you say no?
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who says yes to being lit on fire and playing an instrument? >> how many times in your life can you be on fire and play trombone and possibly get on tv? that's all for us here a hey there. did you select these things on purpose? not a color found nature. there's nothing wrong with tha. i can hear your arteries clogging. ok. no. this is tap water. i can't let you buy this. oh. crystal geyser please. crystal geyser. bottled at the mountain source.
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surprise!lcome back. crystal geyser alpine spring water. crystal geyser. crystal geyser. news flash, it's bottled at the source. news flash, we sell it in cases. oh. thank you. oh no no no. crystal geyser. bottled right at the mountain source. troutman. if you lovp if you love gr


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