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tv   Ten O Clock News  FOX  October 11, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT

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this is the 10:00 news on ktvu channel 2. one, two, left side, sandoval their ace pitcher on the mound work to perfection for the giants in game 169 nlcs and chase their third national league championship in five years giants are one step closer to another world war appearance. good evening, i'm ken wayne. >> i'm heather holmes and phenoms so good to be saying that. we have live team coverage as the giants are chasing that championship from the bay area in st. louis tonight. we'll get to fan and team
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reaction, but we want to start with our sports director mark ibañez with the highlights. >> reporter:  there is no sense pouting about whatever the giants are doing to have to start on the road and they do their job well and tonight in st. louis, game 16 nlcs and facing the ace right- hander adam wainwight. no problem. travis ishikawa will take it. the guy wasn't on the giant's roster when the season started. matt carpenter has been a hitting hero for the cardinal new jersey dodger victory, but not tonight with the geof. hunter pence scores 2-0. on to the 4th, 3-0, madison bum bumgarner got away with maybe a balk in the late going but it
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didn't matter, sandationo casilla gets the final out and the giants are victorious over the cardinals to the tune of 3- 0. and taking that lead. and by virtue of the victory, threbasically wipe out the home- field advantage for the st. louis cardinals. because now they go home and play two more, maybe three, before they have to wrap things you. let's go to joe fonzi back in st. louis who has this end of the deal and the giant's club house what the mood was there. go ahead, joe. >> well, mark, it seemed pretty unlikely in july and august, but it's about been a nice formula for the giants so far in the postseason. elements out pitching and just enough offense to pull out a win. today it was madison bum garnner bumgarner. >> it seems to elevate himself as good as i have seen anyone in the playoff and almost get better as the playoffs get
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going. >> had it time of year you have to make pitches against neighbor, but a team like the cardinals you can't make mistakes to them. she show you time and time again what happens if you do. you have to go out there and move the ball around and make pitches and try not to give them none to hit. >> this sid kid, since he has come up here he has gotten better and executed all nine against a tough line-up. he is the guy that you want out there to start things he gave us all we were asking and that is deep in the 8th inning. i mean what a great job he did. this guy is one of the best left-handers in the game. he pitched that great game in pittsburgh and he got us to a great start tonight with his effort. >> reporter: you know, you start a series two on the road and you are hoping that maybe you get home with a split and now the giants can be selfish. they have jake peavy on the mound tomorrow trying to make it two in st. louis and come
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home to san francisco with the 2-0 lead. we have more coming up in sportswrap. until then, reporting live from st. louis, joe fonzi ktvu channel 2 news. all right, 26 and it/3rd inning for madison bumgarner and this is a major league record for postseason. just a little cherry on top for madison bumgarner. 1-0 lead for the giants. we have more as joe said in sportswrap a little later on. >> thank you, mark. giant's fans are sternly is basking in gloat of the team's big victory. >> bars were packed as the team grabbed a victory in st. louis. here is a little bit of what is sounded like across the city tonight. [ applause ] a lot of screams and high-fives and hugs. kutv's debora villalon watched the game at kezar pub in san francisco and it was quite a night. deb. >> reporter:
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it was fun. that was the jampacked kezar pub you just saw. the crowd going wild with the win and the confident way the giants went about it from the very start. >> [ applause ]. >> reporter: those were the second inning cheers as the giants got on the scoreboard and then kept the cards off it for the rest of the game. fans never took it for granted though, they know st. louis fights andfides a way just like their guys. so there were nervous moments even with mad-bum on the mound. still the magic of evening years, 2010, 2012 and 2014 seems to give everyone a lot of optimism going into game 2 and beyond. >> kezar is one of the best sportsbars in the city. so it was obviously rocking, but the city city has a good negwhen the giants are winning. orange october in the bay is one of the best. >> the season as a whole was
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amazings because it started out so well and very resillent bunch the guys. they know how to win. bruce bochy the manager does a really good job. >> you can see it in the clubhouse and the chemistry. baltimore doesn't have it. it's pretty easy. >> i feel like their team dynamic, they bring everyone in the city together. so it's like everyone like roots for them. they are the best team. they bring everyone together. >> reporter: don't stop believing blasting here at kezar pub tonight and everyone is singing the praises their giants winning with such poise on the road. tomorrow's game will bring big crowds out across the city, especially with monday columbus day a holiday for some folks.
