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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  June 28, 2014 10:30am-11:01am PDT

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hey, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we've been searching the web for the west videos of the day. we've fwot them for you "right this minute." there's something fur yes under the hood. >> that's a cat. see the long road to one amazing rescue. a driver makes a practice run and makes you wonder. >> now, what is this guy going to try to do? >> why a buggy back flip is harder hand it looks. a woman is caught leaving something on a doorstep. >> an infant wrapped up in
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nothing but a sheet. >> see what finally saved a newborn's life. and an inspired stunt that is -- >> totally awesome. >> meet the brave guys who set it up and lit it up. >> i don't say no to being lit on fire. at the beginning of the video you're going to be saying what? how? we got this from jukin video. that is a crazy scene. what? how? >> looks like the underneath of a car? and a spring suspension. so that's exactly what that is. it is a suspension spring. there's a lot of spur in that spension sp how does a cat get in there. >> the cat crawled into this spring, but this is crazy because the person who owns this car had actually been on a little road trip, had driven more than 60 miles at about 80 miles an hour and stopped to get
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gas, gets out of a car, hears some kind of strange noise, and then figures out that there is a cat. in fact, they're calling this a kitten stuck in this suspension spring. >> that thing is stretching. how is it alive? >> exactly. how is it alive? it is, many of the, alive. you can hear it meowing. so mechanics got involved. they actually had to jack the car way up. you see them with their tools, their wrenches. they're trying to remove this spring. they're going to have to do it as a whole. look at his face. when they get it twisted, watch this. >> they have to figure out how they're going to get the cats out of the spring. the cat stays in there, and pats are out to the sides. >> like a yoga pose. >> watch these awesome mechanics.
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>> i think that this cat hitch aid ride. the cat was looking for new owners. a mechanic kept the cat after they rescued it. the cat knew. >> lots of horsepower. lots of fwrum bell and rumble beneath -- i love this. monster truck. they were commonly referred to as rock bouncers. you don't see any rocks here. you just see a vertical dirt wall. what is this guy going to try to do? that's brandon dillon in his ford buggy. sizes up the hill a couple of times. he gets us here. back flip. bingo. >> they're indestructible. >> you are saying he is trying to? >> you think brandon is going to stick the back? >> i think he is going to get stuck like this. >> i think he is going to make
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it. >> he is upside down. >> let's see what happens. this is all part of the 2014 limited off road expo in lieu ville, kentucky. here he goes. >> wheels busted off. everybody gets in there to lend a hand to help brandon out. it doesn't seem like quite the impossible task. how is this going to work? it does. watch this guy. up the same old hill, same old event. shorter wheel base. >> the crowd goes wild. everybody seems to love it. that's when you go to the unlimited off road expo for.
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he is the first fwi to successfully complete a back flip in a rock bouncer buddy. these are local heroes. the cars, the drivers, people love coming out and seeing these guys. this is a big deal. this is one of the videos that's just going to make you through the roof mad. surveillance video from brazil outside someone's home, here comes a woman by herself carrying something. you're thinking, okay, she's going to dump some garbage into someone's yard. worse. in her arm an infant wrapped up in nothing but a sheet. she is about to abandon this baby, leave it on someone's doorstep, ring the doorbell, high tail it out of there. the baby was out there by itself for more than ten hours. i will say the baby is fine. you can see this guy comes out, open the sheet, realizes it's a baby. of course, you call authorities. you do the right thing. he went and got a blanket or something. >> you fwot to do whatever you can to save this child. police in the area are now
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conducting interviews to try to see if maybe somebody knows who this woman is, maybe somebody saw her walking around with the baby or saw her after she dumped the child here on this person's doorstep. >> you have to wonder what led to her feeling like she had to abandon this child. >> why on somebody's random doorstep? why not a hospital, a fire station, someplace where there would be more of a liablehood that the child would get found right away? >> it just breaks your heart. i mean, already tons of people all over the world who would love to have this child and care for this child and raise this child, but this is just the worst way to go about it. prepare to be amazed at what you are about to see. check this video out from china. see that scooter? it's all banged up. >> like it was sawed in half. >> i'll show you exactly how it got there in this video. you see the rider of that scooter about to make a left-hand turn. unfortunately, without paying
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attention to traffic. >> whoa. that's the rider that was flipping. >> yes, that impact sent the rider flying through the air. >> that's just -- >> big-time. apparently this is a 17-year-old kid without a license, without a helmet. amazingly, he came out of this completely uninjured because if you notice watch where he falls. >> what? >> yeah. >> what is he doing there? sfwlo that's an inflatable pool. >> it's like a roadside guy selling them on the road. >> fortunately for this kid, it was an inflatable pool that totally broke his fall. >> that's a slam dunk. >> he paid the ekwiflent of $200 u.s. he kept the pool. >> here's another thing you wouldn't expect to see. watch this. there's an suv up ahead. then you notice that it goes out of the way, and something right next to it turns out to be a boy
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on a bicycle. >> they didn't pay esmy attention. he just buffaloed his way through the lane without really looking. this guy across the street on his bike, and it looked like it worked because the kid ends up getting back up, grabs his bicycle, and then, all right. >> and meet the kayaker who conquered minnehaha falls. see the heart-stopping moment that was off the chain. >> it's awesome. toto y youou...... ththey're momorere t thahana pet so protect them, with k9k9 advantix ll itit's's b broroadad s spepm protection kills fleas, ticksks a andd mosquitoes too.
