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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  October 21, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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when a woman is trapped in a car, rescuers have to fight flood waters. >> and look at the stuff coming down the road at them. >> why one near miss does not lead to another. >> two scared dogs living in a junkyard full of -- what finally coaxed them out into a happy ending? >> a jilted boyfriend comes up with a novel plan that's crazy if there is a love connection. >> how he is auctioning off a trip for just the right lady. >> and a guy proves -- >> when you're grown up, you can
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eat cereal whenever and wherever you want. >> what's under this milk that makes this cuckoo for cocoa puffs. >> what the heck? >> the canary islands, very popular for people in the uk, cheap drinks, loose morals, bad decisions. in this video, you can see not quite the sunny holiday destination we are expecting. torrential downpours. there's been flash floods. it's quite a dangerous situation. in that white car there is a young lady trapped by these waters. she can't get out. police are trying to rescue her. you can see how strong the water is. you can also see in the front the lodged recycling bins tearing down the road. they head straight for the car. one hits the front of it here. >> like a car accident. >> you can see, there's all kinds of stuff going on. they better look out for this
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coming down the road at them. one of the things trying to get her out. >> fortunately the guys all get together and are able to get her out of the car. again, she is almost pushed off her feet. she has to hold on to the policemen as they try to get her to safety. eventually you will is a well good. thing they did because of these flash floods. a 56-year-old woman was trapped under a car. she died. you've got to take them seriously. >> you hear dogs in a junkyard and you think rottweiler, doberman pinscher, pitbull. these two dogs were reported in a junkyard. hopeful cause was called in. they are an animal rescue. they realized it was two dogs hiding. when they got in there they separated, they took off. the female was more fearful. they decided to get her first. >> in a junkyard? there are all kinds of nooks and
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crannies to hide in. she chooses a place no human can get into. they have to get a leash around her neck to get out. it takes patience and work. >> this breaks my heart. you don't know how long they've been there, when was the last time they ate. when was the last time somebody gave them a rub in the back. >> once they get her and she is in the lap of the rescuer there, she is like, i like this. nice. >> it looks like these were somebody's dogs at some point. they are not aggressive. they immediately respond to the human touch. >> they look like a dirty mop though. >> they are very dirty. what you see here is her brother. all they have to do is offer him a treat. finally, they are taken back to the rescue to get treated. >> they look great. i have a feeling they are going to come back white. >> you guys are so smart because their furas covered in motor oil. look how white a >> they look like different
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dogs. >> look how happy and gorgeous they are. >> they are in the care of maltese rescue if anyone wants to adopt them because they want them adopted in a pair. >> this is so cute. all of them are sitting like, hey, adopt us. >> some accidents are unavoidable. especially with these open wheel midget sprint cars. they are all over the place. watch up ahead of the race car we are riding in. guys get collected in it. not a serious incident. >> they can keep going. >> they did land on the wheels. >> pretty sure the guy in blue, yeah. >> the second video xloetly avoidable. when you see who it was posted by. here is one of the brothers
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getting towed behind a high-speed sports bike. watch what happens. >> why would he do that? >> he latched it off. you saw him go tumbling down the road at speed. >> that's how you get tan in the summertime. >> that will hurt real bad once that adrenalin stops. >> he's got a broken left forearm. >> broken? >> yeah. he's already wearing a cast. what do you do in a case like this with those types of injuries? >> pour alcohol on it? >> go for it. use the adrenalin and make more bad decisions. >> pops a wheelie, wrecks it and goes down the hill again. if you are a rock hounder,
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finds like these are amazing. these guys are jackhammering their way through this rock to get to this. >> we got it. >> wait a minute. they just pulled that out of the ground like that? >> that looks like a cut, perfectly polished stone. >> that is a gem. it's a quartz. >> how would you know where to even begin? >> thank you. >> i'm having the exact same feeling. >> these guys own a company called american geo. some are geologists and they go out to find the stones in the east coast that's mostly in new york state. >> any idea what something like that is worth? >> it may not be worth a ton of money like real diamonds?
