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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 28, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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hey everybody. we search the web for the best vids of the day so you don't have to. >> we've got them "right this minute." ♪ some are enjoying a majestic scene when this thing starts breaking apart. the iceberg that gets one titanic reaction. trying to convince a tow truck driver not to take her car. see if putting a a show can put a couple rush to the vet's
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office. the shocker that was making him so bloated. >> and a homecoming two years in the making. >> so sweet! see who is about to pass out from excitement. [ screaming ] the phrase "don't get too close" applies to the people in this video. they were in the bay in newfoundland, canada. they were in their boat and notice the iceberg. beautiful and sur reen. they wanted to take a look at it. but you never know when mother nature is going to strike. strike she does. you notice that? this thing starts breaking apart. >> it looks like an organized demolition. >> wanda is ready to be out of there. you can see very clearly. she's saying run, rick. that's her husband. >> it started a minor tidal
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wave. they had an engine on the boat. they were able to move a safer distance away. she said she was proud of even though it scared her, she said she was absolutely happy that the video was rolling. >> yeah. >> cool, calm, collected getting the video. >> how remarkable that happened right in front of them. >> yeah. it makes you wonder how long it's been there. >> yeah. to have the natural mold. what a great to the. >> i like her intensity. >> she's intense. >> i love wanda, she got great video. she had steady hands and they got away from it. there's no real way to explain why the accident happened other than some people are just crap py drivers this. this guy riding his motorcycle through birmingham, michigan. he comes up to the stop sign. watch what happens. he's not riding fast. he clearly comes to a complete
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and full stop. they doesn't keep him from getting hurt. >> oh! >> i don't know what that guy in the truck was thinking. he cut that corner. drives straight into the guy on the motorcycle. he's hurt. other witnesses come up, people cannot believe it. we show up. >> which leg are you hurt? >> how do you not see that? how do you not see somebody make the turn like that? >> thankfully the driver does not take off. a little bit of comedy. the police officers can't seem to figure out how to turn off the camera on top the guy's helmet. thankfully it was rolling and it got good information for the guy to go by. >> the next video sent in by a viewer. look what she saw. >> the dude is literally driving on the sidewalk. >> that's bad driving. i don't know how you think the sidewalk is a place to drive.
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they're two different colors! and there's trees and garbage cans. >> maybe he thought it was an exit. >> i don't know. they yelled at the driver. >> how do you like that sidewalk! >> it sounds like the guys is laughing back. >> he just said i'm sorry. >> i'm sorry, i don't mean to be driving on the sidewalk. >> thank goodness nobody was dri walking on the sidewalk. >> this is proof you can't make it up. this couple has a pet toad named quake. it's cute. it looks like a toads you would see in a fairy tale. it's a good looking toad. they bring it in because it's sick. they bring him to the vet. >> look how cute. it looks bloated. poor little guy. >> how do you know if a toad is sick? >> they know the toad is sick because you're about to find out. there it is! >> no way!
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oh! >> was that her wedding ring? her engagement ring. >> is this a proposal? >> i don't know. that's animal abuse. engagement ring. they're getting married in august. clearly she wanted to have the toad but the toad aid it. apparently the stone on the band was lost somewhere. it could come later. >> did they say how it happened? >> the ring was off and quake said it looks good. >> he probably thought it was a worm. they got the ring back. i have to feel bad for three days he's not allowed to have breakfast, lunch, or dinner. poor quake. >> yeah. [ laughter ] all i can say about the videos we're about to show you
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is. [ expletive ] >> check out the first one. the girl is trying to convince the tow truck driver to not take her car. >> it's already on the truck. your chances are slim. >> her chances were zero. even though she tried this, they still took her car. about this other one? this guy walks into a convenience store to rob it. he does have a nice -- gets the money. it looks like the bag is giving birth to the nose. >> he pulls the bag off and police release the video and apparently they got calls. it may be only a matter of time before he's caught. check this guy out. takes some sort of metal wheel of some sort to break the front
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door. manages to get in. >> oh, my gosh. >> but then watch this. are you kidding me? he didn't even remember which door he broke open? nope. he's running full force to make an escape. nothing. >> not one single thing. went in there, caused thousands of dollars in damage. finds nothing. as he's about to make his escape -- he really got a concussion. kick it back next to the surf just got kicked into gear. >> this is the world's first drivable beach chair. >> at this particular time! a new way to cruise the beach. and the dog so excited to see a loved one. >> oh! did it faint? >> that dog just fainted of joy!
