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tv   KTVU Noon News  FOX  October 28, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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now at noon, the san francisco giants gearing up for game 6 of the world series in kansas city. we caught up with several players this morning to find out how they are preparing for the big game. we're monitoring the situation in hawaii as 2,000- degree lava inches its way towards home on the big island. good afternoon. i'm tori campbell. in less than five hours, the giants will take the field in kansas city for game 6 of the world series as they attempt to bring home yet another title.
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we have ktvu team coverage with brian flores in kansas city. but we begin with tara moriarty in san francisco where preparations are underway so local fans can gather in one place to watch the game. tara? >> reporter: people are returned. they've been stopping and taking pictures of the setup here. the big jumbotron right in front of the city hall. i want to mention that my wanted me to go to this warehouse where they are making floats. we didn't take picture. we don't want to jinx it. fansed fansed show upper -- fans showed up early to get their spot. one woman brought her custom made orange and black shoes and a cooler. >> we'll have six, seven people here by the end of the day. brought a little bit to eat and drink and wasting for the first
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to show up. >> you have giants earrings and a necklace. >> i know it's a little bit ridiculous. >> first come first served. early bird get the worm. >> this is just a preclude to the parade. >> reporter: you said the p word. the police said you are not allowed to stay that. earlier it was black and orange day at this school. >> they are a really good team, i think they could have a chance for winning the world series. >> reporter: the priest at that church put up different saying about god and baseball. this week is said winning takes talent. to repeat, takes character. that's by john wooden. first pitch is around 5:00 tonight. you can see this city will be cheering in all of the its orange glory. tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. let's go to kansas city to
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brian flores. >> reporter: good afternoon to you. the team getting ready to leave for kauffman stadium in just a few hours from now. a lot of fans here in kansas city having some fun with our giants' players. we're live in the plaza. beautiful area here, great shops, restaurants and some people poking some fun with your giants' players this morning. in fact we saw quite a few players like jeremy affeldt, hunter spence with family and friends, even posing with fans. some of the players didn't want to speak on camera but just want downtime, relaxation before the big game tonight. hunter pence was surrounded by a few fans including this royals' fan.
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>> it's rubbing the blue on him. >> reporter: now, both teams had light workouts last night with the giants taking the field at 6:00. gym two starter will be jake peavy looking to rebound from a rebound loss. he said he will be ready. we also spoke with mike krukow this morning. peavy will have to get the ball down. i think he gets most of his movement down around the knees. once he establishes that, then he can elevate to the corners. >> reporter: some fans here having some fun. i took this picture of hunter pence posing with the fan but if you look closely there is a message on the starbucks cup. when i went back to starbucks, they said hunter was asked his name and said can you write the word champen. she wrote on the cup, urmay be known as champ but not here in kc. so a little bit of crash
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talking but the focus is on the game. game time set for 5:07 tonight right here fox. we're live in kansas city, brian flores, ktvu channel 2 news. >> hopefully they still gave him a good cup of coffee. giants' fans hope the team can wrap it up tonight. but if the giants lose, there will be a game 7 tomorrow in kansas city. regardless, though, you can catch all of the action right here on ktvu. power pregame show starts at 3:30 in the afternoon followed by the first pitch at 5:0. stay with us for the postgame show immediately followed by the 10:00 news. happening today, guidance counselors are at monta vista high school as students mourn the loss of a fellow student killed while riding his bake to -- bike to school. janine de la vega has more. >> reporter: we've seen people
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walking and people stopping at the growing memorial. you can see them standing right there. now, the teen died in the bike lane. this accident is causing kids to think about safety more as they wake their way to school. this boy rides his bike to school every day. as he approached mcclellan road, he had to pass the memorial. >> a little different every time we come on the street now. we'll know that something has happened. we'll be more careful and thoughtful. >> reporter: the candles and flowers are a sobering reminder. the sophomore was traveling in the bike lane in the same direction as a big rig truck when somehow he got struck and entangled in his back trailer. >> my children to go this school and bike at this intersection every day. it's very sad. >> reporter: these mothers who didn't know the team who wrong
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those who stopped at the accident scene to pay their respects. they don't want large trucks to be allowed on this stretch of the road. >> whatever it takes. we have so many schools. >> reporter: source urs told ktvu the truck may not have been allowed to be on the road when the accident happened. there is a city resolution with trailers that restrict hours. >> they said just be a little bit more careful and watch out for cars and like if there's any -- like a big rig, let them go. they are the king of the road. if they hit you, there's no chance. >> reporter: the coroner has not released the identity of the teenaged boy yet. his family was at a vigil last night with students and friends. at this point, sheriff each deputies have not cited the driver of the big rig. back out here live again, you can see there's cyclists there,