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fans behind this team 100 or as they like to say 1-hunter percent. debora villalon ktvu . >> i love it, deb thank you on other side of this game are those die-hard fans of the cardinals and a group headed to to its own bar in the city where catie katie utehs. this is the cardinal's bar, but the good news it was packed with giants and cardinals tonight during the game it was at capacity. >> 3 strikes you are out at the old ballgame. >> reporter: st. louis fans really hoped for a rally in the 7th and around "take me out to the ballgame" was not enough to get their bats work tonight.
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a group of loyal cardinal fans have claimed this sportsbar as their home away from home, almost all of them are from st. louis, but now live and work in the bay area. cause see there was quite the contingency. the cardinals could not win on the field and unfortunately their fans were beaten as well because giant's fan beat them to the bar and reclaimed it as giant's to the. >> we're giants fans. it's great. >> i think the cardinals are going to win and come back like they always do and win it. >> reporter: cardinal fans maintain their composure, despite the stinging loss and even share some tradition gooey butter cake that is apparently a thing in st. louis, quite tasty and think tomorrow they are come back strong. >> it's the the store of a long series. lib more worried after game 4, if we're still down, but the cardinals are a resilient team. >> reporter: and as of this evening the
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giants have taken back this bar, quite the party inside. and cardinals fans say they are going reclaim it tomorrow, but they may have to arrive as soon as the bar opens the we'll see who is victorious and who retakes green sportsbar coming up tomorrow. live in san francisco, katie utehs. >> thank you, it's a lot of fun to follow the reaction on social media during the big sporting events and we pulled a few from joadie, "excited much? yes, yes, yes. so excited that they popped open the bottle of the giant champagne. you can see the game in the background, mad-bum on the mound. everybody is getting into the action tonight. this one is showing a very cool looking golden retriever chilling out with his orange giant's gear and dad saying haven't lost one yet in three year, lucky orange shirt
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and giant's game in the background. more details about game 2. first pitch is tomorrow just after 5:00. tomorrow's game is on fox sports 1. the giants head back to san francisco for game 3 on tuesday. rye if any on we're gathering your pictures and putting them into a slide show you using the harb tag giants to win and a link to buy tickets if you want to go to game 3. >> outside of the game thousands of people from across the country marched through the streets of st. louis, protesting police violence. this demonstration was organized after the deadly shooting of an unarmed black teenager michael brown. as we shot in august by a white police officer in ferguson missouri. organizers say that they want police to change how they deal with young black men. >> coming back together and we have got to save our children. we're not a lot of generation. we're the future! >> today's march was part of a series of events in the st.