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k9k9 a advdvanantitix l fofor r ththe e loloveve o g
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i always wanted to participate in that greek drugs of smashing the plates. >> yeah. >> they do it when they're celebrating. like they celebrate by doing it. they are excited. they're smashing the plates. it's a fun time. this is a greek restaurant. they are smashing the plates, but not for a celebration for something that is just horrendously awful. oh, look. >> man, he just swung that chair full force on that guy. these are not break-away hollywood chairs. >> not at all. this is terrible. >> tables, chairs. looks like something out of the
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wwe with these guys, hitting each other with weapons all over the place. guess what, this whole fight was about a table. that's what the youtube poster says. go back to the beginning of the video. this was the scene. this guy here and that's when all hell breaks loose. looks like he pushed one of the waiters or something. >> who knows, man? >>. >> do i get -- >> in the world of professional kayaking it's all about the person's descent. guys want to go down the waterfall and be the fist one to do it. normally that's in the back woods somewhere. here it is an urban setting. this is minnehaha falls right in the middle of minneapolis. >> this is the frozen falls. >> you're right. that in the wintertime is a beautiful frozen gorgeous setting, but now this is what it looks like in the summer. green, lush, and raging. he is in the kayak paddling down to make this descent.
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this took him three days to scout out and is not doing this blindly. here is the sketchiest part. he pulls up to this bridge right here. just towards the lip of the waterfall. there's a chain going across the water at this point. a han that he has to go underneath. >> gets to the bottom underneath the water for a few seconds. he does pop himself right back up. he is missing half his paddle. he wipes his nose. a little bit of blood right there. tell him a little bit more about what this descent was like. we have hunt joining us right this minute. we see you wipe away a little bit of blood there. what happened? >> i landed with my paddle out in front of my face.
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it's the best way to slow down to not hit bottom. the affect of that was scraping it across my face. i had a little baft bloody nose, but it was good. it wasn't too bad. >> can you describe what this feels like to go over this waterfall? >> it's not leak you think like a roller coaster where you feel your stomach drop. it's focus and adrenaline to make sure you do exactly what you planned on. the actual dive isn't as much of a factor than the technique i'm supposed to be doing at the time. >> how high are the falls? >> like 50 feet deep. >> he know you scouted the route here quite a bit. were there any surprises? >> the main thing would be the chain. the hardest part was getting on the chain i had to be far right. it was a little scary, like, trying to make it all the way across. >> have the authorities reached out to you said and that was great, don't do it anymore? >> i haven't made contact directly by them. technically it's a public stream bed. basically it's like frowned upon and no one else try it. >> do you know if you are the person only to ever run this creek? >> i think i'm the first and
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only to go over it in a kayak. >> why put yourself through this danger? >> i try to learn as much as i can, and i like to compare it to going to school. eventually have you to take the- kind of a way to test environment that's under high pressure to see how you can perform under pressure and test the skills that you have learned and see if they apply in settings like that. posting a sign has people seeing snakes. >> people start reacting to literally twigs and sticks. do you see that? >> how the power of suggestion makes for one sneaky prank. a little cardiovascular exercise. >> a guy learns anything can happen when you are on a bike and teaing a selfie. see the bump in the road that has some real teeth. >> you are just all up in my corn flakes, buddy.
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>> sometimes it's not the other drivers you have to worry about on the roadway. watch what happens to this driver in russia. jumped right into the car. jumped on to the hood. >> the car is going 77 kilometers per hour, which is about 47 miles per hour. >> according to the person who posted the video, that deer was
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being chased by a dog, and it crashed into the windshield, but watch. keep watching. look over here. that thing did back up and keep running so it wasn't hit by a second car because the dog was afraid to cross the road. >> the deer almost knew the impact was coming and kind of turned its body and hit it with its rearend. you notice that? deer had some hop. >> that thing wanted to get away. >> now, you also have to be careful when you are on a bike. like when you are on a bike and taking a selfie in killington, louisiana. >> notice something in the road? >> he was taking a selfie. >> he did not run over the gator. he avoided it. this video was sent to us by steven spell ii. >> you are lucky i didn't hit you.
