tv Right This Minute FOX September 6, 2014 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT
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>> a generous is about to give a star employee the keys to that truck. >> the surprise that had a grown man crying and his wife a reason for joy. a hang-glider lands for a good reason. >> what happens? >> how taking care of business on the ground made him forget about it in the air. >> plus, a father-daughter dance wows the crow and aaded back to the tree. >> then watch what happens. >> see the moment mama took a little detour. >> go home, koala. >> going to freak out. >> you're going to freak out. don't poop your pants, dude. >> he is prairning him. >> he is not prairnking him.
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>> he is an employee of studio screen printing. somebody says, hey, walk over to that truck that's parked on the street. see the owner of that screen printing place. just giving hem the keys to that truck. that is a two-year anniversary gift. well, now he and his wife did have issues, and they have. lanelle was about to spend his vacation money on a vehicle when this happened. >> you know, if you have a good employee and they've got transportation problems and you want to keep that employee, that's how you do it. >> i can't tell, but i'm pretty sure there may be some man tears happening right now. >> watch when his wife gets in the vehicle. >> his wife was there too?
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that's even better. [ crying ] >> oh, my god! >> she did say that this is not uncharacteristic of ron. ron apparently does like doing a lot of good things for the people that he knows cares for and he feels needs the help. obviously he is very good at it. >> having a nice hang glide, as you do. >> oh. >> turns out you just land. you need your hands. he pulls his arm out from you should the harness. >> you talk about his actual arm? sfwoo yes. >> okay. just making sure. >> before you take off check that everything is in the right place. his left arm is now behind the harness when it should actually be in front. time to take off, and as you'll see things go wrong very
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quickly. his arm is in the wrong place. he can't steer. it takes him all the way over, and that's a lot of rocks. he then goes straight head first into. >> he couldn't get his body parallel to the ground which is necessary for proper hang gliding flight. >> he seems to get flipped over. >> i'm going to call that the oh, crap. >> i'm sure he peed his pants right after this. >> he hits his face. >> is it bloody? >> yep, it is. ouch. >> the guy's name is howard taylor, and we checked up with him. he said he went to hospital, got checked out. unfortunately, only cuts and bruises, but, otherwise, thankful well wishers. >> who could be stuck inside this vw. when i say inside, i don't mean inside where the doors are. the front grate of this -- >> cat or snake. >> this is what is stuck. >> what's going on there? >> it's a squirrel.
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>> a squirrel that actually hit the car. this was a car squirrel car accident, and the squirrel ended up sliding right in between those front grates. >> see, that was -- >> squirrel. >> squirrel. >> it's a squirrel. >> a squirrel. >> squirrel. >> we're talking about a squirrel. >> what do you do, though, if a squirrel is stuck inside a bmw? you call in the wildlife aid foundation. our friend simon cowell, he is in with his vet nurse, lucy, and they are trying to help get this squirrel unstuck from the bmw, but the squirrel has other ideas about how he is going to get out of the bmw. here's what mr. squirrel decides to do. he even got out on his own. >> oh, my god. he just -- >> he ends up running back where he came from, and the squirrel basically rescued itself. >> good for him.
