tv News at 5pm FOX October 7, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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student came forward and said lloyd rubbed her chest. >> mr. lloyd says he's done nothing wrong. he's never been in trouble. he's been a teacher, his father was a school administrator for many years, education is in their family. >> lloyd's attorney said the teacher claims he's innocent. the deputy district attorney on this case says they have ample evidence to prove their case. >> it's a strong case, we feel the evidence will support the charges we filed. we're encouraging anyone who has reason to believe their child has been a victim to come forward. >> lloyd is expected to be back in court on october 17th where he's expected to make a plea. besides no bail he's not allowed anywhere near the victim. if convicted he could face life
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in prison. murder charges dismissed against a gilroy doctor accused of being connected to the stabbing death of his wife. he was accused of hiring a friend to kill his wife. the friend fled to ecuador. his attorney said galvis acted alone to swindle a couple out of a condo in ecuador. video captured an attack, you see two women walking down the street and the woman pushing the shopping cart attacks the 85-year-old. this was on alston way, police are just now releasing the video. the victim was hurt.
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the giants take on the washington nationals in an hour as they try to wrap-up the national league division playoff series, it's what fans are calling postseason torture. how superstitious fans are rallying behind their team. >> they are superstitious. game time in an hour. things are getting busy, it's busy at the bars and restaurant, a lot on the line, fabs say getting the series wrapped up to come down to them. >> when it comes to winning games, especially the ones that really matter, it's not about what the team is doing, it's what we're doing. >> my lucky fingernail polish. lucky hat, lucky jacket, the scarf, the gloves. >> it's important. >> whenning this works we stick
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with it. >> my son made this bracelet and the giants went on a hot streak. >> winning is how we put our shoes on. >> put my left shoe on first and tie it before the right. >> i got my orange eye shadow and earrings. maybe where we live or used to live. >> i moved away to connecticut be then the day after i moved they won. as long as i stayed in connecticut they won. >> it could come down to what we do during the game. >> if you sit in one seat and they win you can't move away. >> it's that lucky shirt or hat or the one we thought was lucky. >> i thought it was lucky, i checked my mind. >> i wore a different hat yet. >> true fans know that wins and losses are determined by what they do.
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>> they know if all else fails and we can't blame ourselves we'll blame each other. >> back out here live outside at&t park, things are very busy. how does the victory or the loss effect businesses? we'll have that at 6:00. a county school calling the arrest of its principal bizarre. in a letter the head of the branson school board said woody price is not welcome on the campus. we're hiring extra support to protect the school from unwanted protection. woody price was arrested along with brittany hall. they were charged with several felonies, price has been principal since 2006. the school held an assembly to
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talk with students about their concerns. in new york city hospitals are sending actors into the emergency rooms with mock symptoms. today the army general in charge of troops being sent to liberia said the effort will cost $750 million over six months and tried to assure americans that the troops will be safe. >> we will do everything in our power to address and mitigate the risk to our service members, contractors and their families. >> concern has 14 since a nurses aid became sick. her husband and other contacts are monitored and authorities plan the euthanize her dog. here in northern california,
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kaiser hospital says it will be giving educational packets to staff members and holding ebola drills. the obama administration announced plans to step up airport screenings. what changes travelers could face. >> the cdc is working on heightened protocols for travel screeners after declaring the crisis a top national security priority. >> it is an issue for our safety and the economic stability of the region. >> officials tell me they are waiting for word on what changes to implement. agents are screening travelers for any signs of illness. julie fisher says taking travelers temperature would flag a potentially sick person.