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>> the thing does move. you do see its tail move at one point. >> whoa. >> that's one of the things i guess you really have to look out for if you are riding around louisiana. sometimes there are gators in the road. >> it's like taking a selfie with the alligator on swamp road. >> damn it. >> the power of suggestion, very convincing. well, rich ferguson posted this seen in a public hiking park. it says do not step on my snakes. guess what people suddenly start seeing all over the place. snakes. >> it's not real. >> no, these are all wood. we're doing a social experiment. we're doing a social experiment, and we are moving if we don't have signs, people don't care. they don't see it. they step on the sticks. as soon as there's a sign, plants a strong suggestion that these -- everything looks like a snake to you. >> people start reacting to literally twigs and sticks that are on the ground thinking it's snakes. >> that does look like a snake,
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though. >> someone did that. >> is that real? oh, my gosh. >> everybody that walks right past that sign almost immediately sees a snake. >> there is one right there. i'm not kidding you. >> i'm surprised that it's that effective. >> i'm sure -- >> i think i would fall for it too. >> i would like to think i wouldn't because the idea of migrating snakes i would hope would say, no, that sounds ridiculous. >> yeah, but for a second i would go, wait a minute, maybe i don't know about it. >> you're probably right. i would be suckered -- >> it's the power of suggestion. >> it's not a snake. so you are shooting a crazy fire stunt video. how do you top it off? >> big grand finale. more four fire. he is on fire, and a back flip througll
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toto y youou...... ththey're momorere t thahana pet so protect them, with k9k9 advantix ll itit's's b broroadad s spepm protection kills fleas, ticksks a andd mosquitoes too. k9k9 a advdvanantitix l fofor r ththe e loloveve o g ththisis i is s mamark. work. fofor r ththosose e whwho o wy their days... not just get t thrhrououghgh t . nenew w onone e a a daday y vih energy support. ththe e ononlyly c comomplpy multivitamin ththatat s supuppoportrts s enel alertness. nenew w frfromom o onene .
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>> wow, that's awesome. star fish walks it out. ♪ >> this video star does some have youingling and will go a lot of places from there from joy riders tv.
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they are an action sport adventure group. somebodying liked the balls this -- that guy sets the ball into this gutter. we're talking about -- the balls drop into this and create kind of a bonfire. dude on a bike now comes, lights what looks like a marshmallow. gets on this miniature bike. drives over. lights his buddy on fire, who has a fire suit on. drives his little bike across this ramp, lights his buddy on fire back to back, like buddy cop style. then he has a -- this isn't over yet. another guy lights something on fire, puts that in miss hout mouth. he has a fire extinguisher and uses that to get himself down on this ramp and hands that to his buddy. he goes up on this thing and lights himself on fire. for a big grand finale, more fire while he is on fire and a back flip through the flames. lands it. now he is a little bit hot, so he has to go and run and dive into the water. it's definitely the most extreme
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device we've yet to see. >> we have the dude behind this stunt from joy riders tv. we have jonathan, the mastermind behind joy riders tv, and dan, who is a trombone guy. why a fire goldberg gets the back story? >> we got a call from -- they want to do a fire stunt for this show, so we figured how can we do a fire stubt on stage that's creative and fun that's also at the same time like extreme? we wanted to squeeze it all into one shot so that it could work from a stage if we made it to the first round of auditions. >> was it the first try? >> it took several tries and several days to pull it off. we eventually got it and had to make things for streamlined. we got lucky i think. >> how controlled was the fire part? >> there's three people that get lit on fire, and each person has their own safety assistant next
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to them to make sure that after their ten seconds of fame is over, they get put in water basically as quickly as possible. >> trombone guy, you are pretty quiet. did you bring the trombone. >> i wasn't the original trombone player. >> he had to, unfortunately, back out. i was called in. when someone asks do you want to be lit on fire, i don't say no. >> who says yes to being lit on fire while playing an instrument? >> how many times in your life will you have a chance to, one, be lit on fire and play trombone and possibly get on tv? >> that's it for "rtm." and possibly get on tv? >> that's it for "rtm." see you next time.
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11:00 am
we've got prospects of all sizes this week on sports stars of tomorrow... from an undersized superstar in chicago... to a fast-rising big man in texas... we've got some of the best basketball players in the country... we'll also check in with some college-bound football prospects... all that is coming your way next. .. show open) . welcome to the show that goes across the country showcasing the best in high school sports... i'm your host, charles davis.


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