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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 16, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman. the best videos from the web are coming your way "right this minute." a craze suspect goes after cops with a crowbar, meat tenderizer, and an ax. what happens police start shooting, but he keeps coming. a customer goes from a buying mood to a bad mood. >> too late, the registers were locked. >> how he took out his bottled up frustration on the bottles. this buster takes on household myths like if you drop
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a piano through the roof, does it go through floor after floor? now the host of the hit show "talk about the challenge" behind this challenge. >> the first question is, who is going to letyap kn -- piano on your house. plus, she's 88, but she's got game. why the range picker better watch his back. you could say this is a really, really bad day for the dude. he brought it upon himself. this fellow right here arguing with the police. apparently, he had a crowbar, a almighty tenderizer, and an ax on his person at the time of the video. pay close attention because you notice the officers right there with this man, they have their guns drawn. >> interesting trio of weapons this guy chose. >> apparently, he had a lot
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planned with these weapons. this is at 7:00 in the morning. he starts beating in people's cars, crushing windows, crushing the windows of store fronts, damaging property, acted alonea. police have no idea the motive. watch this. >> you see him throw either the meat tenderizer or ax at the officers. they open fire as you believe they would because he's attacking them with weapons. >> oh, no. >> he's walking right towards them. they have guns drawn. they are firing, but they are missing him. eventually, they do hit their target, and it was all caught on camera. now, they do immediately get rescuers on hand. this guy was only wounded in his leg. he was taken to the hospital and treated. again, police are investigating this incident trying to figure out why the guy was behaving the way he was, but in total, destroyed 14 cars including one police car and crashed in two
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shop windows. it's real bad day to be an ausprey. >> it's a good day, he's getting a ride. >> a slam clamped up on his talons. >> a clam? >> a clam! >> poor guy. hanging out on the boat here looking for help. >> basically, yeah. this kayaker, amy, saw it, picked it up, cay ykayaked over the shore where jason was working and he took it working trying to open the clam just enough to get the tallon out. >> this is the weirdest thing i've seen. a giant claim. >> need the jaws of life here to get the bird out of trouble. >> look, they try different things. i don't know if that's a key or
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a knife. >> like what you use to open up a clam. >> oh, man, it is not working. >> they eventually take a knife, wedge it in there, and twist just enough. >> there it goes. >> now the bird's like, oh, my goodness, thank you, guys. >> can you imagine how terrible that felt for this poor thing? >> never going to eat clams again. . >> ever! >> oh, my god, this is amazing. this race at the mid ohio racetrack is open, keeping costs down, but one thing about open wheeled cars, you don't have body panels to bounce off of. if something hits the wide open wheels -- >> woah! >> where did that come from? >> things fly. watch in slow motion. he hit the left rear tire of the car we're riding it, causing it to catapult up and over.
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>> i feel like he almost decapitated the guy. >> i like how casually he fixes his rearview mirror. >> the car keeps going and around the track he goes. the video ends after that. >> he's in second place. went from fifth to second in a matter of seconds. no dramatic moments in this video, but you don't want any. it's a parade of classic formular 1 race cars from 1948 to june 12, and 23 you saw the movie "rush" these cars were used in the actual movie. that's in chronological order, oldest to most recent. the 2013 red bull, mark weber, putting on a show for the crowd. >> that one right there compared to that one, oh, totally different. >> the first is like a tractor. >> i want to see them race. >> wouldn't be much of a race. >> no, it wouldn't, but it would
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be cool. >> here is a classic story that starts with a dude going to buy flowers. we don't know, maybe he's being nice or trying to say sorry. that happens a lot when guys buy flowers. flowers, he did not get. instead, guy there to buy flowers was the guy who is there smashing tons of bottles of liquor in the capital city of lithuania. went to the store to buy flowers, he was too late, the registers locked up, and couldn't buy flowers. he got mad. looking at this guy, taking an arm and knocking entire shelves of booze on the ground, broken glass everywhere. >> sweeping the top shelf, the expensive stuff on the top shelf. the workers in the store, they look around, like, what the heck is going on? what is this dude's deal? this video, you can see the aftermath and damage that this guy caused.
