tv Right This Minute FOX July 10, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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hi, i'm beth troutman, and we've been searching the web for the best videos of the day, and we've got them, "right this minute." a mom out shopping with her two kids is spotted by two is t suspects. the terrifying scene as they push her children out of the store. a race instructor passes a rider on a practice run. >> not an instructor. >> why practice doesn't always make perfect. a sky diving couple is -- >> about to pull the mr. bill
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move. >> see how the next stunt throws her completely off balance. and he puts the due in dude. >> that's the actual hair. >> how romeo gets the look he hopes the ladies love. >> no, seriously, this thing is flammable. while you're watching the video, you are going to want to reach through the screen and help these people. a guy named dale posted this on his facebook page. you see the wife of dale and their twin children, 4 years old. this is at a mall in south africa. dale's wife, blond hair, two 4-year-olds in the shopping cart, and them you see dale's wife right there. watch this. here's the car, the kids, and that's not dale's wife. wait -- >> someone is pushing the cart away? >> it's an attempted kidnapping. >> she's in a frenzy, they are able to stop and get the
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children back. this is from another angle. this is what you see outside the store. she comes out, confronts the woman, takes the kids back, and all is well. dale said this woman who tried to kidnap the kids was working with a group of other people there, and there's another video that allegely shows this same group hassling a different woman. they were trying to steal her wallet or purse in this video. the crazyist thing is dale al t alerted the police. they said, you can never prove it, no way. dale had tolay de to the store, get their security footage, film, and show it to the police, and now police are involved. >> just so nonchalantly, thinking a mother would not chase her? >> after busted, the woman was, like, oh, sorry. didn't seem to be affected by what she had done. dale told us the woman who was pushing the cart out is at
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large. police have not caught her yet saying that he thinks people from the group she was with have been apprehended. i love motorcycle racing. let's go to cadwell park, a racetrack south of london, united kingdom. this is track day. testing the speeds. trying to get better on the track. now, there's an instructor that just passes this guy on the left. that instructor has been on the track a lot. cruising through the shikane, left, right, back heavy on the throttle approaching the left-hand turn. that is the instructor. what the heck happened? you wouldn't expect the instructor to fall like that. rare mechanical failure. the rear shock on the instructor's bike broke causing him to lose control, slide across the grass and that rider
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with the go pro trying to avoid that. you see the guy tumbling on the grass, and the head goes by the rider's front wheel. >> missed him completely fortunately. >> yeah. the instructor uninjured in the crash, but the rider with the camera not so lucky. suffered a badly bruised body, concussion, and broken rib, bike, of course, heavily damaged as well. >> he was injured trying not to injury the instructor. >> yep. a couple videos from canada for you guys. this first video, see the creature in the cage? that's a baby eagle. it fell from the nest, but thanks to the rescue society, it's getting put back where to belongs. that's steve harding of timber wolf tree services, climbs the tree, and what he does is remarkle. fashions a pully system, and they wrap the eagle up in a
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towel and put it in a bag. >> i wonder if the parents are kicking back, enjoying an empty nest, like he was gone to college and it's summer break. >> the nest was not empty. they use a pulley system to get the bag up to the nest, and there at the top, watch what happens. >> oh, my goodness. >> no. >> there was another eagle, and that one got spooked and jumped out of the nest, couldn't fly, flapped wings, and they do the entire process over again. they should put, like, a protective screen around the nest just in case with a sign that says, don't jump. the next video, also from canada, wait until you see what's not supposed to be here. this dude enjoying a nice ride along the water front on a motorcycle. nick, i see your heart just pounding. >> oh, it looks beautiful!
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>> gorgeous. perfect summer day drive, but watch. it's falling. >> is it a fish? >> fish out of water. >> oh, it's a fish. >> oh, man. >> did it get scared by the motor of the motorcycle? >> i don't know if the eagle got slippery talons and fish wiggled around, but the guy passed a beautiful body of water ends up with a fish decide him. >> maybe it's the eagle's way of saying i'm trying to enjoy peace and quiet, shut the motorcycle down or i'll drop more fish on you. thanks to the thunderstorms hitting the country, we get to see really amazing videos of some of the lightning. even though it's scary, it is really cool. this guy decided to shoot right between these trees, little area that you can see the sky through the trees. looks like he's in a neighborhood. trying to get a cool shot of lightning. oh, and he got it.
