tv Right This Minute FOX October 25, 2014 10:30am-11:01am PDT
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the rogue biker lays one on a police car. >> and grabbed a fist full of throttle. >> see why his get away wasment quite as smooth. when a baby elephant falls in a deep ditch. >> mom has to get the baby out. >> see her amazing moves with that trunk. her dance video going viral because she has some serious moves. now meet the amazing lady who is helping her sister battle cancer by doing the dougy. >> in my head i'm justin
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timberlake's backup dancer. and dude is not happy. >> something's in his ear and he can't get it out. >> see if you can guess what took a swim in his canal. >> i win! >> holy crap! a buchlg of binch of bikers oakland, california, area. one dude with agopro on his helmet. something on his left hand, almost like a piece of paper. it's not a piece of paper. it's a sticker. and he comes riding up behind this police officer. watch what he does. the sticker says "i don't stop for cops." he sticks that sticker on the cop car and then grabs a fist full of throttle. doesn't get far. >> oh! >> oh, wow. >> you saw that coming. you knew that this wasn't going the end well. >> he deserves it because he's been riding -- >> he obviously had nowhere to
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go. the world is full of other bikers. but he's not done. the bike won't start. he can't get it started. so the cop hasn't caught up to him yet. he gets a couple of his other buddies to tow him along. he gts on his bike. grabs on at to another one of his buddy's bikes and they start towing him because what he's trying to so jump-start the bike. he's going to try and coast, pop the clutch, and get it started. he tries that multiple times. it doesn't work. eventually he abandons his bike and gets on the back of somebody else's. they take off. the video goes black. >> well, yeah, but if he left the bike behind doesn't it have a license plate? doesn't it have some sort of identifier that is going to lead the police straight to his front door? >> you would think that is the easiest way to get back to the rider. write right now we don't know what happened to this guy yet. the video is posted on block stars tv.
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we've seen a lot of rescue videos on this show. especially a lot of rescue videos of elephants getting stuck in wells, getting stuck in mud where they can't get out. this one is probably the sweetest one you will see because you see that little baby elephant next to its mom right there? >> oh, yes. >> they're walking. they're walking. it falls in there. that elephant is stuck there laying some piping. mom is like, oh, no. mom has to get the baby out. can't she get it out? all she's got is her trunk. she's going around the baby trying to figure out what to do. these people who seem to be on a tour, they're just watching all this action. finally the mom gets behind it and just noses the baby's bottom like, come on, baby. come on, dumbo. come on, honey. she kind of walks into where they've got that piping in there. she's big enough to get out on her own. the baby isn't. she just noses it right on out of there. >> that's good. you're right. that is so incredibly sweet.
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it's wonderful to watch the mother instinct in animals. you watched her assess the situation and figure it out. >> they're so smart and able to use their body as a tool and see an obstacle and just figure it out instead of just standing there helplessly. >> this helped in india. you notice once she and the baby get out, watch how the mom walks close to where all that piping is. she kind of puts herself between that ditch and the baby. as a parent one of the times when you feel just about the most scared and most powerless is when your child is sick. we have a video here from brazil where the father is believe his daughter is choking. he doesn't want to wait for triage me wants to get her seen and he is not waiting. kicks the door down. he belies that hisaughter has choking. this guy is just not ready to wait. they were delaying on him.
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breaks down the door to get his daughter some treatment. his daughter actually did receive some treatment from a physician. she is just fine. and they totally understood the situation. they got the dad to calm down and not calling the police. sometimes as a parent you just get scared. >> seconds do matter in that kind of situation. you get that dislodged as soon as possible. >> strangely enough it turns out she wasn't choking. >> i feel like maybe there was a little bit of miscommunication there, too. he obviously was upset. maybe they could have done a better job to calm him down or, okay, we'll look at the kid. >> what if the child was actually choking? seconds do, in fact, matter. you would do something like that. >> can't condone the behavior he must have been in a state of panic. everything turned out all right. i like the fact that the hospital didn't do anything about it. look, we understand. today is round seven of c m chemo.
