tv Right This Minute FOX July 16, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman, and great videos are coming your way "right this minute." it's your basic gas station brawl until somebody grabs a fire extinguisher, and why that's really lighting things up. a model wing suit pilot tries a new adventure with sail fish. >> those are huge. >> and dangerous. >> what it's like to dodge the world's fastest fish. it's an elite summer program and only 100 high school students from around the world are accepted.
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now see how one of them is raising the cash to go to stanford. >> people who have donated anywhere between $5 to $100, it's absolutely amazing. and chugging a gallon of honey while covered in bees. >> why? i have no freaking clue. >> why this one is not smooth going down. >> what are you yakking at? >> because i know what's coming. >> don't do that! >> the old saying, nothing good goes down after 2:00 am on the street. this is 3:00 a.m. in minneapolis, minnesota, this is a super america. it's a fight. [ bleep ] that person there in the jacket and jeans has a fire extinguisher. >> oh! >> into the rear windshield of
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this person's car, and now it's on. eventually, the person in the long hair and guy with the yellow shirt get into an suv here. now they speed out of there and you think it's over, but somebody's phone is missing in the mess here. they think maybe that person with the long hair took the phone, but this guy goes up because he thinks this guy stole his phone. [ bleep ] i don't got your phone, man. >> a lot of threats of using a gun in this video. [ bleep ] >> hey, po. >> police never show up, but sounds in the video like they thought they were. guy in the red, guy over here, 54-year-old, steve wilson, they are in a spat here.
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you see enrique has food, and goes to stand up, but watch ste steve, starts attacking the guy. what he has is a pen. >> oh. >> he is stabbing him. a number of people jump in trying to separate the two, continuing with the pen. police did find him shortly after, found blood on his sneakers realized this was the guy, and now he's being held for felonious assault. enrique taken to the hospital, got a staple in his head, and released later that night. he's going to be okay. when you're driving a car, don't lose your patience with other drivers because this might happen. you have a white bmw on the right, and that's a nissan on the left. the driver stops, gets out of the car, has words with the driver of the bmw, and then the driver applies the accelerator,
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runs the man down. >> oh, oh! >> there's an balance right there. >> looks like he broke his foot. >> the driver gets out. like he's looking to see if he damaged his car, not checking to see if he hurt the man. he's 58 years old. the bmw guy drives away, this is a classic case of a hit-and-run. >> i see attpted murder. over. >> the police are looking for the driver of the bmw. the license plate caught on video, the man on tape, but he was not the owner of the car. they are still trying to figure out who the driver was. finally, this woman on a bike, she actually comes over to the man and eventually, this man gets treatment. life news tech caught up with the guy, and he's hospitalized because of the accident because he had words with the driver. looks like the driver was going to go on his merry way, and now he's wanted by the police. this is a video from a bus.
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when a bus is driving and they see something in the road, they need extra stopping time. luckily, he saw what was coming. that is a young girl crossing the road. >> oh, my goodness! what are you doing? >> he almost hit the girl, but he does not because he was the one paying attention, not her. looks around, smiles, and that makes you think, dumb girl. >> she does not realize how close to death she was. >> there she goes, just running down the street, going down the sidewalk. >> like nothing happened. >> duh, people. >> this is royale, and he was accepted into an elite summer program at stanford university, a rising senior in high school. >> talented high school students invited to apply, come to campus, take stanford classes, earn stanford credit, and live in community with each other. >> how cool is that? >> it's cool. >> he was accepted. only 100 students from around the world are accepted into this
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program. it's incredibly elite. it costs $7600. now, royale applied for financial aid, but did not get it, so he created a go fund me page trying to help raise the 7600 so that he can be part of the program that will help him become the lawyer he hopes to become someday. he's close to the goal. he's raised a little over $7,000 already. he has a few days left to go. we have the young scholar via skype right this minute from san francisco. welcome to the show. congratulations on being accepted into the elite program. tell us more and why you applied to the program to begin with. >> well, first off, it's stanford. it's my dream college, where i want to go to, and this program, perspectives on mock law and trial is up my alley. >> does not raising the money through go fund me mean you can't go? >> that's it. we don't have the $8,000 to
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shell out for the program. my dad thought it was too great an opportunity to pass it up so he started a go fund me campaign. >> what are they saying about the campaign? >> so amazed at, like, the amount of support i got from friends and family alike. people have donated anywhere between $5 and $500. social securi it's absolutely amazing. >> when you are a lawyer, free representation of the people when they get in legal trouble or what? >> might have to consider it. at the minimum, forever grateful. >> all the people watching our show who are complete strangers, what do you say to them to convince them this is something they should donate to? >> this is my dream, and amazing educational dream, and if you guys out there want to support that, donate anything or share it, all the extra money i receive will be set aside for establishing a nonprofit organization geared towards
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giving other kids opportunities like i've been granted. >> we've seen this action before, a model, and we had her on the show before base jumping in high end fashion. you remember her? >> oh, yeah, oh, yeah. >> well, in her latest video, it's part of the epic tv series, she went to find and swim with sail fish. those things are huge. >> and kind of dangerous. >> yeah, they have long pointy snouts. >> a good way to become a human kabob. >> they jump in the water, swim with them, capturing spectacular footage. look at this. >> they are huge. >> so they get a few really amazing shots. she's amazing. she's a model. she knows how to pose underwater. they find a whale shark.
