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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  September 18, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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stand by, stand by. >> a motorcycle cop gets no warning when a suspect floors it. and takes out his bike. >> what happens when one hard hit leads to another. >> the daredevils take highlines to new heights. that's not all they're doing. watch this. >> these are mid-air limbo games with their wing suit buddies. you are seeing a time lapse of a vehicle being 3-d printed. >> meet the man behind history in the making. >> i mean, it was thrilling for us. it has been an epic journey. >> the buzz word for your chance to win an ipad mini.
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>> and she is pestering mom about her blonde hair. >> what you doing white hair? >> you better get out of my face. >> the little girl who is laying down the law. >> your hair is supposed to be white. >> that says a lot for a lot of women of all color. this is one of those awesome extreme videos. this video posted on the youtube channel. it involves flashlining in france. so scary looking. >> it's nerve racking to see this, right? that's not all they're doing. watch this. you've got wing suit pilots now jumping down and flying down the side of the rock here. they do -- oh! >> they buzz the tower. >> they flew right under this
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line as a flat liner was on it. >> i am constantly surprised by the amount of lift you can get from a wing suit. when they jumped up, i'm sure they had to plummet. >> this is a good video. this is good. >> extreme footage. >> when is the next step in the wing suits plus lining. what extra sport can we add into this to make it the next level? >> funny you mention that. at the very end, a speed flier decides he is going to go under this flat wing, as well. >> it's a whole different breed of people. i want to hang out with them, but i fear they would be so terribly bored by me. >> our next video takes us to jolly old england, home of the queen and tea and weird translations of tomato. >> and criminals, i tell you. >> this is for essex police. they are looking for luke and teresa, not only wanted for
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breaching bail conditions but in connection for a series of robbies and thefts of over 500 pounds worth. >> that's a lot of money. >> i feel essex police is looking for them for these reasons, as well. our first video, we see them being pulled over by a motorbike cop. >> stand by, stand by. >> you hear there the policeman say, stand by, stand by. they are swapping drivers. what i'm thinking is the male or female, the guy was getting into the driver's side of the car because he is planning on doing something stupid. he backed into the motor officer. >> he has the car into reverse and takes out the policeman and his bike. they drive away. you can hear him call for an ambulance to come help him. they speed off into the distance. the video switches to another video. another car being pulled over. it's the same couple. >> no way. >> yes.
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>> different day, same couple, but in a different vehicle. he's got the lights on. the policeman gets out of the car. >> this is already making me nervous because of what they did in the last video. >> this officer has no clue who they are yet or how dangerous they are. just as he passes in front of his vehicle, they do the same thing, pull it in reverse, takes out the officer, floors it. it's a weird thing to do just backing his car. still wanted by the police. a couple of surveillance videos for you guys. police need the help of our viewers. this first video in a liquor store in middletown, ohio. this is the nascar drive-through. this is this guy's first drive through. >> he bought items, but evidently he saw something he didn't get that he wanted. >> watch all these cars get
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through. you'll notice that same car coming through again. he says he has something else in mind. this dude ball is dirty. he gets out carrying what looks like a shotgun. the clerk thought it was so. he goes inside. he was about to come back out with his item. he forces her to set everything down on the counter. it looks like he takes what maybe was her cell phone. then he forces her to open the cash register, which she does. watch him take his own sweet time and clean that cash register out. as he is leaving, he notices that another car pulls in. when you see him come back out to get in his car, you notice that gun is gone. it's because he left it behind. he didn't want the truck behind him to see that gun. turns out it was a bb gun. police released this footage because they want to know if anyone recognizes they guy. they still have his prints. it seems a lot of criminals in
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these videos don't know how to put on gloves. some don't know how to put on shirts. check this dude ball shrevepor. at a ups store. >> no one else has got that tattoo. >> first he starts ripping open boxes to see if he can find anything. he is going to a store that sells empty boxes. then he tries to grab this board and pry open this security gate. >> so this is after hours. this is where people can get their mail. judge, right. he starts shoving the copy machine over. >> he probably got a text alert saying his package had been delivered. >> police haven't found this fellow. they are hoping somebody will recognize this. get ready. the rtm ipad mini give away is coming up. >> you'll need wednesday's buzz word. you need to be 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident.