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teach me how to doug y. >> this is jennifer and she's going to do a performance to teach me how to dougy. >> get up and do it with me. >> so she learned the choreography to the dougie but she adds her on flare to the move. ♪ >> this is very good. at the beginning of the video you did hear her saying this is round seven of chemotherapy. it's her sister that was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. it sounds like she's been doing a video for every round of chemo. >> you're going to kick canner's ass today i love you. adore you. i admire you. >> the hardest thing about battling cancer is keeping your spirit up. >> before she knew it had more than 50,000 shares. more than 1.7 million views. that's just at the beginning. >> never underestimate the pow wore of the dougie. >> that's the story, the message, the inspiration. >> to tell us more about her
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awesomeness, we have jennifer via skype "right this minute" from pennsylvania. welcome to the show, jennifer. those are some serious moves, you got, woman. >> in my head i'm justin timberlake's like backup dancer. >> tell me where the dancing for your sister came from. >> she was going into surgery and i just put on some dance music and i thought, you know, she loves to dance. i made a video and sent it to her. and it makes her laugh. it keeps her mind off of it, seeing everybody's videos. >> the dougie video has blown up all over the internet. why do you think that the? >> i kept getting requests from random people. when i reached 1,000 i'm like, i'm not that famous, i'm not that popular. it freaked me out a lit bit. i went to visit my sister. we went tote beauty shop and she got her hair cut super short and she looked amazing. i'm embracingly short hair. i love it. she inspires me.
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she's my wonder woman. >> i imagine your video also touches other people also dealing with cancer in one way or another. >> i've been an emotional basket case since friday. people who have never met me, hearing my story. my son michael is 16 and my daughter is 19 and they just go along with me. >> if we play a song, will you break some moves for us? >> that song you guys have been seeing all week" all about that bass." will you do that one. >> i will do that one. >> we will dance with you. >> shut up. >> do this. ♪ >> she's breaking out the lawn mower. >> we can all do that. ♪ >> that's for your sister. >> oh, my goodness. thank you so much. rescuers rush to save a man
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that i was assigned to christina. christina: there were people out there to help me and guide me through life. elaine: the road i traveled with her was worth it. be someone who matters, to someone who matters. we're going to head to china for a video of some firefighters, some policemen. they're headed in to what looks like a just desolate area. and they have a ladder. what do you think they're going to do with this ladder? >> a rescue. somebody is stuck in the mud. >> wow, you are exactly right. they're not using the ladder to climb down a hole or climb down anything. they're using it to create surface area. you see them put this across what looks like dried, cracked mud. but look off in the misdance
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there. it's an elderly man. look at this guy. he is stuck in the mud up to his neck. this man was stuck here for more than 20 hours. >> oh. >> he must be exhausted at this point. >> he's completely exhausted. his vital signs are weak. they spring into action. you can see that they have ropes tied around their waste. they are digging to get some of the mud around their shoulders removed and able to tie a rope underneath his arms. all the firefighters standing just a few feet back, they start pulling and they are able to get this man free. but it's so hard to watch as you see him come out of the mud because, again, this is just a really wide open area. so you just see this poor man just being dragged, covered in mud across the dry, caked mud. the poor guy has to walk to safety. he is able to do that. he is expected to recover.
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there's some irgs conic moments on the internet of people coming out of the dentist all doped up on drugs. right? this is austin's dad. his dad just came out of the dentist and he's got a mouthful of novocaine and he thinks he sounds a hell of a lot like rocky. >> you could be a heartbreak. walk down street, the way you're looking. >> you tell me. >> yo, how are you doing? i just wipe it out right now. get shot out with 18 shots of novocaine, you're rocky balboa. it's a little bit easier to do. >> it's good. >> hanging on one side. having problems. just came back from the dentist here. like 19 shots of novocaine. >> 19 shots? good lord. what were they doing to his mouth? >> i'm surprised his whole head
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isn't numb. >> looks like rocky took one too many shots to the mouth as well. he took shots to the face. >> he's been working on his impression for years and thanks to dental drugs, i think he nailed it. >> let me know what you think. pretty good right there. what do you think of that? pretty good, huh? take care. i am sorry about this video, but you will not be able to sleep for a few days after watching it. >> oh, no. >> we enter alex' bedroom at his bedtime. >> bedtime, alex. >> daddy, can you tuck me in? >> of course. >> dad comes in the room. tucks little alex in. kisses him on the forehead. sweet father/son moment. >> good night, alex. >> check up der the bed. >> of course. sorry, buddy. >> oh.