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>> one of the main symptoms is fever. that's something you can look for. a symptom that can be measured objectively. >> the new measures will be announced in the coming days. >> we want to ensure anything we do works. >> the director has spoken with presidents from all three western country, they want to know what more they can go to make sure america does not restrict travel. in syria, a key down to border is about to be overrun by islamic state fighters. cowbane has been under attack for three weeks. turkey has not committed to using ground forces. some argue that turkey does not want to defend kurdish
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fighters. in istanbul pro kurdish demonstrations were broken up. emergency crews are busy at the scene of a water main break in san carlos. traffic is not allowed on that street. the water appears to have caused damage to homes. no word on what caused that pipe to break. an uber car and another vehicle crashed in the western edition. the crash damaged two aparked cars. the people are expected to be okay. a gas leak send three employees to the hospital. the restaurant was evacuated and when fire crews arrived they shut down the gas and electricity. they opened up all the doors
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and windows to let the restaurant air out. >> we've opened up the building to let the natural air vent late the gas out of the business. we used the blowers to get the gas out. >> employees complained of headaches and scratchy throat. a judge deciding what type of punishment pg&e should get got an ear fuel. they are accused of having secret meetings with the public out tilts -- utilities commission. >> a judge heard testimony about what penalties pg&e should face regarding secret contacts. the violations include discussions on how to get a more favorable judge and
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trading higher rates for political favors, the judge is considering high rates for excuses. pg owe says the penalties should be tempered by the disclosure of the violations, firing of executors and the hiring of an over sierra. >> over sierra. >> pg&e does not deserve to be trusted. >> there needs to be an independent investigation and independent monitor. >> for says antipg&e forces sudden the upc be trusted. >> the culture is broken. >> there's a huge cloud hanging over the commission. >> the u.s. justice department is investigating the e-mails
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for potential criminal violations by pg&e. we'll shower rate payer money on you, if you can't to what i think is important. that's corruption. >> thank goodness the feds are involved. the state of california haven't lifted a finger. >> whatever the state finds and recommends to used. two members are deeply implicated in the mess. >> there's a public meeting on the ongoing traffic problems at levi stadium. the police, the 49ers and the valley transportation authority are hosting it. it's set to go until 8:30 p.m.
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a series of burglaries in fremont. new at 5:00, the victims and what the thieves are doing with the gear. >> this video production company was one of three businesses targeted by burglars. you can see where police have dusted for fingerprints. >> plywood covers the holes where thieves broke into core microsystem. >> surveillance video shows where thieves cut through it. two men crawling perhaps to avoid motion detectors. you can see them taking video cameras, production equipment
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and computers. about $170,000. >> i feel violated for someone that came in here. >> the same weekend thieves -- thieves stole from black magic design. they took a crow bar. >> to thinking is they are related based upon the loss being unique. it's video camera and video production equipment. >> video shows go men stealing boxes of equipment hours before the threats at core microsystems. leaving and returns. mac house productions shot promotions for "american idol." >> we're terrified of being here late at night. it's not comfortable. >> we've a third piece of
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microvideo from burlingame. the thieves appear similar to those at mac house. the stolen equipment can end up anywhere. reporting live, rob roth, change two news. the public will see earthquake warning sings in an effort to pressure owners to make sure the profit meets requirements. last year the city sent out letters to owners of 6600 buildings asking them to fill out a cbs13ing form -- screening form. >> it was warm inland. areas along the coast cool we're the fog, the general
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trend is with a cool off. monday was nothing that cool look at the clouds. high clouds made for a beautiful sunset. they will do the same, tropical moisture coming over the top. at the surface fog, that's a high cloud, the brighter stuff, the lower is the darker colored stuff. i've got fog in the avenues of san francisco. fog in the bay area. twin peaks, a live camera shot. those are you can see the towers and the bay bridge, you get a feel for the fog pushing inland. temperature cooler than they were today. that's the general trend for a basic cool off. overnight lows, like we had last night. the cold spots, you're going to find temperature in the mid-
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40's. most of us tomorrow, upper 40s and mid-50s. maybe upper 50s. you get out in the hinterlands you will find a 49 or 50. the forecast for the fog in the mornings, right back to the coast, here come the temperature, fog, doesn't bush back, stays at the coast. temperature 90s in the inland valley. san joaquin, napa, any degrees. the temperature cooling off. coastal low clouds and fog in response though this weather system. cooler tomorrow, that's been the general trend, this keeps ongoing as we go through time. the temperature trending down into the bay area thursday. the forecast highs tomorrow. 93 in vacaville. a baseball game at the
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ballpark. 64 for that. first pitch at 6:07. the forecast for tomorrow, the 5-day forecast coming up, if i can find it. anyway. when i come back i'll have the 5-day forecast. a computer glitch, as we go into the next couple days a cooling trend that will help with the fire danger, air quality and the whole bit. by sunday the fire danger will come back up. a crime-fighting tool in your pocket. and the success agents are seeing with it. freaking out the whole time, i told my daughter the sit still. >> she was pulled over for not having a car seat, but she didn't get a ticket. now to the newsroom. >> coming up a young woman wakes up in the middle of the night to find a strange man in her bedroom.
