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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 3, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman and great videos are coming your way "right this minute." a shark in distress surrounded by a vet team. how bravery and skill combine for an underwater miracle. the dogs think their owners are home, but -- >> these are bad guys, burglars. >> the intruders who left two pets terrified. bet you never seen a bouquet toss like this. the free-for-all racking up casualties. it's not champaigne from a
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flipper, how parole jam puts the toe in toast. >> what if pieces of the skin are peeling off? >> i was not thinking about that. humans have come a long ways. we don't have to use pliers anymore. however, they were needed in this case. of course, this was not human den test ri, but it was on a shark, nearly four feet long white nurse shark, and endangered species, only 1500 from them. a team from manly sea life and primary industries decided to get together to rescue this shark they call wendy. see that cord there? she has two fish hooks in her mouse. >> they get a sore mass. she's skinny. >> that's a bag, and what's in the bag? a stretcher. they put wendy the shark on the
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stretcher, lifting her up to the stretcher where there's a waiting boat, and they are doing dental surgery with her with bolt cutters and pliers, but looks like a thick piece of plastic tubing to keep her mouth open. >> did they give her november cane? >> i think they left that cut. >> like a hipa violation. >> this is only the second successful gray nurse shark res due for the team. they did one this year. see that shark? caught in the netting. see the scar? when they got wendy, he was nearby, so, hey, guys, thank you so much. >> look how much that healed up. interesting they noticed the shark. >> shark dentist probably don't get a lot of work. >> yeah, but when you work, the copay's really big. >> yeah. you're going to feel bad for the family and dogs in this one.
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surveillance video from north carolina. watch this. the dogs ready to greet the owners. these are not the owners. these are bad guys, burglars breaking into steal stuff. looks like they used a shovel of sorts to get into the place, and the dog are like who the heck are these people? >> you can tell he's willing to swing the shovel at the dog. >> grab the flat screen taking the tv and other valuables from the home. >> the losers left the door open. the dogs could have got out, ran away, hit by a car. >> the dogs were not harmed, but, of course, the sheriff's office released aed voo to try to see if anybody can identify the two losers. now, from there, jumps across the pond to the u.k. in suri, england, the parking lot of old bear public house. watch the guy in the volkswagen. he says, hey, buddy, interested in building work. driver pulmos over, has a
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passenger, and when he parks, this dude takes the keys out of the ignition and begins threatening the driver with a knife. remember, this is in the u.k. so the driver's on the right side there, the passenger does not know what to do. his buddy's threatened with a knife, and the drivers having a hard time getting the feet off, and the driver jumps out of the band, and they let the guy with the knife take off with the van. >> didn't they have a shovel to swing at the guy? you know, the passenger got out of the vehicle. he could have run around. >> good question. they did steal the van, was recovered four days later, ben missing from the van is tombs, money, and a cell phone. pretty sure this young motorcyclist was watching too many internet videos because look what he had. a young kid, 18 years old, riding here, but instead of
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riding with his butt, gets up to stand on the seat. that's one angle of the stunt. >> oh, no, i feel like we're going to see a bad angle. >> here's the bad angle, beth. >> oh! his shoe. and his body. >> no helmet, no nothing. >> right, and his head bouncing off the pavement, suffered a cop cushion and bruised skull. >> skull was bruised before the stuptd. wasn't thinking clearly. >> not at ail. i don't know why you try this, especily whout proten public st yes, the bike slams into an incident bystander's car. >> knocked off the bumper. you don't want to do something like this. apparently this video from russia, high speed highway, wide, many lanes across. a little bit of traffic up ahead. this motorcyclist chooses to split the lanes. splitting lanes is really only a
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good idea when traffic is going really slow. that's not the case here. >> oh! no. and you could tell that motorcyclist was in the blind spot. >> the person in the black suv probably never saw the motorcycle coming up behind. thankfully, though, wearing riding leathers, protective gear, and appears to sit up, not seeming to be too seriously hurt. shaken up and put holes in the riding leathers too. this video combines two of my favorite things, hot dogs and dogs. look at that. food's best friend. >> the dogs are going to eat the hot dogs. >> hot dogs not created for dogs, but it was a hot dog created by skootd. >> hi, i'm scott, in 2012, i
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started lucky dog hot dogs. >> i trust him. i don't know why. i like him. something about him. i believe him. >> i'm on the road all the time delivers award-winning hot dogs to stores, farmers's markets all over the place and won 23 industry awards. >> he can't get it everywhere because the delivery van is a piece of crap. >> to continue growth and expang, i need a new vehicle, one that's fuel efficient, reliable, and safe. >> what do you do? hit the interprnet and start a kick starter campaign. that's what he's done, the goal of $26,000, he's almost there. >> yeah, he's real close from making a video and being trustworthy? right? >> yeah. >> people just want to hand you money. >> you know what also, probably a testament to his product.