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the guy on the video freaked out. >> crapped his pants. if you pause it, looks like daytime, not night at all, lit up the entire area. daytime if we were hundred million miles closer to the sun because that's might. >> can't be a hundred million miles closer. >> this this video, amazing lightning display as the person is driving through south dakota, you see that there's all these beautiful lightning strikes up ahead in the distance, and he even pauses the video so he can appreciate the individual lightning strike, and they are very pretty. as we continue, it gets darker, lightning gets powerful. at the very bottom, though, if you notice, the drive took place on 4th of july, so eventually not only was the driver experiencing these really cool lightning strikes, but they got a fireworks display.
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>> oh, cool. >> that's cool. >> it's like he got nature's fireworks and then human fireworks. >> frame that thing, hang it above the fireplace. >> very pretty. >> picture perfect. >> looks like jerry brooktimer's logo. a robbery goes according to plan until the store owner next door comes out. >> guns blazing. >> how it went from holeup to major shoot up. the anticipation is high when onlookers stare down a glacier. why sightseeing was a sight this time. >> wow. >> wow. day setting up the perfect wg begins with h ararththrirititid two pills. afafteternrnoooon n ararririveg good, bubut t heher r knkneeee p pa. that's two more pills. ththe e evevenenining'g's s eves laughter, joy, and more pain... whwhenen j jamamieie s saya. whwhatat's's t thahat t lilikeks today? yeah... i i cacan n tatakeke 2 2 a aley relief.
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you want to be close to the people who are close to the land. that's why safeway works with over 150 local growers. the folks whose hands are in the soil. planting and nurturing the kind of delicious produce that gets delivered daily to safeway. so there's more local produce to love. like this week, locally grown driscoll's organic strawberries are just $2.50 a pound. safeway, ingredients for life.
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looks like just a normal day in rio verde, brazil. this camera is set up outside a local store, but something is about to go horribly wrong. up to no good, a 19 -year-old on the motorcycle, a 20-year-old passenger on the back. 20-year-old hops off the motorcycle, and he pulls a gun, point it, and run inside the store. now, according to reports, he's demanding cash and documents from the grocery store. there is another store next door, and the 61-year-old owner sees what's going on, and he is not happy about it.
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you see him run inside the store, and then he comes back out, guns blazing. >> oh! wow. >> just walked out and started shooting. didn't wait. >> did not wait at all, fired at the guy on the get away motorcycle, almost bites it, almost wrecks. he's not done, he goes after the guy in the store, but remember that guy had a gun. >> the ride left him. >> oh, wow. >> right on the sidewalk of the street. >> the 61-year-old store ordinary person shot in the chest and arm. rescue workers came to the scene and took him to the hospital. he's expected to be fine, not a serious injury, but the guy on the motorcycle, the guy who was shot in the leg, he got 35 miles away, decided to go to a hospital to get the wound treated. they called it in. this guy is arrested at the hospital. he confesses to the crime, and now cops are just looking for this 20-year-old.
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when you're out sightseeing, whale watching, something, you're not guaranteed to see what you're there to see, but here, these folks get the show they were looking for in norway. the glacier, will it cave, will it not? >> wow. wow. >> of course it does. look at that. >> boy. >> huge chunk of ice breaks off that glacier, splashes down, and the aftermath, rolling, rippling wake of the water, like a small tidal wave working to the boat. incredibly exciting, but what if you look away for a second and you miss it? you're, like, mad. beautiful scenery, and once the water rushes to the edge, you see chunks of ice floating in the water. i don't know. i think you got your money's worth that day. >> just don't miss it. >> a camera with a tripod and take a nap.
