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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 28, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood. hey, everyone. we have the best videos of the day and the stories behind them "right this minute." ♪ a heart stopping scene as a baby crawls behind a car that backs over him. >> watch. people come out of the house. >> amazing response that gets him out alive. rescuers try to reach something. see if they can catch him before the tide does. a man jumps out a truck, this tiger knows. >> what's about to go down. >> how a robber got everything
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but to go pro. >> this guy is about to shame you. >> peanut butter and jelly. >> why it's only weird if it doesn't work. i've got to believe this is every parent's worst nightmare. watch this video. out of brazil. you're seeing a mother and a stepfather, some kids get into this vehicle but before they back out, someone else comes out of the house. no! that's the a little boy who is crawling out. >> oh no! >> he wasn't alone inside the home. they didn't forget about him. he was playing inside and made his way out to the garage. watch this. >> oh, no. >> right behind. >> i don't want to watch. >> oh, no! >> they keep backing up. they keep backing up. they keep going. now notice this group of boys. this group of people outside. they have to say something is going on. maybe you should stop. everyone gets out the car.
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the mother 19 years old, thought in that moment this baby is dead. >> yeah. but watch. people come out the house. people come out the car. she realizes immediately it's his son. they try to figure out what they can do. until watch the moment here. they're able to pull the little boy out of there. and he just had burns to ear, head, and shoulder. >> it looks like he was in the right spot for the car to go over him and not get run over. >> he's the cutest little guy. look at the burns. >> oh, no. it could have been so much worse. >> just about anything can happn roadway. doesn't matter if you're in a big city or on country roads. back in the counties of wisconsin. this first story. dash cam footage from a sheriff deputy. they're about to perform a pit
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maneuver. >> oh! that was awesome. there goes the cop car, too. >> there's the car driven by jared rendell. as the sheriff deputy performed the maneuver. he fires three shots out the car as the car is spinning out of control. the deputy's patrol car went over to the side. he was trying to miss the gunfire. not because the pit maneuver. but the officer behind the sheriff deputy springs into action. he starts firing and fires with precision and rendell gets himself up. he was arrested and taken into custody. charged with attempted homicide and he's expected to appear in court on august 5th. look at that. country road. let's talk about a big highway in australia. it's a pretty nasty traffic jam on the other side. there's about to be a traffic jam on this side the road. this ding dong here coming on
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the highway can't control his car. >> oh, yeah. >> spins out of control. hits wall on the side. narrowly misses in front of the truck we're riding in. i think one of the best things about the video is the commentary from the guy in truck. >> what a [ bleep ] [ bleep ] head. >> this is sparking a little bit of controversy. people believe the man should have stopped to see how the driver was doing instead of calling him names and continuing about his way. >> that's dangerous for the truck driver as well. that's what emergency service people are for. the best thing the guy can do is not stop abruptly on the highway. call it into police and let them handle it. the royal national lifeboat constitution in the u.k. will rescue anything and practically anything. this time they're rescuing a sheep.
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the tide was coming in and it's hidden in the low ceiling cave. you can see it coming up to the cliff. that's where the sheep fell from. it came from up top. the farmer was trying to climb down twice to get the sheep. he couldn't do it. the rnli was called in. they went ashore to rescue the sheep. there was no way it was getting out on the own. no way! look at that. stuck underneath the rock he's in the cave trying to avoid e tide. >> the tide was coming in. it would they did the farmer a solid by getting the sheep. as soon as he saw them he's like i don't know you but they get ahold of it and get it aboard the boat. oh! so sweet! you think the sheep don't get injured from the fall because they are covered in wool and just bounce. they say the sheep was unharmed. if it fell from that high i
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would think something would. you see it united with the farmer. >> i'm glad the rest of them didn't follow. >> yeah. the beauty of going out for a hike, you get to get away from the hustle and the bustle of the city. nice and quiet. sometimes a truck drives by and that's a bit of a bummer. sometimes that truck has got a real jack wagon inside. this poor guy hiking in the northern state of mexico gets a robbery on the trail. the guy jumps out with what looks to be an assault rifle. waives the rifle at the hiker and he knows immediately what is about to go down. the robber said if you scream i shoot. he hand over the tripod, the backpack. but the robber doesn't notice this somehow. and heaviy iey ies the guy on.
