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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  October 14, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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a group of school girls walk into a construction zone where -- >> they start moving that scaffolding. >> the terrifying moment it came tumbling down. no front legs new york problem. >> i didn't think this was possible. >> the incredible tale of -- >> want to be elsa for halloween? you can go all complicated or keep it simple. >> like eight bucks. >> okay. >> eight buck one. >> see the do it yourself versions of this year's hot "frozen" costume. and the duct tape challenge. just wrap it around. >> and start pulling. >> why it only hurts all the way
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down. >> security footage from an elementary school in russia. look at these two little girls here, jumping up and down, but not of excitement. what just happened a few seconds before this. >> those two girls and two others are walking down and just as they're walking in this area, some painters working on painting the facade of the school start moving that scaffolding and when they do, the scaffolding starts falling right in the direction of the girls. >> oh, oh, no! oh my gosh, itanded>> two of th pinned down under these bars. the two men that are there working go immediately to try to pull up the scaffolding. you see a third man run up. right about here, you see them pulling one of the girls out. both girls seriously injured, one had a broken thoracic
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vertebrae, the other one a broken fee moral bone. >> both taken to the hospital but it doesn't end there these workers could be facing criminal charges because authorities believe they didn't take the necessary safety precautions to avoid an accident like this. >> what a horrible series of events. kids happen to be in that spot, at the time this is toppling over. you don't expect your kids to be injured like that at school. that's where they're supposed to be safe. >> they say where there's smoke, there's fire. and on this show, where there's fire there's someone with a camera. this from rockingham county, north carolina, madison, north carolina. that is quite a fire, if you look at it closely. unfortuna unfortunately, jdk automotive and it's up in flames. he found out about this on his lunch hour. >> that was jdk auto repairs.
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>> oh. >> that whole building is engulfed. >> police and firefighters say the building was a complete loss. they're concerned about the cars up front, specifically that red truck. >> watch that truck. >> there it goes. >> the horn's blowing now there they were right to keep their eye on that truck because later in the video, watch what happens. >> that car's moving by itself. >> uh-oh, look at that. truck still on fire. firefighters then try to make sure this situation is under control. >> looks like the firehose stopped this truck from going out into the street. firefighters from several district fire departments had to respond to the fire because it was intense. no injuries as a result of but get this, one of the fire engines responding involved in a crash. there were injuries, but only minor injuries according to reports. thended up getting the fire under control. nothing that seems suspicious
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about it. >> think about the cars in the front. there may not have been anything wrong with them and this happened. >> the car's moving by itself. >> pretty sure confuse shus once said, don't stand on the branch trying to cut. dude operating a power hammer here. chipping away at concrete of this platform here. notice he's got this 2 x 4 that he was standing on. now he puts his foot off on the concrete. >> that is so, so terrible. >> really painful. >> laugh. he did not break any bones. definitely bruised. >> who was shooting this? why was someone recording this. >> they should stop him, not record him. say, dude, stand on the board, don't stand on the concrete. >> would you please it'sw it's o through his belly. >> that's like construction 101. >> kind of, yeah. another construction site but
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these guys having fun with an old microwave and excavator. teeing it up like an t-ball. swinging the boom, and bing. >> that was lame. >> i know. the guy who set this up thought i was hoping it would go further. since they didn't get the crush they were expecting, they tee it up again, and this time it's crushed. crunched. >> better. >> if you don't get it all of first time, smash it the second time. >> beth troutman is about to fall in love again. check out this dog. that is turbo roo. >> my lord, adorable little dog. >> turbo roo is a teacup chi waugh what. born without front legs. >> whoa. >> they made a little cart for him. >> normally you see it the other
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way. normally see the carton their back legs when missing legs. i didn't think this was possible. >> what turbo looks like before mommy goes to work and gives her an idea how small the dog is. it's a human head, it's smaller. >> did they create that harn's for him? >> they used a toy to make his. the people who originally had turbo roo determined he needed special care. the they are a foster failure because they kept the dog. they're like, we'll keep him. >> how could you not love that face? >> a big chihuahua eyes, ears. that tiny little body. the fact they had him on a little cart, able to get around and run and be a puppy, he doesn't know the difference. he will never know the difference. to him, it's about unconditional love and having fun. >> and the fact he's got awesome bionic arms. >> yeah.
