tv Right This Minute FOX June 27, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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hey, everybody, great viral videos are coming your way, "right this minute." a deputy is searching for a suspicious character, and then this happens. see the crazy maneuvers by a man from another planet. >> what? a woman facing a double vasectomy dances her way to the or. we reveal the secret behind her strength. >> this man loves me so much, he shared my cancer.
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it's a gross violation of lady like behavior. >> you're right about gross. >> how a night out turns into a giant hot mess. and some terrible -- what you should never use from a soup fork to a shoulder brush toothpick holder. dash cam footage from michigan that's really just other worldly. this is from a sheriff deputy's dash cam in michigan. the deputy was call. this is a woman making a complaint that a man with a four-foot metal pole was peering in her windows. the deputy came to check things out, and then this happened. >> that was the guy. he had the pole. >> police say a 20-year-old, did, in fact, jump on the hood of the car, breaking the
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windshield, and he later toll the deputy he was trying to crush the car. >> looks like he was trying to joust it. >> there was another deputy saying we see this happen from another vantage point. oh, yeah, he's, like, i scored a ten. he gets up, hands in the air, down on the knees, and the sheriff's car that was attack, gets out, taken into custody, and it's what he told the deputy that is rich. this 20-year-old man said he was from another planet, called zoltron and thought he could crush the car. charged with afelonious assault against the police officer. no one w hurt, b polic influence of some mind altering drugs. >> yeah, wow, really? hard to believe. >> i don't believe it. >> funny, i wonder if he saw the car, didn't think it was a police car at first, i'm going
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to crush the car, and when he realizes what he did, oh, crap. >> right. he knew what planet he was on after being run over by the cops. >> i hope he gets the help he needs. sounds like he's a little off track. >> this story will have steam coming out your ears. check out these pictures. former army sergeant robert price with his service dog, w k walker. he suffers from ptsd and a brain injury suffering bomb attacks in the middle east. while in daytona beach, florida, he was visiting, checked into a hotel, and the sign said, no pets aloud, and you won't believe. >> i told her, you'll see my dog, it is a service dog. the conversation took a turn for the worst. >> i can't help you. >> you have a dog. >> a dog is 5 dog?
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>> yes. >> it's a service dog. >> i'm calling the police. >> i can't stay here because i have a service dog. this is absolutely crazy. >> the owner threatens to call the police on a former sergeant over his service dog. he says the dog was still in the car. >> said that i was an american criminal. >> could face a possible misdemeanor because of this. >> sounds like she's uninformed. >> she said she didn't know the law. she was sorry that it happened, and it won't happen again. when the police got there, he claimed they were surprised at the reaction of not letting her stay there. the police escorted him to other hotels, and not only did they say he was and the dog were welcome, but he got a deep discount. >> we have to stick together here, we have to, just like we did over there. ladies night on the town,
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you get done up, right? dress, hair, makeup, earrings, shoes? why let it turn into this? [ bleep ] >> a gross fight. >> you're right about gross. >> because watch. >> oh! what? >> did you see that. watch that again. >> smacked her on the naked bottom like she was an infant. >> might have got some of her junk too because watch that again. >> oh, that's gross. >> hitting the girl in the skirt, and as she was going to hit, she went -- oh, i'm going to kick your -- oh, i'm going to smack you. tried to slow down and couldn't. i don't know, it just hysteria, terribleness all in one big grouping here. the girl in the yellow comes over, tries to separate it. just a big mess. you ruin everything, you ruin the night, your clothes, hair
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and nails. >> you ruin your shoes too. >> yes, right. >> come on. >> don't forget you ruin your reputation. >> we reached ou to philadelphia police departm this, and the video is turned over to a detective to figure out who the people are, but good luck. who the heck knows. >> ridiculous. imagine the walk down a hospital hallway into the operating room because you are about to undergo a double sectmy, scarey, sad, but that was not the case at all. check this out. this is inspiring. >> yeah! she decided, you know what? i'm going to dance my way into the or. the people around her are the nurses and the doctors that are going to be in the or with her.