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the hiker claims he saw the truck drive by twice before they stopped and robbed the guy. you're saying because he has a -- maybe they can get a license plate? >> the hiker claims he has a clear shot of the license plate. he reported it to the local authorities and shared the video. local authorities say it's the first time they've heard of people getting robbed on the trail. >> you're just out trying to enjoy nature, get exercise and fresh air and these yahoo!s ruin the moment. you can't feel safe trying to doing for activity. >> it's scary to see the guy jump out. it's hard to identify him, obviously. what are you supposed to do? your camera is not worth your life. the guy was able to hang on to that. it was worth a couple of hundred bucks. she's gearing up to do the highest bungy jump.
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see what happens when she goes over the edge. and the simple joy when he gets a bucket. >> he's trying to dive through the bucket. >> right. i like to go off my own beaten path. the little girl next door. a rocker chick. $100 would get you maybe this at the regular retail store.
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♪ you're looking at the very first part of a bungee jump in new zealand. not just any bungee jump.
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it's right above the highest jump in the country. >> ready? >> i guess. >> you guess? >> this is her first jump. she's nervous. very excited about it, too. at this point, she's all strapped in. >> all right. here we go. here we go. all the way. all the way. >> okay. >> and then right about here. >> three, two, one. [ screaming ] [ heavy breathing ] >> can you imagine that feeling? >> i feel like i don't have to bungee jump now. she was roughly 439 feet above the river. it's gorgeous. >> look at that. the table car they scoot you out there to the middle with. >> no building, no top of a
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rock. need throless to say the girl h great jump. >> the first time, you might as well go for the highest jump, right? [ screaming ] >> 8:00 p.m. that's raj, of shop local. he said right off the bat he knew something was up. he said heal he said hello like he usually does. one guy has a 6-inch knife. they try to rob the place. raj said the knife is 6-inches from his throat. he's putting up a fight. his family lives up there. he's throwing them around and pushing them into the other room where it looks liqueur bottles. he starts throwing stuff at them. he's chasing them out the store. these two idiots got away with a bottle of amaretto and chocolate
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eggs. that's what they sold. raj said his daughter had just come down 30 minutes ago to say good night to her dad. he was so worried about what could happen to his family if they were in the store. the accomplice doesn't seem to be doing anything but taking chocolate eggs. >> and they probably weren't expecting raj to fight back with such heart. >> and look at the damage. police did catch up with the two losers. a 23-year-old and 17-year-old were later caught. both are serving time. a considerable amount of time. they got what was coming to them for chocolate eggs and amaretto. >> it's good nobody got hurt. this dog's name is spungo. i want do you see the simple joy it gets from a bucket of water.
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this little dog just puts his front paws in the bucket and he's drinking and playing with the water. the other dogs look like what is wrong with him? the video is nearly eight minutes long. the owners said that he'll play at this for hours. he'll drag the bucket to somebody and get them to fill it with water. >> all so he can play like this. >> he loves to play in the water. what is funny, you think he's playing here. no, then he drag it is around. a kid is not happy until he breaking his toy. he's trying to dive through the bucket. eventually you notice that the water starts to disappear, and he eventually dumps the whole thing out. they fill it up and he starts all over again. ♪ the video that asks you to write someone you love.
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>> that's awesome! next "right this minute." and still to come. mix tv tries on a new show. >> let's mix a project runway with a little play. one of the contestants tell us what it's like. >> sometimes the creative preface is the biggest struggle. >> plus fans ask for it. he's doing some grooming with pb and j. >> let's see if the pb & j make for a close shave.