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>> oh, that's awesome. those are so cool. >> amazing. >> wow. that gives you perspective right there. look at that thing! ♪ >> here is one -- >> oh! that's awesome. >> favorite shot. >> holy sail fish. >> a bit of a close call because one of the fish goes at her, and she has to crouch away from it. >> woah! >> wow. this is wild. >> this is cool video. >> a mountain biker nails jump after jump. >> i'm flying. i'm the king of the world over the third jump, fourth jump. >> why that one is his last. >> oh! >> woah! and see how the dog days of summer are looking restless for this guy. >> the dog keeps jumping in and completely won't let him sleep.
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welcome back to the show, everybody, and don't forget to check out, great videos all darn day long. enjoy. every get into the zone, doing something really good, and you start really grooving on it, and you think, man, i'm killing this, i'm never going to screw up now. well, that's what i think this guy was feeling mountain biking at crab apple in whistler british columbia, first jump, no
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problem, more, over the second jump, nailed that one too. i'm flying. i'm the king of the world over the third jump, fourth jump -- [ bleep ] >> oh, that's a flip, a nose dive flip. >> not intentionally either. up and over the handlebars, and you sigh the earth coming real quick, even in slow motion. why did it happen? he cleared the space for the landing, but maybe carried too much speed or jump was shaped differently that kicked the back wheel up and over and not anticipating it, but yeah, he got hurt in the description at the end of the video, he knocked himself out for three minutes. >> he was out of the zone. >> now, if that did not hurt your head, this one most likely will. especially for you, ms. troutman. this girl strapped a gopro to the hoo la hoop.
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she's not out on the beach, but in the woods, a lot of trees to make it feel -- don't bother watching. you know what's happening. like a kaleidoscope. she's a darn good hooper, got skills. >> i can't even watch it from my peripheral vision. >> you okay? >> dog gets camera shy. ♪ >> look at the camera. camera shy? are you camera shy? this fellow who puts this video on the garret aj youtube channel preparing for a nap on the sofa, a come my sweatshirt, and the dog will not let him
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sleep, tries to cuddle, nuzzles in. >> my grandfather said you sleep with the dog, you get flees. >> what i love about the dog is he does it multiple times. not just once. >> happens over and over, the dog licks the ear, hits him with a paw, moves him out of the way. >> put him outside, and he just barks the whole time because he knows you're inside sleeping. >> right. now, this next video, this dog loves to nap, but not with the owner, but his blankie. this is otis and his blanket, an adopted golden retriever in colorado. every day, grabs his favorite blanket to take it outside and snuggle with it. >> they should call him linus because he likes the blank ket. >> and he can walk without tripping on it. >> and down the stairs. >> very gentle with the blanket. he thought if we wash it, he won't want it. that did not help. >> come on, it's a dog.
