tv Right This Minute FOX September 16, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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. a dad cooks up a joke in a pot. >> on the menu, baby. that is a live baby. >> how the pretend dish is stirring all kinds of real outrage. >> a dude taking his dog skydiving. >> he says he's not scared. >> because he doesn't know what's about to happen. >> the moment riley is ready to jump. >> a new york cyclist is speeding along. >> because he is in the bicycle lane. >> why he's about to hit an obstacle in the road. plus the buzzword for your
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chance to win a new ipad mini. and a new kind of internet challenge. >> called, let me sniff it. >> what happens when we put our noses to the test. >> this is so weird. typically dads aren't the best cooks in the world. well, this guy in saudi arabia, cooked up something that he's in hot water for. on the menmenu? >> this is a joke. >> this is a live baby a dad has put into a cooking pot. jokingly. placed vegetables around it and on top of the kitchen burner which was not on. this went crazy viral on-line. the father getting tons of negative comments. people don't think this is funny at all. >> it's not. like that's such a heartbreaking scene to watch him open that pot lid. >> i don't think the child was
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in actual danger, so i get what he was trying to do. he was trying to be sassy, in the oven, baby in a pot, silly. >> it's just not very clever. >> this is the only time this has happened. a few weeks ago ins west columbus, ohio, the grandmother, jackie of this small baby doing the same thing. posting several pictures obbon social media with the pass fire duct taped to the mouth. >> same thing. >> i have an issue with the duct tape on the face. that is a chemical and could irritate the baby's skin. >> the grandmother did talk to wbns. >> it started over just a joke. we put a little tape on the pascifier because we were being silly. everybody that knows us knows we play around like that. >> jackie said she was paid a visit by child protective services. worse was the on-line fallout,
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the negative comments and harassment they've received. >> it's taught me a lesson. >> yeah. >> what we think is funny that other people don't. it's definitely taught us a lesson. are you ready to skydive? >> that beautiful face you're looking at is reilly a 4-year-old male. he is about to go skydiving. he will be on canine cloud nine. >> he's almost 4. >> that is his owner nathan. every time he lands nathan says that riley is right there waiting for him. so excited to see him. he says riley trusts him. had he's really calm. as you can see here he's not moving. >> riley not moving an inch. >> he says he's really calm, not scared. he says he really enjoyed this. >> he's not scared because he doesn't know what's about to happen. . >> and there you see, they all make a jump and there's reilly. look at reilly wiggling around.
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>> he's jiggling around because he's trying to leave the situation too this is not the first time we've seen a skydiving dog. >> this is cool. >> was it really cool? one thing we haven't seen on the show before a dog in formation skydiving. >> and there he is once the parachute is deployed. look at him. i think he's smiling. look how calm he is. >> yeah. >> he handled it better than most humans would. >> clearly. >> who would handle this better, this dog or beth troutman. >> the dog. >> everything is okay. the dog is happy. everybody comes to pet him. we need another skydiving dog. >> three more tandem dives he would qualify. >> he's so cute. >> some crimes are well planned out. some not so much. first, the well planned out
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crime in an airport in russia. you see an up marked car pull up. watch how these folks are rushing in the airport carrying weapons, they have their helmets on bulletproof vests on. they look official, right. >> they look like just okay, something is going on. you kind of ignore it. >> people are walking by with their luggage taking notice going about their day at the airport. watch what these guys are doing. they start beating up on some people that are just on the other side of that door. you hear them screaming at them. [ inaudible ]. >> these are not official security officers and, in fact, they showed up in a regular car, not anything that was marked. this was a heist basically. reports say those people were carrying in illegal money from kaz zik stap. $3 million. they even tie these people up, hook their hands behind their backs and you see them carry off the cash in bags. seemingly undetected by anyon