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it's like it flooded with booze. like a booze faucet turned on. >> if he was a temper like this, he has to say sorry a lot in life, and he might need to buy a bunch of flowers for the store. >> the flowers are not going to get him out of this one. >> no. >> that's serious trouble. when you smash up a store, the police show up, a bunch of them, walk in, like what went down here? looks like destroyed. they arrest the guy, and in the video, police lead him out in cuffs. we imagine he's going to be in a lot of trouble because he caused a considerable amount of damage, thousands and thousands of dollars in damages at the store. a traffic stop turns combative when -- >> the driver attempts to get out of the vehicle, officer jackson decides that's not okay. >> the shocking twist when
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poce real the m behind the wheel. > scenic soar with an eagle. >> talk about a bird's eye view. >> how this could bring more eagles into the sky. toto y youou...... ththey're momorere t thahana pet so protect them, with k9k9 advantix ll itit's's b broroadad s spepm protection kills fleas, ticksks a andd mosquitoes too. k9k9 a advdvanantitix l fofor r ththe e loloveve o g
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well, what's supposed to be an incredibly routine traffic stop got out of control, and you won't believe who ended up being involved. this is in miami, and that is police officer marcel jackson.
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he found the driver of the silver vehicle speeding down the street and also later said got too close to a pedestrian. that's when he decided this person needed to be pulled over. asked for license and registration, but the driver of the vehicle decides to open the door, and it also looks like the driver attempts to get out of the vehicle. officer jackson decides that's not okay, and ends uptaking the driver to the ground, almost immediately. you see other police officers come to the aide of that officer, but that driver, the man driving that other vehicle, was actually lieutenant david ramrez, a member of the police department. this thing is now under investigation. >> i don't know who you are. you don't jump on me. i said i don't care if you're lieutenant or whoever you are. >> there's audio of a post-incident interview with the
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officer jackson, and he says the lieutenant was in plain clothes, unmarked vehicle, and when he ran the plates, he didn't get information back. >> i asked for license, registration, and insurance. he said, quiet, what's all that stuff on your face? i'm, like, excuse me? that's not your concern. >> officer jackson took offense because he has a skin condition where he can want shave. >> i pushed the door back, like, stay in the car. he's like i'm lieutenant of the police. he pushes his way out. i took him to the ground and told him to stop. >> wpld reported the lieutenant was reassigned and jackson was suspended with pay while the investigation continues. this has been a hit show on discovery since 2003. they just launched their latest season, and, of course, they are busting myths. in the next episode, household
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myths. >> you know when a piano dangles from the house dangerously, and when it drops, it crashes all the way through. well, that's what we're testing. >> this will be crazy. >> it goes through floor after floor after floor, does it work? does that really happen? >> no. >> yes. >> it must. it has to. >> no. >> this is grand piano through a roof in three, two, one! >> you have to watch the the show to find out. >> they are also busting the myth -- >> about a guy making his own ammo in the living room, knocks black powder on the carpet, and decides to vacuum it up. >> does the vacuum explode? >> plausible. >> to tell us maybe the answers, maybe if they did bust the myth? we have two of the stars of the show, kelly bye ron. how much did you review? does the piano leave a hole in the roof? >> the first question is who lets you drop a piano on your
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house. we found somebody, but we're not telling you what happened. >> oh. >> it did serious damage. >> oh. >> does the piano work after? >> it did, sort of. >> well, none of us play, so it sounded bad to start with. >> it's so awesome because you're sitting there, you have a crane with a piano hanging, you know, hundreds of feet in the air, and you look at each other, like, how does this -- this is our job! how did we get here? what are we doing? the most ridiculous things we do on the show. >> since your title is myth buster, how many people after they see what you do right back and say, i believe it will happen. >> happens all the time. show us the video, and we will believe you. >> we take all the feedback, and if the he a b wretest it for them. >> i got to imagine there's so many myths. is there one that you have not had a chance to do? >> can you survive going over the niagra falls in a barrel?
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i want us each to design a barrel and then -- >> no. >> see who survives. >> now to bring in the vacuums, but how could something built to suck ignite the black powder? >> can you tell us about the gun powder vacuum myth? >> don't try it at home. >> will if blow up? >> i can't tell you. you have it tune in to find out. >> maybe if you're vacuum is already on fire. >> like a mist buster, you want to join the team? >> yes, i do. i want to blow things up. >> if you want to watch the new season of "myth busters," it's on at 9:00. thursdays on discovery. the hot thing these days is action cameras and air drones. everyone's using them, but no drone can compare to this. >> is that a hawk? >> that is a white tailed eagle. europe's largest eagle. it disappeared from the european skies in 1959, but it's trying
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to make a comeback. joch travers breeds and trains eagles to fly again. he's trying to reintroduce the eagles back into the skies of europe by this new program. it's amazing what this guy can do by putting action cameras. talk about a bird's eye view, flying over the area, and look at that, no matter how many times we see it, the speed fliers, paragliders, drone flights, nothing compared to an eagle really flying. fascinating. there's the red jacket trying to train the eagle to do what he's intending to do, trains how to hunt to be reintroduced into the wild. this is just a clip all to promote freedom in the film documenting the eagles' reintroduction and the process with them. awesome. >> this next video from an african safari.