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they are dancing, and i love the nurse holing her bag, like, she was inspired by the video of deborah who was going in for a double vasectomy. the surgery happen in march, and the video was posted on youtube by the hospital, and it immediately went viral, but to tell us about this, we have doretta and her husband, mark, via skype. the search was back in march. how are you doing? cancer free? >> i am cancer free. >> that's wonderful. >> she said i had minuscule, and she said minuscule -- that's my new favorite word, saying no chemo, no radiation, and none of the terrible feeling and side
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effects. i'm blessed. >> who's idea was this? >> i saw -- i think deborah, she did a flash mob in the or, and i said, if i have to get this, that's the way i would do it. never believing that they would let me dance in the hospital, that it was my idea, but i was kind of just ribbing the doctor, and the nurse took it to another level, and she said, okay, i'll make it happen, and she did. >> how did you get to a dark place to this moment, to the place where you could dance into the or? >> this man, his strength, and love, he's a colon cancer survivor, seven years, just having somebody who had cancer. this man loves me so much he shared my cancer with me, and he carried it with me, and he explained it to me that i was not alone, that i can carry this, and i can get through this with him, and by the time i got to the hospital, that morning, i
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had the great way to start it. i felt like i had won already before i got on the table. >> thank you so much. good luck with everything, and congratulations to both of you. a family's home attacked by some -- >> real angry birds. >> why they had to bring in the big guns to put the attitude in check. a surfer paddles out for a wave. >> boy, oh, boy, did he havet g and going. >> the barrel roll that made for a big reward.
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there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. got ourselves a case of real life angry bird here, my friends. not the app. not the game. real angry birds. >> that's a red wing blackbird coming down, swooping at the guy. that's brad from suburban wildlife control. this video on suburban wildlife tv. two adults and two baby birds up in the tree, but the family called because this is the only way in and out of the home, and they were dive bombed to the point where one of the kids was followed by the bird to the bus stop. brad kneels down with the net, and in, like, two seconds he has the bird. >> oh, wow.
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>> that was unfair. >> wow, that was so fast. >> what's cool is you get a good look at the bird. so pretty. >> beautiful. >> really good looking bird, right? >> dad, why are they mean? >> i don't know, he's an attack bird. >> this guy caught brad's head with the beak and drew blood. >> they wanted to show the family, hey, i got it. >> do you think they wanted to see it at this point? >> yeah, they had choice names for the bird. >> how did you catch him already? ? he's fast and he's good. >> oh. >> we're going to miss that bird. >> well, the family does say, at first, you know, like, oh, you got him, but then they say we don't want to break up the family. >> they are taking off anyway. >> put the bird where it should be, not in the neighborhood attacking people's skulls. >> pretty bird. one of my favorite things to do for you guys, find ways to
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hack your life. life hacks that take time out of your day, make life easier. >> you're addicted to life hacks. >> i like household hacker. today, he's going to show us live hacks you should never use. >> today, we put together a list of horrible ticks and tricks you should never do under any circumstance whatsoever. make yourself delicious soup and realize you have no way to realize to shovel it in your mouth. open up your fork drawer, grab one, tape up the prongs, and you have a soup slurp. >> who thought of this? somebody probably tried it. >> it's college dorm room stuff. >> exactly. >> love brushing your teeth, nowhere to keep it? pop up the trash, get a soft drink container, shove the brush in the lid. >> i like this. >> it's bad idea because you took it out of the trash can, you if you never put the cup in the trash, this is fine. >> if you're at a hotel, don't
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put the toothbrush on the counter. this is up and clean. improve it, add rocks to the bottom of the cup to weigh it down. >> life hacks by gail, nick, and steve. >> we didn't make it up. >> the gloves nowhere to be found, a plastic bag and tape, you make an emergency pair. hanging out in real life, oh, i don't have a trash can? grab a paper bag and duct tape. that's all there is to it. >> jake, our camera guy, he has a garbage quarter and stores it. i have a picture of it. >> do we have to buy this child a trash can? >> he likes it. >> all we have to do is get you a bag and duct tape. you're set. grabbing the board, waxed up it, put the fins on, played with the dog before paddling out, and he department think it would be a thousand dollar day, and when
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we got to the point break in tasmania, the barrel formed, formed over the top of his head, and, boy, oh, boy, what a ride. he just kept going and going and going. the go pro hero captured the entire gorgeous barr. >>perfect. l.perfect. i wonder if you nevers kick up. oh, this is perfect, best video ever, i better not mess it up. >> thousand dollar day? thousand bucks for surfing the wave? >> he won the go pro of the world may edition so he beat out nine other entries to win that thousand bucks from go pro, and when he said, i'm going surfing for the day, didn't know it was a profitable day. >> awesome day. >> i agree. it's a clear winner. >> point of interest here, marty was using a mouth mount. clutched that in the teeth. that's the cool shot. >> what up?