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offici business. >> get your hands in the air. >> this happened back in may but this security footage was just released because police need help. they don't have leads yet. >> good luck on that. you can't sees these guys at all. talk about organized crime. >> [ inaudible ]. >> now for the not so well planned crime. actually i should really say this is not so well planned keeping of your bicycle. here's a bike parked inside that gated area. that gated area is wide open. walks in takes the bike. >> if you're going to put it in a gated area, try closing the gate. >> who knows if this fella was planning on stealing a buy. he walked by, saw an opportunity, took the bike. the people need the help of the folks to try to find out who this guy is. >> all right. it's a brand new week and we're giving away another ipad mini in just a little while. >> you're going to need monday's
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buzzword. you need to be 18 years old or older and a legal u.s. resident. >> the buzzword coming up in a little bit. >> stand by for the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. >> the next video brings me back to my gaming days in the '80s when i was playing paperboy. a helmet guy of a guy cycling through new york. now a little traffic. it is new york city after all. he is making his way. we're okay. look out. a taxi stopped on the side of the road. >> oh. >> he was doing so well. >> i know. it's game over. but basically what we have here, this is dan conner, something he posted to his youtube channel about him getting doored. this is a perfect example because he is in the bicycle lane. the taxi is stopped on the side, not supposed to be dropping it off. the fare opens the door, doesn't see the bike coming and he goes flying. >> you said that's not where cabs are meant to ride people off. >> i don't ride in bike lanes. >> that's the cab driver. the two girls getting out of the
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car. very apologetic. >> so sorry. i didn't see you coming. >> it's really hard to see bikers coming. >> the cabbie starts to realize he wants to maybe stop at the girls. >> watch out. >> he told you, watch out for the guy on the bike and you still opened the door. >> you didn't hear me. >> everybody is okayp. get back in the cab and get gone. >> the cab driver sorts berating the girls. in fact, the guy knocked over by these girls starts defending them. >> you're the professional in the situation. you should know better than to park next to the bike lane. >> police did show up. driver is contending it's the fare's responsibility. the girls that got out, they busted his door. he's trying to say maybe this is what's going on. he's not in any trouble or anything like that. he only has bumps and bruises. the driver did call him that night to check up on him. riders pull out all the
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stops to take home the win. >> this is mind blowing. >> wait until you see the big trick that comes out on top. >> and. >> hi. >> a mission to rescue a parrot. >> stuck 50 feet in a tree. >> question. >> yeah. >> isn't a parrot supposed to be in a tree? >> the long climb up to bring him back down safely. grgrililleled d chchicick, frfresesh h grgreeeensns, , avavococadado,o, t torortitill, anand d a a drdrizizze of margarita sauce, alall l seservrveded w witith . chili's fresesh h memex x s from our lunch combo menu ststarartitingng a at t . momorere l lifife e hahapp. >> and.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. when it comes to freestyle mountain bike trickery it's the best trick competition that everybody wants to see. this is a red bull competition in germany. part of the red bull district ride. look at that all set up in the piza. here it goes one of yourrs, one trks up and off the ramp. spinning handle bars. >> you're thinking that is incredible. that's got to win.
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the next guy steps up. >> this stuff is just mindblowing. >> it is. >> what blew the minds of the judges and the crowd was the winning big trick jump by simon. bike goes up and over his head. his forearms rest against those handle bar extensions. he pulls the back bike. continues to complete and landses. that is what's called a tsunami flip. never been done before. first ever tsunami flip in competition. and as a matter of fact, that's the first time that he has ever done it himself on dirt. just decided to go out there and threw it and landed it. >> that was unbelievable. >> it's amazing. i almost feel like they all should be [ inaudible ]. >> they may. and probably chasing him at the next competition. >> bamboo goes skateboarding. ♪
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♪ there will always be room on our show for some dash cam crash videos. i have two of them. coming up to an intersection. watch this. >> oh. >> who was at fault here? were there lights. i don't see lights anywhere. i don't see stop signs. were you supposed to stop out of good heartedness. >> i don't see anything. >> i didn't see a stop sign. i didn't even see a line on the road. >> i think -- >> i'm confused.
