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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  August 4, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman. it's a brand-new week, and we have brand-new videos from the with an armed robber puts a guy in a chokehold, everybody else says -- >> okay, all right. let's not get crazy here. >> see the shocker when one dude goes all sniper on the bad guy. a hungry mama dog is found near a shack after neighbors -- >> heard puppies barking. >> what it took to save a litter of nine. after a runaway bus leaves a woman trapped, people jump in -- >> to move that cat. >> see the heroes in action from all angles.
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and -- >> watch my clock. >> dude getting better on the nunchakus. >> practice makes perfect. >> why sometimes perfection hurts. >> ow! incredibly bold crime caught on security camera in sao paulo, brazil. watch what happens here. three gas station attendants, two guys just hanging out with a total of five people. this guy is just sitting there chatting, shooting the breeze. and then this guy runs up, a criminal on foot, holds a gun to one of these guys' heads, trying to rob all the other guys. hold their hands up saying okay, all right. let's not get crazy here. but keep your eyes on the man in the blue jacket. >> oh, he has his own gun. >> oh, my goodness! oh, i goodness, he took the risk and shot at the man? >> yes. he's a cop. he's an off-duty police officer that happened to be armed at the time and took that chance to free the man that had the gun to his head. >> wow!
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that is unbelievable that he was able to make that shot because the guy was moving all around. and he had the other man in front of him. >> and he didn't even really hit him. >> at all. >> it was one second. it was one fluid motion. it was an incredibly risky move. but this man has a gun to his head. the robber threatening to shoot him. yeah, he had one split second to disarm this guy. three shots fired. the robber was hit and taken to the hospital in serious condition. security cameras also caught what they believe to be the same guy holding up this station on bicycles just a few days earlier. this time not using a weapon. they do expect the undercover officer to testify in this case. no other people were injured, thankfully. an animal rescue group based in the los angeles area, but they were called out to the desert in southern california because they got a report of three dogs living under a shack. the first dog they named delaney. dharma, the sond dog, need a little encouragent.
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there's nothinge a protein to me out. >> dharma has two different colored eyes. >> eventually they lead her to the car that's going to carry them back. the neighbor called because they heard puppies barking earlier in the day. so the neighbor crawled under the shack. that's him there with a box. >> one, two, three, four. five, six, seven, eight, nine. >> holding the nine puppies that he got out from under that shack. this is mom. that's nelly. as you can see, the dogs seem pretty happy to be rescued. but before they get on the road, they let mom nelly feed her puppies. and they give them water. they say it was 100 degrees while this rescue was taking place. one family is fostering all 12 dogs, and they are looking happy and healthy right now. there they are. and let's just say they look like you know what? we are ready to be somebody's forever friend this is a completely different animal rescue. what we have here is a horse that is trapped in a canal. this is in birmingham, england.
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some firefighters and rescue crews with the assistance of the rspca tied this horse up. and they're going to just use brute manpower to pull this horse out of the water. the horse comes out. it's a little wet. no worse for the wear, but the horse is going to be okay. >> starts eating immediately. thanks for that. now i'm hungry. >> the horse was turned over to the rspca. 8:45 in the morning, busy area of istanbul, turkey. check this out. lots of transportation happening around here. lots of buses. there's a cab, a ferry nearby. that means lots of people. watch that purple bus. losing control. crashes into people, a cab. >> oh, my gosh. it was somebody sitting on the other side of that fence. they never saw it coming.
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>> look at the cab, too, because a woman was trapped under this cab. apparently the gas pedal stuck on this thing. and the driver lost control, was unable to steer. didn't know what to do. watch all the people rush to this cab immediately. >> it was the lady that was on the bench who's stuck under the cab. >> sitting right there, never had a chance. 18 people injured in this, two seriously. one you've got to believe is this woman. apparently a woman did lose her leg. we believe that might be the woman underneath the cab. here it is from another angle. something hit that guy in the foot. look at all these people. and you'll be able to see how much they were able to move that cab, get it off the ground and get it off of that woman. >> it's incredible how quickly everyone really came to help. i mean, they all rushed in. these guys are pretty amazing. i'm sure they saved this woman's life. >> what's so sad is that woman's back was to the bus. >> this angle here looks like surveillance cameras. we're seeing it from four different shots.
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>> you're right. >> this is precious time, precious seconds needed to save her to get the cab off of her. a brand-new restaurant just opened in downtown toronto up in canada. why in the world would we be talking about the opening of a restaurant? this restaurant is called sans, and it's staffed completely with deaf people. the wait staff all are hearing impaired. and when you go into signs, you have to order using american sign language. so all of the menus have icons next to items. there are also cheat sheets that show you how to order. 200 hearing impaired people applied for jobs athe this particular restaurant. 50 got jobs. and they're thrilled because they feel like this is a new opportunity for people to understand their culture, to understand their way of life. and listen to patrons. they're loving it. >> duck.
