tv Right This Minute FOX October 14, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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>> is pregnant. >> what set off the catfight in in a elevator? a woman in ethiopia proudly displays her -- >> it's what they do. >> the filmmaker sharing her plans to go bigger. >> whoa. dude, he literally touched my chute. >> after b.a.s.e jumps are climb a tower how they escape angry birds. everybody knows. >> scariest thing in the world is clowns. >> see what happens when pranksters meet their match.
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>> it's not going to turn out well. 13th floor was unlucky for everybody in this elevator. this is in chine nap they say when the elevator got to the 13th floor, that's when the brawl got bad. >> two women, pay close attention to them, they're the ones having words. see that one right there on right? looks like she pushed first, and then the fight is on. one on the right, a long sleeved pink shirt, pay attention to her, yellow tank top. other woman has on short sleeves. they are fighting. somebody kicks the woman with the yellow tank top on. some ended up in the hospital. that is the map in the middle of that. he's got something that happened to his head. pay attention to the woman in the yellow. she is pregnant. somebody kicked this woman in the fight. she's the one in the long sleeved t-shirt with yellow tank underneath. looks like she pushed or slapped first. pulling the other woman's hair, they're fighting. men are trying get involved, one is knocked to the ground. >> this is incredibly negligent,
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putting your child's life in danger. >> they are checking the fetus. police are looking into the video, figuring out what happened and why between all of these people. this comes from melbourne, australia, this man right here, he was kicked in the head by not one but two people in this pub. >> oh. >> by that guy, knocked to the ground. he's bending down to pick up something off the floor. >> i chick that kicked him. >> the girl that kicked him, girlfriend of the first kicker. man on the floor put into a medically induced coma for nine days. he has a brain injury. this video just released but this happened last april. >> completely unprovoked. no reason for this. >> according to reports, the brother of the man who kicks this victim said, hey, that guy's looking at your girlfriend and they had words earlier, but then the guy came back and did this to the guy. the man has just been sentenced to 14 months in prison. the girl got a 2 1/2 year prison
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sentence. normally b.a.s.e jumps are worried about getting harassed by police, security guards. that's why these two drove out to an undisclosed location in the middle of new mexico in this epic ev video. get their gear together, make the climb up the 300-foot tower but sadly, the tower was not completely uninhabited. >> keep our eyes out. >> come across a couple of hawks above. circling around. the hawks don't look too happy about their preds. >> it's freaking me out. >> they get more and more aggressive the longer johnny and luke are at the top of the tower. >> whoa. >> did you see that? the thing was moving, and quick. watch again in slow mo. >> yeah, went right over them. >> they even say that the hawk hit their pilot chute.
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the pilot chute is what pulls their parachute out. it's one thing you do not damaged. hawks are persistent. but it doesn't stop johnny and luke from make their jump. one had to watch out for the hawk while the other attempted his jump. successful jump. despite the aggressive hawks in the air. turns out this antenna tower has been decommissioned because of the hawks. >> oh. >> research more before they climbed up there maybe they would have known this. oh, the bizarre on the roads of russia. >> this guy with a dark cam waiting for the vehicle in front of him to make a move. but, yeah the guy on the motorcycle didn't see him. and he crashes right into him going right over the handle
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bars, landing on his knees. >> i don't -- i hate to say this, but i don't feel bad. you're making a completely stupid, risky move going through a busy intersection at speeds like that, not giving anybody the opportunity to slow down for you or give you right away. >> maybe distracted by the pink balloon, because i certainly was. >> now this one, i cannot explain it at all. this guy is driving on the road, right? and then encounters this. at first i thought, is this person trying to cross the street? pushing a stroller? and as the pedestrian keeps walking, getting closer to this car, you realize he's not wearing the shirt and it's not actually clear whether there's a child in the stroller or not. >> it's weird. >> he's like, come at me, bro. >> he's chasing the vehicle as it's backing up while still pushing the stroller. >> like a zombie. >> yeah. >> running. i love the way the cars are backing up. >> seems like an attempt to
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steal something from the car, attempt to attack the driver, that this guy's trying to stop people using that baby carriage. >> and there's a possibility that this guy was in an altered state of mind and didn't know what he was doing. >> that guy's nuts. total nuts. >> they're real -- there really is nothing more fascinating than understanding the human mind. this video from the eye labs uw youtube channel, institute for learning and brain sciences in the university of washington, starts out with a toddler, 15 months old. >> see what's inside the box. >> the woman conducting this study, she's giving theed to lur instruction. >> is there something in there? >> he's so excited. his eyes like really, lady? where's my ipad. >> put the lid back on the box.