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louis area over the past several days. the protest comes as the grand jury as we evidence if that officer should stand trial. high temperatures plus high winds means we're under a red- flag warning in a few hours. this is view are our tower cams looking at mount tamalpais and mount diablo and those areas are some of where we'll see the most dangerous fire conditions tomorrow. those mountains surround the bay area. >> and meteorologist mack mark tamayo is tracking the conditions. >> not here just yet, but those winds will be clocking out of the northeast over the next fur hours, increasing fort north bay hills, east bay hills and santa cruz mountains. looking at current wind gusts,
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you can see mount tamalpais up to 18 miles per hour. mount diablo 14 miles per hour and scott valley 6 miles per hour. winds will pick out of the northeast, the dry wind direction and as a result, fire danger really on increase as we head into sunday and monday. so overnight, that red-flag warning begins for the north bay hills, east bay hill and santa cruz mississippi. humidity levels down to 10s and possibly signal digits. single-digits. this changing weather pattern will have a big impact on our sunday temperatures. coming up how much warming you can expect in your neighborhood. . the warming temperatures brought big crowds to local beaches, and rough surf pulled a swimmer out to sea. details about the harrowing afternoon and the warning for
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tomb at ocean bea plus. additional screening might pick up a few extra people who might have been miss the first time around. >> changes at american air force and more on the efforts under way to keep ebola from spreading in the u.s. >> burned hands andblitterred fingers, but they say they don't care and should be recognized as here's, but they only got half the people out. 10:00 news continues in 90 seconds insurance companies are spending millions of dollars trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because
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i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46. known as one of the bay area's
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most dangerous beaches the conditions at san francisco's ocean beach are more perilous with one swimmer swept out to sea. that rough surf left to tense moments and the conditions along the bay area coastline are expected to get more harrous come tomorrow. patti lee is live at ocean wave with details on the rescue that swimmer. >> reporter: from very tense moments this afternoon and the surf is building right now in fact, there is say borderline high- surf advisory. you can see signs warning people about the everyday dangers here, but there is a perfect storm of conditions coming together tonight that will peak in the morning. suit up for a jet sky rescue ezekiel dierks scans the water. >> there was a swimmer and the tide was too on strong and they were swept to the gate. >> reporter: the companies reminds dierkss
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the afternoon that two people died in a rip current become two weeks ago. >> almost identical conditions rcmp signs warn people to stay out of the water, but for some, the size of the surf was enough. >> they looked pretty big coming up. whoo. >> the surf today was so powerful it created this enormous tidal pool. >> it's odd to see a huge tide pool almost in the middle of the sand separating us from the actual ocean. >> reporter: lifeguards tell us that the temporary lagoon is created by specific conditions about once a year. for parents and lifeguards on patrol the wave-free water provides peace of mind. >> it's a good thing and keeps them away from the wave and ocean. >> reporter: 10' waves here today. they will be 15' tomorrow and it's going to be hot, sunny and
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even more crowd. folks may be tempted to get their feet wet, but as you can see in our video, those waves can sneak up on you and they are very dangerous. reporting live in san francisco, patti lee, ktvu channel 2 news. new details now on the ebola outbreak and the efforts to keep the virus from spreading. cdc began enforcing new guidelines at some airports and brian l leans on with more. >> reporter: here at new york's jfk international airport all passengers traveling from those countries most acted about the ebola virus. beginna, look likia and sierra leone, screensbs will game at w- 's dulles, chicago o'hare, atlanta and newark international airport on thursday, nearly all of the 150 passengers that come into the u.s. everyday from those affected regions travel through these five airports. this is how it works. passengers are given the cdc
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fact sheet on ebiel symptoms and escorted to a private screening area where they complete a questionnaire and their temperatures are checked by u.s. coast guard corp. mapp with infrared thermometers. if they are show sign theorize taken to a quarantine room for further medical attention. >> this entry screening is one part of a multi-lairered approach. already there are 100% of the travelers leaving three affected countries are being screened on exit. with risk-based questionnaires asking about exposure, asking about symptoms, and taking temperature. >> reporter: some say the screenings aren't effective -- symptoms of ebola take 8-10 days to start show and people can lie op their questionnaire or mask their fevers. >> additional screening might pick up a few extra people who might have been missed the