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for over 60,000 california foster children, having necessary school supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help a foster child start the school year right.
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pretty heartbreaking story behind this surveillance video in syracuse, new york. keep an eye on the guy approaching that home. police say that's patrick kelly, 56 years old. walks away from the house frequently looking back over his shoulder as the video continues you'll see what he's looking back at. moments later, you see fire. police believe patrick kelly set that home on fire. they did catch up with him.
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the sad part he wasn't only charged with arson. he was having been charge -- the woman inside died. she was overcome by smoke. she was in the hospital for weeks. but eventually died. now he's been indicted on murder characters. >> was this a revenge or just an arsonist? >> at this point reports identify him at arson. >> how chilling to see someone do this. you see him so casually walking away. >> here is another house fire. this one in the royal oak, michigan area. you see smoke pouring out of the roof. you see firefighters really not doing anything. the transformers that blew up near the house dropped some live power lines on the house. that's what initially started the fire. but the power lines still are energized. some commenters saying it took the power company an hour and a half to energize the lines. by that time the home burnt to
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the ground. >> they must have felt so helpless. >> the fire happened on one of the hottest days the summer. you can see the power lines continuing to arc. >> wow. >> obviously very dangerous situation for the firefighters. something you don't want to pour water on. >> you can't pour water on that. want to see something that we didn't need but someone made anyway? it's the world's first drivable beach chair. it was day bdebuted at brighten beach. it was created by solomon rogers. commissioned by holiday autos. >> i want it! >> who needs the cooler with the big wheels or the chairs you can tow? that's perfect! and sand doesn't get in your stuff. >> or your pants either. it comes up with the own
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umbrella. so you can block the sun. and it has the againgps trackin system. you know which way to turn the chair so you don't get harmed by the sun's harmful ways. >> can you lay flat? sometimes you like to get the stomach. >> okay. >> but there you go. >> i love it. >> look at that. >> what is that? >> oh! >> there's so many possibilities. >> yeah. listen. that's a good one. rebecca's been gone for about two years. this is the day she came back and said hello to the family's pet. oh! >> so sweet! the dog is excited. >> and remembers her! and remembers her and ynt
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believe the luck of his day that rebecca is back. the dog is so excited -- >> it pees. >> even better! oh! oh, my gosh. did it faint? the dog fainted of joy. >> get out of here! >> the dog was so overcome it made the dog pass out? >> yes. watch. >> oh, my goodness! >> it's out for just a swift second. gets back up and falls other again. comes back to her. >> oh, my gosh. >> and rebecca comfort it is a little bit. someone else pix the doggy up. comfort it is more and the dog starts to do it again. it's like young girls at the elvis concert. this dog whimpered and cried. >> it's so precious your dogs
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love you to death. >> is she okay, by the way? dude gets lit on fire -- >> and now pulled by the car over the ramp. >> what could possibly go wrong? >> she's getting a surprise performance from her friends. suddenly two people turns into more people. >> they have literally given her tunnel vision. see why one guy has his sights set on her.
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there are quite a few proposal videos online. you could say there's a plethora. that lovely lady. you see her being lead blindfolded. that's jenny. her friends lead her to an open van. and music starts play and her friends start jamming. they're jamming to edward sharp and the magnetic zeros. it's cute. >> he choreographed the dance. >> suddenly two people turns into more people. >> what is the significance of the creepy basement? >> you'll see the significance. because the van starts moving thf tunnels. as the van moves, more people come from either side. so now friend and family. they keep joining this dance.