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>> my daughter was terrified and waking up to her screams was scary. >> the breeze especially home invasion and the length he went to break into their home. voters will decide when to tack sodas and other sugary drinks. you might be surprised how much is being spent. these and more new at 6:00. tie i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46.
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oh chris, did you remember to pay the dog sitter? oh, i knew i forgot something. i'll just do it now. well, we're boarding. no, i'll use citi mobile. it takes two seconds, better safe than sorry, right? yeah, who knows if we'll even get service on the island? what! no service? seriously? you guys might actually have to talk. to each other? we do it all the time. i like it. should we? no. bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. to learn more, visit hey! welcome home! woah, this kitchen looks beautiful. hey mom! it's bigger! it's great, right? give him the tour. let me show you! quartz countertop, soft-close drawers,
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. firefighters pulled an injured man out of this house. fire caused significant damage to the home. the home was boarded up and squattered were staying there. a mother pulled over because her daughter was not in a car seat. jan it -- janice allen shows the kind gesture. ben hall was on patrol when he got the call. >> there was a young child that didn't have a car seat, and was standing around in the vehicle. >> the mom was in the vehicle, her friend behind the wheel and her 5-year-old daughter in the back without a booster seat. >> the first response was oh, crap, we're going to get a
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ticket. i told me daughter to sit still and be quiet. >> she admitted he was wrong, she fell upon hard times. her car was repossessed with the booster seat in it. >> we're living paycheck to paycheck, borrowing money from friends. >> the officer's response and what happened next on that traffic stop is something she never expected. >> he said meet me at wal-mart in 15 minutes. he bought a booster seat. >> a ticket doesn't solve the situation. what solves it is a child being in a booster seat. it the easiest $50 i could have spent. >> i'm almost at a loss for words. he didn't have to do that. >> she can't thank the officer enough, not only for not giving
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her a ticket but for giving her hope. >> he did his job and beyond that to protect a little girl. >> this is something that anybody in the same position in our position would do, if i did it, i could do it again i would. >> what a smart move. following a controversial proposal in san francisco. >> minute as guy san francisco passed new legislation on rentals. what it will mean for tenants. tourist and property owners. getting child predators behind bars. it's working. a woman diagnosed with terminal cancer leaves the bay area to oregon where she can legally end her own life. ♪
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you'll connect with your doctor any time, anywhere. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. ♪ become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ . the two sides of a plan to regulate air b and b and other short-term housing came to a head. the volt vote changes the way
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people rent rooms in the city. >> this has been in the works for two years and just after 5:15 the legislation was passed. >> the pictures are calm and composed but the debate over rentals has been anything butter is even -- but serene. the vote on regulating short- term apartment rentals. for some the income has changed their lives. >> it allowed me to have dental work done. it allowed us to offer help to our son who has a huge college debt. >> our fear we'll lose thousands of units. >> opposition has united some
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landlord and tenant group that spurred eviction. >> i have no problem with machine sharing their sofa. when it your private space you won't want to rent it out so often. >> the status quo is not working. >> the board of supervisors created a public registry, requires taxes and rim its rentals to 90 days a year. >> we've heard good 80s -- ideas we have incorporated. >> the legislation requires units to follow rent control laws and liability insurance and face financial penalties for failing to report ren --
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rental tates. reports live in san francisco. kdka tv news -- tkvu news. paying for neighbor security programs. the money would have gone to the funding of private security controls, burglar alarms and sense or lives. the council says her proposal was defeated because the council wanted the funds to go into the police reserve. despite the fact there's $10 million in the reserve. >> a smart phone app is in the hand of more smart phone users, today it became available for android phones and all platforms in spanish. is easy to understand and may help them get the tips to catch wanted child predators.