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there's parents, a group of concerned citizens. we saw one of them a few minutes ago trying to measure the distance between the bike lane and how much room the bike lane has closest to the lane for vehicles next to it because, again, they feel that trucks with big trailers should not be allowed on this road. reporting live from cupertino, janine de la vega, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. a fund-raiser is underway for a san jose state student hit and killed by a suspected drunk driver over the weekend. he was hit while crossing the street in downtown san jose across the street from his frat house. he suffered serious head injuries and later died at the hospital. the driver sped away but crashed just a few blocks away. >> i don't understand it. why would you drive off if you know you hurt somebody. >> a tough time. nothing that you plan for in your life. >> officers say when they arrived at the scene of the crash, the driver came out of his apartment and turned
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himself in his fraternity brothers are selling ribbons to help raise money for funeral services. he set to graduate in the spring. the search is on for a san jose woman missing for four days. investigators say the 39-year- old was last seen at the metropcs store on jackson avenue about 7:00 friday night. her car was found in the parking lot. she's described at 5'5", 170 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes. san jose police have a man in custody after a tense situation. police say the man was threatening to harm himself and his family at 7:15 a.m. at a home on mccoy. they were told the man had a shot gun and closed several streets in an area near forest ill elementary. the standoff lasted for an
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hour. police arrested the man and found a gun at the scene. no one was injured and the streets are back open. happening now, president obama is speaking to reporters about u.s. efforts to fightebola. these are live pictures right now. president looks like he's on the white house lawn. he's expected to explain why troops will be subjected to a 21-day mandatory quarantine when they return while civil upmedical workers will be asked for a voluntary home quarantine. the president after this speech is son his way to wisconsin for a campaign event. 2,000-degree lava inching its way towards homes on hawaii's big island. we're monitoring the situation. it's mild and sun nip across the braer. live picture of the golden gate bridge. but rosemary will be here to
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tell you about the wet weather that could dampen halloween plans. some bay area restaurants do away with tipping. why the plan could cause customers even more.
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trouble in paradise.
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a river of lava is now within yards of a home on the big island of hawaii. sal castanedo joins united states from the newsroom to let us know what residents are doing about this slow motion disaster. good afternoon, sal. >> reporter: tori, good afternoon. the volcano has been erupting since 1983 but this year, the lava has taken an unexpected path. we just found out it's been yards of a home near the town of pahoa. and that entire town is now in jeopardy. just more than 30 years ago, lava from the volcano began flowing south, eventually reaching the sea. it's been a tourist attraction but now a new flow is threatening to consume an entire town. in june, lava started to flow northeast. now the town of pahoa is in the path. most people of the town have evacuated. authorities are asking for federal aid and trying to keep up to residents informed. >> as it gets closer, the key
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is communication, keeping people informed and everybody continue to work around the clock. >> reporter: some of the work includes building temporary roads, strengthening power poles and making sure the internet doesn't go down. the 2,000-degree river of lava is leaving a trail of gray and putting off a lot of smoke. the smoke itself has been a hazard for those with breathing problems. >> i have asthma myself and the smoke companies will be -- conditions will be hard on some people. >> a lot of people who live in this community say they are not going anywhere. they plan to rebuild once they know for sure where the lava will end up. there's no way to stop the lava as it moves around. they will just have to wait to find out where it's going and rebuild after that. >> thank you. some bay area restaurants are taking tips off the table. instead, diners will notice a new charge on their bills.
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five restaurants will be adding a 20% service charge no matter how large the party. the service charge will be divided evenly and paid to the staff. the restaurants say the idea is to close a widening income gap between servers and people who work in the kitchen. some people we spoke to today tell us they are okay with the charge. but others say it eliminates incentive for good service. >> the waiters wait on the tables deserve the tip. >> i wouldn't like that at all? >> reporter: how come? >> because if the service is poor, you don't feel like you have to pay that much. oakland mayoral candidate libby schaaf is picking up a big endorsement today. barbara boxer announced she's backing her. earlier, she received jerry
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brown's endorsement. there are 15 candidates running including jean quan. other candidates include oakland councilwoman rebecca kaplan, courtney ruby. attorney dan siegel and joe did tuman. and you rounding out the 15 -- and you rounding out the 15 candidates are -- an incredible act of altruism in concord after an off-duty chp sergeant discovered $120,000 in cash on a bay area road and returned it. the 20-year chp veteran who asked not to be identified was driving along concord boulevard last month when she spotted two bags in the roadway. she stopped to pick up the bags and discovered they were bank
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company bags filled with $100 bills. the sergeant says she immediately reported it and turned the money in. >> i have a lot of friends that have said what are you thinking? why did you turn that in? i would take that home. >> the money has been returned to its rightful owner. the chp sergeant did not want to be identified because she said the story is not about her. today, hundreds of firefighters are making their way up the peninsula as part of the annual relay to support the alyssa ann rush foundation. rosemary orozco is in foster city with more on event and details on the bay area forecast. >> reporter: good afternoon. we're in foster city where it's a beautiful day. fire station 28, look who is behind me. we have several firefighters. good job out there today. they've been moving up along the peninsula. it is a fund-raising event. it is four burn sur survivors.