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people probably had it and said it was good. >> i'll continue to go to farmer's markets and festivals and stores fall away. >> i was so excited when i saw it, i pledged. i pledged to help him get a skran spp. >> when you see me, hopefully i'll be driving my new, safe delivery vehicle to a market near you. a professional child rider. >> guys who ride by just balancing and riding up and over. >> he turned the backyard into the own play ground. see it, next. in the spirit of the world cup, one dad lets his son. >> attempt to kick a soccer ball across the garden to hit dad. >> see how many kicks it takes to score. female announcer: sleep train's 4th of july sale doesn't just end sunday...
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it's going out...with a bang! through sunday, save $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic.
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plus, pay no interest for 36 months on tempur-pedic and serta icomfort. big savings and interest-free financing? these deals aren't just hot... they're explosive! sleep train's 4th of july sale ends sunday. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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when you're a professional athlete, best way to get better? practice. go out and practice, easy to do with baseball, go to the diamond, but andrew is a chill's rider, guy who ride motorcycles by balancing and jumping up and over obstacles so to get better, andrew built a trials course in the backyard. he calls this course the whale. this is put together by epic tv. >> you don't want stuff to be
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really scary. it's hard as it could be, but you want it safe as could be. >> he's a good rider, and also really, really handy, good at construction an welding. look what he built perfect. >> i got more creative, put different stuff and obstacles. >>logss, and you see them honing their skills. you're not building stuff that you can find a blueprint for, but, like, weird contraptions. >> like pieces of abstract art. >> you want the entire video go to and click on today's show. you can also use our mobile. we've all been to the wedding, and we've all seen the
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bouquet toss. >> gets ugly. gets serious. >> people get competitive. >> i don't think i've seen anything quite like this. there's the bride. there's a bunch of girls, and look at them. they are jogging for position already. this one girl chased two girls who put on athletic outfits. >> looks like a mosh pit. >> there's the bride. she has the bouquet. >> one, two, three! >> the toss! >> this goes to the ground, and the fight gets vicious. see what's on the ground already? the petals are already on the floor. still fighting. >> everyone gave up but these two because who wants to mess with them? >> everyone else is dressed in the wedding best. >> we see one girl in a lovely blue dress with a problem.
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what is that? that's red wine. most of the bouquet is on the floor, but the two girls feel victorious because they have a bit of the bouquet. >> maybe they can weigh who has the more flowers. at the end, they were smiling. >> that's because the girls are friends, elizabeth and stacy, they were bridesmaids in the wedding, and the numbers on the shirts signify how many times they've each caught the bouquet. all bummed out because the u.s. lost, but people everywhere else have world cup fever. this may brighten your securitisecuritpirits. this guy and his dad, every day told his son he could kick a soccer ball across the garden to try to hit dad. >> day one, not close.
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a little closer on day two. almost day four, pretty close, and day five, oh, man. >> grazed his shirt. >> he did a little practice with his brother. >> nailed him. >> day six, watch how close this was. >> oh! >> right over dad's left shoulder. >> i think there's a subconscious stuff here. if he hits little brother immediately, who is smaller, i think it's i don't want to hit dad. >> the day before, he was sick, so he gets two tries. went over the left shoulder, over the right shoulder, just narrowing it down, honing it in. day seven, he misses, day eight, so close. day nine, he changes it up, no soccer game on this day, and watch what happens. >> oh, right in the head! >> awesome. >> hits dad in the head, which is what they were going for, back of the head shot. dad sells it well, goes down, the typical soccer guy.