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>> now, for those of you that didn't grow up in a church with music like this or didn't grow up in the south, this is a holyness dance, and that man right there is bishop terrence roen who is dancing with his daughter, the former bethenny roan, and is he so happy that his daughter is getting married. she's happy too. they are getting down and the band is going off with a little gospel music. >> he feels the spirit. he is feeling it. >> you got james brown moves, but a lot of religious people don't go tout the club and dance, but when you go to church and that music is going like that, look at the -- >> i love this so much. you know this is such an important part for the daughter. you rj, her dance with her daddy, and it doesn't matter what they're dancing to, but bottom line is they're on the dance floor at her wedding, and they're having a phenomenal
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time. >> she's just moving on other to that side and moving on over to that side. >> this is cool. >> it's awesome, and we do have to say that the bride looks absolutely beautiful. stunning. at the end they hug, and people were on their feet for this one. [ cheering ] a video that is nothing but freaky. >> see base jumping done like this. >> oh, no! no, no! >> and what would you tell your teenage self? >> stop hating other girls. stop feeling threatened and insecure and jealous. >> that is the truth. things every girl should know next. nenegatively impact good bacter? even if you're healthy and active. phphilillilipsps d digigesestith support is a duo-probiotic
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power of the mind. >> you betcha. ♪ >> oh! >> he immediately deploys the canopy, and the entire time he is being suspended from this on his back as he is sliding down. >> why? >> now, he has done something very similar before. he has actually had it, and he jumped and -- >> the whole jump took about two minutes. >> he was -- >> my whole thing is when you are parachute, you've got the backup chute, and you can but wra. you're not cutting away. you're making something pretty dangerous one level more dangerous because no matter what happens, you're stuck on that. ♪ >> fortunately, everything seems to go as planned. he landed safely, and tend you see the thing he has just accomplished.
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>> that is not a boolgts of lemonade. as you can see, look how many flies are in there, and who knows how long that's been sitting on what looks like his back patio. >> this is two weeks ago. completely full. >> he says it catches a variety of -- right there on the side. i they this is a nice little appetizer. >> the sad thing there are flies on the top, and nobody is telling them go away. it's like a big old fly disco. he really has ae fly problem. that's all flies. that's all flies for two weeks. that other one was just after a week. now, this video was captured and in utah. the man who posted it say they don't know the exact source of the flies, but they believe they may come from the horse property that is just behind their house.
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>> how do you kill them? >> really big flies. >> you all know my girls? i have you here right now with me to shear this video. >> it gives you all the validation and love, and that is an unreasonable expectation, and co-dpent againedent relationship for you for the next decade. >> wow. that is so on point. >> every teenage girl we know needs to see this. >> stop hating other girls. stop feeling threatened and insecure and jealous because that's just getting in the way of you knowing a really awesome human being. >> that is the truth. >> the girls that you are probably threatened by probably because there's something about them that you really love or
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really admire. if you can identify that and actually admire them instead of hate on them, you realize you could have some amazing life-lasting friendships. >> exactly what she says. there's only one you to be you, and let them be them. >> and everything good comes from a place of love. >> go after what you want. don't be afraid. i fell on my life out of fear, and it wasn't good for me, and it wasn't good for the people in my life, so now i'm doing something i really want to do, make decisions out of love. >> bring in the love. this is the black beast. a super atv vehicle. they do off road, but it's not just for dirt. these guys are riding oef boulders the size of a volkswagen beatle. this, of course, is -- the black beast sometimes finds it meets its match when it comes to
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nare. >> his bdi come out truck back they can spray water and get extra slippy. the black beast is doing their best to track it up. >> foiled again by a puddle. >> the engine starts to smoke, and they think, okay, i don't want to break the engine. back it up. the brakes don't quite work. >> please stop breaking up. >> oh, no. >> and then he ruined the entire truck. >> yeah. let other guys -- maybe you can put the fire out. 6. may day, may day, may day. >> trouble in the air. >> see how an emergency landing has them headed for danger. sfwroo and how to peel a kiwi is one swift swipe. >> are you kidding me?
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closed captioning provided by -- totogood thing she used news b . act braces care mouthwash. it's designed to help clean around braces, frfreseshehen , anand d prp whwhitite e. act braces care.e. smsmilile e ststror. >> talk about being able to be calm, cool, collected when something goes wrong. >> may day, may day, may day. >> now, in this video from jukin, you can hear the engine is having some trouble. the pilot is, like, we have a partial power loss. this means we're going to have to make an emergency landing.