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>> there's times we exhaust all leads and we know that someone knows this person, and seen them before. >> federal agents say they were able to capture suspects hours after the first release. if you recognize one of the suspects there's a link. >> police in palo alto are increasing patrols after a man exposed himself to a girl walking home from school. it was on bryant street. more about the man and the other measures being taken to protect students. >> young girls are often walking along bryant street. it was in the 1600 block a man in the pickup truck started following a 14-year-old yesterday. he pulled up next to her. >> she looked in the car. the male was fully exposed. touching himself. he turned around and called 911 and he took off. >> the incident prompted police
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to increase patrols. they will focus on routes heavily traveled from students walking to and from school. parents are glad to hear about the response. >> i have two daughters that go to this school. >> there's not similar incidents reported but they don't want to take chances. >> it something that we hope doesn't escalate. that we can catch this guy before he does it again, or takes it to the next level. >> authorities want parents to talk to their children and advise them to be aware of their surroundings. >> we've trained them since they were level. even in defensive courses. we're aware of it. >> the suspect is described as a white man in his 30s with short brown hair and a medium
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build. police stay a sketch may be done once officers speak to the victim again. months of training gone when a try athlete is hit in the middle of the her race. >> whenever they were going was more important than a human life. >> the driver she says was responsibility didn't stop. the chp is not sure if this is a hit and run. >> casting doubt on a common practice. and the popular tool that may be distracting drivers the most. stirring up complaints about the bay area, how a swarm of ants nearly killed him and the man who stepped in to save his life.
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oh chris, did you remember to pay the dog sitter? oh, i knew i forgot something. i'll just do it now. well, we're boarding. no, i'll use citi mobile. it takes two seconds, better safe than sorry, right? yeah, who knows if we'll even get service on the island? what! no service? seriously? you guys might actually have to talk. to each other? we do it all the time. i like it. should we? no. bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app.
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to learn more, visit . mountain view police are talking about a man attacking unsus expecting victims. russ ever kershaw is the attacker. sucker punching and injuring two men on grant road. the attacks happened two days apart on september 26 and the 28th. a police officer saw our report and noticed the similarities between the attacks and one of
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his cases. >> so basically from the story that ktvu ran that friday, one of the santa clara police officer had a similar incident happen. he contacted us and let us know about that incident. >> investigators are looking to other police department to see if kershaw assaulted anyone else. >> call john doe. triple-a says smart phones can be complex and inaccurate and requires more concentration. the crown adds that apple voice search led to 1 of the highest level of distractions. but technology can be the solution if it easier to use. >> technology has created the
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distracted problem but it could solve it. >> a similar study was done in the bay area, researchers tracked drivers brain activity and eye movement and voice command was one of the most distracting things someone can to behind the wheel. the national highway safety administration has issued guideline. the noble prize for physics went to 3 scientist. this years prize is about like. >> light. died ons that light up smart phones. two are from japan, and the third is from uc santa barbara.