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i'm gonna turn it over here to this firefighter who is part of the event. it's for the alyssa an rush burn foundation. tell me what it's about. >> for the bay area, it's one of our mainforders that we do every year. it starts out in moffett field and carry it up and down the peninsula and throughout the year, all of the different fire agencies do independentforders, pancake breakfasts, different -- spaghetti dinners and raise money for the foundation and it all kind of comes together today where we all get together and have this big event. it's a lot of fun. >> fire education, i hear stop drop and roll something that we've learned is one small example of what this foundation helps to do out there. for the survivers i hear there is an an ual camp that must be important for some of those who
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have been through fire. >> that's probably the main event that the foundation puts together a year. it does a lot of burn sir veeferp -- burn survivor since. i've had the privilege of being a camp counselor. and it allows kids to be kids. kids with burn injuries to get out there and not worry about being teased or their injuries and it's a fantastic event. >> well, excellent work. from what i understand almost 50,000 raised. >> almost 50,000 this year. >> yeah. >> so far, you guys still have your way, you have another four to six places you will stop. >> correct. >> we'll be heading up the peninsula and in san francisco at about 5:00 p.m. in the division training. >> good work. thank you. it's a gorgeous day to be out doing some caravaning. hopefully you will see them. take a look at the blue skies. temperatures already in the 60s and low 70s and i think for the
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afternoon we'll go to the mid- 70s. today, slightly warmer than yesterday and as we get into the extended forecast, notice the warming trend is going to continue with that caveat on friday, the possibility of showers still in the forecast for halloween. we'll be backing that for you between now and they. going back live here to, again, fire station 28 in foster city where these guys are waiting to have some lunch, i'm going to get them go. back to. >> you thank you, rosemary. heavenly ski resort getting a jump on winter. the resort has started making slow. heavenly says the machines can produce three and a half feet of snow across one acre in an hour. they are hoping to tone november 2st. giants' fans excited about the game. mup, fans will be doing -- coming up, fans will be doing everything they can to influence the world series. we'll show you some of the
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superstitions. - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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stock prices are higher. stronger earnings are pushing stocks higher. taking a live look at the big board, the dow is up 54. the nasdaq is up 67. and the s&p is up 19. san francisco city leaders who were criticized for approving what become nope as
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the twitter tax break in 2011 say a new report shows the program has been a success. twitter and other companies that move to or expanded in the mid market and tenderloin districts, received large payroll tax breaks. the san francisco control earl office said last year the city netted an extra 3.4 million because of the move. the city lost money because it could not tax sales on $25 billion of twitter stock. we're less than five hours away from the first pitch of game 6 of the world series. the play remembers not the only ones gearing you. now kansas city fan rachel rail is rethinking the signs in her yard. some of them say hunter pence did not fall his mom on mother's day and he drinks banana daiquiris with a straw.
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now she says her new strategy might be to focus her attention on madison bum garner or pablo sandoval. san francisco police chief greg suhr also not wanting to jinx miss favorite team. the giants are closing in on another world series title. tentative plans are underway for a victory parade. but chief suhr as we heard in tara moriarty's report earlier is refusing to utter the p word at least for now. >> i'm a baseball by. you don't talk no hitters during the game and you don't start talking about celebrations until you squeeze the last out of the fourth win. i -- i don't want to say the word. we're -- we're ready. we're ready. >> chief sur is a native san franciscan and life-long giants' fan. if the giants win tonight we can expect to see a parade down market street down thursday.
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if the giants win tomorrow, a world series parade would likely happen on friday, which is halloween. here at ktvu we're ready. our pregame show start, at 3:30. and stus are gus for a post game show immediately follow by the 10:00 news -- and stay with us for our ghost game show immediately followed by the 10:00 news.
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- [joe] in the future, home sweet home will see some big changes. - we see a massive influx of people move into cities. - [joe] and not only cities. how about caves on the moon? - [chuck] the first person to get there and build in that cave, will own that cave. - [joe] you think a lunar cave sounds strange? try this. - [glennis] if somebody had said to me, "we're going to make a living space "out of a parking space," i would've said, "cool." - [joe] the future, it's coming to where you live. next, on earth 2050. hi, i'm joe penna, and welcome to earth 2050.


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