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this guy on the back of the elephant. watch ha he does with the gopro at the end of the pole. intentionally throws it down on the ground. how come? >> oh the elephant picked it up? no way! >> that's jack the the elephant handing it back to the guy who dropped it on the ground. this is from january, but just not getting traction. >> they trained the elephant to pick stuff up and give it back? >> pretty cool. head's up. >> that's somebody from the back row throwing a frisbee. >> the show-stopping throw next. a you looking to have some fun. find o what had it snoozing along. good,riveves s anand d feeling bubut t heher r knkneeee p pa. that's two more pills.
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ththe e evevenenining'g's s eves laughter, joy, and more pain... whwhenen j jamamieie s saya. whwhatat's's t thahat t lilikeks today? yeah... i i cacan n tatakeke 2 2 a aley relief. realallyly, , anand.d.. anand d ththatat's's i. ththisis i is s kakaththl. fofor r mymy a artrthrhrititiw choose aleve. get all day ararththrirititis n relief with an easy-open cap.
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freshen breath, and controled ds plaque and tartar. fofor r a a frfracactitionon o f greenies. nonow w ththatat's's v vetetiqi! welcome back to the show, everybody. don't forget to check out, great videos all day long, enjoy. a lot of people going to show all over the place, fun to get involved. the safe way, the cool way, don't rush the stage. how about this way? it's hard to make out at first. watch it again. that's somebody from the back
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row throwing a frisbee towards the stage on stage, the indy rock band, has a album "mind over matter" at the moment, this is from michigan, someone in the back row throwing a frisbee and the whole crowd watches. the lead singer on stage, the crowd goes wild. apparently, the guy in the last row said, if you make this to the stage, i'll ge u a high>> io the stage, but exactly where the lead singer was standing. how do you do that? >> young giant posted a video of this from the stage on their page. check it out. you see where the frisbee comes from. there it is. catches it. i hope the guy got a high five or backstage pass or something. he made that great video.
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the person who posted this video made a new friend. >> let's go. let's go, let's go. >> that friend is that cow, and that cow is happy to see him. >> come on. >> this is many mesa, arizona. the guy says he's in a wheelchair and thinks it was something about his wheelchair that made the cow said, hey, let's play. this cow is acting like a puppy. that's something you don't see, but cows have the friendlyist eyes. >> woah. >> some criticize the video saying he's antagonizing the video making the cow run faster than it is built to, but the cow didn't want to chase him, i don't think he would. i think he was just having a good old time. i don't know about that, but i don't think this is agitated. >> no, just a little cow exercise. getting some lean beef. >> not agitated. two black bear cubs. ♪ the person who shot the video
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lives in wizler, have a beautiful backyard, and the cubs come to the backyard. they are not alone. that's why the person is in the house shooting the video because mom is nearby, and when mom comes by, she just eats. they said the bears were more active than normal so they had to capture video. they are kids, human or bears or pup puppy, they all wrestle and play and have fun together all in the same ways. it's a video described as -- >> daughter's revenge. >> oh, shoot. >> i know where this is going. >> the tee off that goes wrong
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like that whole kaleidoscope effect i think is really brilliant. >> golf is one of the sports you love your whole darn life from young to old. >> it takes that long to get good at it. >> that's true. >> this is 88 -year-old donna leg, and watch her swing this golf club. >> she's really good! >> pay attention to the guy in the car, he's sucking up the golf balls, she hits it. >> no way! are you serious? >> yes. >> straight as an arrow. >> he's 88. >> fore! >> woah! >> keeps her young, i'm sure. >> this is actually brian hollaway's grandmother, the husband of our producer, betsy
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hollaway. >> she needs golf tips too. betsy's game is -- woah. >> the second video about the young people loving the game of golf. we got this from jukin video. th is daughter's revenge. >> i think i know where this is going. >> oh, no! >> yep. >> ouch. if only we saw it coming too. >> i feel like that was right in the junk. >> oh, yeah. . that noise that manmade, yeah. we know it well. that's all for "rtm," and we'll see you next time,
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4:00 pm
>> it's america's number one sleeping pill. is it hiding a dark secret? dr oz: side effects are putting people in a dangerous zombie-like state. >> one woman's real-life nightmare. dr oz: how did did you end up in jail? >> i went to bed and woke up in a car park. >> the alarming side effect, especially for women. this show could save your life. dr oz: this could happen to you. if you think it's far fetched, you could be dead wrong, i mean dead literally. >> coming up next on "oz." dr oz: today's shose going to be a real wake-up call for anyone who uses america's number one sleeping pill, ambien. when it came on the market it was billed as a miracle drug, sleep aid without significant side


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