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close it up. >> following instructions beautifully. >> thank you. >> now the real test. she pull out awesome pink beads. nice klinky sound. he's very interested. but here comes another person. but watch what kelly does. >> that's aggravating. so annoying. >> oh, i thought it was really interesting. >> that's your opinion. it's aggravating. >> you can see the little boy taking it all in. he's like the mood just changed in this room. >> brow gets furrowed. >> wait until you see his behavior after this exchange. he's given the beads and the cups play with themselves. >> he doesn't know what to do because he doesn't want to make kelly mad. >> and he sit there's for a full 20 seconds and looks at the beads, looks at the cup. you can tell he really wants to
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play with them, but he is really concerned about kelly. in fact, that's what the study was all about, about toddlers regulating their behavior to avoid making adults angry. >> does he ever put the beads in the cup? >> yes. after kelly left the room, after he got a look of approval from his mom, he did play with the beads. >> shows you how much responsibility you as an adult has in the upbringing of these kids. green light ahead for a cyclist. >> you see him pedal faster to make that green light. >> what happens that keeps him from making it. plus, a web sear about going to a high school about curriculum all things video game. >> the third season premieres today. >> the director star freddie wong here to tell us about it. >> ridiculous video games in schools. trtrododg a a pm pain reliever ththatat d darareses t to ok alall l ththe e waway y unul
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watch videos while you wait. it's the cure for boredom. download it now. >> i've got three jaw-droppers for you. riding his bike, gets the green light. you see him pedal faster to make the green light. but, whoa. >> somebody else turned on red and hit paul. >> you get a quick shot of him on the hood of the car. that is what we see? >> this is hard to watch. >> yep. bike totalled. paul miraculously did not receive serious injuries. did go to the hospital, treated for glass in his shoulder and minor injures but nothing serious, despite how violent the video appears. >> glad he was wearing a helmet. >> one word to describe the next guy and it begins with a and ends with hole. watch the move he pulls. looks like the dude trying to deliver pizza from the left lane, makes right hand turn. >> oh, man, causes a three-car crash. >> who does that? >> from the left lane, this guy goes to make a right hand turn, jams on his brakes.
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white car nowhere to go. aucher pizza delivery. >> cole when it arrives. >> cold and cheese stuck to the top of the box. busy road. already an accident here. traffic moving slow but it gets by that and continues to speed up. this guy on the motorcycle in front of our dude with the dash cam. keep your eye on this overpass up ahead because things are about to slow down again. >> oh! >> oh, oh! >> how did that even happen? >> keep your eye to the right-hand side of the screen. see that little guy? >> oh, no! >> oh, no. >> a dog came running out into traffic. thankfully the guy in the motorcycle gear get up on his own power, he's injured but doesn't appear to be seriously injur injured. where than dog? >> please tell me he made it. >> that dogs a live, and looks like he wants to go home with the person who just about hit him because there's the dog. >> at least he came back to the scene of the accident.
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>> so the police could question him. >> true. we have seen some of the rocket videos on our show before. they have another series video game high school. the third season premieres today. here is what we have to look forward to in season three. >> you came here to bathe in the blood of your enemy. to game with best of the best. >> to tell us more about the series, we have the director of the series, freddie wong. he's skyping right this minute. welcome to the show. the video game high school, where did that idea come from? brilliant. >> originally just a title we were kicking around, like 2009. everyone hates homework. video game, if we did that the
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show concept, that's the origin, ridiculous fantasy idea of video games in school. >> you have a very successful channel. but did you expect to have millions and millions and millions of views? >> it's very surprising about the show, people who are fans of the show are very dedicated fans. we have over the course of three seasons have raised $2 million for the show on kickstarter and platforms. it's very satisfying, very fulfilling three years and of course making it. >> tell me something about the production. you've got dragons, car races, swords. every day must be five different worlds on one stage. >> it is. five different worlds of composers composing five different genres, anything you can think of goes into the production of this. it's crazy production. >> you've got youtube heavyweights make appearances. how do you get all of these people involved? >> generally youtube society, there's a mailing list,
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handshake that we engage in, i do that a couple of times. harley plays the principal of the school, dean calhoun, season one. cool cameos and youtube personalities and stars, harley chief among them. something for everybody, i think. >> how does it feel to have transcended from school youtube videos to now a youtube series? >> i went to film school, we were watching movies, over the last few years we've grown and become directors in our own right. it's a fast line process but a road we wanted to talk down. >> season three, how many episodes, and when will we be able to see each one? >> season threeic episodes, 30 minutes long. coming out one every week monday. four if you want to binge watch, available on our site thursday. episode one comes out on monday. grinding all over new york city to his favorite song. >> here he is on the new york
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city subway, his commute. >> next "right this minute." and still to come -- >> killer clowns hit the streets for one scary prank. >> this is terrifterrifying. >> see why in the end -- >> the prank's on them. >> how this woman's raising the bar when it comes to stretching it out. >> good looked like she swallowed an ironing board.