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in new york they want the herkimer diamond to be an official state mineral this would increase rock hound tourism to the state and establish new york state as an important gem and mineral location. >> i think it would be exciting to find something like that. >> it's clear as day. >> first, it's a close call for a family. now this turns into words. see how the driver hits him with rage. >> look who's back? >> marcel the show. >> when i get stressed out my shell feels tight. atat c chihilili's's, , frfres. nonow,w, t thahat't's s a. anand d nonow w yoyou u cacan o when you're ready. nonow,w, i isnsn't't t thaha? ththe e nenew w luluncnch h r fromom c chihilili's's l lunu, starting at 6 bucks. frfresesh h isis h hapappe.
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there are bad drivers and then there every awful people. dash cam from a car in scotland. see that car flour mill truck? that's our point of interest here. look at the truck start to drift
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over to the lane. you hear the dash cam person that we are riding with beep the horn. now this turns into words, okay? fast forward to the interaction. look at the truck driver looking out the window, gesturing, getting angry. stop the truck, comes raging towards the driver. you can see the fury in his eyes. opens the driver door. closes it and runs away. the driver's 2-year-old daughter was in the car. the driver believes when this man saw his daughter, he backed off and said, i give. >> a bit of road rage i'm feeling, ah. >> a little bit of sense prevailed. >> this happens on the road all the time. you don't always put your blinker. someone will honk. you've got to be sorry, my bad. >> use your blinker. >> you never use your blinker.
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>> now down to australia. another dash cam captured this moment. watch what happens. car comes whipping around. speeding through this neighborhood. loses control, hits the curb and crashes right into this house. an 81-year-old man lives there alone. he heard the crash. came out of his house and stood behind this car because apparently the driver was about to back up and dry and take off and get out of there. 7 news in australia talked to the homeowner. >> i moved up against the side of the fence. i says i am not moving. >> reports say there was a 50-year-old woman driver behind the wheel of that car. and a dog was in the passenger seat, as well. the driver has been charged with driving with a blood alcohol level in excess of 0.05 which is a lot in australia. when you're grown up, you
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can eat cereal whenever and wherever you want like this guy. that is a bath tub full of milk and cereal. >> and a bunch of grime and body goop. >> you're right. there is body goop in there. >> what the heck? >> there is a human in the milk in the bath tub. >> i love using a ladle. if you are going to go big, eat with a ladle. >> the guy in the milk couldn't hold it. now he is drinking cereal and milk and peepee. >> twitter does her fancy walk.
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as we all know, if you are going to take your significant other to a great romantic place, take them to italy. wow them, propose to them. they are going to fall in love all over again. that was the plan of jake, as well. he spent about $1,200 in a four-star state in italy for him and his girlfriend. then she dumped him. >> on the trip? >> no. >> that would be epic. >> they wouldn't give him his money back or return it. what he did was put it on ebay. he was offering the chance to bid and you could come along with him. >> i love it. >> turning lemon into lemonade. >> he opened it up to women ages
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18 to 30. he asked them to post a photo. it's been in newspapers. >> crazy if there is actually a love connection and they end up getting married. >> right? the bid may have started at $2, eventually it was actually taken down but the winning bid was $116,000, which i think may, may have been overspending. >> sounds bogus to me. >> the race is on and it's extreme. this blew my mind. see and hear what it's like to ride in the action. >> and it's the gadget that can guard your things even though it's about the size of a coin. >> how the tiny protector works.
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want to see a video again and again? head over to share them with your friends. >> i love racing of all kinds. p this red bull, these guys normally racing out through the wild. crazy racing. they are in the city center of porto, portugal riding along with ben hemingway. two dirt bikes going at it
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through these narrow alleys. camera guys in the middle of the course. this was mind-blowing to me. then the whole time trying to commentate as they are wrestling this bike. >> i love it. this is awesome. that's a helmet cam. look at some of the other highlights from this race. very difficult kind of racing. it is fascinating to see them bring these back and gain more fans. this is the perfect combination of words to describe what they go through. it looks impossible to complete. they do and there are winners. it's so fun to watch. >> lamb loves attention.
