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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 29, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman. let's get this brand-new week started with great videos "right this minute." a cop chases one cocky driver. >> come. cop, you can't do this, dude! >> this guy's talking smack. >> why he's the one about to get the smackdown. >> oh! >> relatives hold on to a man dangling from a high-rise, after they caught him in the next of time. >> how they finally hoist him away from certain death. >> a beach vacation that leave lead to a tropical selfie.
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>> kupts be more romantic. >> why it couldn't be more dangerous. a reason known as the nanny dogs. how this got in a nap on the job. >> if you're going it run from the cops, you're in a pretty bad place. you're probably in a worst place if you're going to run from the cops and get like cocky about it. that's what this girl caught on camera in hawaii. she says this guy was crossing the street. she posted this on facebook. you can see the guy in question right there on the sidewalk with an officer. escapes the officer's grasp and starts running. now, he's quicker than the officer. here's where he starts getting cocky. >> cop, you can't do this, dude. >> this guy's like talking smack. >> he's turned around and running backwards like taunting the guy, the way a big brother would or something. >> oh. >> fakeout bike barry sanders but --
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>> oh! >> like a 2 x 4, bang. >> exactly. >> yeah. he did that juke move too quickly. >> when the officer says you're going to get tased, you're going to get tased, crack. >> say what you want about this guy here, but turns out, he says, according to maui now, this dude is running for mayor in this town. >> he's running for something now. >> right. >> not running for mayor for long, i don't think, right. >> running for mayor, in hawaii. pulled over didn't have a license plate on the car and on a cell phone, two things you can't do. according to maui now, he explained to the officer that he doesn't need a license plate, he's a private individual and that he was late for a meeting. that's why he took off. >> he's not a front-runner in the race. >> something tells me no. police confirmed he was given seven citations because of this.
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>> selfies are the thing to do. we've got a good video of selfie video. this lovely couple, out on the beach in mexico, and it couldn't be more romantic. it's raining, so what? you can make something of a rainy day. have a romantic moment. honey, let's get a great picture. sweetly wipes the rain off the lens and mother nature explodes and photo bombs herselfy with lightning. >> i thought that was gunfire. >> no. >> watch how close it strikes in slow mo. she's smiling, yeah, boom. >> that is truly a photo bomb. >> that's an actual photo bomb. >> when a bomb goes off behind you and taking a photo. >> when does that ever happen? it happened right here. >> fun to watch becauses you see the flash of the lightning and you see the red, hot glow of trees behind them right over the shoulder. >> i'm hoping that wasn't the
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hut they're staying in. >> i hope they weren't in the water. >> stay out of the rain. this is not one of the rainstorms to stay in. >> where do they go? don't have anywhere to hide. >> scares the be-jesus out of them, too. terrifying moment caught on camera in china. this camera is on top of the building, a garden area, 12 stories up. what you've got there, a family of people, they're leaning over the edge, why in the world would they be leaning over the edge? here's why. if you look closely right there, they're hanging on to the arms of a family member, waiting for rescuers to get there. apparently reports say that this man was drunk and fell off the edge of the building and his family members caught him in the nick of time by his arms and
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they are all trying to hold on to him to make sure that he doesn't fall 12 stories while rescuers get harnessed up so they can get to him. >> i'm wondering why somebody's filming this. why is this person not helping? >> if you listen, you can hear him crying, screaming. >> looks like they're trying to tie a sheet or curtains, trying to fashion some rope. >> this sheet may have been something that the family tried to do. >> it's amazing these people were able to catch him before he fell to his death. >> you ever see a driver breaking the rules of the road and say, i wish a cop was here to catch him? that happened in this video. a guy's got a camera mounted on his bike and bikes are allowed to travel on the roadway with cars because there is no bike
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lane. this is in illinois. this guy's keeping up with the cars because he's going the speed limit, 30, but notice on the right. there is a police officer. he says when he noticed the police officer, he looked in one of his mirrors and realized he had a tailgater. he says this guy was right on his back tire. the police saw it, too. you hear the police officer notifying somebody that they need to pull over. >> [ bleep ]. >> he thinks it's him. but actually it's this honda cr-v that was tailgating him. the officer pulled that car over. but i love what the officer says. >> want plea to hold on? >> [ bleep ]. >> right on your -- >> i saw him in the mirror. >> want plea to do something about it? >> give him a ticket. >> i'll put your name on it. >> and colorful language. the skokie police officer says, this guy's riding right on your tail, man. let me take care of this. >> license and insurance. >> you can hear the officer start to explain, the guy pulls over, stays there, and the officer says, you can go.