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>> "right this minute" mini ipad give away coming up. >> henry ford made history when he created the automotive assembly line. history has been rewritten with this. >> no way. >> yeah. >> what you are seeing right before your eyes is a time lapse of a vehicle being 3-d printed. that is the local motor strati, printed live at the chicago international manufacturing technology show. it took 44 hours for the car to print out. they had other prefabricated parts they added to and completed the car on the show floor. the first time in history that has ever been done. this version is electric powered. they believe that some day you will be able to go into a dealership, say, i would like my car to look like this. i would like it to fit me like this and print your car out. >> the technology is astounding.
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to tell us more about it and how it works is ceo jay rogers from local motors. this must have been such an exciting moment for you and local motors. >> it was thrilling for us. it has been an epic journey with our community trying to design the world's first digitally manufactured car. we decided to pressure the situation doing it in public. we didn't know if we could get it done on time. we had a great time on a sun-lit chicago day on a car that didn't exist two days prior. >> when it's printing, what are you printing? >> it is carbon fiber reenforced abs plastic. the same plastic used in lego. lego doesn't have the carbon fiber reenforcement. >> is this street legal? >> it will be. we'll start it out as a neighborhood electric vehicle and will work for certification for these types of vehicles on the highway.
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jud >> what is your hope for future? >> this is a disruption in manufacturing. there is no longer a tooling cost to make a car. the cost of buying a car and the time to get one will become radically less. we think in the next 12 months, we'll be able to have the first model of these cars out on the roads so you can drive them. >> what do they cost to produce one now? >> we are looking at less than 50 parts for this car as opposed to 20,000. you have an opportunity to make the car, not only cheaper because it is no tooling costs, but cheaper because it's simpler to build. that is the change we are looking at we hope to bring these to markets somewhere between $18,000 to $20,000 to the customer. >> one of the world's top competitive eaters is taking on the tiny hamster. find out if size matters when
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taken down hot dogs. >> and dude's got serious skill on the bike. >> but he is going head-long, head-on straight into oncoming traffic and dodging them at the last second. >> a dangerous game of wheelie on the road. ththisis i is s kakaththlel. setting up the perfect wedding day begins witith h ararththriritid two pills. afafteternrnoooon n ararririveg good, bubut t heher r knkneeee p pa. that's two more pills. ththe e evevenenining'g's s eves laughter, joy, and more pain... whwhenen j jamamieie s saya. whwhatat's's t thahat t lilikeks today? yeah... i i cacan n tatakeke 2 2 a aley relief. rerealallyly, , anand.. anand d ththatat's's i. ththisis i is s kakaththl. fofor r mymy a artrthrhrititiw choose aleve. get all day y ararththrirititin relief with an easy-open cap.
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music competition in denmark. the musician is performing. this is her competition piece. so beautiful and attractive was this melody that before she knew it, she had attracted a fan she didn't anticipate. did you see that? it just landed on her head. >> what is that? >> it's a butterfly that decided to come hang out.
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uki, though, does not miss a beat. she keeps playing. the funny thing is when the butterfly first lands on her face, she almost crosses her eyes. this does not go anywhere until the end when it finally flies off. >> i bet that tickles, too. >> performers don't worry about butterflies. >> you do have a combination you would not necessarily see. we know this japanese competitive eater. his competitor this time is the tiny hamster. we've seen him eat on our show before. he eats the mini burritos. oh, yeah. he just got even cooler becau because -- look at this guy.