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[ speaking foreign language ] >> this one is especially dangerous because you see that the light goes from flashing green to yellow to red. >> oh, my gosh. >> what an idiot. >> look at the pedestrians just wandering off in the back. no problem. no big deal. >> walk right past, kind of expecting to see that as they cross. >> there was just another day in russia. the nexts web famous cat, see honey bee's rescue story next "right this minute." and still to come -- youtube stars unite to limbo. >> watch this. ♪ >> how do they do this. >> the story behind the laid back stunt. >> that's brilliant. >> plus it's another day, so we've got another ipad mini to
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♪ i'm limited high and low >> he's not the only one. it's also our friend stuart. >> i want that 1987 jacket he's wearing. that is awesome. ♪ >> this not a video, but devin also in limbo. this is the music video to a sopg called "avenue" by scott and brendo. they're friends with these guys so theyeced on theusic video, make something really if fun. they're not the only ones featured. samantha, harris, christian, and jeremy. >> this is brilliant on their part because think about the combined subscribers of all of these people. they're going to have millions of views the first day. >> i want to try. ♪ >> how do they do this? >> they did provide a
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behind-the-scenes video where they show us exactly how they did it and it's pretty awesome. >> so low tech, i love it. >> that's brilliant. >> oh, yeah. like a radio flier with a bunch of boards. >> they all just drerest on the by 4 and walk down the street. >> this is my life now. >> cool to see all of these youtubers together, like they live in youtube la la land and they have found success and live in that pocket. >> the song is available on itunes. we have a video here from the canopy cat rescue guys going up into the trees to rescue lucky. instead of being a cat, lucky is, in fact, a parrot. stuck 50 feet up in a tree. >> hi. >> question. >> yeah. >> isn't a parrot supposed to be in a tree? >> yeah. i was going to say, do you consider a member of the bird family actually stuck in a tree? >> as ridiculous as this is, a
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guy climbing to rescue a bird in a tree. he's a pet of a local vet and they love her. he's talking to the bird. only here he's right right next to the guy and what happens is, obviously he used to be owned by a pirate because he pops on the guy's shoulder and wanting to get rescued. >> good bird, aren't you? >> he's very friendly, very, very calm. and then he moves over on to the guy's chest. >> and then poops all over his shirt. >> ride down pirate style. pirate style, i don't put you in a bag. >> he's climbing down. a bit of a moment where he sort of loses it a little bit. >> oh. >> oops. there he goes. it's okay. the parrot is calm and a nice descent and hands the bird back to the owner. >> thank you. >> who seems only too happy to get it back. there we go. >> that's the way. >> dramatic bird rescue from a tree, ladies and gentlemen.
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the next video we rescue a gold fish from a bowl. all right it's ipad mini giveaway time. >> you need the buzzword, be 18 years or older and a local u.s. resident. >> and then head over and click on the win an ipad mini button. >> enter op each every day. >> ready to reveal monday's buzzword. >> yep. >> it is premier. >> get over to click on the win an ipad mini button and enter monday's buzzword, premier. premi-r-e-m-i-e- p-r-e-m-i-e-r-e. >> good luck, everybody. >> it's a challenge where you have to get really close and sniff it. >> what happens if you lose? >> bagel. >> this is a big thing on youtube now. >> see what happens when we try to pick up the scent.
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the game. katie loves to floor sign. ♪ i've got a video for you guys, going crazy viral, you have a challenge, i'm not going to lie, like a fetish, let me sniff it. it's from the youtube channel. rose on the left, ellen on the right. >> what you do, you buy a load of chapstick that smell delicious and put them on your significant other or friend you're close to. use the gag as what flavor, what smell, whatever. >> it's the chapstick challenge.
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you put that flavor on your friend and then -- >> smell me, beth. >> sniff that chapstick to find out what that flavor is. they're going to give us an example. >> what happens if you lose? >> bagel. >> anybody have any chapstick on them. >> yes, i do. >> oh. >> this one. >> here. turn around. i'm going to turn around for a second. >> nobody can see. put it on your lips. >> all right. sniff me, christian. >> go ahead. >> this is so weird. >> musky. >> that's nick. >> that's my mustache. >> chap stick. >> vanilla mint. >> did you put some on? >> yes. >> is it mint? >> spearmint. >> yeah. >> bubble gum. >> no. i'm chewing gum. >> what's wrong with you?
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it's the skydive from hell with close calls, tangled chutes and just when -- >> you think the drama is done. >> see why the landing just may be the hardest part. a man is handcuffed on the ground when a danish cop. >> sprays pepper spray right in his face. >> internet video leading to international outrage. she's being rescued from her car in a flood. >> doesn't go as planned. >> how the over the shoulder move goes overboard. plus the buzzw
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