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>> i'll take care of it. >> okay. >> but adds an important point. >> i want you to know, i care. >> how awesome for the cop to step in, got you, brother. >> he's like, yeah, this guy's on your tail, i got it don't worry. >> you can't have better pr. >> i want you to know i care. >> thank you. >> a long border shows off his skills downhill. >> do it on his feet. also long board on his hands. >> the speedy run that will have you holding on. and why these little pigs are sure to put a smile on your face. >> we should get aright this minute s s kakaththleleenen.. setting up the perfect wedding day begins with h ararththrirititid two pills. afafteternrnoooon n ararririveg good, bubut t heher r knkneeee p pa. that's two more pills. ththe e evevenenining'g's s eves laughter, joy, and more pain... whwhenen j jamamieie s saya. whwhatat's's t thahat t lilikeks today? yeah... i i cacan n tatakeke 2 2 a aley relief. realallyly, , anand.d.. anand d ththatat's's i. ththisis i is s kakaththl. fofor r mymy a artrthrhrititiw choose aleve.
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get all day ararththrirititis n relief with an easy-open cap.
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today i'm going to show you how to make a simple garden sprinkler if you haven't gotten one of these. >> shares this awesome trick. >> take a plastic bottle, remove the label. next, take a thumb tack and pierce a line of holes about an inch apart down the side of the bottle. then rotate the bottle slightly and pierce another line about an inch away from the first line. i did four lines, and you should just be able to see the holes. >> he'sy. >> fun. >> punch, punch, punch. therapeutic there next, take the bottle outside, remove the lid, push on the end of your garden hose. take insulation tape, wrap it around the hose to make a large plug. then squeeze it into the bottle. use more tape to fix the hose to the gotle. >> all right. >> and then he just turns on the
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water and watch, once the bottle fills up, yeah, the pressure causes the water to start shooting out of the bottle like a sprinkler. >> clever. >> clever. it's a good idea. >> fun to see athletes at the top of their game. you can see clearly written the street a danger of running into a car coming up the hill. a long boarder, he can do it on his feet. also long board on his hands, too this is how he starts the downhill run. weaving back and forth. pumping to get his speed up. as he approaches tight turns down the hill. look at that. >> got some mad skills. >> i like when they make crazy turns and the boards almost like sideways and their body's one way and the board's the other way how do they do that? >> the road's not perfectly smooth. spots here and there of crumbly pavement. watch how close he gets to the
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wall. he's got a helmet. he's got the pucks on the glove, they'll assist him as he goes around the corner, lean down on the hands and slide right there. >> whoa! >> video filmed and edited. k.j. gets up to incredible speeds here, almost outrunning the car following. nearly bites it, catching a lot of speed before he has to slow down to the corner. but perfect run. steffan, tech time for those people who don't know what their next move should be. >> yeah. that's a lot of people. >> to explain, we'll bring in our tech pert and a guy who knows his next move. >> right here, zack. >> hello. >> what is this augmented reality climbing wall? >> a project at alto university, they created this climbing wall
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that has a projection on top of it, it will show you routes to improve climbing and track you as a climb. there's a camera sensor able to find your skeletal positioning and how you move on the wall. >> you see these lines on the wall? what your next move should be. >> yes, that's the point, sets up routes so you can create your own route, you can record routes so your friends can go on the wall, you can do it later, compete with them, time the number of moves and things like that. when you fall off the wall, you'll be able to look at a screen on the side, make improvements. they're developing the system. it was done as a test. they did study with climbers who had positive reaction, they'll use it. >> question, why is there a chain saw? >> another thing they tested for, game fiing the climbing, you're supposed to climb around and not get hit by the clhain saw. >> i see. >> you don't get your leg cut
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open. >> it's an image of a chain saw you're trying to avoid. >> he likes leftover corn on the cob. once you've eaten corn on the cob, hobbs wants to come in and bat cleanup. >> i get this. one of the best parts of eating corn, after you've eaten the corn, going back and gnawing on it getting the sweetness. it's really good. >> i thought i was the only one. >> no. >> three. i like it, too, i was going to say. >> four, because hobbs here loves to do that. they say hobbs done just like corn on the cob. hobbs also likes watermelon. >> yes. it's america, corn on the cob in the summertime, come on. >> a coupler time dog. >> its a summertime dog. >> and then in the summertime he likes to take a nap like these piggies. these pig y-belong to pet piggies, raised to be public animals, meaning used on tv shows and commercials and kids'
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parties. >> we should get a "right this minute" pig. >> they are cute. you know, it's almost like forget they're pigs. >> you know the name of the show, "right this minute," you know the name of the segment, real or fake. >> we've got a dude who can really power up a bike. >> it's impossible. >> no. >> a driver who can turn heads with a turn. >> that's pretty badass. >> a video that will make you say -- >> what the heck? >> ebaum's world is next. enenjojoy y frfresesh h guguad right at your table anand d cucuststomomizizeded . anand d dodon'n't t mimissr delicious enchiladas wiwithth c chihickckenen, , b. it's's t thehe n newew f frere, only at chili's. momorere l lifife e hahapp.
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>> closed captioning provided by -- inintrtrododucucining g ununisi. when you can't wind down itit h helelpsps y youou f falay anand d wawakeke r refefrereshs.