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>> do you know how to sign it? >> like this and like this. >> what a cool way to learn sign language on your own without taking a class or whatever. >> eat and learn. >> perfect. >> they spoke to one of the new servers using an interpreter. >> i'm so excited to be here. it's a deaf environment where hearing people can come in and experience our world and our culture. so it's really amazing. >> i'd like to go there because i'd like to know more than sea turtle. sea turtle and turtle and bear. i'm sure none of those things are on the menu. at least i hope not. >> speaking of sign language, this video was posted by a couple named tina and paul. tina there on the left is an interpreter, an american sign language interpreter. and she has been teaching her fiance, paul, how to sign just so they can create videos like this. ♪ i got chills ♪ they're multiplying ♪ and i'm losing control >> they're signing "you're the one that i want" by olivia
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newton-john and john travolta, obviously from "grease." >> the cool part about this, everybody sounds good in karaoke when you're just signing it. you can sing when you're doing sign language. >> you can't sign off key. son tricks dear old dad to pull off the surprise of a lifetime. >> what that is, a 1953 hudson hornet. >> wow! >> the story behind the loving gesture that brought him to tears. >> what any father would hope for. and the southern gals are back with more. >> the funny stuff they're saying this time. toto y youou...... ththey're momorere t thahana pet so protect them, with k9k9 advantix ll itit's's b broroadad s spepm protection kills fleas, ticksks a andd mosquitoes too. k9k9 a advdvanantitix l fofor r ththe e loloveve o g
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an extraordinary burger with heaps of jalapeños...ered for just two dollars. they also discovered the phenomenon of "economnomnomics" nomnom... nom? mcdonald's dollar menu and more. it's economnomnomcial.
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where wee all be without mom and dad? we'd be nowhere. we wouldn't exist. so sometimes it's important to say thank you. here's somebody saying thank you to dad. that somebody, aaron benson. >> growing up, he was always such a great dad to me and always believed in everything that i did. and i just felt like there was no better way to repay him than to give him something that he's been wanting. >> you can hear aaron with some kind words for his father, larry benson. and he said i couldn't think of one better way to repay him. >> you've got an idea. you're seeing the idea right there. what that is is a 1953 hudson
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hornet. >> wow! >> not a lot of those around. >> not so easy to find. aaron said he had to do a lot of research. ending up finding this thing in florida and had to keep it a secret. you've got to make sure dad doesn't find out. you don't want to blow the surprise. has dad convinced on this day that some blogger is coming to the house to interview his dad, larry, because his dad's a car guy, of course. because watch when dad shows up. he's driving something pretty sweet himself. watch this. >> whoa! >> they even interviewed dad. sometime they bring up the idea of the hudson hornet. what would it be like to own one of those? >> because i learned to drive at an early age, that's why i love that particular car. >> dad's already crying! >> they ask him, what would it be like to have one? >> can you picture yourself in a hudson? >> oh, yeah. absolutely. can't wait. >> this is the big moment. garage doors open. they have him turn around. >> holy [ bleep ]! >> yeah. what else do you say? >> he's stunned.
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he's stunned. >> he doesn't even take one step toward it. >> it's like he saw a ghost. >> right. he's frozen. >> of course, some man tears as well. >> congratulations. >> oh, they're crying! it's so great, crying together. >> we've got them both joining us via skype, eric and larry. welcome to the show, guys. >> hi, guys. how are you doing? >> tell us about the search. how rare is this car? how tough was it to find it? >> really hard. you know, since i was a child growing up, my dad was always looking for the car. and there's so few of them made. i would check ebay and a bunch of different search engines and finally found it. and then we kind of tricked my dad. and i showed him a picture. he said yeah, that's it. is that car for sale? i said nope, not anymore. someone already bought it. we just miss it had. >> what do you think of your son? >> it's amazing. it's what a father would hope for that would be so concerned
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for his father's happiness. >> describe how you become so emotionally attached to a machine. >> there aren't too many kids taught how to drive a car at that young age. there was one time we were driving across nevada on a trip. i was driving 80 miles an hour at night. i looked around me. my mom and dad were asleep. my older sister was asleep. and here i was 8 years old and i was driving the whole darn car. and everybody else was asleep. and i thought that was darn cool. >> i bet. >> my father loved the car. he took care of the car. all of these things together made it very much a part of my li. >> the dixie download. it's like a hodgepodge, if you will, of southern jokes, southern sayings, bleep southern women say. this is episode two of the dixie download. >> hey. how do you know when you're say sta iing in an arkansas motel? >> don't know. >> when you call the front desk
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and say i've got a leaky clerk, the clerk says go ahead. >> what's the difference between a northern dude and a southern dude? >> what? >> a northern dude has descriptions of all the animals. a southern dude has the same description but also includes a recipe. >> that's southern. >> it's good stuff. even a nice little vocabulary lesson. i'll see if you guys know the definition of this southern word. >> i'm a verb. >> i'm going to play. >> right. i am. maybe use it in a sense. >> i'm going to go to the store. >> exactly. >> i'm going to have to buy myself a new bathing suit. >> no, i'm going to go to the piggly wiggly. >> here it is, the best part. shakespeare translated into southern. >> the robbed that smiles steals something. kill 'em with kindness. >> i say that all the time. >> i say that all the time, kill them with kindness. >> kindness does not have the same appeal for everyone.
