tv Right This Minute FOX June 24, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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everybody, i'm beth troutman. we've been searching the web for the best videos of the day. we've got them nor you "right this minute." trapped in tar. >> it's sticky. it's thick. a death sentence for these sheep, if not for these rescuers. >> the struggle to free sheep from the mess. >> a scenic motorcycle ride turns ugly when -- >> right about here something goes really bad. see how when one goes down, they all go down. imagine rolling up to a
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party in optimist prime. optimist prime himself. hear from a lucky guy who got the blockbuster surprise. >> i cannot believe this is michael day's truck out here. >> tips for dudes to impress a lady friend. apparently girls like it when you have lamp. >> the headlight, when making the case. >> oh, gayle. >> prepare for a course of oh! nine sheep stuck, in need of help. what are they stuck? >> wait until you see what they're stuck in. firefighrs in romania, tryg to fre tar pit. >> no. >> a naturally occurring tar pit. the sheep hopelessly stuck the tar like you'd see on street in asphalt. it's sticky. it's thick. a death sentence for the sheep if not for rescuers. check it out.
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took hours to scrape away the thick, goopy stuff. here you see a couple of rescuers trying to pull the sheep by the horns. whole thing covered in the goopy, tarry mess. >> darn. once in there, they can't move. and the more they move, the more they dig themselves into the tar. >> i can't imagine what the cleanup for these guys is going to be. you can shave off their wool, but still it's a sticky, yucky mess. >> they did pull nine sheet out. no reports on the condition of the sheep. historically, tar pits are a bad scenario for animals. many different fossil remains have been found at the bottom of tar pits. these sheep were very close to being fossilized. >> glad they got them out of there but it's tough road to get pack to where they were. >> it's very important when you're out riding your motorcycle that you're prepared with gear, safety gear, because
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sometimes even though you're not responsible for the accident, other people make you get into one. it's hard to explain what happened because this guy in the blue bike is going, doesn't even press on his brakes until he runs into the guy clearly right in front of him. sends both guys into the trees. but another bike runs up in the way of this guy. sounds like though he's hurt, he's okay. >> never know what skill level, what thought process is going through somebody's else's head when riding a bike. you can be as safe as possible, they'll take you out. >> guys in the other lane, not wearing helmets. the group was a little, i don't know. >> poor choice made. >> you saw his helmet. if he didn't have his helmet on, all of the scrapes would be on his noggin. >> wear your gear. ride safe. >> oh! >> this other video's, these guys are on a riding trip, day
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five of the trip. right about here, something goes really bad. so this guy's riding super, super fast and ends up giving himself a dislocated shoulder, ended up back in the hospital and ending his riding trip. >> you see, wasn't that big of an impact. looks like he took out a couple, small trees but sometimes that's tall takes. >> got a couple of videos from the philippines. we start in a convenience store. you see security video. that woman in the green blouse, she's right at the counter at 7-eleven but notice actions of the woman in the white shirt. woman in green says that woman stole her phone right about here. you see that arm. kind of takes her bag, covers the woman's purse with it, and she says that her phone is gone. >> you can see a phone in her hand at that point and she's kind of hiding it with something
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under it, yeah. >> yeah. the woman in green is posting this video, hoping somebody comes forward and can identify that woman. >> also in the philippines, at a bakery in the store. pay attention to the woman in the striped blouse than woman apparently really likes cinnamon loaf. according to the person who posted the video, she liked it so much, she took one and didn't pay for it. she is trying to act like she's just a casual shopper, kind of looking at things, like she wants something. see her pick up a loaf, put it back. watch here, she's got the loaf, looks both ways, universal sign of i'm about to take something. >> that woman literally pinched a loaf. >> she did, she pinched a loaf. >> she really did. >> she did. >> she wanders around the store a little bit more, wanders out with the rest of the people. >> the few seconds of stalling that people do after they steal something, linger around for a minute or two, okay, i'm out of
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here. >> looks like somebody's grandma, not somebody you expect come go in there, boosting a loaf. >> don't judge a book by its cover. >> grandmas. >> i'm convinced the ocean has netflixes or huluplus. the shark has seen "jaws." four fishermen were out there and watched this thing. that's a great white shark. they say seven meters. >> what? >> they doll a white pointer in australia. >> look at that thing. circled their boat for like a half hour. they're like big, tough fishermen types with fishermen-type names but they are were scared because the thing started biting their boat. it's gnawing on the side of their boat, what the shark did in "jaws." talking to one of the fishermen describing the encounter. >> these are fresh teeth marks and scratches on the board. >> it didn't frighten me too
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much but, yeah, still like i'm getting out the front out of the way. >> rolled on its side. that black eye was look at me. made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. >> the shark charged the boat like a battering ram. that's terrifying the boat weighs something like 6,000 pounds plus and it was able to knock the boat around. >> sort of litted this up, this is hinged, pushed it up like that. >> the fishing boat, it must be saturated in fish bait guts and stuff over the years. probably smells and tastes like food to a shark. >> like one big fish. >> comes two weeks after another incident with fishermen and a shark in the same area. in a little, they call it a tinney in australia. it's tiny. they were worried about it tipping over. >> the equivalent of a shark saying it's a small can of tuna? a man pulls a dirty deed by
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dumping two buckets of bleach in the water. why that was one slime ball move. a breathtaking stunt that goes from beautiful ballet to extreme skydiving. >> flawless free fall, next. toto y youou...... ththey're momorere t thahana pet so protect them, with k9k9 advantix ll itit's's b broroadad s spepm protection kills fleas, ticksks a andd mosquitoes too. k9k9 a advdvanantitix l fofor r ththe e loloveve o g
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heat shields are compromised. we what's that alarm?ures. fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. watch tv virtually anywhere with the u-verse tv app. with at&t, the u-verse revolves around you.