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>> hey, give us ten bucks. he wants to base jump from a flying motorcycle. see if he does it next "right this minute," and still to come, dude lets a reporter know he doesn't want to be interviewed. >> takes it a step further. >> what? >> how she keeps her cool after taking the heat. plus, why a pay phone and love make for one amazing video. >> i just wanted to say i love you. >> oh. >> is that weird this is getting me choked up? toto y youou...... ththey're momorere t thahana pet so protect them, with k9k9 advantix ll itit's's b broroadad s spepm protection kills fleas, ticksks a andd mosquitoes too. k9k9 a advdvanantitix l fofor r ththe e loloveve o g
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home when they were conducting a search, and the reporter wanted to ask him about it. >> looks like he doesn't want to be interviewed. >> he does not. he takes it further. he does not just push the microphone away. >> what! oh, boy. oh, boy. >> right on the reporter. >> went out of the house with that or bringing that in? brought that out there as, like, ammo? >> according to nine news, when alex and the crew pulled up to the house, he was out in the front yard filling the cooler full of water. no idea if the intention was to through it on the reporter, but he them used it to drench her. there's other ways to handle things if you don't want to be interviewed by people. >> he's proud of himself. look at the grin on his face, but the reporter handled it beautifully. in slow motion, the water hits her, jumps back, but she seems to be grinning. she laughed it off. doing just fine. >> microphone ruined now. >> might need a new one. >> that's a badge of honor, willing to get in people's faces even if they are going to
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dremplg her, she's the girl you want on the beat, on the story. good thing it was not all white. >> i thought about that too, a white t-shirt contest. he was charged with weapon and drug offenses. curious baby fox. ♪ remember those old things called pay phones? >> oh, yeah. >> for many people, it's just part of your memory. well, apparently, there are 10,000 pay phones still in new york city. >> wow. >> so matt adams, and his friend, katie, decided to take quarters to these with a sign they made that says, call someone you love. they were not sure what would
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happen, but there were microphones and cameras. >> hi, honey. >> hey, mom, it's me. >> hey, mom, it's me. >> hey, mom, this is clark. >> oh. >> is it weird this gets me choked up? that burly, guy, hey, mom, i love you. >> i love the girl taking the picture with the cell phone on the pay phone. that shows where we are. >> some exchanges are really, really sweet. >> i'm calling from a pay phone, said call someone you love. i'm in brooklyn alligors eat . >> that's a pay phone. that's what people used to use to make calls. >> i love you, papa. >> listen to the conversation the girl has, though. this is just cute. >> i miss you. have a nice day. happy birthday. i miss you dad. >> she wants to have frozen yogurt. >> hey, older brother, it's your younger brother, calling to say
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between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school, new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child.
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mr. g is babysitting some kids, and i have to add, he's a horse, and the kids are baby goats. >> oh, actual kids. >> actual kids. you know how goats like to climb? well, mr. g laid down and the goats are, hey, something to climb on. >> easy game, like the sofa too. >> getting a ma sas doing this, and that goat danced on his back. hey, dance more. speaking of baby animals,
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what a baby elephant fight? they play fight in the wile all the time, and they did it in the park in thailand, and let's say they went five rounds. >> i wonder how you score this? how do you get points? there's no knock down, you know? >> i think it's the elephant who runs away loses. >> i like the trunks wrapped up. >> they just move up against each other. >> the clear winner. so happy. look at him smiling. >> they are buds. that's all for us here at "right this minute," we'll see you next time.
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