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organizers call i'd bark in the park, a chance for military and police dogs to show off their skills to public. handlers say for the dogs it's a game -- game. jillian is a lab being trained to help people in wheelchairs. >> we look for mellow dogs who are most interested in working for their people. has to have a good workettic, -- ethic and a drive to redrive. dogs were on hand to demonstrate how they serve and protect the public. the parade of ships at 11:00 on friday morning. ship tours this weekend and the airshow starts at 12:30 with the blue angles at 3:00. they are the bay area most common pest complaint. tonight we hear from a man who had a near death experience
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from a swarm of ants. >> my face, i was blue, my tongue and lips were swollen. >> how he ended up in shock from ants. went from having years of time being told i had six months. >> the choice that's making national headlines, a woman leaves the bay area to oregon where she's allowed to end her own life. after the break we're talking about the fog pushing in and the temperature continue to drop. i'll have the expects for your backyard after the break.
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. >> new at 5:00, it doesn't matter how clean your house is people are dealing with plants. one agency gets more complaints about ants than any other pest. the sudden end appearance can be blamed on the drought. >> from 5:00 a.m. to 1 in the afternoon, pest tech negligence goes from -- technician goes from house to house. >> it's a small infestation. dealing with a particular pest. >> it more of a common nusance ant. >> they are a problem across the area. ants are the most common complaint right now of the their appearance is drought driven. >> right now with people not
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watering as much. when it's dry, they need water and they will come in houses, get sweat on pipes. >> there's 101 species of ants. most are harmless, the central valley has fire attributes. >> all of a sudden -- ants. i looked down and my legs and feet were warming. they were covered with ants. >> he was stung a hundred times while changes a tire. he went into shock. >> i was blue, my tongue and lips were swollen. >> a chp officer helped resuscitate him. >> i can't put it in words. >> the type of ant that attacked him was probably a fire ant. not the kind you commonly find in a yard. the most common ant is the argentine attribute. they don't -- ant.
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they don't have stingers, but he came away from his experience with a healthy respect. >> i keep my distance now. >> in a few hours joe biden is scheduled to arrive in the bay area for a fundraiser in fran. part of his -- san francisco. part of his four day swing. earlier today the vice president was at a bakery in los angeles. from there he saided to bakersfield before he comes here. and president obama is coming to the bay area this week. he will be at a fundraiser at the w hotel on friday. this will be the president's 19th visit to the bay area since taking office. the chp is looking for a vehicle responsible for the injury of a triathlete.
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bailey highness was knock -- heins was knocked off her bike. a passing struck hit a orange cone which his her bicycle. she broke her elbow and shoulder blade. >> love your sport so much so, to have that tape away from -- taken away from you,is tough. >> the chp said they are looking for the driver to determine if he knew he hit the cone and the cone hit heins. >> the weather is going up and down. down and then up. >> it was up over the weekend, it trended down, as we head to next weekend fire danger is coming up and temperature back in the 90s.
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news in the -- news in the inland bay area. fog along the coast. i'll show you what we're looking at. there's the bay bridge in the foreground. there's the live picture. the marine layer 1300 feet deep. we didn't see this last night. it's coming up over the twin peaks. at least that's the way it usually goes. forecast highs tomorrow will be cooler, the highs were up there especially inland. that's where the heat will stay. there's the bite of marine air. there's more, last night at this time i showed you this
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area in oakland had cooling. but now we're seeing more of it town toward hayward, and that's what i showed you with the fog. influence of that fog over the hills. when the fog gets deep and the winds push the going on shore temperature trend down. winds sustained at 22 miles an hour. as we move through the bay area microclimate. as we get in the east bay mid- and upper 70s. clayton, concord, morgan hill, mid- and upper 80s. a couple 90s tomorrow. temperature trending down. the coastal fog is back. this low is enhancing it. gets up over the hill. cooler tomorrow, slightly cooler on thursday. as we get toward the weekend
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it's another torrey. 90 in -- story. 80 in millipedees. along the dos mid-60's. the 5-day forecast with the weekend in view, temperature trend down, thursday and friday, and they come up. by sunday, fire danger back on the table with strong winds. the ball game is underway and temperature out there in the low to mid-60s. we're learning new details about a deadly crash, a drunk driver hit and killed someone else. the attack to stop that driver but it was too late. a mysterious rumbling that scared people in bay area series. >> it sounded like tennis shoes in a drier. >> what that noise had to do with an oil refinery. how a man broke into a home and
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insurance because it was too expensive. as a professional dancer, i tend to beat up my body a lot, and having health insurance is a priority for me. it's a relief to be able to keep the same doctor. i was born with a back condition that required surgery. i'm paying a fraction of what i used to pay. even with my back issues, i'm able to afford health insurance. i'm in. i'm in. i'm in. for the first time ever. over one million people have enrolled in health insurance through covered california. soon, you can join them. you have made my life special by being apart of it.enough. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything, for all your help.