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first time around or might have come down with symptoms while they were inflight and it wasn't noticed, but the value- added is small, but maybe reashuraing to some people. >> reporter: cdc admitted that the new screening procedures would not have stopped thomas eric duncan from boarding the flight into liberia and traveling into the united states, subsequently becoming the first person to die of the ebola in this country. in new york, brian llenas fox news. u.s. planes continue to bomb the beseemed border-town in kobani but those say they are outgunned on the ground. >> this is video reportedly shot we islamic state fighters inside co-edaniety the un is warning that as much as 12,000 kurds and elderly people will face the threat of massacre if
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this city falls the british- based observetoru for human rights said yesterday after three weeks of fighting islamic state of iraq and the levant it's now in control of 40% of that town. >> the effort to degrade and eventually destroy isil is a long-term effort. it's not going to be fast, it's notice going to be easy and it's not going to be uncomplicated. >> co-edani sit oz the border of turkey and the turkey government is facing international pressure to send in troops. while turkish troops sit over the boe the turkic government is refusing to send troops into the area. in iraq government troops stand guard in and around booked
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baghdad as car bombings continue. anbar's provincial council asking the central government to intervein immediately and for u.s. ground forces to be deployed there. the iraq government has pan adamant it doesn't want u.s. forces on the ground and president obama has said he has no intention of sending troops in. new at 10. >> a 24-year-old sick yu county man is behind bars accused of arson in connection with the weed fire that destroyed 150 homes. ronald marshall was arrested this morning at his home north weed. police say marshal was a person of interest from start of their investigation. the so-called boles fired destroyed 150 home and also burned eight businesses and forced thousands to evacuation from the small city for several days. firefighters are making progress on the applegate fire burning east of the sacramento in placer county. the fire which started wednesday has burned 59 acres
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and 67% contained cal cal fires says six homes and utility buildings have been destroyed and 400 homes remain threatened. cause of this fire is still under investigation. neighbors rushed into a burning home and we'll tell you about their efforts to save those trapped bid flames and the injuries these everyday heroes suffered. all coming up at 10:30. as fleet week gets set to wrap up, the mainists get underway, including welcome the newest addition to the u.s. navy. and in weather, the fog is clearing right now. coming up we'll take a look at fleet week forecast and let you know when rain chances make a comeback.
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as thousands watched in awe. the show was one of the many fleet week festivities to unfold across the city. ♪[ music ] >> to the sounds of "anchors away." the navy commissioned the nation's newest and mode advance amphibious ship. the u.s.s. america will be based in san diego after she leaves the bay area. as we have learned with the fleet week comelyte of traffic and some people had to be pretty savvy to see all of the sites. >> kristen kafton tells us that just getting to today's air show was an adventure all its own. >> reporter: before the blue angels took to the air, the audience took whatever means they could to gets to san francisco's crissy field. the streets were packed. and parking? >> pretty bad.
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we're parked illegally now we under presidio and in the middle of the city and now we finally just gave up and just decided to say park it. >> reporter: that is until park enforcement came along. drivers said it was like a game of cat and mouse with parking enforcement scrambling to keep up. >> not too happy what we are doing, but he has bigger problem because she is gone now, but i'm surely swing by later. >> reporter: organizers are recommending that investmentors use public transportation to get to and from the air show. and tens of thousands of people listened packing in and out of bart and thin waiting in long lines for packed muni buses and trains, but this family opt for public transportation. >> we decided to go on bart just because driving and having a screaming baby, bart seemed a little bit easy.
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so we got on bart. >> reporter: if you missed festivities today you have one more shot, fleet week activities get underway at 9:00 tomorrow morning with ships' tours and air shows begin at 12:30. in san francisco, christien kafton channel 2 news. more details now about other events happening during fleet week, the humanitarian village is hosting aseries of demonstrations about saturdayer response and this year's display follows what happens after a major earthquake in the bay area? like that 6.0 quake in napa back in august? families can meet the servicemen and women who help respond and bring disaster relief to victims. ♪ land of the free " a promise 82 years in the major league has now been fulfilled
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san francisco veterans memorial was unveiled as part of work week. when this bottle it back in 1932 croleaders were supposed to include a veteran's memorial, but that project ran out of money are the 30' granite memorial now sits between the two buildings. over years veterans brought dirt to the site from battlefields where u.s. soldiers have fought and died. when the giants win, the city comes alive, want to hoe you a live look at city hall in san francisco, bathed in orange. orange october taking over the city again. meteorologist mark tamayo will be back with what you can expect for the next giant's home-game. >> plus. >> he was my friend and sometimes we would spend time talking. >> a man rushes to save his friend fighting the flames and his efforts to bring that friend to safety.
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