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for a half a foot of protein-packed bliss. all yours, all month, for only $3. subway. eat fresh. at subway.overs rejoice... where the mangalicious meatball marinara is now a famous $5 footlong. bursting with italian seasonings and our signature marinara sauce, it's a $5 footlong, all october long. ♪ subway. eat fresh. >> closed captioning provided by --
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in eat yoeat yoep pa, size matter. [ speaking foreign language ] >> taken in southern eathiopia, the largest disc, 23.4 inches, diameter, 7.67. guinness record was 5.9. [ speaking foreign language ] >> as you can see, they do take out their two bottom teeth so they can drink. according to tradition, women do this to attract a man or dowry for a bride's family is determined by the size of the plate, meaning the bigger thely. disc, the more money the groom's family has to pay the bride's family to get bride and cattle. >> so incredibly painful.
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the process of stretching, when you watch her insert that disc and stretch thely. skin around the edge of it. >> culturally it's what they do and acceptable. it's a positive thing. [ speaking foreign language ] >> now the government has banned this, but some people as you can see here still do this and engage in this. [ speaking foreign language ] >> i think we can all agree, the scariest thing in the world is clowns. >> pretty scary. >> ever since stephen king's "it" that ruined clowns for me forever. a got this off of the twins tv youtube channel. these guys inspired by the killer crown prank. these guys thought they were go doing it themselves, but go inner city and try it out. let's see how it works out for them, shall we?
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three girls see three terrifying clowns carrying baseball bats, hammers. there's a body on the floor. doing the same old trick, hitting the head and the blood coming out. >> this is terrifying. it's at night. it's a parking lot. and you've got a killer clown baipgi banging on a fake head with blood coming out. >> i have a feeling it's not going to turn out well. >> back up. back up. back up. >> [ bleep ]. >> it's a prank. >> for real? >> we've asked this many, many times with pranks like this, what happens if someone pulls a gun? in this case, someone did. >> they went into an alley. >> right. >> the prank's on them. >> back up, you, too. >> we have the fun one. approaching this group of five guys who, well, seem ready for it. >> you see, that guy gets a good kick to the face but what are you thinking? >> i think it's set up because they would never take that risk and these are set up scenarios.
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>> i've watched this fight a couple of times. look in the background. these guys are pulling their punches. i'm calling safe on the fight. i think they're lucky, no need to fake it up at the end. >> he bought her the pitch perfect soundtrack and now -- >> this is what the road trips look like. ♪ >> the sing-along that has him asking why? >> i love this. (vo) if you live in the san francisco area
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trip even better? >> beef jerky? >> yes. >> songs. >> yes! >> chilly cheese fritos. >> awesome soundtrack. ♪ >> this road trip courtesy of the "pitch perfect" soundtrack from the movie "pitch perfect" and husband says he regrets he bought his wife the soundtrack. this is what the road trips look like. ♪ ♪ don't wreck. >> she's killing time, road trips can be brutal. >> how about a book on tape? >> you can have this much fun. you can't perform the book on tape. she's performing. she finally realizes that the camera is there, that he's getting this. she hams it up even more. ♪ ♪ hit me with your best shot hit me with your best shot♪ >> about time billy makes his
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a group of school girls walk into a construction zone where -- >> they start moving that scaffolding. >> the terrifying moment it came tumbling down. no front legs new york problem. >> i didn't think this was possible. >> the incredible tale of -- >> want to be elsa for halloween? you can go all complicated or keep it simple. >> like eight bucks. >> okay. >> eight buck one. >> see the do it yourself versions of this year's hot "frozen" costume. and the duct tape challenge. just wrap it around. >> and start pulling. >> why it only
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