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>> guess what? it is time for people who want to safe guard their valuables. and to tell us all about how to safe guard our valuables in a new tech-friendly way we've got zach. >> it's called the coin guard because it guards your stuff and it's about the size of a coin. it's small, easy to put anywhere. >> guards what stuff and how? >> it senses motion. you can put it near anything you have. if it is moved in any way, you'll very quickly get an update on your phone notifying you that something, that whatever you put the sensor near
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is being tampered with. >> that's where it's cool. i get it, but if you're in europe and your phone says somebody just moved the coin guard from your diamond necklace, by the time you get there, that person is going to be gone. >> not necessarily. they don't know they set off the alarm. they moved an innocuous thing out of the way. i can see how this works. >> i get it. >> can be protecting your family. >> if you don't want them messing with power tools or the medicine cabinet, you can put them there so you're notified immediately. >> that i can get it behind. >> okay now, that is brilliant. >> supplement your own home security you have. you could put it in a safe and ways you can come up for yourself. >> and it is a kick starter campaign. >> it is. it is $45 for the starting kick. >> cool. thanks, zach. >> you're welcome. >> a plane takes to the sky to
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hit the lake. >> you can do formation water skiing. >> wing it on the water -- next.
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on august 4th, two unsuspecting men walked in to a mcdonald's and discovered an extraordinary burger with heaps of jalapeños... ...for only two dollars. within minutes, they had also discovered the phenomenon of "economnomnomics" nomnom... nom? nom nom the jalapeño double, try it now for just $2 on mcdonald's dollar menu and more. it's economnomnomcial. ♪ nom...nom...nom...
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are doing even though they joke they don't. >> toast is done. >> very cool video. you guys are going to like it. starts off like a beautiful video. like the guys are going flying over the beautiful desert from nevada. take off. goes right into the sunrise. it's awesome, it's beautiful. then these guys start pulling out extreme water skiing. it's called water wings. then he starts twisting. but they ramp it up a little bit. why do one when you can do formation water skiing, as well? look at that. >> that's cool. you have to be an incredibly good pilot to do that. >> absolutely. if you catch too everyone, you are going to nose in.
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great view here. camera on the wing. the other guys come down on the left hand side. you see them doing their formation around this lake. >> how do they know their wheels touchdown? is it just a sensation? >> i think you absolutely get a feeling. it's got the slightest touch on the water. it's like they are driving on the water. you see they peel off and fly off. i love this video. >> it's lunch time. >> huh? >> how can we forget one of our favorite characters ever? marcel the shell. >> i like sometimes when people get stuck in places and start to tell secrets. there is a shell in my shoe.
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do you want to know what the truth is about shrimp? >> sure. >> they're the idiots of the sea. one time i saw a shrimp swim right into a rock. >> if you remember, marcel the shell first made an appearance back in 2010. got everybody's attention. had another short film released in 2011. since then, marcel has been quiet until now. a new short film has been released. >> if you had a favorite thing what would it be? >> life's a party, rock your body. whoa. sorry. i have allergies to plants. >> isn't marcel the cutest little thing? >> i'm trying to figure that out. i don't know if it's cute or wearing me out. >> only one eye. >> cutish. >> when you get to the end of a perfect day and you're alion with your thoughts. ♪ when your times ring out for
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the joy that the day has brought ♪ >> what am i watching? i don't get it. >> it's just one of those internet character that tugs at the heart of people and they felt affection for. >> voice by generjenny slate an directed by her husband. she has starred in two different books. ♪ when the sun goes down with the flaming way ♪ >> that's beautiful. >> thanks. >> that's our show. thanks for joining us. see you for the next edition of "right this minute."
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10:00 am
live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show", today, pop culture icon, paula abdul is here talking simon cowell and grande and more. another amazing makeover for a deserving woman. plus, all of the day's juicy hot topics. now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> wendy: yes, happiest


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