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>> right here, they wrote in memory of dennis todd. >> he's really not dead. it's the badger rescue from the soccer net and what they find is unbelievable. see it next, "right this minute," and still to come, a good time on the trail becomes a bit of a sticky situation. >> you can see, yeah, a little bit candid into that small ravine there. >> how the slip-upturns everything upside down. >> no, no, shoot! plus, a little machine that allows you to hold hands with anyone. >> all across the world. >> why it's never been easier to share your senses. if you're so tough, crack this thick slice of
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medium cheddar with your bare hand. i didn't say tough, i said hungry. if you're so hungry, eat this thick slice of medium cheddar with your bare mouth. tillamook cheese slices, tastes better because it's made better. freshen aque and tartaendeded ds lps cleateeth, of greenies. nonow w ththatat's's v vetetiqi! rainy, muddy day on the
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trail, but having a good time. when you're side by side, the vehicle ahead here disabled, not under its own power, towed back because of a mechanical problem, rolling down the hill. below, there's a washout, thaens about where he's going to stop. you can see, yeah, a little bit capta canted into the small ravine. that's all right. hook him up and tow him up. they get it hooked up, and you see the tow rope breaks way. >> was that a rubber band? >> was not close, didn't budge. >> hook it back up, start to tow jesse out of the ravine, and it does not go well, at all. >> no, no, shoot! oh, there's people in the car. >> yeah. people were still in that vehicle. >> are you all right? >> now, the people are okay, a
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roll cage, was not a terrible accident, upside down in the rain and mud, vehicle's not working. this is just salt in the wound. as you know, we have five senses, right? >> we do. sight, touch, taste, feel, and hearing -- wait, that's touch. hearing and smell. >> right. could tech be the sixth sense? somebody thinks it could be. that somebody is zach, our tech expert. let's warp him in. what's up, zach. >> how's it going? >> tech for people who want to share senses with each other? >> it's a kickstarter project for people who want to hold hands with each other across the world. say you're here in the u.s., and i go over somewhere in europe, and i want to hold your hand. >> yeah? >> we can do that using this. >> i would be more comfortable
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holding your hand. >> for now. >> there's pressure senses on the device, and they sense when it's become squeezed. there's a pressure bar that comes down and stimulates the feeling of someone else holding your hand. it's big with kids so if there's a parent out of state, out of town on work or anything like that, they can still communicate with their kids and have that sensation with each other. this is the o phone. if that is used for touch, this is used for smell. imagine if you could smell that, so that's the idea behind this project is that you're sharing aromas. it's a free app to down load on your smart phone, pick out from a wide range of smells so pig the primary aroma, secondary aroma. you are describing the smell using a whole set of different smells. >> you have to come up the right element. >> there's the art of picking
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the smell and describing it to another person. pearl jam's front man pours himself a drink in a sneaker. >> and then he just downs it. >> oh, that's rock star. >> tell me it doesn't belong to someone in the crowd. automatically stops in
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the emergency situation sweat the other cars. pretty cool, huh? >> healthy play time in the tub. >> at home. >> do your best impersonation. >> the lead singer of pearl jam, fun to impersonate and sound like him, but now you'll have a brand new way to imitate him from this video going viral from
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stoke home, sweden at a concert. he has a bottle of wine, and watch what he picks up. we're just going to make it into a verb. it means picking up a sneaker. >> okay. i'm going to do you one better. >> sneaker, like a converse like this here, and then doing this. >> wow. man! >> takes a sneaker and downs it. >> oh, that's rock star. >> tell me it doesn't belong to someone in the crowd. not someone's shoe, right? >> oh, it is someone's shoe in the crowd. there was a woman in the audience, a big pearl jam fan who had a sign who said, sign my sneaker. threw shoes on the stage, signs the shoe and sends the shoe with the bottle of wine to the girl with security. she has one signed shoe, and the other shoe is on the stage.
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that's why you hear him say -- >> i'll do you one better. >> instead of signing one shoe, drinks wine out of the other after sender her a bottle of wine, and then the audience made her drink as well by egging her on. >> what if she has fungus or athlete's foot and pieces of her skin are pealing off. >> was not thinking about that. >> that's gross. >> it's disgusting. you know? >> toenail clippings. >> i'm gagging at my own video. that's all for us here at "right this minute" thank you for joining us, and we'll see you next time. -- capt
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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman. if you love videos from the web, this is the show for you, "right this minute." a russian driver takes on a biker gang while his girlfriend cowers in the car. >> she's helpless. >> wait until you see the wild twist that puts her in the middle of the action. when you see this many girls fighting, you know why there was a whole lot of hair pulling going on. a speedboat named hot lemon is about to -- >> turn into a hot mess. >> how the driver


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