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through all life's milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. . a woman with terminal brain cautious wants to die on -- cancer wants to die on her own terms. >> i want to enjoy the days i
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have left on this earth and spend it outside with those i love. i hope to pass in peace. >> 29-year-old britney maynard wants to bridge attention to the death can dignity. she's not undergoing treatment. that would rob her of her quality of life. she and her family moved to oregon. one of five states where a patient the legally end their life with a doctors prescription. >> i don't have to die the way it's been described to me my brain tumor would take me. >> maynard has chosen november 1 so she can celebrate her husband's birthday. if she changes her mind she won't take the medication, but having the choice has given her
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peace of mind. she's speaking out in hopes others can have the choice. a dui crash that claimed the man of a man. today the suspected drunk driver made his first court appearance. information about this case. and with the chp says this is one of the busiest times of the year for drunk driving arrest. >> today's arraignment was continued until later this week. osmond deleon got into his car and hit and killed luna of know vlado and in-- know vlado and injured his passenger. the stretch of highway can be backed with traffic. that was not the case saturday morning. >> our dispatch center received a call. >> 1:20 a.m. near the north san pedro exit.
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with the caller on the line to 911. they observed the vehicle travel off the roadway, on the roadway and colliding with another vehicle. the early morning traffic didn't look like this. >> we had five lanes of traffic with the debris feel in the middle. the suspected dui driver survived. 30 yield delow on is charged with cross vehicular manslaughter. he may have had a blood alcohol level of in excess of twice the legal limit. california ranks only to wyoming in the number of dui arrests. in california marine county hat the fewest dui arrests. the end of summer is page time. >> -- peak time.
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this is why we're adamant. >> some insentives a first time dui is $10,000, that's without a crash, without injuring or killing anyone. 90% of women who work in restaurant jobs depending on tips were sexually harassed. it found female workers were twice as likely to be sexual a harassed in states where tipped workers received a lower minimum wage of low wage workers push for improved wages. now at 6:00 a young woman wakes up to find a strange man in her bedroom and she started screaming. >> that's pretty scary. >> the great lengths family
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members went to, to pull off the break in. a mister eats -- mysterious rumbling in the east bay. an air tanker is missing, last heard from on its way to battle a wildfire in yosemite. . breaking news, a wildfire in yosemite and cal fire lost contact to a air tanker in the dog rock fire. cal fire tells us it us the not know the status of the aircraft or pilot. we have one report it has crashed. the dog rock fire has beened 130-acres. 60 homes have been evacuated.
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highway 140 is shut down. yosemite rangers say ground crews and aircraft are fighting the fire. we are in contact with cal fire and will give you an update in 15 minutes. the terrifying ordeal when a young woman wakes up to a stranger in her bedroom. a man broke into her home and made his way into her daughter's bedroom. in willow glen neighborhood. >> she hopes this will be a cautionary tale, saying even in a nice neighbor and in your home, you can become the victim of crime. >> my daughter was terrified and waking up to her blood curdling screams was scary. >> she's gotten little sleep since a prowler broke into her
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