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it's kind of like a flash mob but a lot cooler. watch. balloons and streamers! >> they literally have given her tunnel vision. she can't see what is coming next but her eyes are wide open. >> that's a good one. >> exactly. >> the great thing about this. all the people are friends, her family members, and family members of the guy who is proposi proposing. his name is pete. the crowd parts. >> you have a straggler. and you see the rainbow twirling in the distance. that's pete. he comes just bouncing and twirling and dancing and does this. >> jenny, i love you. i love everything about you. and so with everyone here, all our friends and family, i want to know will marry me? >> yes.
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>> short, sweet, to the point. >> i would never have guessed a proposal in a mine shaft. but that's perfect. [ applause ] they've been engaged. beast mode. it's time. that's university of south florida todd chandler. he's 6'0". 320 poupd. a defensive lineman. watch the guy squat. that's 700-pounds on the bar. you can see the pole bending. watch the guy. [ cheers and applause ] >> fires up the entire team. that's the guy you want on the field. >> that's awesome! >> he did not give at all. that guy was a defensive lineman. look on the other side of the ball for the university of iowa. big 10 offense i have tackle
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brandon serp. he does a hang clean. 434 434 pound on the bar. >> oh, boy! he's going to do more than one. two, and three! wow! wait! four? no. can't quite get the fourth. it's hard enough to stop. it's been a little bit since we've checked with our old buddy. last time we shot him people were shooting cacti into the face. i will say equally dumb. you're about to see from the por stunt. that's him in the wheelchair. they light it on fire. and he'll be lit on fire as well. now he's going to get pulled by the car over the ramp. you're thinking what happened to him? everyone starts running toward him. you think that's smart they had
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a polar table with a break the fall. he's on fire, hits the pol s th extinguishes. as soon as he hits that. completely overshoots the pool and everyone has to run toward him. they knew where he was going yet they stayed back here. you need to get the shot. you need to get the shot. here is what happens now. the girl grabs a hose trying to put out the wheelchair. i don't know where he is at that point. >> putting the wheelchair out. >> yeah. >> did they trenrent it? >> he didn't have the softest landing. apparently -- this is a shocker. he's broken his ankle numerous times. he reinjured an ankle. let's hear from him himself post accident. >> you hurt your foot? >> do you mean? >> which one? it'll go away. >> he doesn't you to ask about
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the injuries. >> maybe his name should be broke bone. dude gets off work, hits the public street and says i'm going express myself. he goes hey, if you could be any dinosaur, which would you be? t-rex. that's dumb, cuz when you're hungry late at night, your little t-rex arms couldn't stuff your face with - my new chick-n-tater melt munchie meal. it's got crispy chicken, hash browns, and gooey cheese on a buttery croissant. that's french. ok, i get it. so what would you be?
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a long armed t-rex. jerk.
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flashlight. i've got to know. i've been working all day. i want to express myself. ♪ >> in a very public and crowded area, this guy decided to just say i'm going to express myself.
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he starts dancing in front of all of these people. will people join in or just watch this man dance by himself? ♪ >> wow! >> a lot of people started joining in on the dancing high fiving each other. dancing with each other. just think on the one guy's suggestion that they all let go and have no regrets. ♪ >> i like it. it could have gone the complete other direction. if there's a dancing around and yelling stuff by himself. it looks like a few people to go all right. >> are those really all regular pep or was it a flash mob that was arranged? >> according to the posters of the video it wasn't set up. it's not like any is choreographed. [ cheers and applause ] >> i bet it was so fun.
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>> yeah. >> random dance party. >> and part of the intention behind posting the video is raising the question about what does it say about our social norms and conduct ourself every day? >> are we too uptight? >> yes. we should be dancing every day. ♪ that's it for "right this minute" we'll see you next time. ♪
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>> a health warning you can't ignore. the deadly superbug mrsa has a brand-new home. dr. oz: yours. >> you can't fight it. dr. oz: thife survive up to three months on door knobs. >> how can you protect yourself? dr. oz: how to stop the superbug in its tracks before it harms you. >> coming up next on dr. oz. dr. oz: if you credit -- have a wound that won't heal, it could be mrsa. this tiny cluster is so powerful it can


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