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nenew w ununisisomom l liqiquiu. a a ststreressssfuful l daday ya restful night. a. times it's hard to get through a monday, right? >> yeah. >> you know who helps make mondays awesome? mac dreidel from ebaum's world and real or fake video. >> the name of the show, "right this minute." the name of the segment real or fake. you know if the clips are real or fake? >> let's find out. here our here's our first video. what? no way! >> impossible. >> no. >> no. >> there are many women aaround the world that do similar thing every day. >> i think this is totally real. >> i agree. i think it's real. not a tremendously large motorcycle. >> is it possible, though that he really was carrying something off of his head off the lad
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somewhere somebody with video trickery took that out and put a motorcycle? >> i think there's too much go on for there to be video trickery, you had too many people around that try to edit that bike. >> now that i see them put it on top, two guys grab it i'm going real. >> real. >> i think you guys knocked it out of the park. i mean it looks ridiculous, unbelievable, but slow it down frame by frame, couldn't find any video editing, trickery. i'm going real with you guys. >> next video. oh! >> wow. >> that's pretty badass. >> i like that. it's real. >> the radius on an 18-wheeler, who knew? >> i think it's real. >> this happens every day, the guy's driven this route a thousand times, sure. >> five reals. >> i'm not messing with you guys on than.
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>> oh. >> what the heck? >> oh! >> was he farting. >> no, she moving her belly so much you can hear her innards moving. >> go to a doctor. >> i think that's somebody's mouth. >> when you drink a bunch of water you can hear water in your stomach. >> not like this. this is a whole concerto in your belly. >> i'm going to say real. >> i'm real. i don't like it but i'm real. >> three fakes, two reals. >> i'm going with the guys on this. i think it's real. i've done a similar thing when i was skinnier, lighter, lessen sullation in there. >> don't believe it. >> guys against girls on that one. >> let the viewers decide. >> i don't know.
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>> guy's got his scuba gear on in the upper niagara river, checking out the fish, what's up, let me pet you. like a nice guy, trying to become one with nature. but then it gets unfair. when he pulls out his pocket fisherman here. >> no. >> and goes fishing underwater. >> they're not going to avoid his lure. watch. of course immediately are like, okay, that looks so good and tasty, i want it. get out of here. >> wow. he kind of lets the fish hang out a bit, maybe to tire itself a bit. >> when you can put the worm right in the fish's mouth, that's not a fair game. >> it's like game that kids have with the fish. stand there with a magnet. >> i don't like about this, he made friends with him first and then he cooked one. >> yeah. >> he was deceiving them. >> just like a man. right? >> oh. whoa.
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>> wow. >> suddenly. >> the guy grabs the fish, does take the lure out, doesn't look like the fish is hurt and kindly lets it go back to what it was doing 30 seconds. >> after he pierced its cheek. maybe he didn't want a piercing. >> technology can be quite confusing. >> this boy thinks that the televisions a giant ipad. >> why he thinks he's g hey, if you could be any dinosaur, which would you be?
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t-rex. that's dumb, cuz when you're hungry late at night, your little t-rex arms couldn't stuff your face with - my new chick-n-tater melt munchie meal. it's got crispy chicken, hash browns, and gooey cheese on a buttery croissant. that's french. ok, i get it. so what would you be? a long armed t-rex. jerk.
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playing with remote control
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cars. that's a big one. >> i think we can all say, nobody likes someone who doesn't pick up after his or her dog, right? >> it's gross. >> gotta do it. >> ed upset because -- >> fresh dog [ bleep ] on my tire. yes, real dog crap, sorry, courtesy of that dude in the red shirt walking his pug. >> ed's a funny guy, does pranks and funny videos, but not happy. >> i asked him nicely if he wouldn't mind picking up after his dog and he told me to f myself. i started filming. >> it's a problem? >> it's not a problem. i'm filming myself telling a story. >> i can hear you. >> tell me to [ bleep ] myself because i asked you to pick up after your dog. >> [ bleep ]. >> i asked you, would you mind picking up after your dog, you said f yourself. >> ed's usually jokey guy. not so jokey. he's actually mad. >> the guy's claiming the poop wasn't his dog. >> who's was it.
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>> this is what's going on dude, i'm film you. >> what's your problem? >> relax, people watching you. i'm filming it. >> delete it. >> back off or i'll defend myself. back off or i'll defend myself. back off. yo! back -- >> what? >> wait. >> i'm going to defend myself, and i did. >> oh my gosh! >> i knew something was up as soon as they started fighting. holy moly. i was sucked into this. this was a story i was buying. ed bass master pranked me. >> my dog. you're like 40. how could you swing so low? >> if there happened to be a recipe for cute, if you can put a bunch of ingredients in a big old pot, stir them up, you'd get
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these videos. 10-week-old baby ice lay and their puppy. >> can't go wrong. >> puppy crawled in and napping. >> look at the close-up. >> look how she's smiling. >> cheek to cleek. >> is that your baby? next video, a whole lot of cute. this boy thinks that the televisions a giant ipad. >> touch screen. >> he's kind of working. someone's controlling it, it looks like he's actually doing it. >> right, somebody's doing it with a remote control. >> funny. >> that's our show, everybody. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute."
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4:00 pm
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