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who knew backing it up could be so hard. >> it is so painful to watch this woman struggle. >> see how it just gets worse when she gives up. >> it's ridiculous. >> and it's the latest from kid snippets. >> my mom is -- >> the dialogue might sound familiar. >> see the viral video turned individual snippets switch-up. inintrtrododucuciningg a a pm pain reliever ththatat d darareses t to ok alall l ththe e waway y unul ththe e amam.. nenew w alaleveve e pm ththe e ononlyly o onene w witp aid. plplusus t thehe 1 12 2 hohouf aleve.
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extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. joining the soccer team. getting help with math. going to prom. i want to learn to swim. it's hard to feel normal, when you can't do the normal things. to help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child.
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it's remarkable that this driver can get out of bed and brush her teeth in the morning never mind earn a driver's license. this woman attempting to park in a parking spot for quite a while. that's why the guys in the apartment have gotten their cameras out. so painful to watch. somehow can't even turn the wheel to back into the spot. >> looks like she's got it now. >> oh, no, no.
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>> kind of has it, just turn the wheel a little bit more. >> wow, this is really bad. >> i mean really bad. all she needs to do is back up straight to get into that spot. she can't even do that. >> it's hard to imagine how a person like this gets through their day. >> can she put toothpaste on a toothbrush? i don't know. >> probably not. a feel bad. there are other people around watching. >> oh. >> oh! >> she finally manages to get into the spot but she's so close, right next to this yellow car. >> she's not going to be able to get out of her car. >> she's on her phone. looks like she's talking on her phone, maybe hang up, focus. >> she tries to open the door multiple times. she climbs over the seat. >> no. >> she climbs over the seat, gets out of passenger side. she doesn't set the parking brake because the car begins to roll. maybe somebody in the hospital that she's running off to see and upset. i don't know. but it's difficult to watch.
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>> pick the yellow car. >> that's the cherry on top. yellow car. >> ridiculous. >> we love the folks at board shorts tv, they're responsible for kid snippets where adults act out the dialogue between children. hilarious. we've got kid snippets. >> kid snippet news. >> we have dave on location. >> and this is where the dialogue might sound familiar. >> and raining in washington, d.c. >> the president. >> no. >> the president said -- >> no -- >> it's sprinkling. >> it's sprinkling versus raining. >> the juken video on our show went crazy viral.
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>> you poked my heart. >> the kid snippet folks did this brilliantly. tied it into a newscast. guy on location trying to talk about the fact that it's raining in d.c. two anchors back at the studio. they're acting out it's sprinkle, it's raining, it's sprinkling, it's awesome. >> it's sprinkling. >> rain. >> no. yes, it is. >> my mom told me it was sprinkling, not raining. >> that's raining. >> ow. it's raining. >> he broke my heart. >> it's okay. >> he broke his heart. >> so entertaining, though, as weird as it is, it's awesome and fascinating. we've seen the original video, we know the dialogue but it's weird to see grown men acting it out. >> it's hilarious, when we saw that original video we all thought, the kid snippet people should do this. they figured out a creative way to do it.
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>> you're not real. >> that's the news. >> usually when i sit down with my video, i sit there, watch it i take notes, do research, build the story. the first video sense i started working here where did nothing like this. amazing. i've seen some of the stuff online. this is so inventive. story starts with a guy very hot in the park, he has no water from the fountain, sees another guy drinking a bottle of water and steals it. >> hey! you better start running! >> oh, cool. >> wow. >> running. stop motion. flips and forward roll and starts fighting epically, falling. it's twisted gravity. i couldn't believe they could do this. they must have had a ton of
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grass stains on their jeans. >> i wonder how long it tkotis. this is probably days in the making. >> you can see here, ends up sitting on a cooler, gets water, feeling success. but, no, it's not for him. if you want to see the video in full, head to our website or check it out on our mobile app. >> mac dreidel's back to help us break down three videos. >> roll them. >> this time around, a dude with serious tennis skills. >> no way. >> machine gun with a different type of ammo. >> oh. >> oh. >> and taking a shot at a scare. >> real or fake is next.