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>> you can see he is trying to make a landing. the pilot proves his training was really good because he was able to land this thing. watch it. he says we're going to hit those trees. it looks like he just ran there, but it's the trees that make a couple of stops. >> oh. >> yes. caught those wings. they're very calm during this whole thing. >> why does he bank to the right? >> also, i think it's turning away from that town. a pilot -- if something like that goes wrong, it's to avoid areas. >> whoever trained him on emergency land, they get an a plus and a tip today. >> i think the pilot gets an a plus. after they landed he tells the guys get out. just get out. >> this is a slaer reminder that
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you always have to plan for the best but prepare for the worst. especially when you are a pilot. >> puppies, pucker up. ♪ >> i know these questions for both of -- >> the highlights. sweet. >> i asked myself every day. >> keeps me awake at night. so hard. >> oh. well, guess what, they have this awesome way to peel a kiwi. >> we're going to start by taking the kiwi on a board and use a sharp knife. next year about to take a glass and rub the fruit over the edge so it completely removes the peel. >> are you kidding me? are you kidding me? >> well done. >> did you see how quick that
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was? >> then we have a perfectly peeled kiwi. ideal for a fruit salad. >> i spent many, many an hour, like, you know, in my life peeling kiwis. >> peeling off that hairy skin is not fun. >> sometimes you give in and you just eat the skin. >> and hair. >> could spite how uncomfortable it is and how -- >> it's so delicious. >> we have four stomachs like a cow. >> this technique also works really well with manningos. >> oh, yeah. you can do it on the mangos. avocado. why didn't i think of this before? it would never occur to me to use a glass to do this. now it occurs to me. you are awesome. thank you. >> you can eat fruit. >> especially kiwi. youan have a kiwi. phones are g- >> unintended consequences have turned up. sfwroo cell phones have made people flakey as [ bleep ]. >> find out a few if you fall
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>> this is like -- >> yeah. back in the day when you are trying to make plans, and it was like pretty much impossible. cell phones came around, and suddenly it's so easy to make plans. the thing is there's an unintended consequence as it turns up, and these guys have made an absolutely amading voted.
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>> it's become increasingly difficult to make plans and keep them. >> everybody is, like, yeah, yeah, yeah, and then you do is follow it up with a reconfirmation where you go, everybody still up? that's when they really figure out pretty much there's three dis ikt people you're dealing with. first we have the latecomers. those that despite the remedial time management skills. second, we have the no shows. those will bail at the last minute. third we have the optimizers. these guys are reluctant to commit baez they're still evaluating whether your plan is the best plan. >> i don't like that. >> what do you think? do you feel that you identify with any of those? >> definitely. if i say i'm going somewhere, i might be a little late. >> i would say i'm probably a late comer too. >> none of them. >> you are none of them? >> i don't think -- i don't fit in there because i'm the one saying, hey, let's go somewhere. >> maybe gale is the mystical force. mystical force. >> there is a possibility of a fourth category.
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those that show up on time, but as the expectation bar indicates, this is highly unlikely. >> we're using cell phone as the excuse why we're becoming flakey, but when in reality it's just us. >> all of this might seem rude, annoying, or just plain [ bleep ], and that's because it is. >> i wonder what gunner is doing. >> there's nothing more cute than a koala mom toting her baby on her back. chris winter says this koala wandered up his driveway, and then it wandered off into the
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building. she notices, oops, i've come to the end of the building. then watch what happens. >> oh. >> he thought she was a flying squirrel. >> but she was okay. >> look at him. there she goes. >> go home, koala. you're drunk. >> here on that dog gone eucalyptus she gave us. then there is a beautiful delightful. that's joe joe. joe joe loves to play with other animals, and in this instance joe joe is caring for these puppies. these puppies were not able to be cared for by their mom, so joe joelayed with puies. >> i think that's adorable. the puppies don't seem to care. they just want a parent. >> i totally love it. i love it when other animals adopt. >> we could all learn from this. we could all get along. we could all care for one another. no matter our differences. >> just really cute. >> that's it for "right this
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it's a new season and a new look this week on sports stars of tomorrow! college football is underway, and we're previewing the season by looking at some of the stories we've done on the names you'll want to know. we'll talk about some new faces and some rising stars who could emerge this year... that's all coming up next!
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