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bless her heart, she's not aging well. >> ooh. >> and of course, they always end the dixie download with a few [ bleep ] women say. >> in the dishwasher. >> that woman's pants are so tight, i can see her religion. >> her religion. >> a fox take on a coon dog. a 10,000 foot zip line next eye right this minute." >> and still t heads up a new building and then -- >> how do you know? >> the perspective that will make you swe. plus, see how one cool dad turns his son's bedroom into something that's out of this >> it's like a way, way, way better version of a playho
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closed captioning provided by -- don't forget, there's an app
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for "rtm." then watch videos any time anywhere you are. >> what's up, guys? apex team training. >> to become an accomplished athlete, you've got to practice just like any other sport. here's dylan baker. >> i'm not really familiar with this area. >> never been to this building before so he's going to take it easy. i want to show you what his not really trying too hard looks like. during this video, you get his point of perspective. he's using a mouth grip mount for the gopro. the whole time you can hear him breathing heavy as he gets higher. he climbs up, gets up the ledge here and stepped out. >> how do you know? how do you know? >> hops from one beam to the other. >> can he slow down just a little bit? >> boom. there he goes jumping down to another beam. walks out onto this beam. now watch this jump. >> no way! >> one beam to the next. this is another just killer jump. not a running jump. a standing jump he takes.
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the broad jump. >> no way! >> they do get up to the top of the building. and just some of these other moves that him and his buddies are pulling off. it's incredible. see how this guy flipped over the edge. dangling two stories up. >> why aren't these guys spies? >> of course, dylan hasn't just started. he's been training seven years. he's considered one of the best free runners in the world. has height. and this is his weekly blog. this could possibly be the best "tech time" we've ever done. >> bold statement. >> you know why is this this is going to make your kids happy. >> i don't have any kids. >> they don't have to be yours. we're going to bring in the happiest guy we know. i think he must have one of these. >> kind of a kid himself. >> zach. hey, zach. cool little project for your kids. >> this is really cool. it's coming into us from maker media made by jeff highsmith. he previously made a control panel desk for his oldest son. he wanted to combine that. so he made something for his
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younger son's room and actually made this spaceship, which is amazing. >> this is "apollo 11." >> fly the payload. >> like a way, way better version of a playhouse. >> look at these controls. these switches flip and they have lights. >> it's what makes this project so cool is how detailed it is. one of the coolest things i think is he's input this base shaker. so when you're lying down backwards messing with the control panel, if you do anything that could possibly shake the spaceship, it will turn the space shaker on, and you'll feel it. >> so cool. don't you want one? i notice we're not kids, but come on. >> what a thing to brag about in the cafeteria at the lunch table. i've got a spaceship? my room. what do you have? a race car bed? >> i want a spaceship, son. >> he's included headsets to you can talk to mission control and ask about details. automated failures so when things like "apollo 12 and 13"
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those missions actually occur and the kids have to go through some of the same steps to fix it. >> you've also got to kind of be a genius to make it. >> he said every feature wasn't really that hard to do. it's just this think includes so many features. >> only a matter of time before you have this in your room. >> i wish. dude practicing his nunchakusing skills. what could possibly go wrong? >> so many breakable things around him. >> see how he takes a hit to his pride. >> oh, no! happy.
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no one walks away from this festival sad. here's a good motto to live by. practice makes perfect even when it comes to you and your nunchakus. >> show off, big boy. >> that's the case for alex johnson. he says he had had a big test coming up for his yellow belt. >> watch my clock. >> there's so many breakable things around him. >> all around him.
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>> pretty good. >> oh, no! >> he slams his stuff down. has a bit of a tantrum. >> i'm happy to say alex is recovered. >> my face is healed and i got a new pair of glasses. >> they look good. >> now he has an important message for us. >> we are eternal spirits. we are sacred energies. each person carries a unique thumbprint to who they are. and this message is be all that you can be. >> that sounds a little like the army. >>. ♪ be all that you can be ♪ in the army >> reserve. >> oh, no!
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>> this is fake. >> this may or may not be a character maybe that alex has come up, this kind of guy. but either way, the lessons that he's preaching in that second video i think can apply to all scenarios. >> the common saying is haters gonna hate. >> no disrespect, alex. i'm not laughing at you. i am laughing at you. >> that might be what he wants. >> i think you're laughing at the person behind the camera going "oh, no!" >> oh, no! ♪ >> that's it for "rtm." we'll see you next time.
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hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman. we're going to help get your week started with some great videos "right this minute." a family is walking along when a car slams through a fence and -- >> runs over that 4-year-old child. >> how mom jumps in to save her boy while dad takes care of the driver. bikers invade a man's property. >> these riders are saying that they're lost. >> what happens when one-arm jack's not buying it. she's dancing like no one's watching with moves -- >> you have never seen before. >> now meet the free spirit who's a viral video sensation.


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