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>> closed captioning provided by -- time for monday fun day. we have mac dreidel here from ebaum's world. real or fake. >> another installment of real or fake. roll 'em. >> here we go. ♪ ♪ >> no way. >> very first time he hit a tennis ball it didn't move right
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considering how hard he hit. the first bounce doesn't bounce right at all. everything about him is fake. >> sums it up, fake. >> five fakes, mac. >> everything about what you saw was real except that ball bouncing off the wall every time. definitely fake. this is an ad for head wear, some clothing brand that sponsors the rapper, entrepreneur, fake all the way, though. >> next video. >> oh. >> oh, no way! >> that's a paper airplane. >> i'm praying it's real and i want it. >> awesome. >> wait. >> he looks nerdy enough to create this. i know that's rude to say. no offense, dude. awesome. >> real. >> real? >> yeah, yeah. >> okay. five reals. >> i'm with you guys on this one
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too. it's real. i went to the website to check it out. it's all about paper airplanes. the guy's into it 100%. >> video number three. >> see the least observant guy in the world for that to happen. jude to hear that guy giggling and rustling in the trees. i imagine he knew his buddies were there didn't expect a shot to be fired. >> because of the low quality i want to say i'm leaning towards real. >> considering how good cameras on cell phones are these days, it's amazing the video would be crummy quality. i'm going with fake. >> something tells me real. >> i'm saying fake. >> real. >> i'm going real, too. three reals, two fakes. >> a tough one. i'm going to also say this is real. >> oh. why? >> the real qualities to. i know the reaction is so weird and off, but it's a split-second
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decision. i'll be back again. e >> why get a full body wax when you can just do this? >> wrap yourself up in duct tape and start to pull. >> this is actually a deejay in norway and apparently he thought, you know what would be funny? if i wrapped my entire body in duct tape and then just rip it off. >> he wraps himself tightly, too. i feel like he's cutting off his blood circulation. >> part they start tearing it all off. >> oh! >> clearly it hurts. >> looks like they're going to pull his nipples off.
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>> oh! >> he did say the hardest part of this entire thing were the nipples. and the inner thighs. >> i feel like we should try that. on nick, because he's really hairy. >> we have tape! >> nick, take the shirt off. >> nobody wants to see that. >> oh my goodness. >> oh my gosh. >> no, no, no. >> all the way around. wrap his arm. wrap his arm. nick's doing it, y'all. nick's doing it. you can't pull. we get to pull it. >> ahhh! ow. ow. ow. >> and the evidence. look, he's still got -- >> looks like nothing happened. >> oh my god. you have so much left. >> i can't believe he did it. >> i'm patchy. look. look at that. >> poor nick.
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>> that's your nickname, patchy. >> oh! >> it was a megahit of the year and now elsa is the hot costume for halloween but -- >> sole out. like everybody wants to be her. >> don't worry, we've got the diy to pul the "frozen" look. have already
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seen this and have been mesmerized. >> abbie skypes with mama. >> you want a treat? you want a treat, abbie? oh, good. where's mama? where's mama? >> there are a lot of girls who want to go as this disney character for halloween. ♪ let it go let it go i♪ >> pay attention to the dress in this oscar-winning song "let it go" when girls between dress
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like her for halloween, it's this dress they want to be. they are sold out. that dress is what a lot of girls want to wear. so those girl whose aren't lucky enough to get one off the rack premade, our crew found do it yourself videos to show people how to make their own. now, what's interesting is, there are lots of videos to make elsa costumes and makeup. some of them require you to have a lot of talent, some of them require you to only be able to tie a knot. spend like eight bucks. >> okay, the eight buck one. >> people who have skills. these are the sorry girls and they put one together. you really need to know what you're doing to do what they do. this was done by life of fallon. i like about her she uses grocery bags and electrical tape. >> duct tape can fission anything. epic. >> a thrifty mom. you only need to spend eight dollars and don't need to sew anything. >> sounds good. >> two chairs, two pieces of
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tulle, wrapped around the chairs, that's going to hold everything together and starts tying knots. basically, the knots are what become the gown. >> that's clever. and it's princessy, it's going to be very fluffy and flowy. >> giani put one together, you can sew identical to what you see the movies. this requires skill. >> go with a ghost. >> if you want to see videos, go to and click on today's show or checkur mobile app. that's it for us here at "right this minute." see you next time.
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>> today on "dr. oz" legendary model and restaurateur b. smith on the diagnosis that shattered her world. >> i have alzheimer's. dr. oz: how do you begin to figure out something was going on here? >> with her husband at her side. >> when she has alzheimer's, i have alzheimer's. >> how their story inspires others. coming up next on "dr. oz." dr. oz: b. smith is a true pioneer. she took the modeling world by storm and became a famous restaurateur and a successful tv host but now, she's been diagnosed with alzheimer's disease. and she's welcoming our cameras into


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