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see, looks like something being tossed into the water? >> uh-huh. >> police allege that's 25-year-old alexander raymer and allege alexander raymer tosses two buckets of bleach into the water. why? dparry case is a bait fish business own somewhere that's where his tanks are. raymer dumped in the bleach to kill $20,000 worth of gary case's bait fish. there's this upcoming tournament in florida, bait fish business popping and so this guy, police say alexander, just wanted to kill off the competition. 2300 fish were killed. gary case says he had google eye and speedo bait fish. you think, how does that add up to 20,000 bucks? he sells google eyes for a hundred bucks a dozen and speedos for 150 a dozen. court records say he face a
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charge of criminal mischief. gary case recognized the boat in question because he sold the boat to alexander raymer because he used to be his neighbor. >> wait. >> alexander raymer admitted, yeah that was me, i did do that. >> geez. >> according to wflx, gary case and his sons plan to sleep on their dock with guns before the next tournament to protect their stock. this video you're about see is going to take your breath away. it's like they combined cirque du soleil with free flying, and it's amazing. this is the red bull sky combo. they put together triple world champs fred and vince, the soul flyers. they free-fly together. they'll jump from high above and dropped from 33,000 feet in the air. that's about 20,000 feet higher
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from where a normal skydiver drops. these guys are basically on the edge of the atmosphere. >> watch. they do a little bit of acrobatics. almost ballet-like. >> it's like they're astronauts. you can see the curvature of the earth. >> insane. >> amazing the they were they are coordinating the jump. once they deploy the parachutes, it goes from beautiful ballet to extreme skydiving. check this out. they just go fast and furious on the edge of these mountains. look at them. >> they had to jump from 33,000 feet and know they were going to come down in the spot and hit it precisely. >> the fall took seven minutes but this was a year and a half in the making because lots of care had to made. they nail it. >> let's say you're trying to go somewhere, you call a cab, right? you sit, you wait in your living
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room and the cab shows up. except you find out it's not just some dude in a yellow checkered cab, it's this, optimist prime from transformers is coming to pick you up. this happened to people in phoenix and los angeles, as part of a promotion between uber and the new transformers movies. transformers age of extinction. it will show a cab coming to your house. my buddy greg needed a ride. so he called uber. a screen grab. optimist prime, his driver, had come pick him up. >> i would have wet my pants. >> what? >> i was a huge transformer fan as a kid. >> that's my friend greg, allison. that is optimist prime. tweeted out from the uber phoenix twitter account. it was a short amount of time. greg took a video from inside
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prime. >> this is actually optimist prime right now. pretty [ bleep ] awesome. >> talk about making an entrance when you get to wherever you're going. >> what it was like to get a right from optimist prime, me friend greg from phoenix, arizona. what's up. >> how are you doing? >> good. you sign into uber, did you know the promotion was happening or no? >> i knew it was happening i figured it was one of the things like winning a lottery. >> what was it like? >> came out, asked me cameras and wanted to know, where did you want to go? i mean i literally blanked i was like, there's no better place to go than my local dive bar at this point. i might as well embrace it. let's go pretty funny there did you have to pay for the ride? >> totally free. it popped up, it said how would you rate your optimist prime driver?
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oh. crystal geyser please. crystal geyser. bottled at the mountain source. surprise!lcome back. crystal geyser alpine spring water. crystal geyser. crystal geyser. news flash, it's bottled at the source. news flash, we sell it in cases. oh. thank you. oh no no no. crystal geyser. bottled right at the mountain source. >> closed captioning provided by --
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>> you guys ready to laugh a little, cry a little, disagree about? >> that's what the show's all about. >> about to happen now. real or fake videos with mac dreidel from ebaum's world. welcome back. >> good to be back. love to argue with you guys. love to bring enjoyment to our viewers let's do some real or fake. >> video number one. >> a chance. >> nigh kind of weather.