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>> what if you sneezed? >> right. it's real quick. >> wow, wow. well, this is a bummer. maybe you're a guy getting up there in age, couple year, turned down by the younger ladies, right? might think, man, i look old, i have to change the look. maybe the younger girls will like me. just trying to get a date. what do you do? a guy in taiwan decided to do this to the hair. >> wow. >> that is the actual hair. he's 54 years old. that's wu, and he uses two cans of gel and takes two hours to do this and combs the hair once every 15 days. >> that's a true flat top. >> a ruler to measure it out? >> i don't know how you even get that look, nick. some people call him the lego man saying it was like a rock robot, but i think it's a jersey blow out. >> a couple boltings and he's
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frankenstein. this was a serious thing. he works in a hospital as a medical lab scientist. apparently he was what's called an attractive income. >> oh, okay. >> he asked out a younger girl who turned him down, so this was his big idea to make himself look just a tad bit younger. >> you ladies are younger girls. >> yep. >> do you find this guy's block head is appealing? >> not my type, but maybe others like him. >> flat out no. if he's a nice, smart dude, great, but this? no. if you got intimate with him, grab that hair, it would cut your hand. sharp emgs. >> he wouldn't let you near the hair. >> two hours to do, come on, paws off. >> that's the first thing, when you go out, do not touch the hair. these guys are snake
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there are risks when you go kayaking, just part of the sport, right? normally they are big water falls or heavy rapids and different siphons that pull you under. the eddy, the sidings that's your home base, your safe spot, but here you see it's not always the safest spot to be. this is john keller on the river near robinsville, north carolina. >> uh-oh. >> oh, no! >> talk about bad positioning. >> that is not -- he almost head butted the nest. that upsets the eddy. >> what else is there? right there, that, john says, is
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a snake. >> snakes and hornets, that's a bad day. oh. snap. >> own, they are swarming him. you can see them in the camera. >> oh, yeah, totally, swarming around him, and you hear him reacting to this, screaming, and he got stung six times, and he's in the water, could jump in the water because, you know, but he'd lose the kayak. >> why not turn upsidedown and ride for a little bit? >> are you going to roll over and get smacked in the face or get stung? oh, man. worst possible place. >> his buddy behind him was stung three times. [ bleep ] a very exciting wimbledon watch over the weekend. a lot of celebrities were there. the pranksters decided to take a bunch of selfies with
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celebrities, but they decided instead of the picture, they would do videos, leaving us with awkward moments. they had got pictures with jim parsons, rafael nadal. >> oh, all right. a little embarrassing moment here. i'm a huge fan of "gossip girl," and i'm going to admit that right now. >> "gossip girl"? >> would have loved to have my picture taken. you're taking the video, you know, and later, you watch that video, find the best moment, screen shot it, but you're like taking a bunch of pictures in one. >> true. >> you got both, picture and video. >> right. >> and then, of course, i have a little fun with people there. >> yeah. >> so then, yeah, they started finding people that looked like celebrities and started taking
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him. it's barnacle bob, and now he's not. he's just going to be bob. time to hop into the plane and shoot off into the sky and then jump out of that perfectly good plane. a hobby i never will understand. they love it. this is brandon. >> all right, this is it, fingers crossed. >> about to hop up in the plane with his girlfriend, nicole. >> you don't know what's happening yet, nicole, but you'll know soon enough. >> they are about to pull the
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mr. bill move where somebody holds on to the other guy once deploying the parachute. >> yeah? >> and mr. bill sky diver just drops off, oh, no. >> right. >> but something completely different is about to happen. not exactly what she was expecting. >> hey. i love you, more than anything. i want to show you this. >> what! no. >> this is too risky, right? >> oh, my god. >> of all the time, just hanging on for dear life, and now he pops the question? >> they are falling so fast, a gust of wind, comes in, the ring is gone. >> talk about taking the plunge. when you get married, you take the plunge, this is it. >> oh, no. >> the ring blew out of his hand. >> got to be a fake, right? a dummy ring.
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>> her engagement ring is now flying through the air, no parachute on that thing. watch what she does. >> oh, good, good for her. >> mr. bill goes fine, and they make a safe and smooth landing, both of them, but as you would think, he has the real ring in the pocket. he gets down on his knee and proposes on the earth. that's all for us here at "right this minute," we'll see that's all for us here at "right this minute," we'll see you next time, everybody. -- captions by vitac --
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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman. if you love great videos, this is the show for you, "right this minute." >> oh, oh, oh. >> wild cheetahs chase a water buck to tourists. >> they are shocked at what they are witnessing. >> how one amazing escape soon leads to another. >> oh, that was [ bleep ] amazing. a clerk s to defend off a robber. >> a broom and a weapon. >> what happens when the bad guy pulls out a break. a man spots someone in the window well -- >> a newborn fawn fell in. >>
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