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in his little hamster jaws. finally the bell rings. competition is over. you see this board, it's 11-10. hamster wins. >> this is the single best video on the internet. this is it. the internet's done. >> i think you guys are going to be as conflicted about this video as i am. the guy goes by the name d-block. he is incredibly skilled on his bicycle, riding wheelies through the city. the stunts he's pulling are awesome. he's got incredible control. back and forth. the guy never lets the front wheel touch the ground. he is riding through very public streets. he is going head-long, head-on, straight into oncoming traffic and dodging them at the last second. dodging buses. speeding past pedestrians and dodging pedestrians. i love the guy and the way he
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rides, but some of the stuff he does just seems stupid. >> he could really injure somebody if he has one false move, makes one bad decision. he is coming inches away from people who are just trying to cross the street. he doesn't know how they are going to react either. he immediately swerves away from them. how does he know they are not going to react in the same directio >> stupid! stupid! i've lost all respect for you skilled man. that was stupid. >> you are amazing, but stop. >> you got your starbucks pumpkin spice latte. what about a cupcake? how to turn this into a delicious dessert? >> want a chance to win an ipad mini? all you need is wednesday's buzz word.
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the shark, normally a pretty apex predator of the sea. not in this case. in this case, shark is losing a battle to a moray eel.
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this is in the water maldeves. >> look at that. he's eating the whole thing. >> all you see is the tip of the shark's tail. >> moray eels are intense predators, but not used to eating sharks. >> it looks like the shark got away in the end. >> another video that will mess with the way you think of the world. that is a cat who is best friends with an owl. >> owl starting to move. owl is cleo and the cat is forbey. they forged this friendship when they were very young. now they are inseparable. they live in the home of a brazilian biologist. >> the cat is supposed to be trying to eat the bird. >> this is an actual real video.
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the reason why we are all thinking it's fall is because of starbucks. they released pumpkin spice latte. the lines are long. how about a cupcake? >> this is a delicious fall recipe and it's right around the corner. >> cookies, cupcakes and cardio has come up with a way where you can make your own pumpkin latte cupcakes. >> that is so much more appealing than the drink, actually. >> i agree. >> they make it from scratch. you'll need flour, eggs, everything else, but also 8 ounces canned pumpkin, nutmeg, clove and cinnamon and espresso powder. combine them together. she puts this thing together. when it's all baked. this is what it looks like. you have a pumpkin spice latte cupcake. >> there is nothing better than a moment where you tell us we
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will be trying this. >> blah, blah, blah, if you don't have some of these by the end of this, i'm going to smack somebody. >> i'm not going to talk any more. you can't let me get through my story. bring them on out. >> she has them! >> nina, one of our resident chefs made them for us. >> holy mother of lord. >> well done, sir. >> very, very good. >> this is delicious. i love me some cupcakes and i love these. they're so good. >> these are so good. >> if you want to see how to make these cupcakes for yourself, go to and click on today's show. it's ipad mini give away time. >> you'll need the buzz word, need to be at least 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. >> head over to "right this minute" and click on the win ipad button. >> enter on facebook, twitter or
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both. >> wednesday's buzz word. it is award. >> go to and click on the win ipad button and enter award. yeds rekids do say the darn thing. >> you think you're caucasian because you put on that blonde hair.
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>> i'm in. >> kids have questions about identity because they are growing, they're learning that people have differences. this little black girl has definite opinions about differences with her mom. >> do you think you caucasian? why you got the white hair? >> oh, my goodness, lord jesus.
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this is my hair. >> her daughter tells mom you think you're caucasian because you're putting on that blonde hair. >> i don't think i'm caucasian. >> why do you have white hair? you are african america. >> you better get out of my face. >> i think comerica has their new spokesperson. >> what do you think you are? >> african comerica. >> that's not how you say it. >> how do you say it? >> african-american. >> i'm african-american. >> i have white hands. so i'm caucasian. >> mom cracked up laughing. >> i think she has a good sense of humor. i think she is just ribbing mom, trying to get mom going.
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>> lord jesus. >> she breaks down why her mom should not be wearing the blonde hair. it has nothing to do with black or white differences. >> my hair is black. you are hair is supposed to be black. you are not supposed to be wearing wigs. >> that says a lot. a lot of women of all colors. wear i wearing weaves and wigs. >> keep it natural. >> that's our show. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute."
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it's one of life's greatest mysteries. what really happens when you die? heaven was elieve real? >> i've interviewed people and come back to life and described their adventures. times.eart stopped three before coming back i encountered being. >> the truth about omegas. which do you need and which can you trust? dr. oz. next on >> a heart stops beating and brain activity is silenced. death.s clinical but it may not be the end. today the investigative who hasst


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