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he's going to sneak it up, they roll in it. >> i guess you save money on a dog bed because he uses that. not every day you see this. >> that is not supposed to be there. >> why this balloon isn't so hot after all. >> he's hitting the trees. >> holy [ bleep ] putting a tiny twist on -- >> the classic, awesome 90s rap song, but this is nothing but a wee thang. >> hear the rap from her perspective. ♪ i'm a hundred pounds of crazy ♪
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there. it is, in fact, a hot air balloon, but watch, it's coming in for an emergency landing, and you see the basket just drag through the tops of the trees. >> did they run out of gas? did they run out -- >> that's exactly what happened. >> holy [ bleep ] >> there were seven people inside the basket of the balloon. this was captured by a young man named jack, and apparently the pilot of the hot air balloon is a neighbor who lives there in the neighborhood. he told, jack, yeah, reran out of the hot air we needed to operate the hot air balloon, and he needed to land in the neighborhood because the lawns are big. there's large yards. >> he's going to park right into their backyard. >> he thought it would be a safe place to land, and it was, in fact, because there were no injuries as a result of the emergency balloon landing. >> well, that's good troubleshooting, but who forgot to fill up the tank? >> right. >> seriously, that is a big
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screwup. people's lives were on the line. >> were dangling. >> hitting the trees. in the rap world, in rap culture, guys refer to girls as shorty. you know what i mean? this is about being a shorty, but literally being a shorty. ♪ one two three four not an inch more ♪ ♪ i'm not in your peripheral violation ♪ ♪ get in, call first ♪ i'm in the middle shotgun doesn't apply to people when you're this little ♪ ♪ ain't nothing but a wee thing baby ♪ ♪ i'm a hundred pounds of crazy ♪ >> this is katie, rap name teaspoon, doing a version of the classic awesome 90s rap song. ♪ can't reach that
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♪ can't reach this ♪ you know what ♪ i don't even like papr irika ♪ >> doing a good job of changing the lyrics. used to be it's like this and like that. ♪ i have to throw the smack down ♪ ♪ yeah that's not true >> if she wrote this, that's serious skills. >> she's a smart, funny lady with a best sense of humor, and the best gift in life is the ability to make fun of yourself. >> she has. if you want to see the entire video, go to our website,, and go to today's show or watch it from our mobile app. ♪ the beast is back with a sweet challenge. gallon of honey, but, oh, that's not enough for the l.a. beast. >> while completely covered in honey
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forever, watch the video over and over again. this is great. >> going to warn you guys, and we need a little help getting through this video. it involves l.a. beast. the l.a. beast getting a little crazier than usual. >> oh, that's scary. >> today, i have two goals. one, to drink this entire gallon of honey containing over 24,000 calories. >> a gallon 6 of honey, but that's not enough. >> while completely honey bees. >> goes to a farmer to cover himself in bees. this was the brain child of michelle donaldson. you'll recognize her, a huge fan of l.a. beast, has aml leukemia, and l.a. beast went to visit her in the hospital during her second stint of chemotherapy,
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awaiting a bone marrow transplant. this challenge was michelle's idea. she even found the beekeeper, a guy named david a. boeeman. so he did this to help cover her medical bills and take stress out of her life. let's get to the challenge itself. >> the bees are attracted to sugar? >> yes. >> so this is a bad idea? >> very bad idea. >> he'll get the queen bee, put it in, like, a cage, and tape it to the l.a. beast face so they surround her. >> oh, they swarm. watch. he has a beer of bees drinking this honey. >> oh, it is. >> oh, no. >> without further adieu. >> you can tell he's having trouble getting that down. >> he's never going to be able to eat honey again after this.
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he's going to be sick of it. >> what are you yakking at. he can't handle it. >> he's got a ton down, which is really impressive. >> it does not stay down. >> no? >> no? >> no. >> oh. >> oh, my. >> god to love this guy. to do what he's doing, putting his body through torture for a fan to raise money. >> oh, projectile. >> maybe it tasted like honey coming up. maybe it's not bad. even if he does not complete the challenges, it's not a failure. he's fun to watch. >> get the bees off. i think i'm done. >> that's our show, everybody, we'll see you for the next
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♪ live, from new york city! wendy williams! today, the beautiful keke palmer is here to share what it's like to be hot and single in hollywood. and her experience as the youngest pop show host in history. and the 50 fabulous makeovers. and all the latest juicy hot topics. now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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