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>> catch it. >> oh. >> he got it. >> wow. ice cream's in the bowl. >> i don't know why that would be fake. >> it's not that crazy of a stunt. >> i say real. >> yeah. >> real. >> five reals? >> yeah. >> no disagreement. >> i'm not going to fight you on this one. real for sure. >> video number two. >> supposed to believe that the guy grabbing her butt is just some stranger with a camera and she's like, yeah, dig it. >> this is a six-second set of vine. fake. >> wait a second, how do we know that's her boyfriend? he could be the guy behind the camera. >> could be her brother did or some dude in line. >> i'm going say real. >> fake. >> four fakes, one real. mac, you're with me. >> going with majority decision here.
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this is set up. i think that this guy has a relationship with the girl already, i don't know if it's boyfriend/girlfriend but in on it from the start. fake. >> all right. video number three. >> i thought this guy must get the flood flowing at a long flight. if he's getting flood flowing to the wrong part -- >> is there someone in front of him. >> i think it's 100%. >> real. >> real. >> real. >> what do you say, mac? i say fake. >> i want to say that this is fake but i think it's actually real what happen people should do. feel comfortable with your body. if somebody tells you to stop, stop. not breaking rules. >> you need to be comfortable in your own body somewhere else. >> i agree. >> what you're looking at is a lamborghini spyder used in a
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prank by dennis roadie. wince the prank was over he died to do something good with it like give people a ride. >> my first time. >> ready? >> go for a roller coaster ride. >> oh my gosh. >> i first questioned this. he wants to give homeless people a ride in a lamborghini? guess what, guys? they loved it. >> drive on! drive my god! sweet! >> everybody was pretty impressed with it. >> is that adrenaline or what? >> ever been in one of these before? >> no. >> this guy absolutely loves the ride he gets. >> and he's kind of surprised that this car does not have a clutch. >> no clutch. >> no clutch? >> yeah. just a button. >> oh god! >> and everybody gets a ride shows their appreciation.
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>> what did you think? >> awesome. awesome! awesome! >> when we see videos someone's doing soldier for the homeless they're giving them something to eat or shoes, but it never occurred maybe they want fun, too. >> of course. you drive around, step out in that lamborghini, you're feeling good for the rest of the day, maybe the rest of the week. >> man, this is awesome! >> tip for guys to impress ladies. in your bathroom, keep some soap. >> yes. >> yes. >> but the guys have tips of their own. >> i want to tell you something. this goes both
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plastic cups. guys, come on. >> wine glasses have cheap and easy from not in college anymore. >> glad you checked it off the list. >> i've got a full bar, get r l real. >> girls like when you have lamps. >> it's a better mood, too, instead of the harsh overheadlight. it's warmer, inviting. >> in your bathroom, keep some soap. >> yes. yes. >> and a towel, a hand towel. >> that isn't sopping wet have this very important, guys. any evidence of another girl in your apartment is a big no-no. come on, get rid of it. >> damn bobby pins and hair ties. >> bread crumbs all over the house. >> girls like plants. they like to know a guy can keep a plant alive. >> i can't keep a plant alive, i'll let that go. >> neither can i but shhh. >> curtains. >> curtains and wall art.
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>> a trash can in the bathroom apparently is a big deal. i don't mind it so much but a clean bathroom for me is a must. >> absolutely right. that is the first thing we look at. that's a turn-off. >> i'll tell you something, this goes both ways too. >> thank you, thank you. >> look, girls sometimes aren't the cleanest creatures. everyone -- it's not just guys. >> yeah. >> i'll give you that. i'll give you that. another important one, clean sheets. no dirty, questionable spots. >> come on. >> get rid of them. >> lifetime tips for being a human being. >> but this is just for living your life. >> that's our show. thanks for joining us, see the next edition of "right this minute."
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>> a dr. oz investigation. >> i'm blowing the whistle on the foods your children eat. >> the new secret the food industry doesn't want you to know. >> i don't each want to eat out anymore. >> exposing the dangers. dr. oz: it's been linked to learning disabilities, birth defects and miscarriage. >> the new chemical cocktails lurking in your food. dr. oz: the biggest offenders are the foods i want you to eat the most. >> we can't wash and peel our way out of this. >> coming up next on dr. oz. dr. oz: today i'm blowing the whistle on what i believe is the single greatest threat to the food you eat. and even more troubling, the food your children eat. i'm talking about pesticides in our foods.
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