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>> daddy, there's somebody under my bed. >> oh! >> no, no, no. >> spooky. >> no, that didn't just happen. this video called "tuck me in" is in the international film festival which challenges them to sell the story in one minute. this is the winner this year. if you think you can happenedle the video, go to and click on today's show or you can see it on our mobile asp, if you dare. it's a film called "after glow" and it's the most -- >> sin matically awesome video to ever be on our show. >> see night skiing in a whole new light. and it's her 4th birthday but he ain't having it. >> he doesn't want to grow up. >> hear why he wants to stay
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atomic skis featuring some of the best skiers out there. these guys went out to the wilderness and to some resort. it was an incredible logistics nightmare to pull this off. but essentially they've got eight main lights lighting up the snows on the hill. eight generators and miles of extension cords, plus these cuss tom made led lights they're wearing. the ski gear had to be custom fit with individual lights. this is not video trickery. this is all done on-site. imagine what it must be like to ski with that every time you kick up the snow. it creates a beautiful shot. >> all right, nate, well-done. you delivered on your promise. >> this is shot at the golden alpine holiday century lodge and the alaskan wilderness.
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in some spots they were 70 miles away from the nearest road. imagine what they had to go through to put this all together. there's an entire 12-minute film that came out october 19th. if you want to watch this entire video go to, click on today's show. also use our mobile app. time for your daily dose of adorable. this is adorable little levi. it's his 4th birthday. >> he doesn't want to grow up. he thinks that if he gets older he is no longer going to get to have fun. >> can you tell me why you don't want to grow up? >> i don't want to grow up. >> you're little and you don't want to grow up? >> no. >> levi is the youngest in this family. they live in hyland, california. >> everybody wants to grow up. you don't want to get to do new things? >> no. >> mom thinks that she can maybe
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talk him into feeling okay about it. asked him all of the things that would be great about growing older. >> you don't want to learn how to ride a bike? >> no. >> you don't want to go to school? >> no. >> no? >> no. >> you don't want to make new friends? >> no. >> no? you don't want to learn how to read? >> no. >> i am happy in my ignorance. i just want pasta and i want to say 3 years old. >> i'm never going to grow up. >> this next video, it's seven seconds long and it's seven seconds of awesome. >> touchdown! >> love it. >> look at that. >> touchdown! >> yay! >> that's going to be a meme. >> love it so much, you can just watch it over and over. >> touchdown! yay! someone grab the tweezer for this guy because -- >> something is in his ear and
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>> what an excitable kid though. all things in life, like gravity. cat gets a helping hand -- >> at this time i, i'm going to try and help you get this can off your head, okay? don't hurt me. there you go. now, run away. that's a first. >> how are you doing, brother? >> [ bleep ] man. never in my life -- >> it worked! >> ah!
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>> how are you doing, brother? >> the video starts with this dude lying on the floor and he's like, what happened to him? is he drunk? has he been hit? >> never in my life -- >> something is in his ear and he can't get it out. >> what's going on? >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> oh, god. >> oh, there it is. it's in there. >> what is it? >> oh, my god. it's still moving around. >> he's got a tick, too. >> he's got a tick in there, too? >> oh, my. >> oh, my god. >> think about what that must feel like. it must feel like it's eating your brain. >> he does have a tick in there. >> where have you been? >> this dude needs to clean his ears a lot more often than clearly he's doing lately. >> that's what i was thinking. >> oh. >> go to the doctor, dude. why are you laying on the living room floor with someone with tweezers anden iphone. >> holy crap!
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>> oh, my god, dude. >> ah! >> that's so weird. if it was a moth and they had the light right there why didn't he fly towards the light? they always do. >> oh, my god, dude. >> they pick it up. they show him. they say maybe you should keep this, dude. it was living inside your head for a while. but it seems to be okay considering it's been in his ear. just ruined my morning. >> oh, my god, dude. that was in your ear. don't you want him? >> oh! >> throw him on the ground. that's going to do it for us here at "right this minute." thanks for joining us. we'll see you next time, everybody.
11:00 am
- its another edition of the best half hour of high school sports... coming up, meet a defensive back who is among the nation's elite prospects... and a pair of teammates in georgia who are both headed to the pac-12... we'll also meet two history-making wrestlers from california... that's all coming up next on sports stars of tomorrow... (show open) hi
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