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you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em. ♪ know when to walk away. ♪ know when to run. ♪ you never count your money, ♪ when you're sitting at the ta...♪ what? you get it? i get the gist, yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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there's an app. >> this guy has a youtube channel and apparently has a few videos where people suggest he
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shaves with a bunch of random stuff. seriously, it's weird. in this case, people suggested that he shave with peanut and jelly. what? >> it's weird! it's weird! >> wow. smear it on our face. a big glob here and rub it on our face just like that. >> i would feel uncomfortable. i feel sticky right now. i don't want it on my face. >> yeah. it is inspiring me to may vent a fvored shaving sometimes you're shaving. some of it gets in your mouth and it tastes bad. i think if you were 7 and had to shave that's a great idea. >> whatever. >> it's not that important. i'm 30. >> peanut. >> it looks disgusting. watch him put it on. he put it is on the other side of his face. >> it's like painting. like finger painting on your
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face. then he takes the razor and starts going at it. it looks uncomfortable. >> yeah. >> it's working quite well. >> it's relatively working. i don't know that it's going to give him the best shave of his life. >> is he towelling off with bread? >> yeah. >> he's going to eat it. >> yeah. i was going to say that. >> this is fantastic. it's a big time of year for me. it's comic con. you know that means going to san diego and checking out all the people and their outfits. for people that don't know what cost play outfit is. it's when people dress up in the authentic costumes. they think about this. what if a network decided let's mix a little project runway with a little cos play.
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we'll compete in a competition. their enemies, not each other but the clock. at the end of the day, only one will be championed. they'll be competing for crash prizes totaling over $5,000. they have to create their own stuff. >> yeah. >> in a short amount of time. >> oftentimes people can do the amazing costumes don't get any attention other than among themselves. >> people compete and put together costumes. it's more than moms throwing together extra pillow cases and making you a coast. >> that was cheap. >> i want you to introduce you to orchid. she has the skills too. >> i was in love with crafting and suing. it wasn't until high school i learned how to sue my own garment. >> tell us about the tv show. we have her on skype. welcome to the show! >> hi. thank you for having me on! >> do you think that it's time for them to come into the main stream. >> i'm excited to have it in the main stream.
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it's something that i've loved. cos play helps evolve this costuming to have fun and do it without having people be criticized. >> you have a dress on right now. is it one of your creations? >> i'm actually cinderella. i have a ball gown i've made from scratch. >> how much do the projects cost you? >> my most expensive costume was about $1,000. >> do you do it full-time? >> it's my hobby. they taught me to make my own garments as well. sometimes i go on the street with dresses i make just to wear for fun. sometimes the creative dress is biggest struggle. i want to burn it with fire. and anything that can destroy it and hopefully some magical way it'll turn into new outfits. you can catch it on mixed tv on mondays. people are asked to test out
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megaphone. when they do, other things come out of their mouth. >> i'm wearing panties. the sneaky trick that makes things insta aw
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one of the worst sounds on the planet. a chain saw. cat sushi. ♪ you know, guys, you keep putting words in my mouth. i don't like it. that's -- i've got to think of a
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common thing to say. guess what? people had words put in their mouths in this social experiment. prank. >> our buddy said he's in gizmo beach. he has a hidden speaker in a box. he's got amanda, dana, becca. they are going up to people saying we need you to try out the megaphone. the megaphone is off. they're hiding nearby. they have microphones connected to the speaker in the box. when people say testing one, two, three, that's what they ask them to say. other things come out of their mouth. ha! which is words put in their mouth. >> my friend and i touch each other. >> awkward! >> awkward is right. the whole prank is awkward. >> people are like i didn't say that. that wasn't me. >> and the worst part the people walking by who just hear the weird information. they see the guy with the megaphone and think that he just
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shouted that! >> that's right. >> they also get a couple of kids. >> i still play with barbies. >> what! >> i'm wearing panties! [ laughter ] >> they don't stop. isn't he cute. >> it's hard to put the megaphone down. what you're saying is not what you're saying. >> i have hemorrhoids. that it for "right this minute." we'll see you next time, everybody. ?.=(=pcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpc2h
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hey everybody. we search the web for the best vids of the day so you don't have to. >> we've got them "right this minute." ♪ some are enjoying a majestic scene when this thing starts breaking apart. the iceberg that gets one titanic reaction. trying to convince a tow truck driver not to take her car. see if putting a a show can put on thebrakes.


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